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wish i could find a place like that
Wow neeto!
Post 3 Faggot
File: asian fuck.webm (1.63 MB, 260x480)
1.63 MB
1.63 MB WEBM
OP is a fag
File: asian bj.webm (1.91 MB, 1920x1080)
1.91 MB
1.91 MB WEBM
File: Massage parlor CIM.webm (704 KB, 1280x720)
704 KB
File: amp spyglasses.webm (1.67 MB, 640x360)
1.67 MB
1.67 MB WEBM
sorry my last massage vid
X2 on “post 3 faggot”.
Anyone know where to get generic Valtrex online without a prescription? I hit up some Maps in Mexico a while back and a test said I have HSV1
some MPs* in Puerto Vallarta. I had heard it was easy, but the girls are almost straight up trying to drag you into their shop
How can you post 3 webms in a short timeframe?
Paid for 15 minutes. Only needed 45 seconds.
File: clip_compressed.webm (1.83 MB, 720x404)
1.83 MB
1.83 MB WEBM
Is going to an AMP considered cheating? I miss fucking koreans and latinas
In the west, generally it is. Seems like in the East, it depends on your partners opinion.

I too miss it. Never had Latina options though just AMP. Would love to sample it though.

So hard to get the camera right
If you're in a relationship with someone and you have sex with another person, that's cheating. Regardless of whether you pay for a service or not.
that's what literally prostitutes are for. are you gonna make half an hour foreplay so you don't hurt her feelings?
I have always wanted to try an amp but I’m not attracted to Asians at all.
File: 1708212760902329.webm (3.73 MB, 690x388)
3.73 MB
3.73 MB WEBM
File: 1708212939717101.webm (3.45 MB, 360x606)
3.45 MB
3.45 MB WEBM
I seem to recall there was a webm shared in one of these threads in the past, where the woman told the man "Are you ready to finish?" and then she made him cum. It was in Spanish, and they also referenced other people watching past videos in the webm. Anyone have that one? Unloading what I got from previous threads
File: 1708213060256649.webm (3.98 MB, 260x432)
3.98 MB
3.98 MB WEBM
File: 1708291355611083.webm (3.07 MB, 272x480)
3.07 MB
3.07 MB WEBM
Then stop being a bitch and go to one. Granted, you're going to have a harder time finding one in bumfuck nowhere Idaho then you would closer to or in a major city, especially along the coasts.

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