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File: Shotgunned1.webm (1.62 MB, 540x360)
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Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans.

Let's honor our Nation's 248th birthday by brandishing our Second Amendment rights and posting Gun Violence!
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Nice try nogunz, but your capitalization gives you away. American English only capitalizes proper nouns, not every single noun. I know that certain eurofag languages do, like German, but not American English.

That said I still want to watch retards get shot.
a lot in this thread: >>27484593
>go ahead go ahead it's on video
Do people just think God gives redos?
I hate it when the nazi werewolves just come in.
Dumb fucking mud sark, she's truly lucky she wasn't used as a damn meat shield >>27485220 story?
>>27484997 same on this one?
Hot damn looks like something straight out of hotline Miami in terms of that run and gun method
What was he holding that blew up?
shotgun barrel, hair trigger either pulled or bumped, resting his forearm on the muzzle.
the guy on the sidewalk megalul
reminder, no one actually gives a shit about gun violence since its mostly black and hispanic on black and hispanic. that's why anti gunners keep pretending gang shootings in the ghetto are school shootings full of white kids
its probably not a hair trigger. those wouldn't be on shotguns, especially not on a pump shotgun and not without something to set it. something probably pulled the trigger though
his phone is what he was holding, and that also probably blew up along with his arm when the shotgun he decided to rest on fired
this absolutely sells the glock or whatever can be switched to have that kind of firepower. thats some paramilitary shit
>1st world country
>this happens ~50 times a day in the usa
literally africa tier shit hole.
story on this one?
holy shit, the dude that crawled under the car is a lucky bastard


The manufacturing of Good Communists.
the recoil is uncontrollable even with practice
nigs in the inner city buy their wish.com fun switches and merely add to the wounded, but not killed statistic
he should've stopped after the first two shots. it would've been self defense.
Guy in Philly pulls a gun on security guard, gets shot
Interestingly, he was an artist/ice sculptor of medium renown
And he worked for UPenn as the director of something something
Kind of an unexpected pedigree for someone who decides to pull a gun in a random altercation, RIP
>virtually all are from Brazil
I hate Europeons so fucking much.
Glocks with auto sears actually require a LOT of practice to be usable, the Glock 18 was originally created for bodyguards, as they needed a way to break out of ambushes and suppress attackers.
Some niggers wanted that nigger dead because he did some nigger shit to some other niggers.

This one isn't even from the U.S. It's obviously Venezuela.
>happens 50 times a day
>in one place
>therefore 99.99999% of the rest of the country where this never happens is 3rd world
Keep your 80IQ shitskin mouth shut.
any anon got some more pov combat footage?
bonus if its some qcb
all the war footage nowadays is mostly just drones and i wanna see some real shit, more human yk
hear them scream

dont have any to open a thread

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