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File: doggocat.webm (1.23 MB, 1080x1920)
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why do the dog and cat look like they are being squished under the force of intense gravity
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dey smol and fluffy
selective breeding selecting for cuteness over health
i mean corgis were bred to watch out for sheep in the UK
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Video was cut so we don't see the cattle bite the ear to the point the puppy cries
People who breed deformed animals should be imprisoned.
they are like that for centuries tho
even the queen had them
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so does your mother get visitors at the county jail???
File: wolf pet sillyguy.webm (1.4 MB, 640x800)
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The best dog I ever had in my life was a dachshund like this (only red) and he used to do the same thing with his lip. I miss that little guy.
Training on King Kai's planet.
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literally the same genetic disorder that causes dwarfism in humans
so good ... i love it
there's no cut, your bitrate is just shit
>bird searches for video of bird
>bird finds video of bird
>bird clicks video of bird
>bird is frightened by video of bird
>bird attacks video of bird
>bird searches for video of bird

truly, they are so much like us
Awww I feel you anon I had a mini Dachshund as a kid and he was the cutest little fucker ever. Such a good breed of dog
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The fuck????
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File: Buddy Bird.webm (393 KB, 200x360)
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i had no idea they were so small as babies!
i love it when dogs go :/
Plays that LOTR soundtrack in my mind
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op said wholesome, not hideous and awful
is it okay to post humans?
this is such a wholesome webm, literally fatherhood fuel
what animal is that? fox?
very nice, but got any chonky chingus?
I always said that humanity will one day have a serious "come to Jesus" moment when we finally realize that the animals of this world share more in common with us as far as consciousness and emotions. When we finally realize how poorly we have treated them we will see the stain of our collective sin.
It's a baby fennec fox. The live in the Sahara desert.
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and they waddled away
i... i wasn't ready for this level of wholesome...
Nigger, are you retarded? First off look at how people treat other people, that isn't bad enough? Secondly we're told to be stewards of the earth, what do you think that means?
Churchill reincarnated as a cat
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My neighbor's cat did this through my window at 11pm it sounded like a toddler. When I looked out it said "meow?".
I'm having a rough day.
God bless you sir.
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God bless the little ones.
Exactly, they are absolutely useless vermin, the only thing they do is being an heavy burden on the world, all the animals and us included.
PSA, posting videos of vermin getting tortured, as it's deserved, is considered wholesome too
They live near a black hole. Like in Interstellar.
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no we need this here more than those guys. besides, it could still be wholesome but adult in nature. Just nobody's posted one like that yet.
>Secondly we're told to be stewards of the earth, what do you think that means?
Isn't humanity doing a VERY BAD job then? by your own logic!
I want a pet sea doggy.
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He kind of looks like a cat I have. Made for neck scratches.
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I really fucking hate babies and little children. I fail to find the cuteness about them and only consider them obnoxious little shits.
You were a baby and a child once. Show some humanity, you fucking asshole. I hate people like you. "ooo I hate children they're so annoying"
The kindness of adults is the only reason you're here posting today, KYS.
Because they're obviously richfags who have lost touch with practical forms of life.
Nah, the only people who ever gave a damn about the environment and animals n' sheeeit are being slowly killed off even as we speak.
Once negroes, chinese, and yids take over, the planet is going to be a barren wasteland.
It's because you're a sociopath. Or an idiot. Considering you're on 4chan, my bet is idiot.
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>intentionally deformed pets so they can be made helpless and suffer for it, just for women to use as baby surrogates
Shut up tranny.
unwholesome animal threads are not allowed here
You just see them as something to do
i can hear two old men
you bastard! flip me back over and do it right this time!
shaddup you old fart
you are only 5 months younger than me
dont you ever forget about it
How do we beat the disgusting race mixing/tranny/femboy menace lads? A few filters here on /gif/ and 47 threads are hidden.
Total internet death.
these people laugh at black babies death btw
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You just know
That's your jewish indoctrination talking. Little babies in media are almost always depicted as ugly and selfish.

When you actually have one of your own, they are way more cute than puppies and kittens, and Im someone who loves animals.

Take Dill Pickles for example, made by jews.
They never show what's there he wants so much desperately to reach.
Considering you'll never have kids I don't think it's that big of a problem.
fucked him up something fierce

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