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Post proof that we women dont need
pathetic men and men hate thread general

Post strong women and female empowerment

Women are strong.
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Inb4 seething insecure men flood this with trash
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>herr durr im gonna live a sad life of constant sex and booz and be a poen producing child grooming sexual degenerate and let a porn company own my body herr durr
My guy, dressing as a woman and posting this shit on 4chan will not actually make you become one.. and you know that, we've been over it already, just get over it.. there are plenty of men who like to fuck other men, find some solace in that instead of convincing yourself that you are something that you are not..

I know you decided to create this thread just to fight "someone like me" but i will not be reading your replies, i just popped in here to offer friendly advice and i'm out to let your thread die with no other interactions
This is clearly bait lol women dont use 4trans
Translated to:

Im a pathetic insecure man who cant fathom women being independant
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Total moid death!!
Seek medical help
No sound on any webms, failed thread
oh look, it takes 4 girls backed up by another 3 dudes to feel empowered, lol
Why does this feel incredibly jewish?
Go back to /pol/ nazi scum
Because it is
>women strong
>"this song hits different etc etc" caption
>posts video without audio

Good job
>repeat again and again
a woman, alright
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814 KB
They had to change the definition of vaccine to call it one.
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2.3 MB
Just like you need to change the definition "truth", "science" and "intelligence" all the time?
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Truth and science are based on facts not feelings. Science requires the scientific method to be employed. Intelligence has some leeway. You can't judge a fish by its ability to climb trees after all.

Do you deny that they changed the definition of vaccine in order to call the covid jab one? You might want to look that up. It was a rather large change.
It is. Feminism is led by Jewish women to weaken the families of the goyim.
>knows if he even touches them the dudes will stomp his brains in
>imagine being such a virginal loser that you get your kicks by pretending to be a woman to ragebait a thread. Goddamn OP did you ever have a positive male role model?
Mrna vaccines have been around since the 70s, you pseudo-intellectual faggot.

Please explain how the covid vaccine was different, brainlet.
Who? BIg Dictionary?

>You might want to look that up. It was a rather large change.
editors changed "artificially increase immunity" to "stimulate the body’s immune response".
Doesn't sound damning to me but I can read properly.

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