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New to 4chan. I saved a thread on the topic but I didn't know they get deleted after a while.
So I wanna start a thread that will have even better content.

Btw anons, I love how much BNWO content floods this board. Where do you find yours?
who's the girl interviewed?
Post 3 faggot
post 3 faggot
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Lmao it's so funny you use that clip when it's edited with the "yes" at the end added in.

She laughs in the interview and says the sterotype is not true at all and that there are ton of tiny dick black guys.
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OP is definitely a lying nigdick loving fag.
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has anyone got that crazy vid of the two white girls with insane asses to the camera giving head to some nigger holding his phone to the mirror filming? its like a dark room they wearing sneakers idk thanks

OKAY so ive just gotten into/found out about interracial porn and i wanna make a little collection on my phone, for uh.. future use, and so i wanted to ask you all to send me some on kik so i can save them! Appreciate it <3

my kik: haleyfrosty
very believable
why what do you mean? im genuinely interested!! ive got hella racist parents so i dont get to use the internet or social media much desu
Who are these girls? Where can I get more of them?
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Serious question, do any of you see bnwo less as a kink and more of an ideology that you take seriously with the goal of white extinction? If so, why?
Fake, women don't care for the BNWO fetish unless it's making them money on OnlyFans.
because we're fucking racists who hate those faggot crackers for their shit skin color, of course
best thing is that their own politicians have cucked crackers into thinking "reverse racism doesn't exist", so we niggas can even kill a cracker bitch mother in front of them and they'll still deny it's racism lmao
holy based
Thread SAVED.
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here you go

Yes and as for why it's because I get off on the abolishment. If white people are the progressors and creators of modern society then black people are the harbingers of death and destruction to that institution. They seek to demolish what is beautiful and replace it with grotesque images of themselves. Like watching orcs demolish and rape an elf's city there is a certain level of depravity I get off on
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>pops into the thread
>I'm 12 Years Old and What is This?
Seriously, wtf is going on in this thread?
bunnytrainer, i believe. Also checked
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There needs to be more spoken joi aspects similar to Mistress T's Cuckolding Brainwashing video. Need to commission egirl pornstars who have proper microphone setups. Or try soundgasm content creators
More like this?
Hot af
wonder how Darling ASMR feels about being included in a BNWO edit. Wonder if she schlicks herself to it ever?
So assmad.. never gets old watching the incels go irate. Thanks for the laugh OP.
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black women fap to george floyd's death LOL
Seething incel
Time to plap your useless nuts away, ranjeesh
black male suicide rate ages 10-19 now double that of White males.
Not only are black males #1 at murdering black males, but they are now #1 at suicide! WE ARE SO BACK!
desi males love dat bee bee see
troon communists love it because it's disgusting and destructive and evil. desi males love it because they're gooner sissies who will never touch pussy and are addicted to watching White women on their screens.
Black females, grades 9-12, were 60 percent more likely to attempt suicide in 2019, as compared to non-Hispanic white females of the same age.

Ha they also abort more of their children than they give birth to! Blacks are so good at dying and killing each other and then blaming White people for it!
>more than 19 million black babies have been aborted since 1973
According to the report, in 2013 black women accounted for 29,007 terminated pregnancies, representing almost 42 percent of all abortions in the city. That same year, black women in the city gave birth to 24,108 babies. With abortions surpassing live births by nearly 5,000, African American women in the city clearly terminated pregnancies more often than they carried babies to term.

"More black babies are aborted in NYC than born," #blacklivesdontmatter
Based. But we need to double those numbers. Black abortions only.
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talk about hitting a nerve
the invasion ones always get me
"They think blacks are better than them"

Literally no one actually thinks that. Niggers can't read.
"They're all white as far as I know"
Its uniroincally Jews and Indians using nig nogs in a one sided war of asshurt that white men aren't even participating in. Every "white" male in this thread is a kike or jeet. Women's most favoured porn categories (this includes white women) is lesbian. Niggers don't even make the top 10 of most searched porn categories. But keep fighting the good fight in these threads, an obscure corner of a single board on a niche website.
I cannot imagine harbouring such envy and animosity towards males of another race that I would dedicate my entire existence to trying to create the illusion of popularity of a fetish that uses males of a third race as my proxy dick size lol. And then using only fans whores and jew owned porn companies to back up my astroturfed faggotry. White women get paid way more to fuck niggers because they apparently stink and also the stigma can hurt their porn career.
White women are the race least likely to go outside their race but when they do fuck niggers they're lower than average IQ. But black women with white men are higher than average IQ. Even you all know deep down that the male nigger, your precious avatar in this fruitless war against the superiority of European man, is a lowly, undesirable, stupid, violent, smelly, cowardly subhuman waste of foreign aid and welfare. And yet he is in some sense innocent in his tenuous sentience. Yet you, the jew and the Indian, are at least more knowing than they. You lack the innocence and naivete of the near-animal negroid. You must stand before a mirror at some point and account for your utter lack of courage and manhood, your pathetic veneration of a lower being just because, in one of thousands avenues, you incorrectly believe he finally has the upper hand over your hated enemy. Incorrectly because no decent non-sheboon woman wants to fuck niggers. Even you, the jew and the pajeet, have a slightly better chance than they.
>so we niggas
This is incredibly pathetic you street shitting animal.
Jew confirmed. Plot twist, you're not white and you never will be but niggers and other subhumans think you are. If white people are out of the picture, kikes last barely a nanosecond longer.
90% of her "fans" are brown this is shitskin cope
Subhuman browns and kikes using niggers as their proxy in a dick war they know they cannot win themselves. Just the same webms of paid whores (paid extra because of the smell and stigma) and OF retards who admit they only do it because of their demands of their (((white))) fetishist followers. Niggers with porn dicks know porn is all they'll ever be able to do in life so that's why they gravitate towards it and jews happily pay them. Most white men with porn dicks are just doing more normal white man things like running countries (LBJ used to flop his meat bat out to intimidate kike reporters). If every white man over 7 inches was forced to do porn for the viewing pleasure of women of every race (the stats don't lie, still the most desired race of males) you jews and Indians would fucking self immolate instantaneously. I spent my teens thinking I had a baby dick or average thanks to bullshit self report dick studies and not knowing how to measure myself. Now we know most men lied so average is closer to 5 inches and 6 inches plus are only 10% of men on earth. So at over 7 inches I'm big and in my 20s I finally started to believe this thanks to feedback from women of every colour (except sheboons of course lol, fuck that). None of you will ever be white and even if you "win" and whites go extinct you'll have planet wide Somalia or India. The end of whites is as good as the end of the species because none of you really reach the criteria of bona fide homo sapiens sapiens.
One more thing, if you're east Asian leave this thread and find some self respect. Unlike jeets and kikes you are real men. Real humans. Warriors. Builders of civilization. I just say whites going extinct is humanity going extinct coz I'm counting you guys too. Even the jew has started labelling you as "white adjacent" because they're ass mad that your success disproves their nigger pity narrative of white supremacy.
Nigger fertility is still high in West America and the maghreb but falling much faster than was predicted. Then there's the coming cancer epidemic that hasn't arrived in West Africa yet thanks to spear chuckers sabotaging oil pipelines owned by Shell. The hydrocarbons have filled their native habitat, guaranteeing devastated female fertility and higher early deaths from various forms of the big C. Mainly ass cancer as though God himself is a buck breaking massa.
You're not laughing and we both know you aren't. Especially when you have to look at your hideous non-white visage in a mirror. I pity you. I cannot fathom the cosmic misfortune of being given one life in this potentially infinite cosmos and not being granted the gift of whiteness. I'd honestly prefer being an animal. Maybe a big cat or an eagle or dolphin. But really anything other than a non white man. Even a rat would be better.
Checked. Seems that after 400 years the American negro is finally achieving some level of self awareness. I'd check out too lmao.
The girl in the video says herself the stereotype isn't true and points out how many baby dick blacks she's encountered lol. Imagine being a jew or Indian and "muh dick" being your only refuge from the superiority of the white man but then the relentless tendency of the internet to divulge truth ruining your fantasy lol. What a miserable fucking existence. I'd just kill myself.
anyone got the one where the guys dick is hanging from his shorts and he grabs it and slaps a girls ass with it
"These Hispanic birth statistics will show them"
Not really. Spics can be surprisingly based and also hate jews and Indians. A Latino United States will also not end well for you tranny.
Fucking hell. These trannies are this familiar with the few artefacts of cope that they possess? How sad. If I was this familiar with the content of my little cope webms I'd definitely take a break from the internet. Do you have a rabbi or Hindu priest you can talk to? Maybe a gender counsellor?
A serious question. The world is already collapsing to shit thanks to white liberals. Does this make you non whites ashamed that the only thing that can subvert and stop white civilisation is their own misguided compassion?
And if white liberals succeed, how long do you think you lower races will last without their handouts and civilising influence? Do you think Mad Max hours will last just decades or will you untermensch last at least a century or two before going extinct as well. My guess is, post white collapse, it's a wrap within 25 years at most.
Is this children's classroom South East Asian? South American?
This is 100% a based white Chad wasting the time of shit skins on kik lol.
White men can stop it at any moment but they don't. They must get off on getting their women conquered.
Stop what? White women are the least likely to go interracial. And with blacks!? White women give them among the lowest response rates on dating apps lol. Despite being 13% of the US population, blacks only appear in 7% of interracial relationships. Oof. Seems like outside these jewish online circle jerks, women know the actual truth, blacks dicks are no bigger than whites so on top of everything else they don't even have that going for them. Your golem is even more undesirable than you are, tranny.
>New to 4chan
Sure you are rabbi
>shows stats of whites being genetically replaced
>uuhhh nice try libtard, but hispanics are actually freakin based trad caths who hate jews!!!
Actual retarded cuckservative tier reply lol, how the fuck do you think this is a solid reply?
This is what I never understand.. let's say you're correct.. then why are you here? On a crusade to inform the virgin losers of 4chan that their fetish isn't reality?
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My point being your opinion is worthless.. you're so obviously insecure over black men just as much as the virgins who think they can't fuck any white girl because they're black.

Also, trannies out of no where? Rent free. You're an unhinged kissless virgin.
Correction: white virgins here who thinks they can't fuck white girls because they're not black
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The best
blacked,com clips are boring
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You're not fooling anyone...
All empires collapse but a new one takes it's place over time. It's just a life cycle, read about Strauss-Howe generational theory.
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Nothing you guys type will bring back white birthrates or stop african ones. All this crying and shitting your pants online is all you can, literally. Just sit back relax and stop the cope. Being racist in 2024 is cringe white loser behavior anyway.
Remy and BBC was an all time great combination.. fugg.
Low white birth rates mean no more interracial porn.
Oh yeah, because the first thing I want to see and hear when I'm ready to bust to some raceplay is Donald Trump.
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I frequently find webms on /gif/ that end up on BNWO compilations posted to Twitter. I know there are plenty of BNWO editors out there sleuthing here for good clips, so I'll post this Giulia Wylde clip I would like to see in some edits.
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>they thew a spear into his window
who is this? please sauce!
bumping for salsa
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That's Giulia Wylde, also known as Neon_Felix, also known as my lawfully wedded wife.
there's one like this style but more refugee related but I can't find it

Here's some statistics that you won't like. White birthrates are dropping while bmwf is growing
Are we really comparing 2 million to 100 thousands lol
Actually that makes me feel a lot better lmao. Didn't realize we had you by 1.9million per year
white births have gone from 2.3m to 2m in 7 years yet black births to white mothers are still steadily increasing and this doesnt bother you. white women are having less total babies yet still the black births to white mothers are increasing. lol white 'men' really have no fight left.
It's just a trend and part of the globalization omg
You have to fetishize everything because these stats make you horny
Bnwo is imagination
Using the growth/shrink rates in your webm, bmwf birth rates wouldn't surpass whites until the 2130s. And that's assuming literally nothing changes in the next 100 years. Enjoy your fetish but please stop trying to apply logic to it
Idiocracy is a great movie.

Well if we were to apply more logic to it then look no further than countries like England and France where the diminishing white folk exponentially got dwarfed by black folks and on the verge of being endangered all within a 15 year span. So realistically in America it would be more like 30-50 years before white people are extinct
This reads like how Christian pastors who believe in the rapture are constantly saying the end of the world will happen on specific dates and then have to push the date forward into the future when it doesn’t. I wonder when you’ll say the white extinction will happen once those predictions don’t happen?
Imagine that you manage to be charming of funny enough for one of them to give you a chance. You go out with her for a little while, keeping her happy by making her the center of your world, buying her things, and being the most considerate and attentive boyfriend ever, but your little white boi penis can't satisfy her, and when her twin sister brings home a strong black man with a huge cock, she doesn't hesitate to jump on it, casting you aside like the pathetic trash you are. And when you come to pick her up for the date she completely forgot about, and find her and her sister sucking and fucking BBC, she hardly spares a moment for you.

"Sorry, baby," she moans as she bounces up and down on that colossal cock. "But he's sooo much better than you." As you stand there in shock, mind reeling and unable to find your voice, her sister laughs at you and tells you to put the flowers you're holding on the bedside table and get the fuck out, because you're finished.

Trembling, you walk up next to the bed, mere feet away from where the girl you're in love with is satisfied by a real man. She isn't even paying attention to you at this point, her eyes closed in ecstasy as she undulates her hips, and leans down for a passionate kiss. Her sister's eyes are locked on you the entire time, a malicious grin on her face as she relishes your pain and humiliation. You stand there for a moment, transfixed, before clumsily putting the flowers on the table.

"You can go now, white boi", her sister says, breaking you out of your trance. You start to slowly back away, unable to take your eyes off the spectacle. "Oh my god, are you fucking crying?" she laughs. "What a fucking loser!"

Your girlfriend opens her eyes and looks back and you before agreeing with her sister, "He is a loser." She turns to you and repeats herself. "You are a loser. None of your little gifts mean anything when you fuck like a little boy. Your sorry little penis will never satisfy me..."
This video is so beautiful because it really emphasises the difference in black men. Yes, white boys might get lucky, but they'll never experience two women built like THIS.
"Your sorry little penis will never satisfy me, so why don't you just leave and never come back?"

"Wait", the black man interrupts. "Why not let the little bitch stay and see how a real man handles beautiful women?"

"Good idea", your girlfriend laughs. "Enjoy the view, baby! I hope you like it, because it's the closest you'll ever get to me. You'll never have me again!"

"Ha ha ha! Do you actually have a hardon?" her sister mocks. "How pathetic can you get?" You blush in embarrassment. "Well, you might as well pull it out. Pull it out and wank to your woman being taken by big black cock."

When you hesitate, she jumps off the bed and comes over to you, unfastening your pants as she locks eyes with you, fixing you with a dominating stare. "I said, 'pull it out, loser'", she reiterates, as she frees your dick.

"Fucking pathetic", she ridicules you, spitting on your little white penis in contempt. But she holds it in her hand and begins to stroke it as the black man who stole your girl climbs on top of her and begins to absolutely rail her. "Watch it", her sister orders. "Watch him destroy all your dreams. Watch him pleasure her like you could never even dream of doing. Watch and get off on it. Get off on how much of a loser you are. Get off realizing this is the future for sad little white bois like you. Get off on BBC being so much better than you. Get off on the girl you love thinking you're pathetic. "Ha ha ha! Are you already about to cum? I want you to yell out 'I love you' when you do."

It's too much for you to take and as you tense up, you yell "I love you" to your girlfriend, no sense of dignity left. But as soon as you begin to ejaculate, her sister knees you in the balls, and you drop to the floor. Your pleasure turns to agony as you spurt onto the carpet. You lie there bawling at everything's that happened, as your girlfriend's sister gives you a kick, spits on you, then climbs back on the bed to join the fun.
This got across the finish line the other day.


>Where do you find yours?

The overwhelming answer would be Israel, but you already know that, don't ya. Oye.
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I remember on stream she got mad at everyone in the chat talking about BBC
Yeah, everytime the BBC dildo comes out half the chat are asking her if she only likes black guys and if she has a fetish blahblahblah. Pretty funny. Hope she comes back already.
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white population decline has nothing to do with interbreeding and everything to do with the general trend of industrialized, wealthy cultures having less kids and resorting to immigration to keep population growth up and labor costs down. Your fetish is totally out of check with reality. The most common, by far, interracial pairing in the us is Hispanic and Whites (over 40%). So even if you wanted to believe there is a white genocide due to breeding, it still wouldn't be black people. Sorry.
Once you've sufficiently recovered from being wracked, you begin masturbating instead of leaving, jerking yourself to two more orgasms as the big black man enjoys the threesome you always dreamed about. The twins occasionally hurl insults your way, but they seem to enjoy your pathetic display. After about half an hour of debauchery, however, they've had enough of you, and they encourage their black lover to rough you up and throw you out of the house.

He effortlessly demolishes you, beating you half unconscious before dragging you out the door and dropping you on the lawn. "Sorry, loser. But white women need big black cock, not inadequate white bois like you."

He pisses on you while the twins giggle, then they all go back into the house to fuck some more, locking the door behind them.
source for vid at 32 second mark

inflated and deceptive
statistics lol wait until
you see how u cumskins go
extinct by spiritually hijacked a.i.
The blancos and the cholos will form prison alliances to beat down niggers in prison. What makes you think the niggers stand an actual chance as the demographics become more beaner-cracker mixed? Brazilians place niggers at the bottom of the totem pole. Sure, they dance and party by adopting some nigger attitudes, but actual niggers are reviled, it's why "Mejorar de La Raza" is the order of the day - Blanqueamiento. BMWF is just a simplified composite of ugly bastard & NTR, prove me wrong. There's a fetish in seeing women getting violated, whether it's rape, beastiality, ryona, vore, snuff etc., BMWF is just another flavor of that. Trannies like you just make it weird and cringe.
The population growth of a nation is determined by socioeconomic factors not what colour peoples skin is.

For anyone here who actually believes the bnwo black supremacist state will happen, stop gooning and do actually fucking research on how demographics work.
Shut the fuck up retard
>He said in front of a bunch of sissies just trying to have a fetish thread
No one asked retard
You faggots shouldn't harass women with your groid obsession
Why do retards on gif fall for this weak psyop everyday? It's literally just nigger drug dealers filming themselves having sex with addicts and prostitutes. That or the jew funded BBC studio porn. Niggers have been trying to manifest the BBC meme into reality for a long ass time without any success.
Anyone have the one with the deli beat under it?
I did some dev work for one of the biggest sexy shop in Italy. I took a look at the data and black dildos sell like crazy.
Posting statistics from 30 years ago has always been cringe, new stats would mind-break white men if they were to come out. They do sense things are changing though. No matter how much they cope.
I really wish things were different but they aren't. White women are sluts and love black cock. A lot.
The only reason they don't jump on black cock 100% of the time is that most black men are so retarded even the horniest white girls end up finding them repulsing, but they do give them a lot of chances and if a black man is not completely retarded, white girls jump on his cock immediately.
What a shitty and unjust world.
Yeah you're completely full of shit. I used to work for a big online retailer not too long ago and the highest selling dildos were 4 and 5 inches ones and there was a preference for light colored ones.
maybe if trannies didn't spam their genocide incel shit everywhere they wouldn't get dunked on so much
>white women
easy now
Not an argument. The reason that horny guys watch BMWF is for the same reason that they show donkey shows down in Tijuana, it's a female degradation fetish. It's trannies like you that make it a fetish about cringe and self-loathing.
look, I don't like it more than you do and I wish things were different.
Black men have become highly desirable, not only society/the State gives them unlimited advantages, they also have sexual characteristics that are perfect in the age of whoredom.
Please provide factual counter-arguments that are not cherry-picked pics of black men with tiny penis.
I repeat, we are lucky black men are extremely retarded otherwise it would be over for us.
>the State gives them unlimited advantages
>black men are extremely retarded
You realize that the former is a result of the latter, right? The state has made a crusade of promoting retards and the disabled and putting them on a pedestal since the 70's, like right after the "Civil Rights" movement gained dominance.
Western Civilization is committing suicide by having the state literally instantiate Idiocracy, and niggers are THE desirable idiots of the future state. Of course, they're getting preferential treatment until even they are displaced and subordinated by the new, politically-virile minority - that being all the central Americans, muzzies, and "Asians" crossing the border by the millions. lol
You're so full of shit, troonberg lmfao. There's literally studies showing that only 10% of black men have reported having regular sex and white women date mostly in their own ethnic group. Good try with your jew tactics tho.
I NEED to examine the brain of whoever made this. was it for money? esoteric trolling? is race war really using psychological warfare? advanced gooning? this shit will get shown in museums of the future as an example of the inhumane psychological warfare humans used in the past

> "Oh My God! The World will be dominated by black people from the BNWO!"

Evidence: An Onlyfans slut says that retarded virgins with self-esteem issues who pay to see her naked from miles away ask for humiliating content involving black people who they see as primitive subhumans who are desacralizing the "pure white virgin" of your subconscious fairy tales...

Does anyone really think that if black people wanted to dominate the world they would reproduce with white women and dump hundreds of mestizos on the planet? Why wouldn't they look for pure African queens black as night? It's as if the Nazis' plan to exterminate the non-Aryan races consisted of fucking the largest number of non-German women on the face of the earth! This concept of BNWO just doesn't make sense!

African (DRC) guy in Europe here (Netherlands)
I fuck racist girls and take pics and vids and then dip.

Definitely don't mind sharing other pics of girls I've fucked over the years either, doing my part for the community.

So hit me up if you're interested, my kik is: josephkilongo
>white women date mostly in their own ethnic group
date being the keyword. White women have a lot of casual sex. Also many stats you guys cite are often old as shit, before the current situation became reality.
Also I've already said that black men are retarded, of course most of them fail. If they are not retarded, they play sex life with white women with cheats basically.
my point is that black men, when not completely retarded, have a very easy life banging white women. They don't have to date nor anything. They just have to flirt like a human being for 5 minutes and white women get wet as shit and ready to open the legs.
This is inevitable because they have the highest status in society and the sexual characteristics that are preferred for casual sex.
This cannot be dis-proven by ridiculous stats from the 90s or other forms of cope.
I'm not arguing all black men will steal white women, I'm saying that if there is a black man that is not retarded and a good looking white guy that is kinda smart, women will have casual sex with the black guy, and at most will try to use the white guy as a living ATM, if he's even lucky.

That's the sad reality of today.
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I just watched it happen
>most black men are so retarded even the horniest white girls end up finding them repulsing
I wouldn't say most black men. from what I can gather most black men have absolutely no issue with finding partners. But there is that minority whose unfuckable in everyone's eyes

Your writing is amazing, don't care if ai or not.

Message me on discord jajaja021
Kys kike
While extinction is so hot
Clip of the girl a :10 seconds? She looks sexy. I want to see her get on her knees.
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If you brew white and black he won't be black
Americans at least tend to think of mixed race people, such as Obama, as black. And historically speaking, there was a one drop rule for determining if somebody had been corrupted by blackness. Basically, you had to be purely white or you weren't considered white. Three quarters wouldn't do it. And I guess by the logic of the BNWO fetish, black genes overpower white ones.
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Does anyone have the video of some italian woman ranting about immigrants and starts sucking bbc midway through the rant?
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That's all women, all women view men as either a dildo (a minority of niggers, most niggers don't have horse dicks) or an ATM (any man who can make more than $50,000/annum - again, ironically, a minority of the overall population). White bitches are no different in this respect than any other bitch on the planet. Hell, I think all black bitches wished they had white guys for ATM's like the white bitches, unfortunately most black bitches are utterly disgusting, goblin-tier animals that not even incel whites will fuck them.
This, however, doesn't change the fact that blacks will forever remain at the bottom of the totem pole and they are not increasing as a proportion to the population, contrary to the troons that desire the opposite to be such. Advanced birth control technologies ensure that niggers will never have a successful foothold having BMWF longterm interracial investments beyond a fuck and forget. Children of such pairings do not typically end well (they either die, become genetic dead-ends themselves, or they just regress to the mean - mulatto reverting to the nominal American nigger existence of not having many kids).
This is different for the beaners. The beaners will change the country demographically, and the standing of niggers will slink even further than they were originally, because latins do not give special dispensation to niggers/darkskins. Daughters in beaner households, if the dad is present, get the chancla if she's seeing a nigger. The dad won't even have to do it, madre will do it for padre.
>Dwarfed by Black Folk
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh you silly fucking negro retard. You are still only 3% of the population in these countries.

Little niggy nigcel fitlh freakshit, you aren't Blacking ANYTHING Europe. The people who are conquering Europe (England and France) are your fucking OLD TIME CONQUERORS WHO TURNED YOUR FAGGOT ANCESTORS INTO EUNUCHS, the Arabs from North Africa and the Middle East from places like Algeria, Syria, and Libya. You are playing NO part, little nigger.

Europe is being replaced with births that are being named Mohammad, not Magooba from Nigeria, and the next race are Poos.
Doesn't really change much. White dudes immediately assume the black guy has a huge dick even if it isn't true.

Please, does anyone know the source of this video of the woman with the glass of wine in her hand?
Anyone know what the song playing in this one is?
Is she still alive?
Cute, but that doesn,t answer the question who she is.
What types of people get off to this. I used to think it was mostly trannies but now I'm starting to think it's pathetic niggers.
>New to 4chan
Unlikely, rabbi
japanisu temple… tokyo towah… sushi…
he just like me fr
White women are the least likely group of any group to date outside or marry outside their race. Your only cope is that their proportion is "growing" while ignoring that white women who date and marry black boys skew towards being fatter, less attractive and lower IQ statistically.

Also ignoring the fact that the only reason white women ever date black boys is because they either are too unattractive to get a white man, or because they want to piss someone off by dehumanizing themselves.

Also ignoring the fact that white men are statistically the most desired group of men by women across every ethnicity including black women.

Also ignoring the fact that white men are physically larger, stronger, higher iq, have bigger dicks than black boys.

Also ignoring the fact that the rate of black boy inceldom is rising every year at a faster rate than your data

Also ignoring the fact that the rate at which black boys engage in interracial relationships is growing at a slower rate compared the rate at which all of the more attractive races engage in interracial relationships. Including white menxlatina women, and white menxasian women. Also including white womenxlatino men, which is 10x more common than a white woman dating a black boy by the way.

Being a black boy must be miserable. 4x more time spent on the internet compared to white men, and most of it is spent watching edited videos of white women saying they like black boys, when it's not even remotely true and reposting the exact same very few videos that exist on the topic.
as a white boi i know this is all true and you are just ruining my humiliation fantasy so can you please stop posting it, fuck you
Looks like you broke one lol >>27529039
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>4-5 inch dildos
Sure bro. Not only are women going under the average size dick, they're also getting a dildo that is EASILY attainable.

Why do incels get so upset about women lying big penises? This whole site is full of virgins who fap to women who have ridiculously unreasonable bodies, in the ass threads half of them are BBLs, soc threads are full of girls on IG who have collagen lip injections, girls who have eating disorders to maintain 115 lbs, girls who are pre-pubescent and will add 15 lbs during freshman year, etc. BUT THEN when it comes to women liking the primary male sex organ AVERAGE IS PREFERRED.

Incels just can't comprehend that women actually like sex.
Sorry, let me clear one thing up for the virgins because they're so clueless about the real world.

>4-5 inches easily attainable
Unless you're an absolute disgusting whale where they need to winch your ass out of bed, any girl can go out and get laid basically whenever they want to l. The point being if they really just desire some incredibly average dick, they can get it. Think.. the opposite of 4chan.

"Black men have become highly desirable"

Statistically in the US they are the 2nd least popular group of men, behind South Asian men. In no way shape or form are they desirable to anyone in any capacity comparative to white and Hispanic men. It's not even remotely close.

"they also have sexual characteristics that are perfect"

In general, blacks have smaller penises. Contrary to the bucket list of lies we are told regularly. Studies have been done and they're very very clear on the topic. Blacks have 5.3 inch penises on average in west Africa, and in America its more like 5.5 inches. Comparatively, whites have 5.8 inches on average if not more according to data from the US and Europe.

Furthermore, all groups of women show a preference for lighter skin tones, physical strength, bigger penises, high IQ, high income, and height. Not just sexual relationship preference, but PREFERENCE. Women who are in relationships cum during sex over 80% of the time, compared to one night stands where they cum only 2% of the time, which is the driving factor behind why women do not like one night stands. Which is why the average body count for a female is 4-7, and not 50 like it is for gay men.

"perfect in the age of whoredom."

Average number of sexual partners is on the down trend, not up trend. There is no age of whoredom, you are lying.

"Please provide factual counter-arguments that are not cherry-picked pics of black men with tiny penis."



Welcome to reality with your retarded fictional lie of a fetish being totally uprooted as deluded false.

"I repeat, we are lucky black men are extremely retarded otherwise it would be over for us."

You're so dumb. They're shorter, less androgenic and less masculine, weaker on average, have smaller dicks. Welcome to reality weirdo.
so weird how this entire fetish seems to revolve around trying to convert other dudes to it forcefully for you guys
are you sure its not other white men you want to fuck?
>are you sure its not other white men you want to fuck?
The fetish is about white genocide, or at least the "white genocide" /pol/ cries so often about. It's ab out making white men gay, as you said, and making white women obsessed with interracial sex (particularly with black men). Hope this helps.
ok, its white men you actually are trying to attract to you
thank you
jax slayher and both girls are smith but forgot full name
Kek he hasn't responded. BNWO really is just a gay race play fetish
Yeah the colored retards don't realize that incel-ism is a factor of growing up in a suburban first world country relied on technology. All these immigrants who moved young or were born in the west are way, way more likely to be an incel. The third world would save you from this fate
Are they really twin sisters? That's fucking hot. Like the Polish twin sisters Star or whatever their name was. Nice. They both take BBC too.
fucking zoomers don't say "hella" you self reporting millennial larping faggot
Dont bother trying to explain things to incels who are addicted to porn. Rejoice in the fact that he will die a genteic dad end
Cringing and laughing at incel pakis throwing money at her lmfao
That's due to blacks, communists, and jews(communists) being racist as fuck.
They will dominate the world with their 65 iq average and staggeringly high mortality rate!
Fake kike dog.
black infant mortality rate is higher than the rate of them fucking white women. and that doesnt even include the 50% of them that are aborted.
>ESL Seething
LOL I will never look at black women the same way again.
it's white men that know that things are turned badly for us.
Some white men still have gfs or wives that live in a bubble and don't know how fast and hard things are changing. Also they are so cucked that they think it's normal for a white woman to fuck a nigger, those that know it's weird will then cope by finding it hot.
Trump got shot I am cumming
Who is this girl? Anybody know?
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They seem happy, middle class (at least) and contributing to the current western order. Not really bnwo
>the relentless tendency of the internet to divulge truth

I mean I agree this is a shitty fetish but are you retarded lmao
God I wish that were me
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>Strauss-Howe generational theory.
Based knower. It's all a cycle that's how Nature is built so it literally doesn't matter good things will happen bad things will happen you just gotta live your life and enjoy it. Worrying about muh civilization collapsing is probably the dumbest and least fun way to shorten your life.
Why isn't there more like this, I looked everywhere but nothing like this exist
its advanced gooning. i know because i am an advanced gooner.
just search something like bambi sleep pmv
Indeed. No point in focusing on things out of your control anyways.
lol the rhymes, the amount of effort into this kek
Hottest coalburner niggered nigger loving blacked slut in the world
there's like 8 of them. look up bambi on hypnotube.
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More like this!!
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Nailed it. The entire reason BNWO is so hot is because niggers are low IQ civilization destroyers who know nothing other than to kill whitey and breed white women. That's what makes it hot – they're complete untermensch and we're allowing them to beat white men to death and fill white womens' wombs with a 70 IQ niglet. Fuck it's so hot
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>We're superior that's why it's hot
How exactly are you better than black men? You guys can't get laid and fulfill one of the greatest two things in life; female companship and sex. You guys must just be wilfully abstaining?

>ITT: white virgin losers come in and tell us why this fetish is dumb and how it doesn't happen
Literally so removed from reality you guys think you're convincing anyone that's true. If it were true we'd have /gif/ filled with threads of OC with anons plowing women. Instead every black thread just devolves into kids screaming at their monitor trying to convince us their superior to black men.
Correction: they're superior to black men

Don't want to give the incels a chance to bait and switch to grammar instead of their v-card.
Pajeets, nigcels, trannies, small dicked whites, amerimutts... and the list goes on, mostly pajeets though. I'm hung my self so it's funny seeing trannies self insert white men as some weird tranny abomination
These are broken for me. Any recommendation
Don't look at me. I don't understand technology. Try a different browser? Download them and try using whatever player you have?
All of this effort absolutely fucking wasted lol
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>How exactly are you better than black men?

As a race white people have created many a invention and society norms we see today if you are asking.

>Instead every black thread just devolves into kids screaming at their monitor trying to convince us their superior to black men.

The entire point is to whack off to a primitive race breeding hybrids with our women unless you somehow believe blacks are mentally superior to whites then I will wait for the list of all the accomplishments they have done.
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And here are the breeding statistics for white women and all races from 2016-2022. Oh look at what's up top. White women breed with blacks than any other race other than their own. Looks like all that cherry picked statics don't amount to shit. You can do the same stats yourself here

Desu, If I had such a pretty gf I would be okay with her having one mixed child

She would have as many black children as he wants. You have no say
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if a white girl is referring to this summer being a BRAT SUMMER, what do you think they mean /gif/? You're smart can't you piece it the fuck together? Is it like a white boy summer thing and girls are going out of the way to be sluts for you know what?
Keep trying to convince yourself lmao
We have a discord channel and we just announce each thread. Can't share it here though. We kinda slip some in on the 3rd or 4th post on other threads too. Welcome!

more female gooning
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I make mine.
phenomenal, more? socials?
Molly smith Jax slayher first bbc Threesome
β€œShe laughs in the interview and says the sterotype is not true at all and that there are ton of tiny dick black guys.”

Imagine actually being proud of having a representative sample of such things?
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I slave all day at work, he stays home and collects unemployment.
I'm there for my wife emotionally, he satisfies her sexually.
It's tough, but I can take it because I'm white.
4chan isnt where normal well adjusted people go. just genetic dead end incels and trannys bickering at each other. bnwo is about as real as any other /pol/ scitzo theory.
>sauce plz
the amount of cope in this thread is only surpassed by the amount of seethe
fucking KEK

nice one, OP
Nice find. These dudes are deluded, they’d rather blame da jews than face the overwhelming reality.
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550,000 is 2.8% of 19,300,000
nobody does, is just kikes and shitskin in general projecting, go worship your cow shit, eat it and all the rest jeet-kike
their only cope is to keep spamming this crap everywhere on 4chin
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how tf no one posted this masterpiece yet?

If we are going to talk percentages then white births have decreased to roughly 13 percent of what it was 8 years ago while bmwf interracial births are increased by 10 percent in that time from 96000 to 107000.
yah and white people are way larger then black people. poor and stupid people also tend to have more kids. half of black ghettos look like bombed out shit holes in the middle east and mother fuckers are stupid as shit

the BNWO is what? making the world into detroit?
β€œPoor and dumb people have more kids” and why don’t the wealthier and supposedly smarter people have more kids as well? You’d think the privileges would afford them to have larger families, and that was the case at least 50 years ago, so what happened?
Intelligence is negatively correlated with fertility. Dumber people across all races have more children on average. It used to be rich people suffered less child mortality due to better access to medicine but now everyone survives to adulthood. The world will be shit if white people disappear

That's the crux of watching something beautiful and pure be destroyed and replaced with something ugly and twisted. I whole heartedly agree with and would take it further by saying once the bwno all manners and forms of intelligence and civility would be gone and the law of the jungle reigns again
This killed the /pol/chud.
This. This is a fetish thread, people need to chill the fuck out and just enjoy themselves. Blacked is an extremely potent kink and you can get so much out of it, these people are willingly stressing themselves out over nothing and wonder why they go grey and bald by their late 30s.
I create similar content. Why? This BNWO shit just makes me hard. This is just a next step for a porn degenerated mind. First i was into BDSM. That was the porn i was into when i was a teenager. Maledom and femdom as well. Then my taste have developed and it was femdom and feet porn only. Next i discovered cuckold fetish, and it became my favourite femdom aspect. Next was interracial cuckold porn. Now i watch only BNWO, hypno pmv, censored, betasafe etc.

Another reason why i make this videos is because i want to learn how to edit video, and porn PMVs are perfect for that. I am getting better and better, but stil a long way ahead.

Also i think if when will be able to do high quality edits, i will find pepole who would like to pay for it.

TLDR doing it to jerk off, learn how to edit and get money.
Its still me, this thread made me think a bit so some more random thoughts.

I have some psychoanalysis background and I think that you have to meet at least three conditions to get into BNWO fetish, but its just a hypothesis to be tested. You need to be submissive with women (being bullied or ignored by girls in childhood may make you like this, or mother issues of course), being at least bi-courious and you have to have some racism internalized, even if you are not openly racist. It can be unconcious racism. The fact that deep in your mind (or openly) you see black people as wild and uncivilized makes it so humiliating to see your woman fucked by them. And this humiliation makes you hard.

For me it is much different than for americans, because in my country i can see a black person only every few months. I dont think i have ever spoke to black person.

I don't see myself as a racist, i think that skin colour doesn't mean anything, but the strongest association in my mind with black people are agressive immigrants from africa that our border guards are fighting every day. Putin and Belarussians are sending theese immigrants to our border by force and deceit as a part of hybrid warfare btw. And probably this association makes the kink work for me,
which is really funny when you think about it.
>Intelligence is negatively correlated to fertility.

Based on what? What can you cite that suggests that? It makes little to no sense that white women are less fertile just because they’re smarter (cuz I’m willing to bet they REALLY aren’t). Interesting how the Eastern European nations don’t seem to have this problem.
Doesn't that shit work with friend request and whatnot?
>you have to have some racism internalized
I'd say this is the biggest one. You can tell a lot of white genocide PVMs are made by right wingers, who are subtly promoting the fetish and trying to get people on their side.
Honestly, I started out thinking black superiority fetishes were just stupid. I know black people and they're just people, not inferior dumb animals or superior ubermen. But at a certain point, it clicked with me that it can just be a fanciful premise for humiliation and cuckolding fantasies. It's like elves and orcs, only instead of using fantasy races, it uses fantastical interpretations of existing races.
work custodian for an office building. i've been leaving bbc video titles written in sharpie on the toilet paper holders in women's stalls

you can only see them when you're sitting down so if i'm caught my excuse can be that i didn't see them because i don't sit down to clean
It's hard to explain but this one is just so... powerful
who made this? did they do any more?
Just look it up, it’s probably the first thing that will come up. And Eastern European nations absolutely have this problem.

And it does make sense. More intelligent people are more likely to use protection, less likely to engage in risky sexual behaviour, less likely to actually have active sex lives, and more likely to put off having a family to focus on career progression.
Fucking hell that's good
not a fetish for me lol i'm black with a big dick i just self insert
You misunderstand these data: Hispanics are considered white in the statistics you've provided. While the data don't show the rate at which white women have kids with them, and thus a comparison to the bmwf rate can't accurately be made using said data, you have not successfully disproven that hispanics are white womens' first out-group reproductive choice.
What overwhelming reality? You can't read statistics.
As someone else mentioned, 550,000 is only 2.8% of the total. This is markedly lower than the share of the population that black people occupy, that being 12%, which means that white women (+hispanic in these statistics) are reproducing with black men at less than a quarter the rate they would be if there were no biases involved (like if people were randomly assigned mates). This bias in mate choice is reducing, but nothing presented so far evidences that it will go away entirely, let alone reverse.
You mean BY 13%. and the bmwf births increasing by 10% is not as meaningful a change as it first seems, because their number was a small fraction of the total white mother births to begin with. They would need to increase by more than 300% to even reach the point at which white women were choosing to reproduce with black men at a rate that approximates black males' share of the population; an unbiased rate.

Some of the counter-points you've been offered haven't been entirely correct, but this is just doom-posting nonsense. The statistics that you've presented here partially demonstrate it to be so, and the other assertions you've made about white womens' supposed tendency to greatly prefer black men in casual sex encounters are unsupported (and why does it seem like you think white women universally engage in casual sex?). Your attachment to this fetish being based in reality despite being displeased with it, and seeming unwillingness to consider the possibility that it may not be, is confusing.
Hot damn
have this shit on loop
came like a firehose on rimming and pissing part

anyone has the source on the girl who gets spat on at the start and smiles?
Anybody know the one that is a ballbusting/cockhero type that was sidescrolling instead of having transitioning scenes? It was made up of girls doing tiktok dances interlaced with girls having sex with black men. The full video was around 20 minutes long.

I swear someone posted it within the past couple months with a link to the full thing, but I can't find it in the archives.
Never mind. I found it myself https://www.eporner.com/video-XvxEdLNmsho/blacked-chill/
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I was going to give you the Hispanic demographic but since you wanted purity I unchecked the box. It actually makes it worse for white people since you are losing roughly 200 thousand pure white births every 7 years. Let's take the growing bmwf births out of it and keep it consistent which again removing the Hispanic origins would make it roughly 70 thousand births a year. Combine it with the average of black births which look to be 430 thousand a year, it would only take about 35 years starting from 2023 for white people to drop below the combined 500 thousand births a year with another 14 to 21 years before pure white babies are no longer born. Again I am giving you the benefit of the doubt by not including the growing interracial birth rate so it would be quicker if the trend stays. The only cope you can ever cling onto is hope white people start raising those numbers but judging by the last year's and this year's data it's not happening.
why does every woman in this look like bug eyed.

Everything else is hot but it looks like all of their faces are using the same filter?
It's Charli's new album
This fetish is so incredibly cringy. You are literally using a clip that proves that women aren't that much into BBC at all, and that it is only white males with an inferiority complex who are into this fetish. The woman in this video is literally telling this, and like>>27517501 mentioned, she actually says the stereotype that black men are better is NOT true in the original video...
No you're just a complete fucking retard black boy.

White women "breed with black boys more than any other race except whites"
Because according to all available data the white women that will even date black boys are significantly fatter, poorer, and lower IQ on average compared to the rest of the race. And due to that fact, the ones that do end up dating black boys don't use contraceptives, which is directly what leads to higher birth rates, a 99% single mother rate, and the highest divorce rates of any pairing.

In actuality, white women are 10X MORE LIKELY TO DATE A LATINO MAN THAN BLACK BOY.

Which completely destroys your retarded argument.
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Short is code for white
need a version with sound
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hilarious you bring this up because these stacks show that black women breed with white men at a 8w:100b ratio, and white women breed with black men at a 3w:100b ratio.

So black women are breeding with white guys at nearly 3x the rate that white women breed with black men lmao.
wtf, this fetish is for low self esteem folks, imagine
the time to put those two unrelated videos together.
Anyone have the hilarious video of the deranged guy masturbating while saying "niggers won"?
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>It's another humiliation thing for white guys
Yeah, definitely sounds like she doesn't believe it at all. You have to not be autistic to understand. Someone upload the unedited version.
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so it's all about hot messy BBC sex?
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>Still ITT: white incels going irate trying to convince you that white girls don't like black guys
I don't get it though, if it's true then why are you here? If it's true why are you all getting so upset?

So the situation is we have a group of normal, sexually active white males in the comment section on a crusade to educate other virgins on the internet that white women don't like black guys? Seems legit.
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https://www.tiktok. com/@offbeatme/video/7152262322239671557

>It's a humiliation thing for white guys
>They think black guys are better than them
>Do you think it's true?
>Both look at each other with a big grin
>Start laughing
Kids in here really thinking they're laughing because the guys who fap to this fetish are actually superior. They really think these girls are like fuck, I really want that guy with the bbcaddict on my tiktok to fuck my brains out.

So fucking delusional lmao
Wait.. you're telling me women like physically fit and dominant men? Fuck I'm confused, because the incels tell me that hot girls only want money. Another standard issue 4chan cope.

Captcha: TANN4
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So you accept that white females are willing to breed outside their race when the stats show white on white is on a decline then.


Are you fucking retarded? You really trying to bring ratios when it clearly shows bmwf breed over twice as much as bfwm and has been for the past 9 years? Are you really that desperate?
they start laughing and what you took from this?
I feel like a autistic I don't bother t o watch the whole shit.

but they laughed because those are some white guys that do that, they sure don't generalize all black guys too so the laugh I took as not a yes.
this shit is not even real thats why don't jhave audio.
smart people are more likely to chose not to have kids. they know kids are a pain are costly and not as great as they are cracked up to be. mean while poor people with low iqs pump out kids like crazy.

its actually a topic that society encourages this behavior.

so yes black new world order, retarded people world order.

people cant even pass grade school any more, good parenting is dying.

the world is becoming black
Posted on /b/

Id say they see black guys are superior in gener. I don't see the point in discussing whether one guy who faps to a submissive fetish and the primary trait of the fetish is being sexually inferior to another needs to be discussed as who's superior. That's why she brings it up (with a white host) and they both smile at the same time.. because they're thinking the same thing and they laugh.

(Yes, I literally had to just break down a human interaction for someone)
I will check that on b if is real

but you are talking about two pornstars, and
this genre of porn is popular and is more pushed
than others, where there is demand there is money thats why this dude even asked, why
would someone asks this, this dude came in
bad faith and received back by two pornstars
Couldn't find it
tbf whose to say this shit isnt pushed for some generic jew or liberal agenda. they already keep trying to push shit that fails in other media.
Also iv tryed searching for all this QoS and BNWO shit. hardly any one is making content for it and QoS shit has been around forever. theres like probably a like a hundred BNWO videos in existence and a bunch of shitty BNWO captions. maybe a couple hundred QoS videos even though that shits existed for well over 20 years. honestly im more worried about a Korean new world order from all the kpop girls
Plus now thinking even more about it we are talking about pornstars, which is really low percentage of the population are, they are so
little and have shame outing themselves to
the general public, and this percetage becomes
even lower if you think that some girls are totally
not down to fuck black guys on camera.
I did not "want purity"; the post you have responded to has been my first in this thread, this being my second. But, if I am understanding you correctly, you did not "give" whites the hispanic demographic out of magnanimity for your debate oppenent when you made your data request. Rather, you grouped them with whites either by accident or to prove your point that "white women breed with blacks more than any other race than their own", which you claimed here>>27539759, and which is untrue when hispanics are considered a different race, as the poster you replied to with the data clearly views them to be.

The data you present in this post is only roughly compatible with the first assertion you accompany them with: That white people are "losing roughly 200,000 pure white births" in these 7 years. Everything else is at least moderately inaccurate or conjecture-based. The average decline in "pure white births" per year as per the data you've just presented is 31,369, less than half of the "roughly 70,000 births per year" you estimated if I am understanding you correctly (which is also contradicted in the previous sentence, where you estimated a decline of 200,000 births per 7 years; a more accurate estimate, so perhaps this is not what you mean). If you instead meant this 70,000 to represent the average number of bmwf births per year excluding those of hispanic origin, this would also be wrong; that figure is 55,128.
The 430,000 statistic I'm assuming you got by combining black only births and bmwf births, as without doing so, the average black births per year observed in the data (including those of hispanic origin) is 363,867. I don't understand why you then appear to have combined these (already including bmwf) 430,000 black births per year with a second (incorrect) instance of 70,000 bmwf births per year to make 500,000. This looks like a mistake.
Similarly, your math on the point at which white-only births will dip below 500,000 also seems incorrect. Even assuming the number by which these decline each year stays the same, it would take about 30.5 years rather than 35. This assumption, by the way, is incorrect, as the raw decline is a function of the birth rate; the births per year would not suddenly go from 31,369 birth per year to 0 in one year at some point in the future. Instead, if the group's birth rate remains the same, the raw births per year statistic would decline by a fraction approximating the rate at which it declines (31,369 births per year) relative to total births among the group now (1,459,166 in 2022). In this case, white-only births declining by ~31,369 from 1,459,166 in 2022 to a hypothetical 1,427,797 in 2023 represents a ~2.15% reduction in births per year. This means that it would take about 50 years (1,459,166 x .9785^50) for white-only births to dip below 500,000, assuming that the birth rate stays the same, with them virtually never "no longer born", rather than "14 to 21 years" after that.

This assumption that the birth rate will stay the same or continue to go down with no end in sight rather than eventually reverse is, furthermore, also incorrect, as people who are predisposed to have many kids regardless of circumstance will increase the prevalence of their genes in the gene pool to such a level that the birth rates will at some point start to go back up (this will happen among all ethnic groups; all of whom presently have below replacement-level fertility in the US, including blacks by the way, aside from pacific islanders). Whether this is fine or not is up for debate, as these people very typically have lower IQs and, of course, whites will be a smaller share of the population by the time this happens.
But this will happen. Whites are not simply going to "go away", as you seem to believe.
Whoops. Accidentally quoted myself. "Go away" without quotes, since you didn't explicitly say that. If you're still here, may I ask: Why are you attached to this being true?

You make a lot of assumptions and dress up the statistics but I will pull the curtain completely back and show exactly how I got these numbers. You see I didn't just do bmwf you assumed that but I did bmxf. I calculated every instance of black male with whatever female to get to that 400 thousand number which I will add is actually more than 400 but I wanted to be conservative. You speak of conjecture and yet you do it yourself. You claim as those numbers get smaller the whites will keep their genetics within themselves as sort of a stronghold which unfortunately doesn't work that way. It's like saying all black people are from Africa. You would have to do a DNA test on every single person to find who exactly is true "black" but we don't do that do we? We look at their color and assume they are black. Whites don't get that opportunity because as soon as they mix and get that extra shade or brown you instantly know they aren't a white person. As pure white births get lower and lower you will find most will settle for lighter skin blacks which still black their genes. Will there be one or two who slip through the cracks of course that is statistically possible but again you would have to DNA test each white person but by then it will already he too late. And that would end the white race indefinitely
women acting like sluts in heat is just hot, it doesn't get any deeper than that and everyone fighting in this thread about it are retarded for seeing it any other way.
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it's Valentina Nappi anyway, I can tell you that

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