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The best kind of pigger
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Loser had to remake this thread lmao.
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Typical Russians no respect for human life, disrespecting the fallen and their families, while they hide their own graveyards from the public communist style.
>meanwhile ziggers have one of the highest rates of suicide on the planet
lmao, even you don't like yourselves
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What's that got to do with me?
>they're hiding the graveyards goy
yeah sure buddy, Ukraine is the first army to somehow kill 300% of a brigade, and then fail to take the land they were defending, on top of only showing off random singular men being droned, despite the fact that they'd have some footage of droves of dead men in fields. that they'd have time to film themselves if they were patrolling territory they defended.
What's a pigger?
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I think you know.
A pigger is a Russian propaganda outlet pretending to be a hip teen.
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a prairie nigger?
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Stop trying to make new "-igger" words. The one we got is good enough.
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I don't know. Could you call Okrainian grass fields prairies?
Nah, there's plenty more dead piggers to come.
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So what got blown up in Russia today?
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Don't know, don't care.
>russians show grieving poeple
>ukies show violent gore
never have i seen people making themselfs so blatant into the monster. even israelis are not that unhinged
> Shillnigger pretending ruzkey telegram where ordinary ruzkeys cheer to rocket strikes on a literal children hospital don't exist
The gore footage of dead ziggers exists in such quantity because their commanders view them as less than livestock
You reap what you sow pigger.
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What I'm having hard time to understand is the term "pigger".

Zigger makes a lot of sense. The slav niggers plaster Z over everything they can. They are also on a mission to "cleanse the nazis of ukraine". Hence they are the Z-niggers.

Pigger is just lazy. The equivalent of a 4th grader comeback.
> well.. you're a pigger
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What's pathetic is your attempt to convince people to not use a widely accepted term.
Russkies cunts are just a white niggers.
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t. totally not butthurt pigger
No no keep using it.
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Nobody cares about Ukrainian supporters and soon Zelenskyi will be hanging by his balls from the ceiling of an abandoned warehouse somehwere. We know the truth and more power to Russia, you warmongerer.
you are delusional, seek help
2 more weeks?
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keep winning
Piggers once again being unintentional masters of irony.
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This is fucking dumb. Who is this for? Why even bother? Your commander is an idiot. You know it, I know it. I hope you believe in whatever this is. But I assume this is some sort of professional operation. But is it? Oh I'm so confused by all the psyops. So dumb. Like it makes any sort of difference at all. Everybody be losing their shit over shit that doesn't affect them in the slightest. I don't care who you are. Whatever message you are trying to communicate with this is fucking dumb. Please, continue to shout into the wind. Please, keep talking to the other dumb people. All of this dumb shit will have an effect, keep going. You will be forgotten ten minutes after you die. Nothing is worth doing, how could you be remembered? You haven't done anything. You don't even have the chance to be remembered. You don't even have the opportunity to be in a region where anything happens that anyone cares about at all. At least that dumb kid who shot at Trumpo will be remembered, by some people, what was his name again? Right. So what chance have you got? It's a shame.
What they are dying for?
McDonald's and Coca-Cola.
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>critic of Zelenskyy executed by a drone for a propaganda video
Two birds with one stone. Gets rid of a dissident, and also creates propaganda you can claim as "proof" of "winning". Never any explanation on why these people never have any gun and are already laying on the ground from the start though.
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There's no need for conspiracy theories. There's a myriad of reasons why someone could be without a weapon.
yea I dont like the Ukie side very much due to Zelensky being a dirty US puppet/rat. But... this is about as distasteful as the Ukrainian side shitting on Russians being blown up is.

Pretty sad
Taste is relative.
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Imagine if you will, being a creature so low as to
>Claim to have the second most powerful military in the world
>Plan to annex the poorest county in Europe in 3 days
>Honestly believe they will welcome you with open arms
>2.5 years and half a million casualties later, the empirically hated country in the world reveals its military to be a paper tiger
>Has to prostitute itself to China and Iran for arms
>Other great feats include mobik meat cubes, toilet seat stealing, hospital bombing, cope cages, wecantaffordtogiveyoutampons.mp3
>Encouraging own soldiers to commit suicide so they don't have to pay widow pensions
>Pays dribbling fetal alcohol syndrome types to gloat at better mens funerals on anime image boards online
Just a nation of absolute jizz stains really
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>yea I dont like the Ukie side very much due to Zelensky being a dirty US puppet/rat. But... this is about as distasteful as the Ukrainian side shitting on Russians being blown up is.
Demoralizing Ukrainians and getting them to either surrender (or even better turn against Zelensky) is doing them a favor. They need to realize their lives are more important than fighting a lost cause for corrupt politicians.
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Personally I prefer the mass suicide tactic they have chosen.
I like how the same person has been making these threads for months and months, just talking to himself, it's always so obvious because he talks like a schizoid and responds to every single post that isnt made by himself.
Another day, another warcrime from Ukraine.
And then some people ask why Russians rather suicide.
>everyone I disagree with is the same person
a hohol
the steppe on the borderland counts as a praire although it's weird to use when referring to geology outside of USA.
Wait until you find out what ukrainians are!
To become something greater, a prostitute, construction laborer tasked with hauling bags of cement or a toilet cleaner in the unfathomably high tech, futuristic cyberpunk UTOPIA of [spoiler]Breslau, Poland[/spoiler]
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There is 50 of us and you can't prove otherwise since someone saw fit to remove the IP counter :)
Piggers will espouse love for fellow piggers and Okraina, but they don't really give a shit about either. Because by shooting a potential POW, not only are they leaving one of their own in Russian captivity (since Russians only trade 1 for 1), but by releasing it to the public, they made it less likely for the next Russian trench clearing team to take prisoners.
>although it's weird to use when referring to geology outside of USA.

Yeah, looking at the definition, many places could fit, but I've never heard anyone use it outside of the US context.
> Russkies
Is this transliteration supposed to be an insult?
Also would be better to say "rossiyanin", since Ukrainians are russkies too
So is this pro Russia or anti Russia? The civilized world doesn't give a shit about some eastern yuropoor mudhole

Is zigger a slur for Russian or something?
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You shouldn't ask questions you know the answer to. It's not polite.
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>Ukranians bring even the dead home
>Russians abandon their living to die alone in a ditch
They suuuuuure do.
>our land
Your land was sold to BlackRock. It is for them that you fight and die.
t. sending others to die in his stead
Doing much defending there buddy? Your fingers tired from all the typing?
>haha look at these people mourn their dead!
And then Russian shills wonder why they're such a hated minority
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>he says in the very thread a pigger proudly posted a warcrime

You get the level of discourse you deserve pigger.
Title made me think this was going to be about cop funerals, which would be based

Most dead ukies are conscripts, they didn't have any choice
This is pretty distasteful, it's on the level of shills spamming gore

They are already demoralized. No matter the outcome, their country is deeply fucked for the foreseeable future. It's the US that needs to call it off
He didn't make the thread and no one cares about invaders, either way I've only ever seen videos of Russians decapitating and gunning down pows every other week
>This is pretty distasteful, it's on the level of shills spamming gore

Hey, I just like to masturbate to dead hohols, okay? Don't kink-shame me bro.
what a beautiful ceremony, such a beautiful place to spend eternity. Definitely worth dying to keep the manlet kikes bank account over 300 million. While the dead rot in pigger dust Zelinsky bought his mom and dad a home in isreal for 8 million dollars while his wife spent 1.8 million at harrods department store in 2 hours. Then when Zelinsky gives up the territory once Trump stops the bleed of cash it will all be for nothing. Why do we pay 90% of the bill for a war 5k miles away that effects us in no way? While the EU gives a pittance, all those wealthy NATO countries and none off them seem to be to nervous about russia or they would be doing a whole lot more than the next to nothing they are doing right now. What a fucking joke the whole thing is, the EU knows that it's a losing battle. They also know the Ukraine is a corrupt shithole. It's a simple question, I could care less about either country. Putin however isnt spending almost a trillion of our tax money so the jews can steal it. Our hardware is turning up in Sierra Leone, the Ukraine forces are to dumb to use the high tech stuff so they sell it to whomever has the cash. Putin isnt shoving the shit eaters faggot pedo agenda on us either. That's what they tell us we are paying for, so ass fucking and child body mutilation can be all over the world. 35k Ukrainians dead every month so fags can rape kids and eat shit as heros.
They saved $95 not using the casket for their own man who is still alive. He must have spoke out against pedophilia and was buried alive for such a horrible crime.
that is one nice cardboard tube with his picture on it, not to mention the beautiful landscaping. A wooden coffin buried in 4 feet of sand with a cardboard marker say we appreciate your death. Zelinsky sure knows how to create a classy memorial, fuck those granite headstones. A toilet paper tube with his picture on it will last for generations. The half inch thick fiber board coffin will resist the moisture for weeks to come and the sand is the perfect way to keep out water. To think Zelinskys personal net worth went from 500k 2 years ago to 290 million today just shows how much he cares for his men through personal sacrifice. I'm awestruck by the sheer majesty of those graves, it's like a slice of jewish heaven.
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>no one cares about invaders
See? You get the level of discourse you deserve.
Why are you all so glad to kill and be killed for a handful of oligarch vampires sucking your people dry? Do you think any of this will improve your lives?
What are you on about?
I have my doubts about you being an American. And it's not even the spelling mistakes, it's because you used 'whomever'.
Seems pretty obvious. Russia is an oligarchy, meaning a handful of rich elites take all your wealth for themselves, while you barely have a future. Now you enthusiastically go to war for them.. why? What's your profit? A bunch of you will die in this war, so will a bunch of Ukrainians, what's the point?
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Who here do you think is at war right now?
It's a proxy war between NATO/Ukraine and Russia, why?
I mean literally who here on this board. I'm not Russian. The tranny spamming the pigger shit probably isn't a pigger either. That pigger up there ranting against Russians isn't on the front either (but he's happy to sacrifice other fellow piggers to fight for him).
Your question therefore falls on deaf ears from the start.
So you're claiming it's just a bunch of American right wingers trying to meme the war away?
No, I'm saying none of the people here are qualified to answer your question.
Then what's even the point of this thread?
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To laugh at piggers? Masturbate to their families crying? Everyone can find their own point.
Okay, why does that make you happy?
Because I hate piggers. Hate their bullshit lies, hate their bullshit spam, hate their bullshit attitude.
Why are you so invested? Do you not hate Russians equally?
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Of course not. From being fairly neutral at the start, the piggers turned me into a rabid Russia supporter.
How come?
I told you, their bullshit.
Ever since the start of this war, we've been drowning in pigger shit. Not just on 4chan, but society as a whole. How many bullshit stories did we get right off the bat? Snake island heroes, the Russian saboteurs that stole a Strela and drove around Kiev, The Ghost of Kiev, the Chernobyl radioactive dust, and so on and so forth. And you couldn't point out how stupid or untrue they were without a thousand redditors descending upon you with more bullshit. And the entire Western media apparatus supported it. So in effect, piggers directly contributed to a dumber and less free society. And that is why I fully support their extermination.
>eastern europeans use pig, hog, etc as strong insults
>western europeans and americans don't
>anonymous user of 4chan makes a thread with an unusually large number of niche webms that would be insulting to one particular country
Fair enough, but isn't there just as much bullshit coming from Russian media? It's just two sides of a war propagandizing as I see it.
Sure Russia puts out bullshit as well. But you're allowed to discount it at will, while you have to accept pigger bullshit as dogmatic. And what Russian media? It's banned in the EU. That is the issue. No freedom of discussion, no dissenting opinion, nothing. As evident here where we can't have war threads anymore.
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>disingenuous pigger is disingenuous

Color me surprised!
Seems like you're angry at the EU more than Ukraine, but whatever.
>responds to objections
There it is! (he'll respond again too, watch)
Damn, a psychic pigger! What are the lottery numbers?
Why not both?
I guess. So are you EU then?
Called it!

Now watch this:
This anon is a russian disinformation agent. He is trying to encourage dissent against Ukraine because russia is in a war with Ukraine. This entire thread is propaganda

Now, russian anon. Please DO respond to me if you are a retarded, faggot tranny who sucks pig dick. Please DON'T respond to me if you are a decent person and aren't a retarded, faggot tranny who sucks pig dick. Again: if you respond to me you are confirming these things

I just think this stupidxwar should end, there is no reason to die for Maidan and NATO.
>You get the level of discourse you deserve
Spam that just makes Russian supporters look subhuman and removes any sympathy one might have for murdering rapists invading another country (already near zero)?
Ukroholes and their nafotroon bottoms have been raping this board with nonstop mosr disgusting gore of lone unarmed poor shmucks
Shut the fuck up pearl-clutching faggot

I LOLed irl that someone would make a thread like this on gif kek
Something tells me it doesn't make a difference to anyone.
Zigger is clearly forced and gay like latinx or something but pigger is pretty good because it combines pig with nigger which works on its own.
nigger thread
Oh wow, that reverse psychology thing totally works!
Thanks for proving yet again this actually is the level of discourse you deserve.
Is it, I think outside of the local politics not really, it conflates with the real definition which is obviously someone who works with pigs either farming or as a hunter, but since we're using English and a forum that is pre-dominately used by Americans the actual popular term pigger is more likely to be seen at first glance as the term for a black police officer.

Upon Googling I also found references to it being a dating term in American college culture from back in the day. You should workshop that because I spent more time trying to figure out what the fuck we're actually talking about and less even engaging in whatever emotional/political point you're trying to make here. Portmanteau of any word under the sun + nigger to try to make a point is the 4chan go to for many years, but this version just sucks.
Cool, continue contributing to your well deserved reputation, just don't blame imaginary glowies or "piggers" for it
It's pretty clear in this context who they are. Though I agree that outside the Ukraine-Russia thing, people probably wouldn't know.
Lol. Who am I and what reputation do I have? Furthermore, why should I care?
katsap seethe thread lol
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>zigger makes himself feel better by watching hours of funeral footage
grim and sad
The irony.
Barely 10% of Europeans believe the Ukraine can still defeat Russia, finds poll


All these dead Ukrainians and Russians could have been avoided, it's going to fucking hurt when the little jew concedes those territories to a Russian the faggot Putin. All those dead scumbags buried in sand with a cardboard tube as a lasting memorial, so worth it. At least the jews that move in the dead holohos houses will be fucking their holohinas too. Putin at least used the scum of Russian prisons and drunk tanks to wage this farce. Why can't you beat those degenerate idiot orcs with all our cash and hardware? C'mon guys the Russians are using 70 year old equipment and the dregs of humanity to wear you guys down. Zelinsky loves dead goyim so he isnt stopping, until the last non jewish Ukrainian.
If I had dollar for every time a russian faggot posing as a western guy tries to demoralize the West, I would be a fucking billionaire.
Why would you support a country where the possession of child pornography is legal? Why are you so gay and retarded, other than being a russian animal?
Why aren't they spending any money on a better funeral service for these guys? We have pissed hundreds of billions of dollars into that shithole so their politicians can embezzle hundreds of millions. There still should be enough left to buy more than a $125 burial package. Those caskets when buried in the sand with no liner should last for weeks to come. They didn't even use a stone marker for the poor guys. Mr. Zelinsky please allow the worthless goyim a stone marker, they went to the meat grinder to make room for your chosen people.

They need to check these guys to make sure they haven't had their organs stolen.




>Ex-Ukrainian deputy minister a Suspect in Human Organ Harvesting scheme

>Why would you support a country where the possession of child pornography is legal?
Source? Or is this just another case of pigger honesty?
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>All these dead Ukrainians and Russians could have been avoided

That would require Okrainians to have some semblance of intellect.
It's literally russian law, retard. Only the production of CP is illegal, possession is perfectly legal.

Why are you a pedo? Why are a you a russian wigger faggot?
Now post the Zigger funerals
Oh wait, you can't. Orcs get put in the gulag for any "misinformation" such as pretending any Russian soldier has ever been killed. Orc wives even get gulag'ed for wearing a yellow jacket against a blue sky!

No wonder Zigger suicide rates are so high! Even North Korean slaves have more freedom.
>the dregs of humanity
That's Russians in general.
Aren't the Azov guys pro-white? Sorry if retarded but aren't they kinda based? Why does it seem like the same people posting natsoc threads hate them? Did the msm lie about them being "nazis" or what?
Could be avoided if Putler doesnt invade like a retard.
I hope both countries and their people are wiped off the face of the planet.
How about you tell us the article of the criminal code that deals with it.
I'm assuming these funerals are for the ones they actually find right? I imagine alot of the ones killed by fabs or artillery don't even get found.
At least you'll get half your wish.
Not to mention the ones they leave behind.
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I dont know but I always thought that piggers was something to do with "letting the corpses be eaten by pigs"

Dunno why, I thought It was Ukrainan propaganda, letting known that russian corpses would be used as fertilizer and pig feed.
The thing that Neo-Nazis hate more than Kikes and Niggers, are other Neo-Nazis, see the sheer levels of infighting among groups like Spic Faguentes, Atomwaffen, Goyim.tv, a shitton of irrelevant and splintering Skinhead groups, the various competing factions within Azov, Wagner, and Rusich, and the massive amount of mudslimes, pajeets, spics, and chinks who have infiltrated the entire NS "movement", hence why you now get NS threads that praise White men being murdered, and that Muslims are actually keyed o algo, aryan vegana saar pls.
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The more you know...
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i think some retards thrive on negative attention and this site is ALWAYS contrarian, no matter what.
plus the seething ruskies, chinks, pajeets and assorted shitworlders
AND mental illness theres also a lot of that in this site too.
no dog in this fight just wanted to tell you ever since i saw these threads that "pigger" is like something a five year old came up with, you replaced the "n" with a "p" thereby taking out any part of the word that was offensive to anyone, leaving it offensive to no one, and now everyone just wonders what the fuck you are talking about as you write "pigger" on the wall in half-eaten crayon
Generalizing anybody is immature. Fuck this whole thread. “All of one country acts this way” is an inherently stupid way to think. Im not even left or liberal, just grown the fuck up and exposed to the world. Ive known several amazing people from each of these countries, rich with history and culture, and that’s more than I can say for the 17yo Americans in this thread. Enjoy diabetes and being outspoken while looking like a fucking clown to anyone with eyes i guess.
What? Anyone who has more than a facebook-level interest in this conflict knows why Ukrainians are designated as pigs. It's not even meant to be offensive, it's meant to be a descriptor of who they are.
Hohols and /k trannies getting absolutely ass raped with reality ITT
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Bump. Only thing is that the nafotranny seethe from here will fuel 10 more cope threads
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Have a fresh one, OP
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>Aren't the Azov guys pro-white?
No. They're pro-Jewish. Which is why 99.9% of world Jewry supports them. They were also funded/organized by Jews and fight for a Jewish president and a government which is by their own count half Jewish, all for the benefit of the Jewnited States and at the expense of the Ukrainian people.
>somehow kill 300% of a brigade, and then fail to take the land they were defending
how is that three day special military operation going you fucking losers lol
Seems to be going fine judging by the butthurt it creates.
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It is so much better with sound.
>Zigger is forced
Ziggers struggle with low IQ like niggers, they'll never understand you.
What's to understand? That some butthurter wants us not to use a term because he finds it offensive? Then don't be a pigger.
It's funny because a well known piggerina nazi got shot recently, probably by other nazis that didn't like her very much.
This isn't /pol/, white obsession is a maymay anyway. The loudest ones claiming whiteness are usually the ones who'd be considered subhuman back in the day. Pigger nazis are the most ironic thing that could exist in this world, but it's not surprising, since their entire existence is ironic.
It's funny how piggers pretend this kind of footage doesn't exist on both sides.
Death to Ukraine. I hope Russia wins this war soon. I'm sick of it.

Cмepть Укpaинe Cмepть Укpaинe Cмepть Укpaинe Cмepть Укpaинe Cмepть Укpaинe Cмepть Укpaинe Cмepть Укpaинe Cмepть Укpaинe Cмepть Укpaинe
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Not really, it kinda writes itself so it comes naturally. Demonstrably so.
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Why is Zelenski suddenly signalling a willingness to negotiate? I thought Ukraine was winning.
No source from retarded russian troll sorry
How come the tranny isn't spamming this thread? Suicided when Biden dropped out?
As a white male, its crazy to me that russians and ukranians are fighting when there are perfectly good chinese to occupy. I feel like bravehart sometimes, if we would only just unite! White people could conquer the earth.
Slavs fight amongst themselves all the time, it's nothing new.
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Trannies acting like they are doing something in the world by spamming slav on slav crime is hilarious.
Killing piggers is not a crime.
>How come the tranny isn't spamming this thread? Suicided when Biden dropped out?
Don't take it for granted. Remember we thought he left before but then he came back to shit things up. He could come back again.
He's pprobably busy trolling /pol/ with Kamala shilling after the Trump assasination attempt secured his presidency.
It's for the common good.
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Russians and not d a j o o o s
hmmmm... what a coincidence isis would attack russia before Israel what a coincidence indeed
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a little disappointed in the thread i read pigger and didn't immediately see a dead cop
>Verification not required
I searched the page and not one of them even said perogi nigger

Pigger is established

Eastern European hate is hilarious because they're so fucking similar

It's like hearing English people complain about "northerners"

Their entire country can fit in half my province lmao
>“All of one country acts this way” is an inherently stupid way to think.
>Generalizes all Americans
>a little disappointed in the thread i read pigger and didn't immediately see a dead cop
How about a dead Commissar? They're a lot like cops.
Maybe it was intentional.

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