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You know the deal.
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You retards really shouldn't have put an N in your acronym. I will never not read it as Black Nigger White Oswald
Does anybody have the clip of the girl who stands up and a bunch of cum drips out of her pussy? >W<
The fuck?
what in the actual fuck does bnwo mean? black nigger, white orifice?
not enough rimming and pissing
Does anyone have the video of the italian woman ranting about immigrants and starts sucking bbc midway through the rant?
can we get some webms in here about relapsing
That'll do.

Can't wait for the autistic spergs from the incels.
The ones with pregnancy are the best
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Nice. Here I converted it for you.
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Holy fuck thar was hot, PLEASE tell me there is more like it
Who's the girl at 0:15 with BLACKED written on her lips?
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HerrscherDante / HerrscherOfLust
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Nobody engages with bot threads lol
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I went to school with a guy who dated that second girl, Jackie, before she became an OF sloot
The golfer or blonde riding?
I actually the second girl from OPs video
I've always subconsciously read it as "bitch nigga's wet orifice"
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Beatings and violence are fucking excessive. Big turn off!!
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Okay anons, long time newfag, and i gotta ask a few things
First, are any of you serious or is this just trolling and bait
Second, post nut whatever, how do you feel after, what do you do?
Third,whats appealing about it?
Holy fuck, sperg much?
Wow, nice bait, copypasta much? Also why did you reply to the entire thread?
You should have your throat slit and filled with acid for this gay ass first sentence
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God I love the ones with pregnancy in then. To see a white woman's belly grow with an invasive species whose hard coded to want to kill their own mother and replace with one of their own. To watch as it kicks and thumps from the inside squirming to crawl into the outside world and cause chaos. To watch in real time as a black embryo overwrites centries worth of white genetics with african features and shrinking the frontal lobe in exhange for a more basic aggressor mind. Did you know even after birth black babies instinctualy get in fights with non black babies? Not boxing matches mind you but like the cuckoo bird they push and shove white babies out of their vicinity so they can be the only ones to be fed. This is a survival technique on their behalf because black babies need more substance than whites since the black ones will grow bigger and carry on the more aggressive nature they had as infants. Soon it will grow into a black man who will be slaughtering whitebois and breeding white girls as their fathers before them disposing them when they are finished and moving onto the next one. It is a common misconception among white females blacks will treat them as queens of spades when really they don't care whether they live or die. They lack that component and focus more on their sexual gratification. You even see it in some of these pmvs where the black man is choking or smacking the white girl into submission. They don't care about comittement or their feelings. They just want that phat white ass but at the same time they don't want to go to jail do they hold back a bit. Notice how they are much more vicious against the males since they know they can get away with beating them down and borderline killing them. Provoke them enough and they will lose the inhibition of jail and just kill them anyway. Truly blacks are the most vicious of the races and it's only a matter of time before they come for us all.
I just like pmvs of women getting fucked well desu, I don’t care about the race thing at all
I don’t feel any kind of way after fapping, same as if it was a 3D pmv or whatever
I wish there was an easy way to filter the ones of people punching each other, no idea how people get off to that
You're mentally fucked but so are all of us here. There really is something so erotic about watching millenias' worth of genetics getting flushed away by a 65 IQ feral invader. All they know is to fuck like rabbits, kill white "men", and fill them up with their inferior DNA.

Nothing turns me on more. I often imagine a scenario where a white couple willingly invites a nigger into their home for some cuckold activity, but the nig loses control and starts beating the white "man" to death. And as the cracker lays there bloodied and barely conscious, the last thing he sees is a dark ape-like organism brutally raping his wife. His genetic material will never get passed down. He's gotten replaced
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It's not even being mentally fucked it's about what's happening right now. You are seeing how these savage beasts prowl around with some of our best women. Guys who for the most part should be in the ghetto or pushing drugs are in mountaintop condos and wearing watches they never could afford. But like you stated in your scenario, he will have little control he has and beats every whiteboi in the vicinity to death. Whether it turns the white girl on or not makes no difference as he will plow her and disregard all her protests and cum inside leaving her with yet another angry violent black man ready to start the cycle anew. This is the destruction of civilization in real time
you gotta kill yourself soon dude, that level of mental illness is schizo tier and it's eating away at your core. Fucking retarded faggot holy shit.
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reminds me of HP Lovecraft, degenerated races and their fallen civilizations. He was writing about 56% face before it was a thing.
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Not technically BNWO but does anybody have those webms of Scandinavian couples who opened their relationships to refugees? Makes me diamonds every time but I rarely see them posted.

Same goes for some of the original BNWO webms before "BNWO" was even a real trend. It all feels so catered to zoomer attention spans and TikTok trends nowadays rather than actual build-up.

Also the politicization of porn is fucking gay and if you're taking this seriously instead of just jerking off you should get your head checked.

Oh god this is the best shit. To see the invaders come in and make white girls swell with their hybrid spawn. To see the beautiful purity of white women devolve into obese grotesque disgusting sludge skinned women with no class or inhibitions. To watch civilization go up in flames while these monsters twerk and party at the demise of white people around the ashes. This is the shit that gets me hard and I thank you anon for posting these.
I read that bmwf couples have far easier time conceiving though they also have higher miscarriage rates
This fetish is so fucking boring lately. Barely anything new being made and the stuff that is is just disgusting tranny shit. They really do ruin everything don't they
Yeah a good vid with some pregnant scenes is ruined by trannies

It must be because while the cum from a bbc is more virile than a whitebois a white girls womb is not capable of carrying such a heavy child or give it the nutrients it needs to survive. It's why black females are larger and fatter, that helps ensure a safe delivery of a black child
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There is something tragic and beautiful to it. Seeing the last of something fade away, extinguished in pleasure.
Reminder that in any non self reported study Europeans have the biggest dicks. Whites are also preferred by almost all women in general. You will never be a woman or white
Stop necrobumping shitskin. No one likes this fetish but you
No. Those are all lies. White women overwhelmingly choose white men, because white men are more similar to them in terms of culture, physical appearance, genetics, and characteristics. It's only in rare cases that a white woman chooses someone outside of her race. It's the same for every race, people almost always choose a partner within their own race, it has always been this way and always will be, it's human nature.

These threads and the media in general, are aggressive propaganda designed to get more and more white women to date men of other races, in order to destroy the white race and replace it with a new group that's more "suitable" to be servants for the elite. But human nature will always be that people almost always want to be with someone of their own race. The government can go fuck themselves and burn in hell.
Well it's definitely true that white men's sperm has cratered in quantity and quality this last century due to environmental, lifestyle and diet factors.
Even compared to other races

It's watching the pure and innocent being corrupted and twisted. It'd thenend of human achievement and death of the human race as a whole.


It doesn't help having smaller dicks. Blacks have the right equipment to dump everything in a woman's womb. It's a miracle white people can procreate at all
do you have that statistic?
you faggots are so fucking bad at this lol
>It'd thenend of human achievement and death of the human race as a whole
if people of different skin tones humping makes you this deranged,you deserve to disappear.
Your taxes are going to a single white mother of 7 black children to raise them btw. You're funding your own replacement. And that's hot!
Little pale and pure white bunnies being thrown to big bad nigger wolves to be devoured. It really shouldn't be this hot and erotic but it is.
there a source on the fat chick on the right at the start of the video?
Please sauce

It isn't just about two different skin tones it's about one species creating everything you see around you and the other who couldn't put together a Lego set if you gave them instructions. To know the latter is dominating the other is marvelous to see
I'm literally obsessed with this video it's so many milea better than all the other cringe shit here it's insane
Bumping so I can goon to it later
>one species creating everything you see around
The problem is you're retarded and live in a bubble if you think that is somewhere close to the truth
you want it inside you don't you, blacks enter our borders and our bodies too, burn it all down for a painful leg shaking orgasm :3
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Maybe yours are but my taxes are going to Rome's greatest military to fuck up piggers and trannies in the Hrukraine. Z

Please tell me the list of all african accomplishments. I will wait.


Not into faggot shit. Fuck off
>Please tell me the list of all african accomplishments. I will wait.
They don't have any. That's the entire reason this fetish is so hot you fucking retard: It's hot watching 70 IQ niggers who are incapable of achieving anything breed white women and fill them up with their baby batter

How am I a fucking retard? I'm agreeing with you jerkass. You came after me saying I live in a bubble saying white people created western civilization
Jesus anyone got good links for this whore?
>Also the politicization of porn is fucking gay and if you're taking this seriously instead of just jerking off you should get your head checked.
Well tell the jews to stop making it political like Greg Lansky and Blacked.
First Pic is creepy but then it gets hot
I sold edits for a while, it's porn addicts who have deeply rooted racism that are making/commissioning these, nobody else. However, the racial bias and sense of shame these vids bring set people up to be recruited by right wingers.

Seriously, I never once came across jews, trannies, Russians or whoever else while within the community. But there's plenty of chuds waiting in the wing to swoop in and pounce on the harm these videos do to people.
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This what you were after?

black lady shoots black baby infront of his parents
these threads would be 2000% less cringe and bonerkilling if we could have them without the ridiculous larping
go to discord if you want to roleplay
>Who were the Nubians?
yup, thanks man
Source? Full vid?
There's another one line this too
Why do men stare at me? I always catch men who stare at me. They think I don't see but I see. I see more men who stare at me than women even though I've had much attention from women. Can anyone enlighten me? Like they stare at me full on, sometimes for minutes straight.
Happy to help.

I was told it was Virgo Peridot but I'm still not sure about that nor do I have the full video if it continues. Let us know if you manage to learn more.

if there is, post it when you find it bruv.
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Right the Nubians. The same nubians who got fleeced from the Egyptians for everything they have because the nubians had to idea how to trade or the worth of their natural resources. The same nubians who haven't been culturally relevant since
I'm currently searching, but I forgot her name, title was in Italian . If I recall, it was actually Vale Nappi who copied the original video
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Stay pussy free ytboi <3
Yeah I know exactly what you're looking for.
Are these hypno vids supposed to actually work XD
Nobody engages with bot threads
thanks for keeping everyone out of the thread faggot
There's nothing hot about that you dumb bitch! Do you want your grand-child to be a nigger or what?
yes, it's literally the best i've seen and seemingly unsauceable. such a mystery
That sounds like a buddy cop duo.
Who is the girl on middle?
Anyone have the tiktok of the white girl doing the tiny penis with her hand to a comment about not dating white guys? I think her @ was Kara something
Where can you find the extreme stuff these day?
don't bother the tits are fake, one of those wearable chest things you buy on amazon or whatever.
Where's white teens getting bred by refugees, where's the porn jews when you need em.
Most of those are arab/muslims on white rather than black on white, but they're significantly rarer. Type in "mnwo" on twitter search and you'll find some good content. Also check out @mnwofuture there
........ yes
None of us have any control over that and the likelihood increases with each passing year. So we may as well learn to appreciate it.
I remember it. She wasn't doing the tiny penis, she was doing the world' smallest violin gesture.
Her Twitter or onlyfans. I got everything to make that from simpcity
I'm sure Greg Lansky was praying for the Fourth Reich to rise this entire time
sauce on the chick who shows up at :23-:24 and :43
Yes that one! Anyone have it?
Not unsaucable.
He's only made three edits, and released a new one recently. This is definitely his best though, and definitely top ten if not the best of all time.
I think the new one's better. I just jerked off to it.
What's the third one?
They cute
What's a nubian?
You guys really need to get off the internet for a few months
why don't they add clips of girls getting beaten up instead that would be actually hot
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Who is she
The future of all Russian men.
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this one was hot
In your dreams, pigga. This is more like the present of all EU men
Blackate is russian, all masculine russian men are dying in muddy fields. Only frail old russian men and trannies like Blackate will be left.
There's 150 million people in russia (half of that are men so let's say 75 million) and damn near every one is masculine. The losses in the Russia Ukraine war are very small in comparison. And he literally lives in America (probably because he would have gotten beaten the shit out of for dressing like a girl in public in Russia) so how can you say he represents most men in Russia?
>this Russkie cope again
>Damn near all of them are Masculine! Do you hear me!?! Real tough guys! All of them!!!!
Lmao, and the worst he would have got is an afternoon of punitive love making ya bunch of homos
The ass rape stuff only happens in prisons. But hey that's literally what every prison in the world does, so you can't say it's exclusive to Russia. And it's undeniable Russia is a far more traditional and RW nation than America.
>The white race
you can't even stay consistent in your own sentence, not only did you write all of this with reddit spacing, but you also didn't capitalize W in White and refer to yourself in the first person, then in plural, then as a group again but instead of saying our you say "the" and disregard any association with Whites.
You're somehow more autistic than him. Well done.
>Russia is a far more traditional and RW nation than America

News flash, "traditional" and "RW" men are the biggest consumers of blacked porn. You have to believe in traditional masculinity and racial hierarchy to get off on that shit.

The very fact that black men show off them getting sex and even love shows how rare it is for them.

A woman will only date black man if he brings something extreme to the table (money, fame) or sometimes if she genuinely gets along with him. A lot of time also because she doesn't have any other option.

And if bbc was true then how come many women who have been with black men eventually dump them?

The truth is people say all kinds of shit and have all kinds of fetishes but when it comes to real life dating, they all want to be with someone who they have most commonality with (which usually is someone from their own race and culture).

And yes, there are some who fetishize race and cock-sizes but those are sex junkies who have numbed themselves to the point that this is the only way they can get off. Stop idolising them because their stories always end in a very very bad place.

In porn and social media you only see few minutes of somebody's reality that they willing put out. A lot of people who seem to have everything and look happy could be crumbling from within (We Smith comes to mind).

All these insecurities are being planted in you, just the way they were first planted in women. Don't fall for it.

Even if your race became the most desired, you still won't be happy because there will be millions of guys in your race whose options will be better than you.

And, even if you got an attractive woman yourself you'll not be happy because you would have fucked up your brain with all these fucked up ideas like "cucking them", "claiming these group of women", "breeding out that group", etc.

Don't reduce your existence to being a dildo and destroying your mental health thinking about weather women like this brand of dildo or another. There's much much much more to life than sex.

You're somebody's loving brother, somebody's uncle that they look up to, somebody's son who they love more than their life. Never forget that. (1/2)
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bnwo porn brings out the autism in everyone it seems

no wonder these threads are so entertaining
I hope you all find peace and prosperity.
Black men get plenty of sex. The top 10% that is. You think the average 5'9" overweight black guy with a 5.5 inch dick and a deadend job is pulling attractive white girls? Lol. The top 10% of black guys and pornstars are fucking white girls, putting videos of it online, and then the misguided failed men in these threads think it represents reality because they don't actually interact with black people in the real world. Then they pay some struggling OF girls to read racist shit into a camera, and then they make these compilations. All that to avoid taking responsibility for failing their own porn-warped standards for masculinity.
If you look at pornhub's top searched terms in russia there's nothing related to black. Also funnily enough blacked.com's most viewing country is India. So it is indeed true that only jeets post these threads.
nice on-topic pic related dumbass
except the tranny is russian, can't blame "her" though, russia is a shithole where doing such thing to just to get by is common business, even against their conservative very non-degenerate value
If this really was common and normal in Russia, why did he move to the USA?
This is beyond creepy and fucked up. You guys jerk off to this stuff?
Who is the girl in the beginning?
That kinda looks like Ella Purnell
I hate myself so much for liking this shit. I was a firm White nationalist/supremacist before getting into this and now I feel too ashamed to continue calling myself one. What's worse is that I'm not even 100% White anyways (but I do pass as White), so it's ironic that I'm getting humiliated from this even though the White women shown in these bnwo videos were never "mine" to begin with. I don't know, maybe that's why I was more susceptible towards falling for this shit in the first place. Should I unironically kill myself so I never pass on my shitskin/cuck genes?
I don't know man, I was pretty far deep (or still am technically). I read all of Mein Kampf, some of Jared Taylor's works, Oswald Mosley's, and even some of Yockey's Imperium. I listened to a lot of WLP's radio broadcasts he made too, and agreed with a lot of what he said. I always struggled with porn addiction though, and I never really succeeded with nofap. My best record was stopping for like 5 weeks, but I literally broke it by busting to some tranny shit. I know the logical thing to do is to stop watching porn constantly, but my life is so fucking boring and tiring, I have nothing to do or anyone I can support on. My brain literally prevents me from thinking clearly whenever I browse this stuff
>IR porn for me but not for thee, fellow aryan!
Hi hi, I need to be encouraged and/or taken deeper and convinced to start HRT, im worried it will be too late as im 23, discord is kaylauw
Hi, kill yourself
Yeah there's a frustrating lack of white girl beatdown content out there
If you follow her Twitter she fucking hates Russia too.
motherfuckers, go back there!
Sauce for redhead
why is the middle video black on black? if you need a source for black on white racebait here https://x.com/AnthonyCumia
Too tranny for my taste
Agreed, we need white women beat down.
Who's that blondie at 0:26??
I legit feel like it's been probably years since I've seen anything actually creative done with it (other than some Spaniard who only posted like a caption a month but had really clever ideas about hating BNWO but being aroused by it just because of that hate... and of course he hasn't posted shit in like half a year now)
Why does this shit always have to have literal violence
And hell, even if that is for some dumb shit reason a requirement, why can we never get negresses beating up white bitches? Rather than adding far more males than most of us want to see in an erotic video regardless of context
Used to be twitter until the world's most fragile snowflake bought it and redefined "TOS violation" to "thing I don't like"
I've seen that chick with the WLDM hoodie in so many videos and literally no one seems to know who she is (or where she got the hoodie for that matter)
brb gooning to this
This triggers the incel
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I like this one.
Someone should dox you and kill your family and smash their graves.
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Wtf is that first pic
I'm gooning coomer, I wanna fuck amy schumer.
Your a coon and I'm looser.
Please fuck my wife you smelly nigger.
And if she says stop, don't you dare.
I'll hide in the closet and be there.
I love to wack off to bbc...
My parents have never loved me...
It's not my small dick, it's a lifestyle.
Shalom to all my fellows rabbies.

Fwak u niggaaa shieeet
a question to white cucks
do you mean like literal cucks or just any white guy that likes this?
they are the same thing
it's hot
...when you hate yourself
hey instead of giving your women away to niggers how about giving them to mediterranean males, light skinned north africans, balkans, or any other white adjacent ones, but you'd rather give them to tyrone who just got his football contract right?
Okay then sure, I'll answer ya. I'm trans and have been exclusively fucking black guys for 6 years now and am currently a third for a bmwf married couple, I've posted my stuff in the BmWm thread that is up now. I've always gotten attention from black guys(fat ass) and I just decided to lean into. Since doing so the amount of sexual attention I've gotten has skyrocketed. It is night and fucking day. I've had guys rent out hotel rooms with Dom Pérignon, I've gotten allowances from guys on fetlife to buy lingerie. And not even just from black guys, white dudes will just offer to send me money for pictures I already post on my snapchat for free, one guy just sent me $30 to subscribe to BLACKED and all I had to do was say "Hey I think I'd like to get a Blacked subscription".
>be me, fat and gay. Show ass. Black guy will fuck anything dead or alive. Get validation, WOW OMG MY BUSSY TWITCHING IM SO HAPPY. Fast forward in 20 years, your ugly washed up, rope youself, end of story.
Lmao trannies
Brother I'm gonna live fast love hard and die young.
they're literal sissies and trannies
You're a cuck
>die young
the quicker the better. I'm right behind you faggot.
Nah, the only guys back there are black
WAIT so you were lying?????
>And not even just from black guys, white dudes will
Can't even keep a cohesive storyline... like I said, black guys will fuck anything dead or alive, stop fooling yourself that they care about how they are wiping the white race away with this garbage
You really need to work on your reading comprehension dude. I was making a joke about the only guys behind my ass are black because they are fucking me and the full sentence is
>And not even just from black guys, white dudes will just offer to send me money for pictures I already post on my snapchat for free, one guy just sent me $30 to subscribe to BLACKED and all I had to do was say "Hey I think I'd like to get a Blacked subscription".
I have not had sex with a guy that wasn't black for 6 years, haven't used my dicc since 2014
and everyone else in the thread

Do you fucking idiots understand that the genepool will be 50/50 and as "white" genes disappear, so will "black". Dumb fucks
and you haven't chopped it off either ? your not a real bbc sissy queen. Shame on you, you are not deserving of any of it.
nah mate, they're retarded. Only self hating morons get into this slop.
No, I love my little guy.
>Gets fucked in the ass, yea dude I love my dick
No, he's so lil and cute. And all the fun chastity related accessories
There are more blacks than whites so no. Also Africa is still majority black, Europe is changing demographics not all blacks ofc tho.

every time a "breeding" happens, its still 50/50 where did you go to school, africa?
Her voice is so cute :3
She will give birth to black babies and i'm gonna die a virgin
i love being pussyfree for life. black cum belongs in white pussies, white cum belongs in the toilet
yeah but black people have an entire backup continent. like 90% of interracial sex that happens in the world happens in white countries
I guess u got post nut clarity huh anon? Well I hope it goes well for you I relapsed after a few hours
Nigga thats a mulatto
Cringe beyond belief burn this shit with fire
U do u dude just stop acting cringe on the internet lol
I can only imagine the most disgusting fat, greasy, weirdo who would type this shit. I HEAVILY doubt the creature behind this post is attractive in anyway
Bart Simpson shirt
Who's the first chick who speaks right after the intro / girl at the very end?
I hope your "bulls" kill you, you pro white extinction morons.

That is only technically true but here's the thing, it won't matter in regards to that black portion. Blacks in the united states have been crossbred since the times of slavery buy since the black gene is so powerful just looking at them you would say he or she would be black. It's whybthere are different levels of pigmentation but to you and the public you just see black. Whites don't get that privilege their genes are more fragile any sort of changes to their distinct European features is immediately noticed and any changes in color would cause them to be rejected as white. So when these white women birth these hybrids it will always be seen as a light skinned black person never a dark skinned white person
how come nobody has made a BNWO/NATOwave edit? seems like a good idea considering NATO stands for democracy and equality among the races
Does he upload these anywhere or is he only on twitter?
>why isnt there bnwo/natowave
>nato stands for democracy and equality of the races
Nigga u just answered ur own question, bnwo isnt pro democracy or equality its about darwinian survival of the fittest and has nothing to do equalit and morality (like half the shit in bnwo is about rape, disposal, and violent blacks taking over white countries)
Mexicans are replacing blacks even in Chicago.
LOL thats the point, retarded whiteboi ;)
The masked woman that twerks literally looks like my mom. Imagining her like this when she's on her night shifts nearly make me heart stop.
Any one has link to full vovanova edit ?
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>I'm not Black
Oh we know. Kys you sperg ass troon.
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who is this girl and where can I find more content of her?

Itz me again playa, come kiss me on my hot mouth. Shieeeeeeet, you owe me 2 beers and 20 minutes, you niggerfaggots.

>Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang

Yeah I'm a sissy slut for that bbc.
I've never heard my mother say she loves me.
C'mon come fuck my ass you smelly nigger.
I'm filled with self-hatred and have no father figure. (Adlib: just like you!)

I'm just a lonely faggot who wants to troon out.
I'm sure I won't regret it, I have no doubt.
My thoughts always go back to suicidal idealization.
It's all the white man's fault that I need hormones and medication.

>Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang

Wassup I'm Tyrone and I fuck white boys.
They've all got STDs and hemorrhoids.
I'd fuck anything either dead or alive.
Filled with pus, dilated, what a nice surprise.

The smell is pretty foul but my skin smells worse.
Them niggas be wildin', I'm finna steal their purse.
We wuz kangz and shieet, I'm clearly da superior.
I've never done nuffin' wrong, I'm just a nigga with a rocket launcher.

>Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang, Gucci gang

Here's my fat trophy wife, she's hairy like a bear.
I'll just be in the closet, jerking it while I stare.
How could this happen, I'm such a massive failure.
The burden of these thoughts, I really can't take the pressure. (Adlib: you've done fucked up nigga wooOOOooaw!)

But in the end..

It's not my small dick, it's a lifestyle.
Shalom to all my fellow rabbies.
>Dumb fucks
>Doesn't understand basic genetics
""White"" genes are recessive you fucking idiot. And besides, even if they weren't, there's way more black/non white people on the planet than white people, so the cope of "we'll both disappear" is utter bullshit.
Based beyond belief, bless this art with holy water
Who is the ginger at 0.56??
1 in 4 mexicans self identify as african descent
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Girl on midle?
Good morning sir.
lmao even
Losers fetish
No one will ever make me goon on this
Stop playing into his humiliation kink then
Every Country in Africa is not Black. But all of the ones that are Black are complete shitholes.
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who is the girl getting spit on at the start?
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We need more white women masturbating to niggers and less trannies "plapping" their balls to niggers.
>You know the deal.
B-but I thought only troons and faggots like this... It's so over for us
Lmao. This.
It was over from the start
thmbnail spooky
Does anyone here have the Dr. Breene speech bbc edit? "Breencast - On Collaboration" one. "what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration"
Sauce for the vid shes watching?
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>Insert problem
>Reason is always the same
Disregard, just assumed you guys were butthurt virgins. I wholeheartedly agree with your posts. I apologize.
>Losers fetish
All whitebois are losers
Does anyone have a video of an azn porn star taking about how people said her bf would leave her but they're still together after years of dick?
Got any more? Account is protected.
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>For you know that you were not redeemed from your useless [spiritually unproductive] way of life inherited [by tradition] from your forefathers with perishable things like silver and gold, but [you were actually purchased] with precious blood, like that of a [sacrificial] lamb unblemished and spotless, the priceless blood of Christ. For He was foreordained (foreknown) before the foundation of the world, but has appeared [publicly] in these last times for your sake
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Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them,’ nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; ‘he will lead them to springs of living water.’ ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.’” - Revelation 7:16-17

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first time OC
compressed to shit, kms
Really good tho, love it
who's the first girl?
21 M/F French here!

Still rather new and might spam several boards bcz I really wanna find someone to feminize and break me mind and body :3

TheFrenchCutie on discord, anyone's welcomed!
who made this?
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Based schizo
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Just did this one this morning
Upload your stuff on catbox. This bitrate is horrible
Oy Vey, he doesn't know
Can you budget for a few more pixels next time
Any more like this? Or from the same user? It's the hottest one in the thread
here you go. 4mb isn't much.


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Who's she?
As a prince bejitabro I am so happy to see so many /dbs/ posters in this thread masturbating themselves to white extinction alongside me!!
This video is so fucking hot, I get an incredible urge to plap my locked little whiteboi clitty with my 9 inch BBC dildo every time I watch it...
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marissa eve
She's with a white guy now
And I can't find more porn
Anywhere I can find a longer and better quality version of this?
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so hot please make more including lowkeydeadinside
Kek incel faggot thinks cum is either warm or felt inside a pussy
Such a great edit
Hahahaha I loved it.
Make one without sound for other boards

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