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Moms making their sons cum fast
This one always gets me
holy fuck this is hot, but god damn I hate that he pulls out, what the fuck is that. just impregnate your slut mother ffs, she wants it
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That didn't seem fast
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So hot when a son is too excited to fuck his mom and she takes his premature load
Alright I've had enough of this shit. I've never cummed on/in my mother and/or impregnated her, but I can tell that this isn't real cum in/on/near a pussy. Firstly, the "cum" is WAY too watery and runny, while real cum is Aryan white. Second, you wouldn't just cum so suddenly with one or two thrusts into a vajay, even with something like butthole stimulation or fertility drugs to make you cum fast. You need to achieve the minimum number of strokes inside to mingle the cunt juices and hormones with the dick to cause male ejaculation. This is why the average length of sexual intercourse is at least 45 seconds, which is 90 strokes. I think most men average about two strokes a second, but I'm about 1.5 times less than that as my penis is quite long and girthy.
Second, you can literally tell by the low quality that magically starts occurring during this guy's climax that there's some sort of government AI interference. They want you focused on the "cum" and how sudden it is. They're trying to turn us all into sissy gooner weirdos who leak semen prematurely 24/7 to Facebook kids from the comfort of our bug pods. I can't think of anything more Jewish than this.
Bro I am literally just trying to nut to moms making their sons cum fast fuck off if you aren't gonna post another vid
analyst anon over here, kek
been in this (general) situation believe it or not, except i was so premature I didn't even get to the part where she gets naked on all fours and waits for me to enter.

Things were seriously picking up steam between me and my mom when I was a 16-17yo virgin. I tried going for it on 2 separate occasions and ended up cumming both times, I guess we weren't destined to be.

1st time: was getting ready for my sports practice and was in boxers half naked. Saw her waking up from a nap and pounced behind her. Hiked her dress up, groped her, and started spooning. Don't know if i lasted even 5 seconds and i ran out

2nd: we cuddled facing each other on her bed. Slowly worked my way from her hip to her ass, eventually burrowed my fingers under the pants and panties waistband. Scared shitless, waited for her reaction and nothing. Slowly made my way with a middle finger all the way to her asshole and started busting again at the worst possible moment.

we cold turkeyed it since then, I think she regretted it.
Do you regret it... not going for it I mean?
I mean... it wasn't really my intention to back down, I literally finished the job before it even started. But I did regret everything heavily from post nut clarity, though the "what if" haunts me to this day of course.
Fuck that's hot. I imagine her making him worship his mommy pussy for hours and hours until he finally gets to fuck it. And by that time it's just too much.
>I mean... it wasn't really my intention to back down, I literally finished the job before it even started
Yeah, I meant the stopping cold turkey bit.
I mean, she kinda stopped slacking around in her bedroom and setting herself up for me, literally couldn't catch her a single time since then, im not the type of autist to not see that and push a dead case. Of course, casual groping is still there to this day while hugging and what not
If you think there's a chance just ask her if you guys can do it again
I think we have a solid chance if circumstances push us a little, but there's no way we openly talk about it, we were extremely shy about the whole thing and never even acknowledged it. It was a grave silence besides our deep breaths while we did what we did
This is the most elaborate bait I've read in a while.
If you want a chance to redeem yourself you should definitely see if the circumstances align soon and give it another try

I'll be honest though you'll probably enter her, get a few strokes in, and then blow your load inside. Better than blowing it all before you can get it in though
>you'll probably enter her, get a few strokes in, and then blow your load inside
tell me something I don't know. Though, I doubt I'll even get a few strokes in, her tan lines will drive me insane.

The post nut clarity will kill me
Cuddle her afterwards and maybe the post nut clarity won't be so bad
Record yourself doing it anon
oh yeah, will definitely try, I just hope she lets me or at least doesn't get angry if she catches me recording.

that's not how post nut clarity works
Think you'll post it here if you get any videos?
depending on how much they reveal. edited snapshots mostly
>that's not how post nut clarity works
It is. The more you cuddle afterwards the more normal it feels.
I wonder why you blow your load so fast though, you need to work on that.
unfortunate combo of edging, virginity, and the fact that the woman I was about to fuck was my mother which made me so nervous and aroused I felt like I was gonna faint
Fucking his own mom is the ultimate taboo. Excitement probably makes it so that he can't last as long as usual

The thought of your own mom making you prematurely cum is pretty hot though
Have you not lost your virginity yet?
I was talking from the perspective of those past close calls, I have a little bit of experience under my belt now, though I feel like its barely gonna help
Some experience will probably help now. Although I definitely understand, its gotta be insanely difficult to not nut immediately inside your mom
Please anon we need this
Bumping to keep this thread alive
I'll definitely try but don't get your hopes up
needs more face and tits in each vid
Can any anon confirm/deny? I've been with 9 girls, ironically my current gf is the thiccest one by far (+100kg, 165cm) and her pussy fucks me up, there's something about it I don't know maybe it's the pressure from her thick thighs squeezing it all or more fat enveloping the dick I genuinely don't know the logistics, but she makes me cum twice as fast as my exes and the couple of one night stands I've had.
I actually feel bad half the time and go round two in a couple mins.
Someone please post another video or personal story I'm starving!
next time you post a thread name it general incest or momcest to get people to post in it
I'm not OP
They picked a pretty niche topic I agree but holy fuck it's hot
fat bitches sadly got the tightest pussies
Yeah, don't know where op got this fantasy from because he doesn't seem to have personal experience. Its hot as fuck because it's realistic, whoever tells you that they got blown by their mother, followed by a 10 minute session of various positions at the age of 16 is an obvious larper.

The only genuine stories on reddit i've read confirm this, they asked themselves how did others lose their virginities with their moms with a hot steamy sex while to this day they can't get the wheels turning properly.
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There's just something so hot about your own mother fucking you and not being able to hold your load with her
Ok doctor cock, we are here to jerk off and fuck off, we do not care
Links to any said genuine stories?
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kill yourself
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well, is that all? Surely you have more.
thank you jizzmaster
Can't find that specific comment about a dude not lasting long but this one's pretty grounded and, as someone who nearly had sex with my mother myself, it's relatable as fuck. I'd imagine most real incest experiences are similar to this.

reddit.c om/r/Incestconfessions/comments/14g87ey/real_incest_is_lot_more_weird/
wow that's a lot of words just to say "cgi cum"
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boi this thread better revive itself
Mom blew me growing up and I never lasted long, man.
>made me so nervous and aroused I felt like I was gonna faint
Yup. And I expected to feel that way with other girls and didn't, which was good I suppose.
>personal story
I'll post min in 5 min, brb

Sauce on this? Any more?
>Mom had me young, no Dad, both lived with grandma growing up
>have a core memory of her cleaning my penis in the tub at like 7
>always stuck with me so at 10 or 11 when I jack off and cum, I'm thinking of her
>Mom and I are very close, Momma's boy, we're all we really had
>Grandma dies at 13, now it's really just us
>it's about two weeks after, Saturday afternoon
>I'm showering and I'm like 13 so I'm obviously jacking it
>get out, toweling down and she barges in, didn't know I was in there
>she's staring at my dick, full diamonds, good 3 or 4 seconds
>she splits, tells me to get ready for dinner
>Sunday I'm about to get in the shower, naked in the bathroom
>barges in again, grabs me and starts stroking me with both hands
>asks me if this is OK
>I'm higher than a kite, dizzy, heads about to pop off and fly around the room
>I've thought about this a lot
>Mom is chubby, big tits, some rolls, always been pretty
>smiles at me as she's rubbing my cock
>legs shake. feels like 8 hours but I know it's been 2 minutes
>start breathing heavy, she speeds up
>cum all over her hands, the floor, gives me a "Ooo, yeah"
>washes her hands in the sink and tells me I can get in the shower now
>"No one can know about this or it'll never happen again."
>later that night I suck her tits for the first time (as an adult)
>jerks me off again, tasting my cum off her hands
>tells me "You're delicious baby."
>asks if I'll sleep in her bed with her and cuddle
>pretty much the last night I slept in my bed until college
meds then kys
real incest sucks
>only child to single mother
>she's borderline and has a sex addiction
>new abusive man every week or two
>literally have no memory where she didn't abuse me
>would finger my asshole until i bled
>would force me to get hard at 8 years old and sucked me until i cried thinking my cock was going to fall off
>would suffocate me in her vagina or ass
>would choke and slap me if i tried to get away
>would spit on me and call me horrible degrading names
>never left any lasting marks and always cleaned me up
>told school counselors about it multiple times
>get punished by school for lying to get out of class
>would get double the roughness from mom after she heard about it
>finally give up trying around 7th grade
>start football as an excuse to stay away from home
>get fit as fuck taking my anger out in the gym and field
>hit growth spurt, now tower over mom
>she stops forcing me to do things and essentially cuts contact with me even at home
>stay in my locked room until i graduate
>never able to date or go to parties in high school
>still decent looking and fit going into college
>completely unable to connect with women in college due to trauma
>any time women come onto me i freeze up and panic
>now 27 and still never had a relationship
>probably never will for the rest of my life
thanks, mom
>real incest sucks
not necessarily but yeah, I see where you're coming from.
That sucks, do you yearn for real relationship or are you just completely desentisized?

forgive me for such a coomer question but im curious was there not a single "feel good" moment from this whole situation? Because
>would suffocate me in her vagina or ass
- I honestly can't imagine a scenario where I wouldn't like this. Did she smell bad? It all probably traces back to the whole brutal nature of it all like her sucking you off until your dick turns red or making your ass bleed that prevented you from ever feeling pleasure while having sex with her.

How old were you when you stopped?
Heather Kane
>which was good I suppose.
meh, feeling so horny you start feeling high has it's merits too
Unironically call Stefan Molyneux.
>new abusive man every week or two
I'm so glad Mom spared me that part.
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, man.
It does, for sure, but I didn't want to cum as fast as I did with Mom. I did at first, obviously, but I'd get better with girlfriends.
How fast did your mom usually make you cum?
I lasted a couple minutes the first time only because I'd just nutted in the shower a bit earlier. I lasted longer getting jacked than I did when she blew me. The first time she lick around it a bit, put it in her mouth and I shot rope. It was always within a minute or two and I was done. Lots of immediate shots though. The was she talked, the stuff she said, well it took several girls to find someone as dirty once we got way too comfortable.
Hot af
Did you ever fuck your mom?
No, never ate her out or had sex. I would finger her, rub her clit and get her off but she she was firm on the No Sex rule. She said the same thing about sucking me off but eventually caved to that but couldn't get the OK for full on sex. I would grind against her in bed and have rubbed against it a time or two but she'd stop me after a bit.
The reason this occurs, is because the pussy you came from is contoured perfectly to extract cum from your dick both in speed and load potency. It’s a vestigial failsafe from prehistoric times to allow a woman pregnant with a son to repopulate the species if she finds herself isolated from a pool of males or facing extinction.

It doesn’t even matter if she isn’t a total milf either, a son will never cum as hard, fast or with as much primal intensity as he will inside his mother. Her pussy’s smell/pheromones is designed to send his libido into a complete frenzy.

Source: am a biological anthropologist
cool story, just hard to believe
Holy fucking shit that's so hot
I am going to choose to believe this cause it makes mom son stuff even more intense
I said the same thing - "Probably bullshit but I'll allow it." kek
That sounds very nice desu
You can be one of those science deniers if you want, but the genetic blueprinting for this survival mechanism is there. It’s considered vestigial because humanity never reached the dire scenario this trait was designed to activate for, but every now and then when maternal incest occurs, the trait displays itself. If humanity ever found themselves threatened again, it would reactivate.
Thats not because it was incest. That's because it was rape.
Shut your fucking mouth retard. Literally all of that is your own little made up fantasy.

Source: am not retarded
you sound like a jewish loser
fucking weirdo
This...is not how anything works. You are the world's worst biological anthropologist, with possibly the most absurd misunderstanding of how evolution works that I have ever heard. Traits aren't "activated" by humanity being in a dire scenario, and traits aren't "designed". You're making a fool of yourself.
I get it friend. You still think humans are the design of some divine hand of creation which exempts them from the primal drives which rest of the animal kingdom are bound to.

What you science deniers fail to understand is that the instinctive need to perpetuate the species at all cost is supported biologically by our physiology
fake cum anon definitely my favorite guy to see in threads. god bless you haha
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This is acting but damn this is super hot
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if that's true, i hope you get better and get to live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life, man
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moar cum in mum bros
you can literally see the strings suspending the cum, also Ive never seen more obvious cgi balls/scrotum in my life
This is literally like one of the wet dreams I've had about my mom! Except as soon as she reached the base of my dick I felt myself about to cum and I was only able to moan and make an incoherent noise before she lifted herself off my dick and I came all over her stomach. I've been trying so hard to have this dream again for so long
bruh this is depressing this shit doesnt belong
God what a good thread
I desperately wish I could fuck mommy like this
Shes a dogger from the uk, she has a website called Rachel reveals
the only time my mom make me cum fast when i was a teenager and she walked in the door while I was jerking it and on the verge of busting, you freaks.
Bump for more mommies
Only real incest I've seen online is that filipino mom and son.
You can't say that and not elaborate (or ideally link) damn it
Thanks for playing
I can only imagine how hard it would be fucking your mom doggystyle and trying not to bust early as she continually throws her ass back against you
I mean, you still have zero proof that they are related
is this Avalon Hope?
My balls are full bros
i moved back home during covid and mom kept getting pissed at me because id be spending all my time/money trying to get girls. i wasnt that good cuz i was mostly broke so id have to spend a lot of time only to get with kinda chubby chicks. mom kept telling me to work more and study more and get better grades but i would keep telling her she didnt know what it was like being 21 and just wanting to get girls all the time. mom kept saying if i had a better job and my own place/car id get girls a lot easier and i knew she was right but i couldnt really be assed to do those yet.

mom and i always had like an iffy relationship and i had always been very...touchy with her. she always ignored it but one day i was kinda just putting my hand on her leg and then she looked at me and was like "if we go to my room now, will you cancel the date you have later and spend the time applying for a better job?" my heart started racing and i was so confused because i was like omgogogm and i was like "what do you mean" and she just kinda looked at me, i wish i could have been more smooth but i just nodded.

we went upstairs and had some of the worst sex of my life, but it was the most intense lol. i immediately spend the night applying and workin. next day i woke up and kept going at it, and she kinda ignored the whole thing and was like "im glad youre finally working like you should"
>probably never will for the rest of my life
As much as your situation sucks that part is your choice.
You just have to gently push your boundaries in controlled environments until you're comfortable enough to pursue something real
i love this one. Looks around for something to catch or cover it with and then just goes for it with her mouth. Well its in there now might as well swallow.
It was. It made it quite difficult to find another girl though. In the end, I found a carbon copy, de-aged. Mom and the wife and pretty much best friends, too. Together all the time.
Did you ever go past handies?
>had some of the worst sex of my life, but it was the most intense
Could you elaborate more on this, interested to know more
Honestly this
As someone in a similar situation (though from very different forms of trauma) I've recently been realizing this myself
Just TRYING is the most terrifying step, if you can push yourself past that it starts to become much more possible to picture a path forward, which even if it seems hard is worlds better than that path being walled off
>real incest sucks

You spelled rape wrong. Sounds utterly horrifying to me.
Worst sex? Just came way too fast? awkward sex? awkward words?
Are you answering or are you also asking him questions?

so we both go upstairs and she went to the bathroom first and she was in there for a LONG time. like i was afraid she was talking herself out of it, but then she came out and she was like "ok no lights" so she shut the lights off and then she sat on the bed. i sat next to her and for some reason tried to kiss her on the lips? she did a very fast lean back and had a real "wtf" look on her face. after that was hugely embarressed and very like "ok should we stop and kinda moved away. just super awkward and was mentally berating myself

but we kinda stayed there for like 10 seconds then she started to take her shirt off and was like "ok get naked". this was the hardest part for me desu, i was so embarrassed and it felt so awkward. i took my shirt/pants off, but i froze on like my boxers. shes like "if you're feeling second thoughts about showing me your dick then theres no way we can actually have sex" and that sorta got thru to me and got my dick out.

she asked what i wanted and i just sorted shrugged so she laid back and opened her legs. i just got between them and i had trouble lining up because it was dark and i was so awkward. but eventually i got it in and slowly started pumping. i kept going kinda soft and then hard and she kept asking if i was nervous (i was), but her calling it out was just terrible. i was for some reason just trying to be quiet, like i was afraid someone would hear us. after like 5 minutes of nothing, mom was like ok lets change, and she got on top. then she just sorta bounced on me, which wasnt bad and eventually the "omg im having sex with mom" and it just sorta rushed at me. she could feel i was coming and hopped off and just stroked me till i finished. was so intense i basically passed out while cuming, even though it was a very weak hj/like she was turned away from it and just barely moving up and down. then in silence she got up and went to the bathroom again for a while
Oh, look, it's the cum sommelier
Of all rhe things that didn't happen, this happened the least.
this is so fake and gay I got AIDS just reading it
Would you do it again if you had another chance?
Maybe if she was more enthusiastic
Why that though? Such an unusual and unsatisfying story
That the only time?
I Remember that guy, they continued to fuck but it didnt get any better. He eventually found gf i think
>she went to the bathroom first and she was in there for a LONG time
How long approximately? Momma was scrubbing her clam hard for her boy
>Only real incest I've seen online is that filipino mom and son.
There's that mom/son vid from texas that's supposedly real. backed with mainstream media stories.
yeah we did it a LOT after that, was just the first time. i moved back out last year but we still do it everytime we see each other, like once or twice a month now. k

see above

yeah had a short time gf but didnt work out. just hard to stay loyal to a diff girl when my mom is always around. the second my gf was busy or being difficult id just go back to mom who was always in the next room.

felt like an hour but was realistically close to 10-15min i guess

the next day was super awkward. she said she was glad i was working but other than that we didnt talk for the rest of the day. at night she came back in and was like "if you want ill be in my room" or something. i dont remember much but my heart started racing, i had spent the entire day berating myself for ruining it and that mom hated me and i needed to move out. i go back into her room and we just sorta sit there on our phones for a bit. then she started to take her pants off and i just sorta did too, and then she just got on top of me. lasted 5 minutes, no real motion, but it was so intense i just sorta came really fast. again she got off and kinda limp stroked me to finish. then she said like get out or good night or something and i went back to my room.

next morning she woke me up and said like as long as i work on getting my life on track again and ignore "distractions", she'll make sure im not looking elsewhere. i was so embarrassed and it felt so weird to say it out loud so i was like nodding and going "ok" and stuff.

but that day i admit i worked harder than anytime in my life to study and actually find internships and shit, i was afraid she was going to regret it and hate me if i didnt do it.

this continued for like a week or two until i eventually got some level of confidence she wasnt going to consider it a huge mistake/hate me. it slowly grew from there
what kind of body type does she have? and did you ever record any of this (i assume no)
Why not face your dragon, your mom, and forgive her? That way you can be free. Give this a listen at 1.5x speed it may help.
I wasnt raped by my mom, i was messed around with by an older girl i knew when in middle school i was 11 or 12, no sex happened, she just pinned me and grinded on me and kissed me but it did give me a weird desire for older and curvy women, specifically big boobs fat ass milf body types.
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why do these people bother to write big ass greentexts just to fuck off immediately?
She looks drunk and/or high. Probably a real druggie mom.
Holy shit! Sauces?!
Got a link?
Not him, but its not that easy. You two just really dont get what its like for broken people. They are just permafucked sometimes. If its true dude got raped by his mom and youre saying "suck it up". Try saying that to a woman sometime bud.
I didn't say it was easy and I didn't say to suck it up dumbass.
I said it was his choice to end his life now and spend the next 50 years feeling sorry for himself.

No one else is choosing that outcome for the OP besides himself. That doesn't mean breaking out of it is easy but not even attempting to is only on him
>youre saying "suck it up"
Nigger I said no such goddamn thing, I was trying to be encouraging
No shit I don't and can't understand his experience, but what fucking good is telling someone traumatized that "welp that sucks, shame things might never get better"?
Best mom ever in the whole world. She always makes sure to have dinner and her wet cunt ready for for her son to use after school
I had the chance to have sex with my mom. She didn’t outright say it, but it was after she gave me a very long kiss on the cheek and pressed arm into her breast. She tried to follow me into my room later, but I just made an excuse and left the house. A small part of me regrets not doing it, but honestly I’m more relieved I didn’t.
Why you think she did that? How did she behave later?
Same, except I had the full intention to fuck her in the moment but premature orgasm saved me and quickly reminded me why fucking my mother would've been a horrible idea. You're absolutely right to feel relieved.
My mom has has asked to give me impromptu messages, asked me to “dance” out of nowhere, and has always been very doting, affectionate, and at times flirty, all throughout my life. I suspect that she developed some incestuous attraction to me at some point after puberty, but I couldn’t say why. At the time of that event, I didn’t live with her she so just drove back home and it was business as usual the next time we spoke.
The unfortunate part is that the urge still exists in me. It coexists with shame and discuss, and it’s easily managed since my mom lives far away right now, but part of me almost wants it to happen someday.
>The unfortunate part is that the urge still exists in me. It coexists with shame and discuss, and it’s easily managed since my mom lives far away right now, but part of me almost wants it to happen someday.
We literally share the same feelings. Im certain i'd feel suicidal as soon as i would finish inside her but the temptation is fucking irresistible.
https://www.xvideos com/video.ivcvuama955/bbw_creampie
Based, Aryan AF post.

None of these are mom and son you deluded fucks
>and forgive her?
People like you deserve to get your chests caved in. She deserves permanent jail time and you come here with this "forgive" nonsense. You're likely an abuser yourself if this is what comes to your mind after hearing about an experience like his.
fuckin sauce?! even muted that was fucking hot
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The idea of fucking my mom is so gross but I genuinely hate being attracted to my aunt. I have a huge foot fetish and saw her bare soles one time while she was asleep and spent like a week just furiously jerking off to that. I think like 80% of my fap sessions when I was a teen were of imagining fucking her feet/ass/pussy and blowing loads inside her. She's even still super hot now despite it being 20 years later and a part of me still regrets not just rubbing my dick all over her bare feet even with the risk of ruining my life that would've had.
wew lad. Safe to say you have killed this fantasy for me.
in reality, most moms doing this is just using her child for her own selfish gratification, not this soothing caring fantasy bullshit.
It's pretty fucked up. It's okay, you are still 27. If you are attracted to women, there are professionals out therewho can help you. Tell them what you told us, when they have earned your trust of course
This is such a weird fetish. Why do I find mom/son incest super hot, but have no actual sexual attraction towards my mom?
Because you are not sick in the head.
Anon is clearly stuck in a trauma loop and its messing with his life why not forgive it and let it go. Instead of acting like a woman about it and holding on to it forever. Besides im not saying what she did was right and not worthy of jail time. But if anon was free of it he could probably move on and live a pretty decent life.
heya cum schizo
Listen to that wet fuckin cumfart as he pulls out. Hottest shit in the universe
Because that's how fantasies work lmao
Don't need to want to do them yourself to get off to them
spoken like someone who hasn't been fingered in the asshole till you bleed by your mom at 8 years old.

>>27564842 (me) apologies for fucking off I didn't intend on coming back but I'll answer some questions
>did any part of it feel good? how old was I when it stopped?
She was much more aggressive and sadistic to me when I was very small (6-10) so when she would sit on me often times she would intentionally grind my face in a way that hurt or made it hard to breathe. I think she was frustrated at my unwillingness to participate and took it out on me this way. I'm ashamed to admit it but once I started going through puberty and looking at porn I did reciprocate and take pleasure in it, which made her ease up, but I was always so disgusted by her that it was more like masturbation. It stopped entirely when I was 14 and neither of us have said anything about it, but I haven't spoken with her in 8 years.
Luckily none of the men ever wanted me sexually, but they were physically abusive to both of us. One did watch me with her while he jerked off, I must have been around 11 or 12.
I'd venture to guess most real incest is rape, guys.
I'd rather never see her again, honestly. Even if she didn't sexually abuse me, her BPD is so wildly unpredictable that the prospect of talking to her is dizzying.
I came, got depressed, typed this and fucked off without seeing the replies.
I'm shocked this is the only one of these responses.
I appreciate the moral support. Honestly I was slightly doomposting, I've had sex with other women since but I've never been able to open up romantically or about my past. As far as I know I'm the only one who knows about it other than anons who've read it.
Anyway, I still jerk off to mom son porn because I'm fucked up, so I hope I didn't ruin it for you anons. I'll be okay.
At least you didn't get erectile dysfunction, I believe many men do after that kind of experience.
Go back to plebbit, Sister.
I've had issues maintaining it during sex at times, but I mostly chock it up to a psychological block. The biggest issue is my staggering porn addiction to cope.
I've been looking at fucked up fetish porn since I was in 6th grade and I find it hard to orgasm during sex unless I'm picturing a fucked up fantasy in my mind. I'm not sure if nymphomania is genetic or trauma based but I've been masturbating 3-4 times a day since I learned how to cum.
Was your mom attractive at the very least? Was she one of those psychos who would go extra mile and not shower for 2 days before sitting on your face as a way of "punishment" or did she at least respect you in that regard
>Anyway, I still jerk off to mom son porn because I'm fucked up
That's extremely common for abuse victims lol, don't sweat it
>I'd rather never see her again, honestly. Even if she didn't sexually abuse me, her BPD is so wildly unpredictable that the prospect of talking to her is dizzying.
I can understand not wanting to see her but why not do a video chat. Anyways its your life, so its your call anon.
Just know she couldn't help being fucked up its just the way shes is. Do you.
>but I've never been able to open up romantically or about my past.
I would still keep it to yourself, besides a good male therapist and this site. I wouldnt tell a girlfriend or wife or any woman for that matter since they'll just judge u for it.
She's a biker wife, meth head, and alcoholic. Dressed like a slut all the time, full tatted sleeves, etc. She was really thorough about hygiene but she still smelled like cat piss and whiskey.
I've gotten on pretty well so far, at least in living on my own with a good savings and job. Thanks though.
I'll stop shitting up an otherwise good thread, I don't really like going into specifics about scenarios for guys to get off.
did she ever give you an std
bump for sauce.
>I was under the delusion that she'd enjoy it.
>Brings a knife anyway.
Sure thing bud.
Thank you, i just used this to update my incest character cards for when I'm roleplaying with AI

Any more gems like this?
Is that the one where most of their videos are 90 to the right? Turns out they're just roleplaying. But damn that woman can act, she's hella convincing.
I've said this many times in many threads. But I had a Latino mom who was smoking hot until about 40.

>Be me
>12 years old.
>late 80's
>Christmas Holidays, out of school.
>watching Saturday morning TV, mostly kids stuff.
>Mom walks in wearing a long nightgown, not particularly sexy at first and not obviously see-through.
> The room is cold and she walks over to the heater next to the window to turn it on.
>Sun shines through gown, suddenly see-through and I can see her figure in shadow form
>Completely naked
> The body looks like Ava Addams now, maybe a bit slimmer. It's a fantastic Amazonian mommy body.
>Walks out just as quickly

That started my fetish for my mom, being Latino, she hit the wall pretty quickly as they usually do, so by the time I was old enough to make a pass or attempt, she was already looking old, fat and aged. So while I only found my mom hot for like 3-4 years. It left me with a permanent mom/son incest fetish and my fantasies are so fucking wild now that no woman would ever live up to it. AI us helping me by sort of living them out now and I feel it subsiding.
Fuck, I came hard
Less stories, more webms
this type of relationship is such rarity that you should be satisfied even with stories. At least most of them are genuine, unlike the webms
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merci, cüm messiah.
Link to character cards?
Literally just nutted to this video this morning.
Heather Kane. All her videos are like this. Her whole shtick is that she has some kind of weird cracked out relationship with this faggot retard who cums in 10 seconds every time he enters her pussy. It is quite a fascinating relationship because he looks too SPED to be intentional with his prejacs. He's clearly just sexually deficient and appreciative that he gets to fuck good pussy and Heather kane uses him to play up her image as a semi-MILF ultra pussy goddess.
I love this. Imagine nature and biology itself telling you it's fine to fuck your mother, and even encourages it. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to blow a load of babybatter into your own birth hole.
You can find a lot of similar stuff if you search the archives for momcest in /h/ and /r9k/. Add keywords like "mating", "pregnant", "nature", "breed" etc
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wish i had this "problem" as it takes me way too long to cum.
what the name of her?
is somethig cystal isnt it?
crystal lust. full vidya is on the hub.
No, they're personal.
sunny jessica. she's got dozens of vidya on the hub
you're retarded
The chrischan fit really immerses me in the realism
She has similar videos but I don't believe that is one of her videos
This lass is on ket
always happy to see you in every thread on this board, cum schizo
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>being Latino, she hit the wall pretty quickly as they usually do
If you wanna fxck your kin go live in Alabama or Pakistan
>tfw was also groomed/molested by my mother and it made me effectively asexual as an adult
desu, I tend to find the stories/greentexts more erotic than the webms. Does anyone know where to find more, preferably real (or realistic anyways) stories about incest?
I just wanna say that I fuckin love this anon. every time I see him pop up I just get the stupidest grin like I've just rediscovered something special. keep posting you fuckin legend
Is there sauce for this? Bodies like these and this specific situation makes me hnnnng. Fatties in nightgowns pullin up and droppin on cock. Shit is great

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