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itt describe your life with a webm
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What the fuck?...
I like that they use a face filter to make him more beautiful.
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my life is summed up quite nicely by this one
this guy has never skipped neck day
You're Ukrainian?
why do you do this to my sides anon? they did nothing to you ffs
God-Emperor Leto II Atreides.
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Weak a retarded graph. Peak satisfaction? How tf you know? Maybe for a dumb bitch but for a guy your 20s generally is full of work and strife
Agreed, some guys its 40, but personally from other studies I'd say its across the 30s for many guys (if you have your finances, relationship, and life figured out). Myself, not yet but soon. Keep going bros, don't give up cuz life delt you a shit ass hand (it deals us all one).
It's Tommy Shriggly!
this has absolutely no right to be this funny
what a time to be alive
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that shit is out of date by like 60 years yeah those were the odd in 1970

in the uk for example marriage is 37
legit just loom up the average statistics for all of them its so out of date its shocking yeah that would work in LITERALLY 1970
Failed normalfag problems
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unironically, I just wish I had the balls to do it.
Notion - the rare occasions
i dont need a second webm
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Its something.
Yall got magic floaty pigs an shit tho
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What kind of dog is that?
fly high, skyking
have you tried not being a bitch
lifes as hard as you make it
kek this is the one where the same npcs come out the door
fly high, skyking
Comfy as fuck
Shit's beautiful
I miss these two. Does he still make videos now that the dog has passed away?
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bro who tf is this guy
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Putain. Dur
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Actually when they asked really old people like at the end of their lives when they felt at their peak the mean age was 37.

The reasoning was that you're enough of an adult to be contributing and having money but not old enough that your health problems cause you noticeable problems.
God, I wish I were Skyking.
Not a webm, but fuck it...
Just waiting to die alone already, bros.
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Weird thing is that I did top of the image +1 year to the letter but can completely identify with bottom laugh man
life of a loser
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That man has all the thyroid
What is his routine?
I'm 48 now and haven't ticked any of those boxes
>why don't you just kill yourself?
They won't let me self-terminate
fly high, skyking
holy fuck i never noticed how clutch his loop actually was
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Ok, not gonna cry...
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fly high, skyking
this webm is responsible for the name of kim kardashian's daughter
Lol, yeah, that ain't true. Not since feminism happened.
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I have no idea what you mean by this webm.
Guess being basement wizard that gets rejected often but that is some serious leg workout.
The edit is so fucking funny to me.
Can't stop laughing
True true.
People rarely marry in their 20 these days.
One of the reasons why Western cultures living through culture shock, are weakened. The family structure suffers, the idea of being part of similar community, having similar values building nation jadi jada..
It's building blocks are strong families, to do that you gotta put in the time work on it. Seems to me like its getting tot he point that most don't want that hustle.

Starting family at 40 is impossible, definitely not ideal. When your kids gonna be 18 you gonna be old to be be active with them.
What condition you have ?
New Game Plus kek
I'm 38
It's so over

These are, without a doubt, The Dumbest Men on Planet Earth.
What did he mean by that?
What was the context?
Did he actually mean that he's retarded or did he mean it figuratively, like, "I'm forgetful so I have to write notes and reminders" or something like that.
Or maybe like this: "Look, I'm kinda retarded. I don't like when people rely too much on subtext and subtle hints and euphemisms, I want politicians to be direct and to explain to me what's going on, because it's my right as a citizen to know what's going on."
god dammit i'm not in a crying mood. bro went out and did what was deemed impossible without hurting anyone. the time he had talking to the flight controller was what he needed, someone to listen to him for a moment, and the flight controller talked him down off the ledge. beebo didn't go down wanting to die anymore. he ran out of fuel and died a hero to the unheard.
I've been there.
I can drink a whole bottle and till be able to ride on the bike to the next village, hit on women and dance Polka.
"Bring me the Solo and Wookie!"
The man, the legend, the myth. Naked Ching.
Are those worms or little snakes?
You gotta watch JER#1255 for the full context IF there is even any satisfying explanation.

Ghost Rider delete scene looks rad
It's not tho you making it harder for yourself postponing even longer.
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he even has tom cruise's smile
i'm 28 and this year, i moved out, i found a job and have a hot gf
i worked hard for it but there's always hope i'd say
you are truly fucked if you haven't done shit by the time you are 30
i had been working on my degree since i was like 24 and taken going to the gym seriously since i fucked around doing nothing in my early 20's
those years of working hard and having nothing to show for it despite putting in the time were tough but they coincided with covid and it paid off in the end

and this chart is absolutely retarded because most people have children in their late 20's early 30's now
Hit the gym brah.
You can start at home body weight exercises, go for walk every day or every other day than transfer to running.
Gotta burn more than you consume.
Change will happen

How is losing virginity ahead of a first relationship anyway?
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Culturaly enriched

Strong independant woman moment.
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i just hit 38 and i got a wife and kid but i think im having a midlife crisis and wondering if we should have more kids before we can't. but with all that comes a whole lot of potential stress. but you know what? i think its more worth it. the problem is when people are young they're too comfortable and put it off until its too late.
Because we live in the kali yuga, anon.
why are the baloons popping? its just some marbles
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They have sharpened edges.
Literally everything on that list happened to me at that exact age. Get off the internet dawg.
Have as many kids as you can dude. After they hit 5, they are their own person and you suddenly understand that the meaning of life is to survive and teach your kids what you learned.
Lay off the Salvia my guy
Some context? Does this references something?
Gayer than the gay fisting thread.
He's cute!
This video really captures my life just being alone and staring at things, being okay.
this was literally me in highschool, the rage, the edginess, the obesity...
>mfw I found out I'm Bohemian yesterday
See you, Sky King
So how's it going right now?
>It happened to me, a stranger on the Internet, therefore it happens to everyone

Retarded logic
What was holding the marbles, bozo
democrats on the left. republicans on the right. me in the middle just living my life.
>this DXM ain't shi-
harsh noise wall with be the dubstep of the 2030s
File: Hard Times.webm (1.47 MB, 720x540)
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>itt describe your life with a webm
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This sums up my life
gay ending
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My gf of 11 years is a leg locker. All my 5 children with her have been against my will. Once they're born I never regret any of them.
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Me on the right

he is you once youve sorted yourself out anon
File: And yet..'_HD.webm (1.49 MB, 720x720)
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Cool fetish, anon.
Not these other loner webms. Wuuuahh i habs no grillfriend'n shit type webms.
Ye you did the tranny thing, for sure.
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> be loser who doesn't try
> end up losing from not trying
shocking, absolutely unheard of
Name of the movie please.
Will Smith spaghetti AI, african edition
Republicans sreech at you like this? I just pressed X.
So your life is like a fever dream.
Name of the song, please
>you will never be this comfy
Catchy little tune
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Pretty much this
Eh I'm still more or less the same. Still think the same way I just kind of keep my mouth shut. Lost some weight over the years, just from doing landscaping, but that's about it. Also work more. Alot more.
Seven Samurai
video maestros
Why is she running away lmao she chose the beat
hi maple
rest in peace doggo
I'm 22 and just got a comfortable job but part of me wants to go after clouds (hedonism of dating) and another one wants to find a wife so I don't have to worry about that and can focus on bigger goals.

I'm undecided.
Which began with "death" of Krishna 5000 years ago so still tens of thousands of years are left before Kalki Avatar arrives and frees the suffering earth.

I can't imagine how bad things will get.

Wait until you are 35, kid. Then you'll understand.

>We achieve peak performance at 25. After that we continuously reduce
>The hair becomes thinner as the hormone and nutrient balance change. The first gray hair can appear, depending on the disposition
>Brain maturation processes are complete. The brain loses a bit of it's weight
>First signs of aging. The skin becomes drier, the structure more uneven. Gradually the skin loses its originally radiant appearance and appears dull
>Strength, speed, endurance and mobility decrease. That is why most competitive athletes end their careers after 30
>Testosterone levels decrease in men. They reached the maximum at the age of 20
>Women are at a high hormone level. Their libido is at its peak
>The bone density has reached its maximum. From now on, more bone mass is lost than built up
>Men's sperm quality seems to deteriorate after the age of 35. The proportion of sperm carrying an X chromosome also seems to increase, meaning older dads are more likely to have daughters
>To investigate, Bronte Stone at Reproductive Technology Laboratories in Los Angeles and his colleagues analysed sperm samples from 5081 men aged between 16 and 72. They found a deterioration in sperm quality and quantity after age 35. The study also found a decrease in the ratio of Y to X-bearing sperm once men hit 55, though it is not clear why
>Men over age 40 are twice as likely as men under age 25-29 to have a child with autism, but only if the mother is under age 25

Most first chronic diseases or serious health problems start after age 30.
That is all i understand.
They're screeching on this website all the time
You actually believe that people on 4chan are what they tell you they are?
Welcome child/newfag to this website and remember 4chan is not irl.
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>Too low IQ to understand what a statistical average is
Chinese Peanut Butter Wolf be like
>My Goiter Weighs a Ton
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Alex 4 prez now
im not gonna read that
still the greatest of us
>what it's like flying with black people
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Life doesn't begin for Men until they turn 30.
20s, especially in this current social and economic climate, is one of hardship, struggle, and work.
As a man, you're allowed to make mistakes and have a few fuck-ups and hit a few snags.
You shouldn't expect things to pick up, and life to start working out until you're in your late 20s or early 30s.
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kek, i hope that bitch realises he could technically press charges against her.
What was the full context for this?
Eric Dubay is /ourguy/
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the female ego on full display
even though she is at the bottom of the barrel and social hierarchy, and the lowest-tier in terms of what she can offer, she still thinks she can do better
Anybody ever tell you you look like a penis with a little hat on?
Modernist and beta cope. Chad's life began at 12-13
>Gf of 11years with 5 kids
Daily reminder to take your meds anon.
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That has to be Longmont Potion Castle.
I hate you black pill faggots so much it's unreal
Playing with your dolljaks again squiddy?
Sounds like the life of someone not keeping themselves physically, mentally and spiritually healthy and his body is rightfully deteriorating as a result.
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These wojak channels are so fuckin gay, I miss bizonacci.
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>losing virginity before first relationship
Jim Dunsworth. That guy was one of a kind. in a large way he made that show work. think about it. no layhe and there would have been no magic
InMe - Chamber

Are you retarded? He did try with the goth chick and got cucked.
just a broken guy
got a few screws loose
didnt want to hurt anyone
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Holy fuck start watermarking sources into webms. Who is this?
>midlife crisis

How about you control yourself?
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I doubt this describes your life anon, but I want a source anyway

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