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Pretty simple
>Futa on male allowed
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>Animated Gay/trans
Thank-you OP for including the trans part because the previous thread had a cononical transgirl/woman in it and when I pointed that out it triggered the repressed slime you'd expect to be here.

I will say though you should also include Enbies in your subject/comment field next time since:
>>27563904 Astolfo in their game, Fate/Grand Order uses they/them pronouns.
Testament from Guilty Gear is a conical Non-Binary eunuch.
Stevonnie is an androgynous Enby from Steven Universe.

I don't recognize the other franchises except Felix but that's already included in your subject field.

You're doing good but you could do a little better next time.
Also I'm bumping this thread on page: 10
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Based fag
many non-binary people consider themselves trans
Although Enbies fall under the "trans umbrella" which you can google image search (posting static images is ban worthy here) you wouldn't want to be erased either.
>Astolfo in their game, Fate/Grand Order uses they/them pronouns.
bullshit he calls himself dude multiple times.
Well that was new, and incredibly well animated. Who made it?
I'm not into gay but this I'd think I'd fap to it if there's some real life equivalent.
Is there a name for this laces on dick thing?
>final stages of brainrot
>Astolfo in their game, Fate/Grand Order uses they/them pronouns.

You are either mistaken or lying.

Chevalier d'Eon is who may be mixing up with him because their gender was indeterminable even post-autopsy IRL and in-game have Self-Suggestion Skill that allows them to change their sex to nullify damage multipliers from other Servants whose skills target specific genders such as Carmilla or Jack the Ripper.
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im not googling the "trans umbrella" i am nonbinary and married to a trans woman, i dont need you to teach me. not getting top billing on a reactionary porn site isnt erasure.
log off sometimes, friend. fresh air and human contact is good for you

I can't believe they did a bridget animation this is the best day ever
Its exactly like I always pictured excpet no second part where Buri-chan turns it around and gives back
ughhhh, you sound like such an unbearable fucking faggot. Not gay, just an insufferable twat.
Then why are you in MY thread straggot.
Any more for femboys
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Based homosexual thresd
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You roll in from Tumblr town, dickweed?
this is why nobody takes the gender clowns seriously
you are not doing your people any favors
Astolfo is probably non-binary (their gender is "A secret <3" or smth like that) but he doesn't use they/them, instead using he/him or she/her as convenient, usually he/him though. The latest story chapter specifically has both Roland and Astolfo use "Lady" and "she" to refer to Astolfo for a bit.
>(their gender is "A secret <3" or smth like that)
He's dude, he never fucking denied that. All gender faggotry is purely twitter activist seething and localization team bending over to them.
Are you one of those secondary retards who didn't play the game or watch the anime?
even the fan translations agree about the secret gender actually, feel free to translate it yourself to double check. cope.
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>Fanfags are retarded
His point still stands
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promiscuity classroom, nikcib
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Not my dragon ball
god I wish I could be riding her
Why do sound engineers think cumming sounds like that?
transgorl Baguette
Not every .WEBM here is gay and not everyone posting here is gay.
wish she was hard in the loop before she spunks

get over it
it's cute you think a "sound engineer" worked on a 22 second wank animation
but it's because it's good feedback.
everyone putting punch or a sword drawing sfx in a film knows it's unrealistic, but it communicates what's happening much better and cooler.

>do better
nobody has read this phrase and had any good will towards you left afterwards.
Please elaborate.
If you Ctrl + F "do better" only YOUR comment is highlighted, so I never said that.

>Thank-you OP for including the trans part
I DID moreover, gave positive criticism on where he/she/they should improve in the future
>You're doing good but you could do a little better next time.

Ignoring the expected low effort repressed chuddies getting upset at the truth (which they deserve to feel bad when they contribute to us feeling unsafe today), YOUR reply not only mischaracterizes what I said "love what your doing, until you include other queers you're not good enough yet"
That's all I said!

In a world where TERF island banned life-saving medicine based on an extremely flawed case review, or how Project 2025 is a very real conservative initiative in the United States (thank god I don't live in there) I EXPECT YOU, someone interested in QUEER PORN, to show some fucking respect to this community.

You better be some straggot chaser passing by because if you are in any way a queer (Gay,Bi,Trans,NB, Ace(a lot of us love porn) etc.) you are a fucking "Uncle Tom".

Unless your going to apologize, DO NOT reply. Your a voter of the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party I.E a socio-sexual class traitor.
> You're doing good but you could do a little better next time.
this is still condescending
post porn
I chuckled
man i wish this circle didnt fucking disappear
>Uploading files in incognito mode is not allowed.
>The File field has been cleared.
You can thank moot for this, but I'm still able to (and will) commentate anyways.
Hot outfit
What do you mean?
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This is Ackman, you fuck
>perfectly good hentai
>Ugly bastard
why do they keep doing this?
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I'm willing to bet these are some elaborate false flag samefaggotry meant to make these threads more insufferable than they need to be.
These arguments don't seem genuine, and after quickly searching up “astolfo non binary reddit” it's a clear-cut alphabet soup character so fact that it's even being discussed in a male on male porn thread reeks of astroturfed shit flinging.
>I will say though you should also include Enbies in your subject/comment field next time

I'm not sure what kind of enbies you talk to but all the ones I know including myself consider themselves trans
A lot of bisexuals consider themselves a little gay or partly gay but that's not how it works or how you'd want that to be the norm.

It's about stopping erasure.
Netoshisu / Netosis
But only the first part has been animated.
for me
The impossibly high levels of breedability he has are just astounding.
Mr Nigger pretty please leave the board and let us be faggots in peace.
>stopping erasure on the nazi porn website
for who. you dont have to be gay to like trans people.
>all the depiction of underaged boys
>gay thread
Nice one, groomers. Tranny jannies approve.
>you dont have to be gay to like trans people.
Thanks captain obvious, but for a "nazi porn website" a lot of people deny that basic reality

Hell it's perfectly staight to date one and I'm not going to stop saying that until GSRMs lurking are brave enough to participate in these threads.

Appeasing chuds because it's le board culture gets you nothing
Making 4chan safer to post on for GSRMs gets you more allies here.
>Making 4chan safer
I saved all the webms in this thread and even I'm telling you to fuck off.

"Safer"? Eat a dick. "Safer". Give me a fucking break.

Step 1. Ignore bait replies.
Step 2. Keep enjoying porn.

Christ on his crutches. 20 years later people still can't do this.
i'm not gay i'm not gay i'm not gay i'm not gay i'm not gay i'm not gay
fuck. source?
nvm. found it. Netoshisu - ova
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kill yourself tranny
probably i just said the daily reminder that needs to be said and should be ignored.
the brainrotted faggot didn't even post any gif/video.
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dont get too excited. that bit is from the end of the ova and the only trap part. the rest leading up to that point is straight ntr
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Gonna need sauce on this one
>Let reactionary chuds make this place their personal hugbox
You're part of the reason why 4chan's posters are as god awful as they are.

No! We need to make the opposition, well fucking known to anyone lurking.
"Fucking off" only concedes to those who made this place awful.

I would post the screenshot from /lgbt/ but posting images is blocked here, but /b/ used to be a safe place to discuss your transition back in the mid-2000s.
Now it's a shithole.
/qa/ used to be a tumour for the least funny, least artistic, and least useful culture on 4chan.
Now we permanently have basedjaks all over the god damn site.

>Step 1. Ignore bait replies
They aren't interested to coaxing arguments, they want to make this place unwelcoming to anyone discovering 4chan, therefore they aren't baiting by definition.
>Step 2. Keep enjoying porn.
Already am and I enjoy it more when repressors are ostracized from here
(I know it's working because we're not deny Bridget which is how I found this thread on https://find.4chan.org/?q=Bridget)

Republicans were outed as major consumers of transporn, so I know a lot of posters here (possibly you) are repressed collaborators with the conservatives here.
Also if the truth hurts, just take the L and stop trying to dissuade me, I'm not changing tack.
>amerimutt spotted
cocи хyи
> troons are so obnoxious and narcissistic they have to start hen-pecking even gay guys
lmao kys
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always also american troon with brainrot
regular faggots are so sick of them
this brainrot is truly a virus
ugly bastards are part of the degradation fetish, their whole point is to serve as a point of shame for either the chick getting fucked, or whoever gets cucked, or both.
>least obvious samefag

1)Not a transperson BTW
2)I don't live in that third world theocracy, just pointing out a statistical reality.
ew brain damaged person
don't talk to me pls
you probably have brainaids
>2)I don't live in that third world theocracy, just pointing out a statistical reality.
You mean the 41%?
That homosexuals are 10x as likely to be pedophiles?
That over half of homosexuals openly admit to eating poop?
Those statistical realities?
shut the hell up you pedantic fuck. everyone here was content to enjoy the porn until you started going off on your autistic rant about how you think cartoon characters identify sexually and if they should be included in a thread on fucking 4chan. we're here to cum, not listen to some douchebag wax intellectual about gender politics. go fap in your empty discord
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FR its why nobody likes trannies
normal homosexuals dont do that kind of stuff even
those people who do these extreme shit are fr disgusting,fisting etc nasty
>normal homosexuals
Define normal, because not everyone believes in the nuclear family, and if you knew what the dogwhistle "normal" meant when referring to queers (a euphemism for straight) a "normal homosexual" is an exymoron when we are a GSRM.
This one broke me. The fact we'll never see him get fucked in animated format makes me sad.
being normal as in not being mentally retarded believing in 6 gorlion genders
doing disgusting shit like fisting or other utterly disgusting acts
not being obnoxious
and having somewhat trad values like
against hookups/sleeping around.
I just like other cute boys like myself
that's what sounds normal
fuck off you mentally ill freak
next is male Keiko and male Nami
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I'm hastily typing this because this thread's on page 10.

Even if you don't like me, several people within this thread admitted to being a gender minority.
You just called them retarded (you not me) because you can't fucking comprehend that sex =! gender.
Instead you're latching on to that ancient ass unfunny facebook boomer meme from 2016 of the Apache Attack Helicopter strawman.
>being mentally retarded believing in 6 gorlion genders
No one does that.

Furthermore, I'm willing to bet 4chan's anonymity is the reason your admitting to being a GSRM since your homophobia and transphobia is a classic closeted case.
And don't deny it
>disgusting shit like fisting or other utterly disgusting acts
Thanks Martin Ssempa! (You sound like that "they eat da poo poo" Ugandan pastor when you brought up fisting)
>not being obnoxious
cishet people talk about their staight relationships and shove their hegemonic culture down our throats all the time.
You're essentially saying "be queer be quitter"
Pride was weaker this year than last year and if that trend continues all the progress we made for your ungrateful (probably virgin) ass will be lost.
We NEED pride to be strong and in the public mind or else they stop seeing us (including YOU) as normal.

>>27582387 was wrong, you're not an Uncle Tom...

You're literally a modern Verband nationaldeutscher Juden i.e A jew for Nazism.
When the conservatives inevitably puts you in a concentration camp I hope you realize that LARPing as something that never existed (gay-trad) is what got you gasbound.
I truly wonder how the fuck you managed to anger every gay fuck in this thread.
you talk way too much dumbass I just made this thread for animated men/feminine men getting fucked you faggot.
+I ain't reading all this shit you motherfuckers are on,I made the thread for the porn and I'm here for the porn. don't know why you fucks want to argue so much with a lost cause
Very hot
Maybe consider seething even harder, troon?
You're the one obsessed with seething over bullshit tho
Anon, I just came here to jack off.
fr and i've been posting so far most of the videos here
every faggot hates people like >>27599226
so obnoxious its the reason people hate us fr
but it's fun bullying troons though
whats the best board for sissy feminization art without the horrible chink anime style? I prefer western stuff.
you have shit taste to begin with and good lord youre being gatekept
annoying fags arent why people hate you, its because youre all disgusting.
>disgusted by fags
>in a fag thread
wyd here
watching me fisting ur mom?
If you took a long, hot shower for once, I promise you'll feel less of a need to project and deny your own sexuality.
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You will never be a woman, troon. Stop trying to co-opt characters that have nothing to do with your death cult.
>that sex =! gender.
The guy who pushed this distinction was a pedophile who caused two innocent men to kill themselves because of his kink. You are an evil piece of shit and your "identity" is pseudoscience.
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You are responding to a 7-day-old troll post which was obviously designed to collect as many angry (You)s as possible. Even the teenage girls on Tumblr with too much time on their hands have moved on from that tedious woke-scold shit, the only people who still post that stuff are /pol/fags who're false-flagging to get people mad at trannies. Stop taking the fucking bait, you gullible dummies.
maybe but it's just feels good to tell a troon to kys i guess
fulfils happiness
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The thing is that you're probably not talking to a real tranny, you're talking to a guy who's just pretending to be one. Your insults don't hurt him, they make him happy because he successfully got you angry at this made-up character he was larping as for the express purpose of manipulating you closer to his side in a dumb culture war.

It's all so tedious. I miss the 4chan we had before the fucking election tourists showed up.
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yeah truee desu
you can try like penis/cock lingerie or cock sock. not crazy common irl
"I don't know, are you?"
the artist sometimes draws good stuff
I love the bratty hair the most.
(You)s aren't saved when you close chrome and if I truely wanted to farm replies I would not have ignored half the replies we recieved. (I'm specifically choosing to reply to you, not the one's calling me a tranny (or OP))
I wouldn't have even stayed in this thread for this long had you all just heeded my suggestion (which wasn't even a fucking imperative)

>you're probably not talking to a real tranny
just for the record:
>Ace(a lot of us love porn)
I never claimed to be a transperson.
I never invoked the acronym a /pol/chud would use to drag our kind down.
I'm also not obligated to walk over egg shells since this place can't downvote me for wrongthink.
I browse /co/ and /int/ everyday, and /lgbt/ is objectively a bad board for queer mental health (they create the majority of new slurs)

If anything it's tedious being dragged back here to debate the closeminded zoomer (statistically you're unlikely to change someone's mind after 4 replies so so why bother with a lost cause anyways) whom I recognize from the previous thread.

Furthermore if you use the term Facebook boomer term "woke" then I know you're more of an election tourist than me.
I've known 4chan long enough (but was too afraid to use for my whole teenage years) to recognize the newsworthy shit pulled here. (you probably believe redditspacing is real too)

TL;DR: No, reading is healthy nor are these posts long
You are at liberty (and always was) to ignore me and concede.
>ignore me and concede
>ignoring is conceding
Observe how the narcissistic snake uses double speak to arrange his words. This is the guy who called others Jewish earlier in the thread while he uses this sort of technique.
None of the above is true, kill yourself retarded latent faggot
Holy shit, I hate your fucking guts. YOU are the one who's trying to ruin this website, you fucking porn-addled trooner-gooner.

I take solace in the fact that you will lose this "fight," because unlike Reddit and all the other trans-infested cesspits on the internet, there is no way for you to actually enforce your bullshit here.

Have a nice day.
>Observe how the narcissistic snake uses double speak to arrange his words.
It's the summer during an election year. You get retarded fags like that.
>admitted to being a gender minority
Not a thing that exists. If society is to function, delusions are to be dismissed, not reinforced.
>sex =! gender
Gender as a concept distinct from sex is a malignant tumor which burst forth from the dark amorphous mass of 'sexology.' The entire field is pseudo-scientific horseshit and all ideas emanating from there should be disregarded.
>unfunny facebook boomer meme from 2016 of the Apache Attack Helicopter strawman
It's funny because it's an absurd exaggeration. That's literally how jokes work. How can you be this fucking retarded?
>cishet people talk about their staight relationships and shove their hegemonic culture down our throats all the time.
Persecution complex. You think them existing is them shoving shit down your throats. Isn't that the same argument you try to make?
>We NEED pride to be strong and in the public mind or else they stop seeing us (including YOU) as normal.
You will NEVER be normal because trannies will ALWAYS be a minority. That's how "normal" works.

tl;dr - Anon is a massive retard and a crybaby faggot (but you knew that already).
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i hate how hard this makes me
lol it's really good
I love that video as a femboy
really love it.
Reminds me how akira toriyama would talk about reading nudie magazines as one of his favourite hobbies.
probably why master roshi was so fucking perverted and weird.
everyone talks about goku slapping bulma's pussy in the first episode of dragonball but they never watch further enough to get to the one where roshi shrinks himself to watch her use the toilet and falls in her piss.
Yes, it's very much real.
>I take solace in the fact that you will lose this "fight,"

lol mate look around you, more closet case /pol/tards like you are bumping more and more trans threads every day
what are you doing here?
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>scrolling through the thread
>reeee, use the correct labels or else it's erasure
shut up, suck dick, fuck dick, lick a puss and keep traveling. it's not that important. until you start sprouting tentacles and actually grow from photosynthesis, NO ONE FUCKING CARES!
>NTR is very popular in japan
hmmm, why is that anon? ever thought ugly bastard is a fetish? you do know there are threads with 3d girls being fucked by 3d horses right?
why does it bother you anon? who in your life is gonna be bothered? your preacher? your teacher? your sister that has seen your penis while you were sleep in boxers or jerking it with the door open? stop letting them control you with labels. you're human and you desire pleasure, whether from gals, bois or both.
i personally dabble with both because im not a vegan, if you know what i mean. but i never go out and scream, "IM BI AND I EXIST!" nope, just "hey, show pp. oh we're being watched, i think she wants to join us," and it goes from there.
most people wouldn't care if people weren't being jerks about their own sexuality
Because that’s how the average jap looks
no one care, retard. porn is porn. you should shut up.
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eww futa
God, shut the fuck up.
I'm not either of them but you faggots are the reason why I though I come to a porn board to jack off, and there's so much "National Socialist thread", "hyperborean thread" or "BLEACHED" or some stupid political shit like that.

You fuckers should get your own board, like /polv/ or something.

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