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File: forced orgasm1.webm (3.18 MB, 1280x704)
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Let's upload some forced orgasm BDSM videos.
Post 3 faggit
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Hey everyone
I'm excited to share some videos with you all. This is my first time posting anything on 4chan, and I hope you enjoy what I've got. Looking forward to seeing more videos from others as well.
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The noisy wailing, grunting, crying out, and begging from these cum dumpsters is why I 100% prefer scenes where the fuck sluts are gagged.

Preferably with a full panel ball or penis gag. Then maybe even follow up with some wrapping of the mouth and neck over that to further muffle the noise.
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She is hot. Anyone got link to full scene?
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The most powerful squirting ever
What is this method called?
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Orgasm plus pain makes it better I guess. It is more fun for us to watch and I am sure she enjoyed it a lot.
OP doing Gods work
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It's a zipper
It’s piss
Dunno about that, I love the moaning. I even sometimes do some programming while listening to it
What else could it be?
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can't even imagine how cumming like that feels.
sucks being a guy.
you sound AI generated
You got me. Yeah I used ChatGPT to write that paragraph. I am impressed, mate.
I don't know how women feel during orgasm like that. But isn't normal sex with normal men ruined for her?
After orgasm like that with machine how can a woman have fun during sex with a everyday guy?
fucking lmao
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..just put out the light; we'll check on her in the morning...
I like forced orgasm videos but I dont like rough/violent videos.
Lesbian BDSM > regular BDSM
Nothing like a chef preparing his food
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Torture this black slave...I like how she cries at the end.
These are really good, good thread OP
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Her mind is broken forever
The James Hetfield
Her camera game is insane
>forced orgasm
I don't get it.. if you agree to get strapped up in one of these fuck machines, isn't the entire point to have an orgasm?
You can attach vibes to your penis with a cockring, so it essentially turns your dick into a vibrating dildo. And you can work out to be able to last 1-2 hours (combined with edging to ensure you can last that long).

So it's doable, just unlikely. Women HATE low status men that would engage in the above to please her. And you can be certain porn stars have had all the brain chemicals blown out, so she wants Chad thundercock or no one at all. So they are guaranteed to avoid the very people that WOULD try to please her, because Chad isn't going to tolerate that shit.
Thats kinda like saying "what the point in sex if nobody gets pregnant" ... its just fun...

first of all, its role play... (Start a rape thread if you want a rape thread) Second of al i think the idea is you get they to the go through the first orgasm and then they forget their safe word and you just continue (again - in role play)... or its just fun to imagine they;re just some girl you get to have your way with...

I definitely see your point though
She needs some one whipping her, too
God. I wish I had a partner that I trusted enough to treat me like this.
It's not a thing I feel comfortable letting just anyone do.. but god do i want to be like that.
Maybe some clothes pins around my areola and on my pussy lips too.
For women I think it not that hard to find a man who is into BDSM. I think most guy want to do BDSM with their female partner.
It's not about just finding a person, it's about finding someone I trust.
The kind of things I would like to experience isn't exactly something I'd trust just some random dude i've been dating a few months with.
Sure I'm a mega masochist who wants to be bound tightly and have her genitals hurt, but I don't want it with someone who wants to hurt for the sake of hurting, who is going to treat me like a whore in all aspects of the relationship.

I've just had some bad experiences and I'm mega picky about it now.
You are right. Now days it is very hard to find a life partner who you can trust. For both men and women. I am not just talking about doing BDSM,,just finding a romantic partner you can trust.

Are you kidding? Hearing them is half the turn-on for me.
Before women started pissing themselves in porn and claiming it was "squirting" there was actually legitimate "female ejaculation" research (see "skene's gland" etc.) The research was in part because a number of countries ban "urolagnia" in movies/video, so there was a need to argue that it's not the same thing.

Porn basically killed all of that, now "squirting" is universally pissing and women believe they can train themselves to squirt by forcing themselves to piss when they orgasm.
In ye olden days, a "squirt" was a little splash, usually found in other porn and clipped. It was fun and interesting.

Then Cytheria and the piss-gushing whore hordes came (heh) and the kink was forever ruined.
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women pissing themselves is hotter though
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this clip gets posted so many damn times and you decide to post the most cooked quality there is
>The noisy wailing, grunting, crying out, and begging from these cum dumpsters
That...that's the best part, man.
>I even sometimes do some programming while listening to it
I'm in QA. I'll do testing while listen to chicks cum. Figured I wasn't the only one.
lot of turbo virgins in this thread. generally, a lot of the enjoyment for a woman is in their head. a forced orgasm can be painful and if she's not into it, it won't be that fond of a memory. making passionate love with a partner who's also into it and building up to a climax that lass for minutes could be just as enjoyable for her, if not more.
Fuck yeah it is. Whenever we do this I ain't stopping until my girl is pissing all over and losing body control. Otherwise, what's the point?
It's incredibly painful, which is why we don't go for too long, just long enough to get a couple out of her, then I fuck her. These HOURS long sessions are exactly that - torture. We keep it juuuust under that threshold.

She says it's a "different" orgasm and while it's fun, it's not as fulfilling as sex. She prefers our dual cum orgasms but those are really hard to time, but fuck are they great.
Hahahaha right?? I had to stop the video I was laughing so fucking hard
I don't know why but I genuinely love like orgasam torture and breaking women
I had a girlfriend for like 2 years and finally got her to agree so I went wild on her
I put a dozen eggs in her I beat the shit out of her when she came I had her hanging from a wall for nearly 3 days, told her she was dog and only humans could talk
She went from loud and bratty with mood swings to barefoot and scared to leave the house, I was thinking this a good thing I get to do whatever and she's just happy.
One day I take her out and she has a real panic attack, completely incoherent no signs of any type of intelligence she just ran at me and made this siren fucking noise
When I left her with her parents she was basically full retard and had no idea what was going on, her dad who was great guy was understanding ect everyone thought she had like a mental break.
I know it wasn't though
I somehow broke her mind in those 3 days and she never came back, anyway TLDR be careful Anons you can loose someone doing this
Is this casey calvert?
hearing them is the best part you mongoloid faggot
meh, she was great in longlegs though
always make laugh

I guess you all have a point, but what turns me with gagging (especially extreme gagging) is them knowing they can't even beg for mercy.

It's just an extra bit of control taken away from them in an already hopeless situation.

It's like tying up toes and fingers, putting a blindfold on, plugging ears, binding breasts/nipples.

All completely unnecessary, yet so hot as each little thing is taken away. Not just hot for me, but for them. The sensation of little bits of body control taken away from you one by one. You're already helpless, but the dom just keeps going... so hot.
Shut up faggot retard Nigger kike
Who the fuck are you talking too retard, go sky
I was saying to you so you can get mad at your keyboard.
what is that thing and where do you buy one?
Filename retard
No idea, account is called partyp3nny on xham, title is the filename but not seen other videos of her
Nonsensical mumbo jumbo
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Are other types of BDSM related wembs welcome?
Kind of ruins it when you realize pussies just go numb after a while and they don't feel anything after a few minutes of constant stimulation. The videos where girls are tied to a vibrator for 20 minutes straight are all mostly bullshit, the stimulation needs to be varied and intermittent to properly do this kind of thing, you can't just jam a hitachi on there full blast for half an hour and achieve anything other than making her go numb in like 3 minutes.
Whatever BDSM you want.. I think we are ok with that.
>losing body control
That's not what's happening though. She's choosing to piss on you. Or she has a weak bladder. None of that is "hot" unless you have a urine fetish, and it has nothing to do with what *actual* female ejaculation was supposed to be.
That isn't true at all.

Women get MORE, not less, sensitive the more they come. There's a reason you *very* rarely see legit multi orgasms with something like a Sybian, the girls are too sensitive for it.

Go ahead and try it, make a girl cum three or four times with a Hitachi in a row and they'll be begging you to stop. The stimulation then hurts more than the pleasure.
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im fucking dying, when they bring out the impact to bolt it into the floor LMFAO
lmao was she sick of her asking every time or something?
what a weird lesbian
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more apps please
What's this girl's name? She has a video where she's getting fucked like crazy in much the same position, the guy pulls out and puts a vibrator on her and she cums like 2 times and then begs him to take it off.
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Sarah Blake, very rare video these days. It's when she was still hot
lmao the new SAW movie looks interesting
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Fucking jigsaw machine lol I love this

Are there any handy guides on building these kinda rigs? I've always wanted to have a kink room with stuff like this but never know where to start. The rope bondage stuff is pretty straightforward, but the actual solid metal rigs seem to have a bit of a barrier for entry. Especially since a fuck up or mistake could be pretty bad for anyone involved.

Like how do you go about finding the right materials? How do you find out how much weight they hold? How do you find the right place to bolt it on to the wall? What's the prefab market like?

Also where can I get a chair like this?
best one

i am not sure why we humans have become so insenstive but they seem like torture orgasms...
cool story bro
whens the english version coming out?
I'm going to try to rig up a forced orgasm chair with a massage chair, spreader bar, massage gun or vibrator, and other restraints for my gf. Any tips are appreciated.
Dylan Ryan
knowledge bump
Make sure whatever you tie her to can't be pulled apart. I screwed in some tie downs into the wall but only used 1.5in screws. She ripped one out when she came and kicked me in the head
can you actually force orgasm purely physically, if shes not emotionally into it? I know you can with men but i dont think you can with women? since they come in their mind first
Hitachis leaves my girls clit kinda numb bc it vibrates too much. But we have this sucker toy that I can give her 2 before she needs a break
Oh my
yeah you kinda can, lots of rape victims report orgasms - which yes, they don't enjoy, and then later becomes a sort of trauma that can effectively ruin sex lives

inb4 some retard incel trying to argue
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you say that like you expected somebody to be surprised?
i figured that in a strange way they like it, at least a part of them. since many women like being dominated, tied ect. maybe at some point during the rape they give in, and that is the moment when the orgasm happens?
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sauce on this gal
My gf loves to have her nipples pinched, especially during sex.
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The white slave trade is illegal, friend.
Anal orgasm is arguably better
>anal orgasm
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A small percentage of people, nearly all of them female, can have orgasms from stimulation of erogenous zones other than the genitals.
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This shit is art. post more, fag.
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Who is she?
kelly divine
It depends on how hot the rapist is.

Like in that 50 shades of rape movie.
That too is possible, but if you are raped by a stranger you may not necessarily, in the moment, know how valuable your orgasms are worth.
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Uhh, I love a good brat, what's her name?
the solid metal in most of these videos is actually fairly simple

if you look at a lot of the stuff they are using, it's modular supports that were originally designed for building sets on a stage. like the connectors they use all just have set screws to hold the joints together so they can be adjusted with a hex key. it's all stuff that anyone who works on a film set would be familiar with and have access to (and would be used for like, holding lights and curtains on a normal set)
There's not really anything in these videos that requires complex fabrication skills, and that is by design since they're building a set, using it for one or two videos, and then taking it down again (and using the stuff later for other videos)

the basic principles are, make sure they're securely anchored and test them before using them to hold human weight.

for your house, if you're planning to anchor to the floor, make sure you don't have a tensioned foundation.
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Predicament bondage using a clothespin zipper
you are an actual homosexual if you wouldn't drink a womans piss

How did you feed her durring this? What about bathroom breaks?
Not them, but I feel a 50 gallon drum of high quality horse or bull semen would be appropriate for a 3 day BDSM overdose.

I doubt she could eat it all, but it would be fun to watch her try.
I suddenly need to confirm if porn like this exists.

Off I go!
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This guy asking the right questions and no answers. I've pretty much done all I wanted with ropes, leather binds and tape but I'm definitely looking to upgrade to metal rigs. I'd like to start off on the prefab market but it's hard to find this kind of shit. Personally, it took me too long to find a vibrating saddle and that shit sets me back almost a grand.


It's absolutely worth the money but I wanna get more gear.
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Patrick Bateman over here
you can't leave us there, anon, we need an answer
You're a fag, unironcially
just mute the vid, faggot
Thanks for taking the time to answer and post that link. Definitely gonna start doing more research this weekend. I figured prefabs would be a good way to start and $1000 doesn't sound like a bad investment.
No, that makes us normal, it only seems that way because you are a libertine degenerate.
So far just a bunch of dog fuckers and a bit of horse dick.

So far I am as yet unable to locate a video containing a woman attempting to consume 50 gallons (189.27 fairy tale liters) of cum whilst succumbing to the whims or her pert quim; quivering under the assault of constant orgasms whist enduring the sweet pain of constant slaps to her delicate skin from the intricate custom horse penis flog her master created just for her.
Thanks for taking the time to answer and post that link. Definitely gonna start doing more research this weekend. I figured prefabs would be a good way to start and $1000 doesn't sound like a bad investment.
Don't make it weird.
unfortunate. keep us posted
I kinda already made it wired...

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