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Chastity cage urethral tubes are welcome as well
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you're not me OP (me)

Hot vids, nothing like that deep full feeling
My dick is hard but my skin is crawling. Can't decide if this is hot or horrific. Really cute femboy but man your poor penis :(
he's really hot I could watch him work his magic for hours lol
not painful if you do it right

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Anyone have the vid of the sissy/cd/femboy/whatever injecting a huge syringe of cum lube and pushing it out?
I wasn't expecting a second rod, holy shit.

nobody expects the penis imposition
learn how to make webms tard
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I need me a woman like this.
Good lord, i wish this fella good luck stitching that wrecked prostate back together. What a way to remind that sounding is inherently CBT
Holy shit I hope that was fake blood aaaaaahhhhh
What does sounding feel like?
Didn't know that you can fit something that long in urethra.
Amazing. I can cum from just sounding without needing to jerk off personally. Not a CBT thing for me. I've been doing it for years though. The first times definitely stung a little.

You gotta be into this kink mentally if you want to enjoy it physically
Now that's a cool way to get chinesium-induced bladder cancer.
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I'm semi interested to do this myself but I'd only really go for it if my girl really wanted to do this to me.
How would it feel to get fucked while wearing something like this? Has anyone in this thread bottomed with a catherer on?
I'm gonna need a sauce
I'm gonna be honest, this is my fetish (at least it turns me on so much when I see it on videos), but I don't have guts to try it out myself
What kind of rod should I start with and what kind of lube should I use?
surgilube + hegar sounding kit (has many rods in increments of 1mm) or similar
start with the thickest one you can comfortably fit, as the thinner ones are more pointy
start slow and make sure everything is sterilized (boil them or use mild soap, harsh stuff like alcohol is liable to stick around in small quantities unless you wash it thoroughly, and it'll irritate the urethra some)
it'll probably sting slightly the first ~3 times
Sauce for these?
https://x.com/dakkon2wbbb but i don't know of any longer version of the video
Keep it a fantasy.
Seriously don't do it.
sauce please
that's when you have him lick his own blood off the carpet and thank you for it. <3
who is that? :o insane!
Why is it called sounding?
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In medicine, a sound (/saʊnd/), also called a sonde (/sɒnd/), is an instrument for probing and dilating passages within the body, the best-known examples of which are urethral sounds and uterine sounds. The words sound and sonde in the sense of a probe for exploring something, which are cognate, come from the original type of sounding, depth sounding, the process of determining the depth of water under a boat or ship by sending a sounding line (lead line) to the bottom.

sorry, meant to reply to >>27577599
Thank You kind sir
it's me and my bitch
So does this feel good? Why would anybody do this to their dick??
Seriously not worth it unless you are into UTIs and having urethral stenosis later in life.
Feels fucking amazing. Especially if you have a rod inside of you while you're inside some pussy.
Honestly, I love his nut sack and his cock.
This is pure love and affection.
I hope everyone here stops looking at degenerate stuff like this and tries to find more normal/less deranged hobbies and subjects to turn you on

Your life is worth more than this debauchery.
I read you....I'll try

Both of these are me, funny how small the group of people that do sounding is.
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dear god
I could watch beheaded children but I can't stand two seconds into this. looks so painful and unpleasuring
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do you are have stupid?
sounding should not be done in a BDSM context
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what a gay thing to say
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It's dangerous and women are too retarded to entrust your body to them. Go safe and let them kick your balls
more? the urethra stuff is hot but I'm not paying 15 bucks to get into the only fans
There are leaks online.
hopefully they keep doing it so they can get cancer. watch these pedo faggots scream. pedos cause they can't cope so they molest themselves to compensae. niggers need to burn
Damn you're gorgeous. Do you have non-sounding vids anywhere?
HUH!? Now what
looks like https://coomer.su/onlyfans/user/cocoa-moo/post/673630308
not me kek, it's https://x.com/dakkon2wbbb
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I don't know, can you find that specific video because I sure can't
steralized lube like someone said, and start with thin silicone toys. it feels amazing when you pass your prostate but be careful when going deep and dont use too thick stuff. its gonna sting after when you piss but you still wanna do that to flush out the urethral
Wait till he gets.soft and sounding easily falls out

https://cavporn com/videos/33822/ep-2-12/
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How many mm? I'm up to 12mm
17/18 in that vid
i'm new to this and only at 8mm
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Be sure to check newart forums for advice.
how doesn't it hurt ? When a bit of soap enters in my urethra it burns it's so f painful
Well of course that's gonna irritate the urethral lining. Sounding rods and lube are supposed to be inert substances.
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THIS is the reason so many dudes are scared away from trying sounding. I enjoy sounding, but ain't no guy wants to bleed from his pee hole!
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That's so hot
Sir, a second rod has entered the urethra
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anyone have a link or name of the full vid?
Is it just me or do these cocks look broken. Like borderline erectile disfunction.

Also do the cut the underside of their glans, like a meato? How do those rods fit through the head?
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There's a lot of really hot leech videos on mless.
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sound off!

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