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Last one hit bump limit, let's keep it going

File: d1f470d04ec617779c2f.webm (3.72 MB, 1920x1080)
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File: BEST GAME EVER.webm (2.79 MB, 1024x640)
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A nigga in the previous thread asked for source on picrel when it was way past the bump limit. I'm not one he was replying to, however I did actually buy that video like 10 years ago. Legit stomachache content with real farts is very rare desu I wish there was more like it
mega dot nz/file/spZW1SDa#U-9CtVtPSgjjAZl-oXWzAN6Kf3KD3OBopTj7v7Crx5M
clips4sale store 28018 btw
File: 1721343922969245.webm (1.94 MB, 960x720)
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anyone know her name?
Toot Raider starring Lara Waft
Most women who do fart content do it to monetize their IBS. It's super common with women apparently.
Used to eat this girls ass while she absolutely brapped in my motu, no vids of her big farts though. She farted a lot because of her ibs.

Id put my mouth over her asshole and eat her gas. Her farts tasted super good and itd get me horny afff

Good times
I legitmately think Ive found my pinnacle of brap. I might be done with brap, its only downhill from this masterpiece
anyone got that webm of a girl with a large septum piercing brapping while on her back?
need IBS gf
no you don't, they are rancid and unberable
where do you think you are?
Most women who do fart content pump air into their asses. The vast majority of this stuff is not real my man it's a fantasy, get a grip
Some temporary downloadable ps2 game called gas girl or fart girl or something
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>404 / Page not found
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I'm that nigga, you're a god anon
God damn she can rip ass
holy fuck thats hot af.
Got any more vids?
np my man
File: lv_0_20240721170948.webm (2.98 MB, 1080x1900)
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2.98 MB WEBM
I only have ones with quiet audio. She never filmed her big farts, every once in a while shed fart in my mouth. Thats usually when shed fart a lot.

No audio on this one sorry
File: lifeguardissues_5.webm (3.71 MB, 852x480)
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File: facesittingko_1.webm (3.75 MB, 852x480)
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Starting to worry that I'll never get to see the full vid
severely underrated
File: ass belch.webm (1.59 MB, 600x800)
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File: real fart stretch.webm (1.33 MB, 960x540)
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File: Nerf_This_Faggot.webm (1.39 MB, 1280x720)
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I've been absolutely starved for leaked Kelly Shamrock content
File: pinky full and gassy.webm (2.75 MB, 800x450)
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grunting/moaning/relief is so fucking hot
damn, you just know those absolutely stunk
It's a net yaroze game, in Japan they sold ps1 dev kits to consumers so this game never had an official release anywhere.
among the first, if not the first video i nutted to
File: pinky2.webm (2.85 MB, 800x466)
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Pinky's farts probably smell like hard boiled eggs
These are old but here
File: 1712622645537641.webm (3.15 MB, 500x333)
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whose this think I've seen her doing scat before
ye it is its like they're satisfied doing it
I don't find farting attractive but for some reason girls that do farther porn have the best asses. I just put it on mute ans enjoy.
File: shartnado.webm (3.77 MB, 1280x720)
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That's like going to an indian restaurant and ordering mild curry
they need to be sexy and have a nice ass otherwise the farts aren't attractive
The butthole also shouldn't look like it needs preparation-h and a surgeon.
yeah, haemorrhoid ridden asshole monstrosities are a big dealbreaker for me too
i like my braphogs fat as fuck with small and perfect 'innie' (how does one say it) assholes, preferably discolored ass cheeks and inner thighs with an asshole of roughly the same pigment, not bleached
File: 1706595151610668.webm (3.95 MB, 728x720)
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That's why I prefer clothed asses. No chance of some body horror jump scare when she spreads her cheeks.
A complete waste of time, and at least half are fake. I want fart porn, not just farting.
File: 1651385542164.webm (3.23 MB, 1280x718)
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3.23 MB WEBM
Why did you put a guys face in the corners of the video
kek same I was just thinking there could be a good comedy bit about doing this
mmm listen to that booty purr
File: 1716340064579121.webm (3.89 MB, 828x430)
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It was there when I saved it
any of yall brap niggas have any larajuicy vids? her ass is 10/10
File: Reiinapop.webm (1.06 MB, 640x360)
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File: Sex farts.webm (3.46 MB, 406x720)
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these are queefs you dumb nigger
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i feel like i've heard these braps sampled somewhere but I can't put my finger on it
File: amyfarts.webm (3.68 MB, 480x854)
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Hot that you can hear her stomach churning before she farts
Any place where I can get her newer videos for free? scat gold is not up to date
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someone please pay this piggy to fart more on cam
I think brapping is her calling, these are hot af
File: lv_0_20240726033003.webm (510 KB, 1080x1920)
510 KB
she is brazilian so it's to be expected
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>17 seconds
>tries to push a fart out
>slap her ass as punishment
>rips a big fart
>slap her ass as reward
>start twerking

fucking kino brap hog
>her latest tweet is her getting banned from /r9k/ for shilling

After that she made a thread on /b/, I was checking there, she ghosted out and someone request to see her fart vid
honestly, respect the hustle
braphogs are queens who can do no wrong in my book
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no shitting you fucking nigger
File: 1717805293444614.webm (2.07 MB, 720x1280)
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It's LaraJuicyTV faggot
it's not a shitting thread retard
It's shitting adjacent stop crying as if it's totally unrelated gayboy
braps smell different
we need more asian braphogs
Glorious. Moar?
FYI this is the greatest brap webm ever made
whats the big difference? giant healthy fart vs giant healthy turd, one is more visual, both are hot as fuck
File: 1721917767563053.webm (3.17 MB, 1080x1920)
3.17 MB
3.17 MB WEBM
>hairy man ass cutting farts
>ugly women ripping ass
>absolute dime w/ a perfect body, who's also a qt 3.14 takes a healthy shit
File: 1695616145913902.webm (916 KB, 720x1280)
916 KB
There's an active scat thread, let's keep all the scat there.
This is a fart thread, let's just keep farts here.
Does that make sense?
Then say it like that from the start next time and skip the sanctimonious bullshit out, closet shit eating nigger

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