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Anon, why haven't you bought you own big mommy milkers yet?

They fell so nice and heavy on your chest, and they bounce when you walk.

Did you already get yours? Do you have something to share? Please share.
Yeah I know you like BBC spam, but try not to get mad when people like other things than BBC cuck porn.
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Z-cups some anon posted here yesterday.
>no mention of blacks
>immediately focus on black dick
lol, you're broken
Sure angry BBC lover
Where do you even buy shit like that?
some chinese kink sites
is it worth it to chance the lead poisoning to get some big fat milkers to wear?
for some people
I bought individual breasts a while back.
It was a really nice sensation indeed.
I wanted to buy something like in your post, but I stooped crossdressing, so I didn't.
Still, it sure should be nice to have such badabonkers to play with.

Count something like $200 for a good silicon model.
Cheaper ones are filled with "cotton".
I'd love to have a pair to jerk off while touching but I don't think it's worth the price
Who says you get lead poisoning from silicone?
>he doesn't remember the lead in children's toys a few years back
>he thinks it won't just happen again
I found that while the individual "inserts" are easy to handle till you get to a certain size, then it doesn't feel or practically work anymore.

If you go for a certain look, the chest "shirt" type brings home the look while also keeping everything in perfect place, becoming somewhat one with your body, enabling for bigger and heavier sizes, while eliminating the need for any bra at all.
I mean, it is possible. But damn you are such a salty negative bitch :P
Yeah I used to crossdress a lot and I had H cup inserts which were great for when i was sleeping in silk lingerie.

Sad shit right? But it actually helped me to sort my head out. I feel like crossdressing actually led to me to being more stable when I actually got a girlfriend.
Please inform the board before you commit suicide. If nothing else, I will get a laugh out of it. YWNBAW.
I think it sounds very reasonable. Getting some kinks ironed out. Eventually getting it out of our system, instead of letting some troon pusher fucking with your head.

Nothing wrong with playing around with mommy milkers, just don't turn into The Finnster.
Such crying.
>Eventually getting it out of our system

I still kind of want to do it sometimes. But then I look at myself in the mirror and see my body looking like a condom full of custard and I stop myself.
lol. Then why are you telling us this? Some do it for the kinks, not just so they can look in the mirror.
I did it for the kinks too. But its a lot of effort just to nut. So i look at myself in the mirror, think about how silly I look dressed up, and I stop myself.
Ok then. What are you doing here then?
I dunnoo, just fartin around.
But wearing lingerie was the point for me.
So smaller breastform were fine just to fill these bra.
But I agree with you, just before quitting, I wanted to try more light / different clothing, and that's why I almost bought breastplate like in OP's image.
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Bro, that actually look like she is wearing those fake ones. I I don't mean implants.
Yeah they’re common with Asian women.
Imagine having the perfect conditions to pull of an OnlyFans stunt as a dude, with fake strap-on-tits and ass. Not showing your face or anything, and properly still earn like 1000USD a month posting cleavage etc.

I actually think someone properly already pulled it off. Kind of depressing to think about.
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that's lowkey funny
That is lowkey fake,
They sell fake big wide hips and booty pants with vagina and everything...
its for the easy simp bucks
I'd love to have this as a fidget toy. Slap them around while I'm pondering.
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Why do you think I posted it in the giant wearable tits thread?
Fuck, recently discovered/developed a fetish for crossdressers with fat jiggly tits.

Even if they aren't that passable, my cock throbs' and I just want to fuck them into next week.
I would just titfuck them all day, they would never be worn.
Lol you give me the tits and I'll let you give me the dick to ;) x
I was commenting on how obvious it is when you realize it.
Strap them onto a solid mannequin.
I am pretty sure at this point, that these things are made in the same molding tool they also make the fancy sex dolls from.
ill get some eventually when i have the money, i have a tube top b cup one but i should got the fuller one that attaches to the neck because these ones kinda stay apart from my actual chest because of the weight, havent worn them very much
what kind of thread did they post it in?
Did you actually sleep in them? what was that like, very curious
>being more stable when i got a girlfriend
how so?
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Uh oh... I'm getting famous...
I bought mine straight off amazon
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I'm not good at taking it up the ass but I'll gladly suck you dry
The fuck?
as a woman with no tits i need to get myself one of those. it sucks having no tits as a female. i’ve been called tranny irl so many times i don’t go out anymore
Would make more sense to titfuck with them or my favorite titfuck/blowjob (which needs an easy to search name for porn, you search titfuck/blowjob and you get videos that include both but not simultaneous.)
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I tried my best when I filmed this. Unironically it was too small for the Z cups and I didn't have any lube in the pool
you could just get actual implants then?
why tf would i want that? i like tits and all but i don’t want them on me 24/7. i want to wear those things because i just want to not look like a tranny when i go out to shop or attend a job interview but when im home i want to take them off
ive wondered what itd be like to shower in them
implants look like shit anyway, youre better off with your natural chest between those two options, but yeah give a breastplate a shot if you want, thats unfortunate that that happens to you
>feeling horny and slutty one night
>white bra and panties under regular clothes
>DD-cup silicone breast forms in bra
>Go for drive.
>Make sure bra is visible under the streetlights
>Go to a city park.
>Get out of car.
>Adjust shirt and pants to show bra and panties
>Wander park hunting pokemon in the near dark
>Make sure to walk with shoulders back and chest out
>get bored
>Stop to fill up at gas station
>Stand so bra is visible if anybody looks my way
>Sammy sees me
>On my knees in the back of my van as Sammy pounds me
Please post (your lack of) tits
One of my friends had a a G-Cup pair of these at his house, tried it on. Girls can ever bitch about back problems again, makes no sense to me.
Real doll makes adhesive breastplates that almost pass, but they are like a grand
So not only are you a chestlet, you are also ugly. At least ass can be trained.
There are many options both in types (chest plates, bra inserts), sizes (A-cup to Z-cup) and weight (Cotton filled, silicone filled, air filled or a combination of them).

As I understand, it is actually important to get the good quality versions. They don't rip and the don't get oily.

You can get them with long sleeves and even full body suit where only your hands, feet and head aren't covered. I even seen one that covered your hands with realistic looking skin.

Fake voluminous ass and everything.
Fuck that made me hard
More cock sucking please, this is so hot.
>Retard doesn't understand how bad lead fucks you up
post one riding that dildo and moaning like a whore
>party truck
Not gay at all. But if a guy walked in wearing that titsuit i would be so fucking horny. I wouldnt be able to stop myself
same anon as >>27586380, might try walking outside for a bit around my complex with it on tomrrow night since itd be more empty around then
guess itd depend on the face
>the dildo is black
BBC porn enjoyer at its finest
i can see how you put that on. how the fuck do you take that off.
without tearing it
I bought once. Im pretty tall and muscular so Even "G cup" silicone gel breasts were'nt big enough for my frame. I really wanted to go larger but the shape is all fucked up. I made a grindr account and it exploded lol.

If they could make huge breasts like the sex dolls have then i'd buy again 100%

https://www.xvideos5. com/video.uifdtvvb5c2/wm_150_cm_m_cup_sex_doll_with_wm_head_360_

https://www.xvideos5. com/video.iclldok4094/sex_doll_busty_pleasure-sexy-doll.com

If i could find super large silicone tits that were a good shape id 100%make an onlyfans/escort
https://www.roanyer. com/index.php?route=product/product&path=63_59_81&product_id=351

thats what i got btw
it's silicone. have you tried to tear silicone? find some and try. you might be able to, but it's not particularly easy and you're not going to do it by accident
just rewatched it and yeah i must have skipped past the part of him yanking on it. still seems really awkward and slow to take off though
these "z plus cups" are like $700 and i absolutely must have them
To be honest, you're wrong. Mine ripped pretty easily. It comes with a lot of warnings saying it'll rip so avoid sharp objets and nails etc
>avoid sharp objects and nails
skip the acrylics next time you big dumb bitch
Find me wearable huge well shaped fake tits and i'll be a big dumb bitch
Strap those on and then spend a few months listening to the actual Bambi Hypno files. (not those tiktok remixed goonbait vids)
I need a partner in life willing to wear these for my sexual pleasure. Dont care if male or female. My god how turned on i would be. The vids alone are fuckin with me.
hahahaha faggot

Like i said, if you can find something huge and wearable i'll buy it.

Someone must know some huge anime fake tit website?
I know where to buy them right now. I just need to come home from work and a partner wearing that to great me at the door
Then tell me
Are you that teacher from Canada?
No, they're not that big. The moment they start sagging too much they lose their bolt-on look
Fuck those are exactly the tits I want. You got a link so I can buy some?
aw sweet! a data mining thread!
kek thats awesome
I got the kind for fucking not the kind for wearing but they're pretty great. they're on a shelf in my bathroom when Im not using them and I still like to just jiggle and play with them for a bit when walking past, great stress toy
Just search up Yiqi z cup breastforms on amazon, that's the brand I got but really it's just a generic breastform that a bunch of chinese brands sell
Did you make a taste sample to conclude that?
Dumb bitch, we want to see tits not your fuckin out of focus hand
If i lived alone and had a pair of those I don't think I'd ever stop jacking off to myself in the mirror and catfishing on whatever people use instead of omegle these days
please post more
anyone have names of people that make content like this? shit is getting my diamonds and I need more
bbump for intrest
If you can't find one then become one
bump to catch up
>Im pretty tall and muscular so Even "G cup" silicone gel breasts were'nt big enough for my frame.
>it exploded lol.
I would very much like to see how you look in these anon, barring your face of course

Dont know a lot. Murimoii twitter handle is one of them. If you got discord id love to talk about them and share the content i have.
wax your chimpanzee arms holy fuck
goddamn you have discord? fuckin add me
Fuuck, ive never been so envious yet so horney.
These are incredible, im going to be stroking myself to oblivion with these. Thank you anon.
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last bump ill give
maybe if we had some contribution it wouldn't need bumping! nigga!
i have b cups i can show off i guess theres not much to see though
Should have gotten D minimum
i wanted to try walking around in public with them, d would be too obvious but i figure b is small enough that maybe people might not notice, its more conspicuious, atleast as a first pair, id like to get huge ones eventually
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people are going to notice anon, and they're going to be weirded out by you. Just keep the fetish shit in the bedroom or kink parties.
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i dont think id ever go out with huge ones though, i just mean in the bedroom for those yeah
I think it's worth posting, this thread is so barren anything is better than nothing. especially OC
I didn't think I could be fooled by this but I love it

Is there a place that perfectly matches your skin color? and adds subtle veins?
im diggin this
>whatever people use instead of omegle these days
Wait, did Omegle die? anyone know why that is, seems to be gone
Omegle died Nov 2023. I think people are using OmeTV now? I don't think it has an 18+ section
You're all gay but it would be not to make a flat chick wear this

Kek. How insane

....im listening
>>27602415 alright
I see you working the incel to trans pipeline. Just know you're appreciated.

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