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File: 1713333491846677.webm (1.67 MB, 562x1000)
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Post any webm with hot women youd bust a nut into. No gay shit, No Blacked
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>girl showing off her holes on the internet
>i want her to be the mother of my children
you fool
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If you breed this one those tits will deflate and fall to the floor
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I know she's old but it doesn't get more breedable than Danica
she was real hot when she started out but idk what happend
her hardcore vids are really lackluster.
Buildeth for BBC
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she will adjust her behavior when you’re the man
isn’t she allowed to post her body if she wants to?
very impressive
its sorta gay u gonna leave her not pregnant at some point
detailed porn comments, reviews, critiques are the future of comedy
these dumbasses are going to raise your children
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1. saggy tits can be hot too
2. keep her pregnant, keep 'em full~
bro this bitch fucks niggers and let's them rape her. pick your sluts wisely this coal burner groomers black boys it's how desperate she is for nigger cock
>isn’t she allowed to post her body if she wants to?
you sure about that boy? she quit her onlyfans because her little whiteboi boyfriend told her to. I don't see how she can be fucking niggers in this scenario
Lina belfiore don't fuck niggers lmao,
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You incels will never have a wife or kids anyway
We need someone with the ability and willingness, and courage, to study whether there is a connection between a person's IQ and how fit and facially gorgeous the parents are.
not expecting anything too definite, anything too mind-boggling, too toxic towards contemporary "beliefs", because my parents were both quite handsome, I am handsome as well, and the only thing I've managed to accomplish in my life is to waste or say no to great opportunities. I guess i am not one to seize, but to create - let us call it professional premature ejaculation (very much like any character who hates the "system", discipline and persistence appear to be my number 1 foe. A wee sad, in fact.

the main reason, however, why the aforementioned study i wish to see done intrigues me is because its conclusions might furnish our side of the world with concrete facts about how important genetics are to a healthy, prosperous economic and social environment.
Her head looks massive on her body for some reason
Tryna convince my pregnant wife to get implants when she finishes breastfeeding, she not getting a reduction anymore.
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a fellow gentleman of taste and sophistication
Economics is the primary factor behind both IQ and perceived beauty (within 3SD of the mean in "western countries").

You're not ugly or dumb you're just poor.>>27582231
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got that one of her on my hard drive, don't know who it is tho
some studies say there is a link some say not
Would make sense if women (in some parts of the world) were evolutionarily driven to seek out (among other things) intelligent males (leaders, good hunters/warriors etc) and those men sought out beautiful women (sign of a good immunesystem and health), those two things would eventually correlate.
we do know for a fact that pretty people are PERCEIVED to be smarter.
Also niggers are dumber than white people who are slightly dumber than japs and jews are the smartest (with all their conniving)
About 4ft 10in and 90 lbs my guess.
Not big enough to break the ceiling fan
while holding on and spinning on your cock.
why did i want her to fart out a liquid shit while she was doing that
>within 3SD of the mean
oh fuck off that's a gigantic margin
is that real? I get why shes famous
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would have 7 kids with her
Ok and?
thank you
fat bridesmaid
>breeding material
>posting only women that would die during childbirth if it wasn't for modern medicine
I was thinking the same thing.
Breeding is all about genetics, you fucking retard
Sauce please god
File: triangularadoredduck.webm (2.34 MB, 608x1080)
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try the link in the post you replied to
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Russian women look like THAT?
File: lilyhoneybee1.webm (3.9 MB, 562x1000)
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what I wouldn't give to be cucked by them...
Post more of this goddess
Do I wanna breed these type of women? Yes

Do I want to raise an offspring with them? No

There's a difference, child.
she definetly fucks black guys
File: midori001.webm (2.81 MB, 608x1080)
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You don't need to displace these feelings onto 'genetics'. It's okay, you failed a couple times, you might fail more. That's okay, you're okay. Don't worry this much. Try to encourage a growth mindset (gently). Whatever you are now, wherever you failed before, you are continuing to grow and learn. That's true and it's really what matters. Don't forget that inner peace is always there, it's an illusion that it's gone at certain times. Use that as your foundation and just focus on your breath/ come back to your breath when you're anxious about anything.
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Why are you so beta
Billie ellish fake followed by subliminal kamala harris, democrats did this
serious arguments over porn with underlying tones of masculinity and hierarchy will always be the peak of comedy

FYI real people jerk off and go on abt their day

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