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Lmao is this real?
Those F-16s sure are taking forever to get there. Seems like the US is just biding time for it to end before they get to besmirch its' reputation.
What happens if youre on a battlefield and you need a piss or a cigarette break - can you wave a white flag and then go for a piss or a cigarette?
holy fuck, vlad, get out of there cant you see that bomb blast?
Actually, the way Ukrainians made it up, it would be Volod.
looks like a poor androïd prototype
Look at all those men out there ready for slurping
SLUUUUUUURP you're in the army now sonny boy
Might as well promise them F-35s at this rate.
Where do you get all those video from ?
I feel like i miss lot of them in the telegram i follow.
>Where do you get all those video from ?
They come from a lot of sources, but mainly telegram I think. Check the /chug/ threads over on /pol/ where people post them.
>Lmao is this real?
Yep. Even Western MSM covered it. It would be hard for them to ignore it though since he did it on live TV.

Its just one of many examples showing where his brain is deteriorating and that's why his own party is now forcing him out. But he's been in mental decline for years, tbqh.
You only follow one channel?
the ukrainians have been hitting more SAM sites lately, so I think they are getting ready to roll a few F16s out soon. I don't really see how fighters are going to do much good at this stage, and I don't think they will last long enough to be any kind of game changer, but it is starting to look likely that we will see them before the end of the year in any event.
That guy is lucky I guess that he's not getting skinned alive by his platoon.
Why's he so bruised? I never see russians bruised in Ukrainian interviews. Russians really are as scummy as they say?
>I never see russians bruised in Ukrainian interviews.
I don't think any more than usual. They hit SAM sites whenever they can as a general rule. They are high-priority targets constantly, since degrading AD is always on the agenda for future strikes with any air assets and they're expensive and not as easy to replace fast.
My guess is they plan to use them as bomb trucks like the Soviet planes so far, while maybe hoping to score an AMRAAM kill on a strategic bomber or two. I agree they won't make much of a difference, but it'll be interesting to see how they fare against the newer Russian long-range AD.
>haha, they'll never notice this giant truck with a bright red cab!
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Hilariously now Zelenski is trying to signal he's ready to negotiate. Against his own decree lol.
Sounds similar to that famous F-16 video, except more stress.
What do they teach these niggers in history class?
this is a training exercise retard
Ufo? Lol
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yes sure
after that(if you are lucky, during if not) you get droned
this whole war is gay
Chrissy is serving for justice and democracy and western values, stormtrooper is serving literally hitler
she will outlive him and and reproduce and future generations will prosper
has the eyebrow been raised yet?
It's funny how they shut off the gas transit to Hungary who provides like a third of pigger energy needs. I'm sure it'll end well.
> calling himself a stormtrooper
right, so he's a replaceable foot-soldier with poor aim?
why arent lazers being used for anti drone and missile use? there's youtube videos everywhere of amateurs with big lazers instantly burning stuff a mile away, would it be that hard to hook one of these up to a fancy targeting system and just shoot down every threat?
All soldiers are replaceable.
That little jew is so annoying
Context? Did that dude stabbed the knife in that poor fella eye

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