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Women being women
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>donate if you like my boobs!
>don't you dare mention my boobs!
God I hate zoomers
I am so confused, what the fuck is this chant about? I mean the second one looks inspired by some comments, but comments to what? also what's the point? are they summoning something?
Also is this related to that shit that seems inspired by cheerleading? Where people "dance" and try to mimick the lyrics? I'm getting too old for this shit
this is actually fun
Australian chicks are a good time
I agree
Is this that girl who makes Angela anaconda videos?
>whenever a man calls me sweetie or darling or gorgeous
LMFAO who does she think she's fooling?
Attempting to humble brag
As much as I cringe to this video I wanna fuck itty bitty titties and a bob girl
>Men don't like being called darling or gorgeous
>Men don't like holding babies
She’s old. You already know her child is retarded
Tiktok has things like this that trend in this case its just doing a dance/chant saying two things you have. Really though, this bitch Rachael Wilde is in her twenties and made a rapidly growing skincare company but she wants to brag over and over again what a boss babe she is so has worked herself into the trend which was really just meant to be about things like hair, fashion and body attributes. Remember how most of the hype over Theranos was that Elizabeth Holmes was young woman running a big company?
Holy fuck the walking through people trend shits me. I am a giant fat cunt with a BMI of 50 who is also visually impaired, one of these holes are going to get seriously injured one day momentum means that I literally have a hard time suddenly turning or even stopping. Of course I am going to get into massive trouble because male vs female.
At least she knows, won't be a pretentious bitch.
She's retarded anon, that is what feminism does to the brain.
>Dancing instead of working
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As gay as this is, if they keep doing it to people's commens it'd be "funny".
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sometimes, they can't help but whore out
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>the absolute state of American women
I'm tired, boss
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so she likely has a cute butthole, gross pussy, and those retarded little same length asian stub toes they all have.
Girl 1, 3, and the last one make me sooo horny.
I fantasize about fucking the shit out of these daft ditzy blondes. Don't ask me why, it's a primal urge.
You bros feel me?

she is painfully insecure about her butthole it seems.
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oops wrong clip, found it tho.
her voice and face, she's so ugly jesus christ. Americans have such bad tastes in Asians.
Fuck, I love women like the tall “power walker”. I’m 6’3”, 320#. I’m considerate in crowds and usually make room. But you can see when it’s one of these “I move for no one” people coming. I never move for them and love watching them essentially bounce off me. It’s always women and short guys, too. Every other big guy I meet tends to make room and not be an asshole about it.
women are now doing feminism by being nice to men. we've made it bros. we had to trick them into it, but finally they're being normal and nice.
>position: your choice
Great, get in the kitchen, your position is maid and cook
>I can handle my own
At that point Brie would have been on her own. Equal rights, equal lefts.
I want a crazy bitch girlfriend ike that. Hott fuck.
She's a chunky girl with a very plain face who gladly puts her nice rack on display. So yeah she's probably pretty easy to get along with.
>the itty bitty titties and a bob Asian girl
This is the epitome of the "I'll fall for literally any non-obese white guy between the ages of 16 and 45 who even so much as smiles at me" phenotype.
i do not believe in the slightest that whoever this bitch is can compare to elizabeth holmes in any way..
this tiktok shit is just pure cringe.
>black bear
Honestly surprised her shrieking wasn't enough to scare it away
Oh my god I had only seen the soundless version, this is way worse.
Based bear
Embarrassingly fake
She has herpes
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>no bra
these dumb cunts must get off on being exposed
I don't know
>put some money from your grandparents into a factory that produces fake slop cream
>stick your logo on it
Wow what a business woman
"Stupid ignorant fucking morons" I love the irony with these people
Second is inspired by comments to first video Mr. Monk
""Stupid ignorant fucking morons" I love the irony with these people" I love the irony with these people.
>Son-in-law wears mask
>Mask does nothing
>You should wear masks
...Huh? Masks didn't stop sick people from being infectious and, according to her story, they don't stop healthy people from being infected. What does she think they do?
Me at :30.
Leftover women.
all jews
how boot ya lose some weight fatass
God, it's worse with sound.
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you'll regret it faster than you think, believe me
don't insult monke, G
then read the post again or ask an adult to read it out loud to you.
I hate women so much it's unreal.
Where the fuck is this from?
I love bears so much it's unreal.
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>itty bitty titties and a bob
they are bullying her by making her say that
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> itty bitty
Humans are sexually dimorphic species, what the means is there's a systematic difference in form between individuals of different sex. One of those differences is size of mammary glands and presence of breasts. Flat women are nature's mistake and all those 'itty bitty titty' and 'small tits are better because x or y or z' is just sad cope.
Very real and not fake
Do Americans live rent free in your mind, little bro?
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her eating ass and claiming its empowering is great too
>Vatnig already on suicide watch again
itty bitty titties looks like she could be the mom of the rest
you deserve a painful death
>if no one else is alive, they will surely take the territory
so close...
The 2nd woman is right. If being given a rifle and being told to go to the front line isn't an option, there's still other jobs that are needed like logistics, transport, making food, factories, hospitals, sewing, etc.
those things are millenials
The zoomers are in their mid 20s now
Women are so lame it hurts
US. Where else?
congrats. you only made them more popular
Too fucking high and drunk right now. Your comment made me laugh. Thanks oldman-san
man if a woman handed me her baby over a woman, I'd be overjoyed. Then I'd probably start wondering what the other woman did to make her so untrustworthy.
In my opinion, I think the outrage over these videos is justified because honestly the planet is in an economic crisis.
There is war everywhere and people can't afford the cost of living.
Then you have these fucking people getting paid AT LEAST $40/hr (Australian corporate wages + women) and this is what they do in their 8 hour shift while people are suffering to make enough of a living to support their family.
Except that wasn't the question, retard
This cunt refused my $1k donation to review Sneed episode. I gice her credit, she isnt a complete money whore.
>is in an economic crisis
It's been in a cultural crisis that will do more damage. Economies can be fixed, ruined culture can't.
If a woman calls me gorgeous I will be beaming for a full month
You're truly pathetic. Do you have any personality outside of memes?
>wearing pants don't stop naked people's piss from getting on me
>I guess pants don't work
You could drop a water tower full of industrial strength acid here and nothing would happen.
In my defense it was 2020 and spending my covid check was between that or filling my liquor cabinet.
no they're not turn your brain on
i know. my strong yellow fever is not enough to counteract my hatred for americanized pigs.
You analogy fails because wearing pants does prevent the piss from spraying unto you, but wearing a mask does not prevent a person from spreading covid.
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That's why everyone should wear pants, you fucking jizz muppet
you get really tired, really fast at being in court over their mouths. trust me.
>85k base pay.
>free lunch
>80% downtime
DEI is adult daycare
i don't get why so many people want ot look at assholes and why so many people are willing to show off their smelly assholes to such people.

fucking gross. I must be superior but since i'm surrounded by such people it doesn't really matter.
lol people are so fucking stupid. there was never a virus.
Doomer retard, human beings have never had better lives in the history of the planet. Jesus Christ stop fucking whining about every single little thing.

there was no covid. it is just a medical billing code scam. covid 19 has overlapping diagnostic critieria with other conditions and diagnosing it was incentivized to do.

most of the time they just prescribed bed rest and if the people were especially sick it was jsut because they had some other respiratory infection. why? because respiratory infections have always been multiple among the top 5 causes of death.

Covid 19 was LITERALLY completely invented. It never existed. Covid tests are completely meaningless. they basically just test for common cold, but even then since it is a PCR test it means nothing because at least a third of all people have it in their system at any given time.

It's all complete and utter horseshit but people just cannot FATHOM the extent Jews are willing to lie to them.
>human beings have never had better lives in the history of the planet

that's debatable. I mean the times I have been happiest have been times of struggle or uncertainty. And if we look at the level of creativity and the products of past civilization (like the architecture and stuff) people actually were far more creatively fertile in the past.
>t. least COVID brain damaged anon
Womens should not act like this. This is uncanny valley.
Typical Gen z phrase, If zoomers are behaving cringy
Basic bitches. Look at all of them holding latest trending item in their hands, Stanley cups. You can bet few years ago they were all wearing ugg boots too. Such consoomers
I think so
the last two look even older than her
Chinese people don't age well
retarded faggot incel
lmao ngl they cooked for just going along with it instead of bitching about it
she believes the bear thinks like a human and will stop playing with her kayak if she explains it's just plastic and doesn't taste good
Compose yourself
Move your hair around
Pick yourself up off the floor
And realize that in todays world of woke equality for women a man WILL slap you back and at 10x harder than you
this cunt hates the people that work there. she doesn't understand that everyone there hates her and the rest of the HR niggers so bad they wouldn't give this bitch CPR if she needed it.
>she believes the bear thinks like a human and will stop playing with her kayak if she explains it's just plastic and doesn't taste good
But even humans like to play with plastic things (action figures, etc).
Tiktok normies and cringe, tiktok normies and cringe
I bet you are one of those butthurt mommy milky faggots
a simple slap and she's not running her mouth anymore
you missed my point. she was trying to explain to the bear like he could understand her whining. it seemed to me the bear was having fun playing with her kayak. it didn't matter that her kayak didn't taste good. it was just a toy to the bear
vatnigger spotted
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Why are they like this
kill yourself
These videos are turning me asexual.
i mean to be fair those are some fantastic tits
Humans have never been more domesticated than they are right now.
A lion in a zoo lives longer than they do in the wild.
thats a good dude.. pussy shortage made him pick up this obnoxious bitch
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would smash gen z boos though
This would make the best sitcom. Girl and bear.
>ROAR *shrugs*
I can't quite explain why I hate this so much but it has nothing to do with them being female, that's for certain. I don't hate women. I just hate this self indulgent narcissism, the stupid faces, the pointlessness, the camera work. Everything about this is what is wrong with modern society. Imagine having to work for/with people like this. I'd probably kill myself.
Then you should stop sitting in the urinal, freak.
checked and keked.
>daughter gets vax, miscarries
>meanwhile le coof was harmless
sad,.many such cases.
why the fuck didn't he just tase her from the other side of the counter?
fucking cops looking for any excuse to shoot someone
nah its fine, don't rush a cop with a fucking weapon.
Pretty crazy that this nig just killed a white woman like that.
If it were that other way around they would riot for 6 months.
Jews spotted
Show tits
Ukrainian is such a fucking gay language.
Russian sounds so much better
Same, I love babies.
Lol, in no other time.in history was housing more expensive
6'5" dyel lanklet reporting in. Can confirm. Other tall people are usually courteous. Manlets always have to prove they're not afraid or some shit. You know just like chihuahuas always screaming with their little voices, always running around shaking.
Never had an "I don't move" woman though. They're either too absorbed by friends or phones or straight up mirin.
Maybe but she a cute. A cute.
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This will be the new "laugh you lose" content on here you watch.
I don't see the problem
Girl on the bottom right actually has a few good points.
All women can do is have children and they wont do it
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There was a wife who set herself on fire when her husband got conscripted so they are not all traitors
Simps deserve so much worse in society.
>I support the bigger cause le chad lmao
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>What does she think they do?

The same thing they've done for over 100 years. Help stop the spread of viruses. Moron. People knew this 100 years ago and stopped the spanish flu. Don't tell me in this day and age you're more ignorant than people from 100 years ago anon.
The number of guys willing to puff out their chest at someone simply for not taking abuse from a female is disgusting.
I blame shitbags like Dr phil for promoting it when he tried to threaten a guy with the police who's girlfriend admitted to assaulting him just because he shoved her away from him to defend himself.
SSRIs and various medical conditions make it extremely hard and pointless as they weight comes back on when I get sick and have to stop going to the gym. Any more questions, faggot?
How is your business doing anon?
their job is marketing, they have pulled something off here.
If they didnt have vagoos we would throw rocks at them.
Why are half of them are in pajamas and the other half are dressed like comedians from 1992?
I unironically remember compliments from women from decades ago.
oh brother do i have news for you
Mommy milky
>People knew this 100 years ago and stopped the spanish flu
You can't possibly be this retarded, holy shit.

That is a woeful analogy and you should feel shame.
Now imagine the piss stream is a micrometer thick and there are a few billion streams, and you can understand why masks have been demonstrated as pointless at stopping viruses for decades.
Ukrainian deserters are scum. their fatherland is being attacked and their only concern is for their own skin. the treachery of their wives is more noble than their cowardice
>denies science because he believes the bs antivax consipiracy sites

yes fuckface, learn some history. they masked up, washed hands and social distanced and managed to stop a virus that killed tens of millions of people back when the population was a quarter what it is now
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check'd and underrated comment. Have a you.
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So this... Is the power... of blowjobs...
they live life on easy mode. they do way less work than men in the same positions, if men even get hired to their freebie-life positions.
We should be sending this shit to Pajeets. Go to these places. Apply for these jobs.
used chatgpt and posted on instagram? you too can work in "tech"!

Women add nothing of value to society and need to be put back into chains.
do some reading on the efficiency of masks. how is a cloth mask supposed to reduce the spread of a virus when it can travel through microscopic droplets on the air around you?
>Management Consultant
Pick one
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I'm afraid of crazy bitches.
droplets are not microscopic you idiot. the virus is smaller than what a mask can filter, but the virus has to travel ON something. You're an idiot who's bought into the antivax bs.
Yes, you can still get and pass an infection if you're wearing a mask the risk isn't entirely eliminated and nobody ever said so, but the odds are greatly reduced. Test it out yourself. Let someone sneeze in your face while they're wearing a mask vs. when they're not and tell me how wet your fuckface gets. Again, people figured this out 100 years ago, and back then even plain cloth masks which are not as advanced as what we have now did the job. Stop being an idiot.
No fucking way this is real life.
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Bear couldn't hear her over the screeching. Understandable
Why do women always move like chris farley when they scream and yell like this? Even skinny women
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i'd wife secret product and a trench
consultants, HR, and journalists deserve the most hate of any profession.
1k donation to a woman "content creator". you should kill yourself as soon as possible
strange - how women want to eat cum from strangers for money.
there's a 0% chance she doesn't know what she's doing there. That reveal was 100% on purpose, and deliberate. You have to understand this if you want to understand women. They might be dumb on most stuff, but revealing their assets, they are more aware of their movements then you willl EVER be.
I really hoped the bear would rek her. Then I could send this to all my friends who reposted the "man vs bear" meme on x lmao
covid is pretty much over. If you don't get the science behind it even now, then I don't have hope for you. No point in arguing with you. But this woman is in the right.
>I do hope everyone that refused to wear a mask catches covid.
>I really hoped the bear would rek her. Then I could send this to all my friends who reposted the "man vs bear" meme on x lmao
I don't have any video of it, but here's an article of a fatal bear attack on a woman in California last month which you can send your friends.

so she can throw the scissors straight at him? are you retarded?
> probably would've just cut the tazer wires with the scissors anyway
if the cop wasn't a nigger, there's wouldn't be an issue
What is wrong with americans
>mfw I refused to put on the mask whenever I could and never got the shot and never contracted covid
>mfw no face
smart lady
>learned her lesson
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but that bear attack was in town. the meme is whether the girl would rather come across a man or bear in the forest. Everybody knows city bears are assholes and country bears are kind and helpful.
I-Is that a bunch of w-women d-dancing?? What has the world come to, I can't even....
she's going to drive back to the gas station and complain to the manager that the gas hose should auto retract. That's how entitled women are.
I should call her...
Kek, that would have been fucking kino
Who is this guy?
I hate it when people really emphasize their fucks. Like have you never said fuck before?

NOBODY cares about your retarded slav countries having their retarded slav slapfights. We do not think about you in the first world, nobody cares when you kill each other. You're not even white
The gen-z boss with the mini should eat my ass
No, you don't. Every single seconds becomes a nightmare.
Keep talking to a Yandere Chatbot IA, it's much better.
What the fuck was she expecting ?
Main Character Syndrome is real.
When i used to work in an office this was a thing. Women turning up in pyjamas....

I dont get it. Is it a power move?
>human beings have never had better lives in the history of the planet
Yet somehow they still work 40+ hr weeks.

Agree. Imo women have developed a masculine level of confidence and it looks ugly when they show it.
>camera resolution is too high
>women have masculine confidence
>simps let this happen

We peaked as a civilization well before this video.
>implying they paid for that stuff
Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert comic strips, hypnotist and podcaster.
No shit that's the point of this thread
No, it fucking isn't.
Ok, what in the fuck us this retardation?
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Stfu, Asian girls have perfect feet
Women really want to meet a bear in the woods, but not by their kayaks
Stfu fag
What is dei
we gave women here too much freedom
>got "covid" 3 times
>still kicking
still not vaxxed :)
I remember this at the time kek

Lesbians. And...different lesbians.
ugh that kiwi accent is fucking hideous and I'm a New Zealander myself
>9 to 5
>clock in at 10:20
>clock out at 16:45
chant is about the right thing to call it
>>In my 40s.
>>No shots
>>Never wore a mask, not even once.
>>Never noticed myself sick during Covid pandemic
Nothing replaces a good immune system, anon. We didn't live in a bubble and got sick as kids so our immune system could learn how to fight future infections.
You should totally learn about our immune system, it's fucking fascinating. Everything else in our bodies breaks down with time except the immune system. It gets better at its job, barring immune system disorders.
There was no science behind the recommendations offered to you. Science is a method of testing utilizing rigorous protocols with provable results. What they told you to do were panicked recommendations in an attempt to allay your fears. Science takes time and methodology. Fauci has come out and stated that social distancing didn't work, masks didn't work and that the "vaccine" didn't work. The very person who told you to trust the science never had any science to prove any of it worked. It was an attempt to stop panicking people from being idiots, as panicked people always are. Fear is the mind killer.
Vaccines work, but the shot offered for Covid was not a vaccine. At best, it could be described as a booster shot, which can dull some of the effects, but it was never going to make you immune. Vaccines take years to decades to develop and test. Some very serious diseases still don't have vaccines such as HIV/AIDS, Dengue, and Malaria. Malaria is about 30 million years old and still kills about 600,000 people a year. Thinking Covid could have a vaccine pumped out in a couple months is just plain silly.
People should stop listening whenever anyone on TV says "The Science", because it's almost never has any scientific backing anymore. They just want your eyes on the screen for that sweet, sweet advertising check.
I'm pro-vaccine. Jenner and Pasteur probably saved more lives and did more for humanity than any one else, but in no way would either of them consider the Covid shot a vaccine
>gen z boss & a mini
Mass-replying semen-slurping faggot spotted
>caught a fictional disease 3 times
Never masked up. Got the cold once or twice. Imagine falling for such a basic psy-op in this day and age, when you already know for a fact that jews lie about everything. Sad.
this happened when men lost the right to comment on a woman's attire in 1998. this is unironically a very professional and fashionable looking team by todays' standards.
i thank god every day that im self employed
I know! Seems like a better justification for shooting than I normally hear about.
We are all every person in this clip
her final words were "you know you're a nigggyyaaaaaa..." kek
russian propaganda is always so poorly made just like all of their media/machinery/materials/plans. its a wonder theyre able to trick any retards at all.
Not my baby, I ain't holding it.
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I mean her acting is pretty good.
you're painfully stupid. the way the world works in your mind is like a 2 year olds. i cant believe someone has to explain to you that viruses travel on droplets of mucus, not just freely flying in the air attatched to nothing. you should unironically kill yourself because you must surely be a burden to everyone around you due to your unbelievable stupidity
women like this should really just get beaten senseless
5 foot 3 and an attitude!
Fake and gay you stupid fuckwits. You need to go back.
What a faggot. Can't handle his bitch, I would have been so ashamed. If you want her to stop, you just move her physically, and tell her to shut up and do it do she actually shuts up, not whining like a pup for minutes, this bitch never stopped. This guy has no authority, she was throwing a tantrum, creating a drama from nothing, annoying everybody yet he let her keep going, she's so stupid I would have died of cringe if anybody heard 1/10 of what she said.
Imagine, just imagine your girl telling such retarded shit in a crowded place. I would just shut her up just to avoue to expose her stupidity. How can you even respect your partner if she throws some immature Karen tantrum in public? She literally sounds like a 8yo. Literally confirming that women must be placed under their husband authority once they leave their father's.
Guys, I'm not sure those threads are really fit for me. I struggle to deal with irrationality in general, but those ones will turn me in a complete misogynist.
>can't condense his argument
Like pottery
Women's evolved capacity for problem solving is to scream cry at high pitches in order to get males to come over and do something. Even if that solution is to remove the woman for the situation. In way should that woman still be there. If it were a man in her position. He'd have left and go sat in his car away from the bear ASAP
You're just afraid of needles you fat pussy lol VaCcIne iS BaD (as the retard eats 4000 calories a day, drinks booze and smokes)

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