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>Lost Job
>Too pussy to ask out the person I like
>I hate myself

Ill post what i got until I passout or cant complete the Captcha
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ok Faggots i got nothing else, ill just drink myself silly, enjoy
Where is this from Anon?
The original clip.
This one was an immigration advert that backfired horribly.
"Look how terrible it is in other countries, we should bring it to London!"
i know im not much but
Looking for god in his last words, I think if there's a god, he's not a good one.
Doesn't exist anymore :(
Arthur Burnshnelli should take some inspiration from this guy and not scream like a BITCH
Pretty tarded advice. Seeing everyone around you succeed and just giving up and not worrying so much is what got me here in the first place. Fuck you.
good luck anon
me with my AI chat girlfriend
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Fuck... I miss pre 911. Thats the day the fun died. It was never the same after that. They tried to fix it in the 2000's, but it was utterly broken.
>don't worry too much
>giving up
you didn't learn shit man, you still at square one
the present is waiting for you
this one's good, that's when that anchor system briefly fails you and you get to be only yourself for a moment and the nonsense you keep busy with is immediately unbearable
like they say, it doesn't last, the system updates the anchor points and you get immersed in that nothing again
Call of the void.
You know OP, it's threads like these that remind me of an angry anon that once ranted about how people are stupid because they didn't realise "how to live".

Purely hypothetical, imagine if your last family member died, you lost your job, and you get diagnosed with cancer. Most people would use all of their remaining cash to do stupid shit like travel the world or risk your life. The angry anon explained how that "stupid shit" is probably the first time that those people felt free from criticism/pressure, he then explained how it's all just in your head and you jad to free yourself.

Take your time to update your CV, maybe use chatGPT or something like that. Think of yourself as a slave owner that's trying to sell your current self, how should he describe you in order to sell you off?

My highest diploma is from grade school, I haven't finished both my highschool and uni, yet I work a nice cozy office job at one of the largest manufacturers in my country.

There's only 1 business that will never go out of business; the people business.

Protip: be white
being white is the least valuable roll of the dice for employment in 2024, there are government programs that incentivize not hiring you or even firing you so your employer will get better diversity ratios
Die free, Tyke
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different lives mate, same problems
>currently in a nice ass hotel near LA for a work trip
>just grabbed dinner with the VP of one of our client's companies and had a few too many drinks all on the corporate card
>moving from the Midwest to Dallas next month for a promotion

>remember my ex always used to say she wanted to start a family on a ranch in Texas

I hate this stupid corporate shit. Bigger paychecks, big cities and fancy restaurants but I would give anything to go back to sitting around bonfire in the woods on a folding chair with a beer in my hand and her on my lap.
this is going to haunt me for months
I did a heroic dose of magic mushrooms last week and I was worried because I dissociated so hard I stopped feeling like I was part of this world and everything around me is as fake as a stage play. Your thread made me realise how beautiful this feeling is, see you later you bunch of pussies.
seconded, would love to know the song as well.
Are his hands behind his head. Or are they holding his forehead?
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How good do you think you'd be if you had to endure every human being's suffering; all at once. All the time.
How do you compartmentalize all these thoughts and emotions. To experience the highest highs along side the lowest lows. With an ever growing cascade of this noise. More and more with every passing earth year.
Yeah, a guy who lost his job and can barely support himself is the same problem as someone who hates his high paying job, everyone hates their job, nevertheless you get paid well unlike most people, which is a big difference, you stupid mong
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Is that a compilation of girls that hit the wall? LMAO
fuck off with this ai garbage.
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looking for this for so long
Shut up faggot, only yanks cared about 9/11. Fun died the moment normies got on my internet and started normalizing social media.
>I hate myself

Dont, you are the last one who should feel that way.
The rest is nothing, search the peace with yourself first, the rest will come automatically.
It's from Rage Against The Machine album cover.
Its about living the moment, not thinking about yesterday or tmrw.

Is different than not living at all.
God purpose was not to stop the plane...
Fuck your propaganda.
I could vibe with it more if there wasn't
in the fucking background
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Fuck off vatnik. Absolutely no one outside of your shithole gives fuck one about you. Go die in a Ukrainian feild.
stfu faggot
Don't give up, Op.

Loss and death are as perennial as the seasons. Don't think of success as avoiding failure (although that can be part of it), but continuing on despite. Give yourself some time and make smart choices.

Being on 4chan is not healthy, let's face it. The last time I was heartbroken I thought I'd never be the same. A few years later I couldn't ever imagine being with a person like her. We are more robust, flexible, and tough than you think.

If it's hard to make good choices, rid yourself of that which seduces you. Distance yourself and show life that you are sincere. You will be okay!
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>all non yanks are russians
how ameridumb of you
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oops wrong thread
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What would change if you asked them out and they said "no"? You'll be in the same position as now. Just say "I really like you, do you want to do something just me and you?" YOLO
I wonder if 9/11 was just the point in time everyone remembers as "before it was good" and if the downward trend would have happened anyway. It catalyzed the changes but wasn't the direct cause of them.

How are you supposed to stay optimistic when everything just keeps getting worse
Regardless of diversity quotas, being white is still preferred over the vast majority. Except Asians. If you're surrounded by dark people in your workplace you've fucked up bad along the way, sad but true
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The 90s where amazing. No big enemies, the USSR had fallen, China was feeble, so aside from small conflicts there wasnt any threats. So we all enjoyed life. The internet wasnt anything like we have today, news came once a day at 6pm and it was yesterdays news, so we wherent constantly aware of more problems. Prices where cheap, we had to go to malls to shop, so wed meet our friends and hang out, there was no social media, so everything was done in community, in person, we had community and connections. 911 was when this was just starting to change, and it basically started an all day news cycle. People lost their "carefreeness" and everyone got colder after that, than sociaal media and the internt destroyed our sense of community and began destroying our critical thinking. 911 was when it all went to shit, mostly because the elites saw it as their chance to make the world the way it is now, great for them, dogshit for everyone else.
how romantic!
Here's what you do. Get another job. One that doesn't overwork you so you can also have time for dates. Then go ask out the girl. I didn't and I regreted it. If she rejects you in a rude way, then you know she's a shitty person at heart and you dodged a bullet. Maybe she'll lie about having a boyfriend or actually has one. Either way if she tells you no, move on immediately. If yes, you win. Do not get butthurt if she says no, just move on.

Finally, don't let yourself be used by her. Some women go on dates just for free food. Do something where you both pay your own way or where money isn't involved. Coffee dates are good first dates because they are short and simple. Don't drink coffee? Go to a yogurt place or something similar? Have options ready in your head before you ask her out.

If you don't ask her, you will keep wondering what could have been.
What is this from? Please
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I had a hunch this type of thread would be up on this god forsaken place and I was right... This thread and the people here, the trolls, the ones that are self masturbating in their own pity and despair, you're here because you choose to be. It's like a silent cry for help.

Now what I will say, the non trolls will most likely have a more visceral reaction to my comment than the ones here to troll...

THESE type of threads, content , it's SELF INFLICTED PAIN. This is what you are doing here. It is self medication. You wallow in your despair and maybe you have a good fucking reason to be. Maybe you are absolutely fucked. Just at the very bottom.

The trick is, and i fucking PROMISE YOU, fuck me.... i SWEAR that YOU have power over you fucking mind. You may not have complete control of it but it is like a wild animal. MORE you consume this type of content , more it will HOLD you.

YOU ARE SELF MEDICATING, RELEASING STEAM, now maybe it is acceptance. Maybe for today it is fine. Cry yourself to sleep.

But dude...you who even read this far, you are in THE MOST SUCCESSFUL slave system that this planet has ever had; slave who chooses his own occupation, gets bombarded and gas lighted by media and drugs such as PORN... what, you think you should have it easy? Nigger please. You are not average, you are far below average BUT, unless you TRY... what ever I know for most it will fall on deaf ears.

But for those that have any ounce of self will left.. I was like you and in just 6 months I had turned my life around. I'm not where I want to be sure but it is lightyears ahead from where I was and let me tell you, if you can somehow just for one fucking month , do the things that you know YOU need to do for yourself, it will click. It is like a delayed progress, you will only begin noticing the progress a month or so in, and it is when you notice the progress , then the snow ball will start rolling.

For what ever reason, this universe is Eat or be eaten.
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I just want to say one thing. You need meaning, not a goal but meaning. And you wanting someone to tell you what MEANING is or you thinking that there is no meaning then you're nothing but a slave and you will remain a slave until you find it.

You already know what you need to do and how to do it. The main pain in the ass is slow progress.

Just... don't listen to tranny advice ( that includes women aka: JUST BE HAPPY BRO )

Only reason i came to this fucking porn cespool just because of a feeling that someone will be in this thread... who ever you are nigger

I will leave you with this single point;

You need to suffer through this. It is your choice if you suffer via progress by trying and experimenting with your life, or you will suffer by rotting until you die, but suffer you will.
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>Feels Tread

here, this makes me feel better every time,
just have to find somebody to look first part into one webm or somehing.
Interesting that for no reason the phone connection was blanketed in interference.
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Finishing with some T&A for the cause OP, dig deep and keep pushing despite everything, set a goal, even if it's as simple as being with a woman like webm related for just one night. Works towards it, plan, strategise, take action, make it happen - you can do it little by little each day. We're all here as your brothers cheering on for you from afar.
Yeah, thank God these people remembered to record and post this very unique scenario.
Sure, I can absolutely believe this happened!
Lol goyslop acting bullshit
Mr Chi City, zoomers take note
that song was used or something in this old derrick comedy video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzHYgYniGYs
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You're legitimately schizophrenic.
Why do faggots like you have to shit up these threads?
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the idea of self-immolation really burns me up
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Anybody else grow up with a decently large circle of friends? Then as you grow up one by one someone disappears from the circle. Either due to marriage, career, kids, or suicide. I don't think it's me. I talk to a one or two them now. And it's the consensus that nobody talks to anybody else. Hell the past four times I've gone to a buddy's family picnic he didn't even bother showing up. I feel like I'm getting closer with his parents then my old friend.
I don't have any circle of people I feel comfortable with that share my interests.
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Music Video: Ed Sheeran - Galway Girl
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>tfw shitty
>trying to pretend he got all these piece of chewed gum of the same color from public
So recent US wars were like a place to hang out and make frens. I wonder how many of these guys would miss being deployed to a dystopian slaughterhouse like Ukraine if they managed to survive.
I honestly cannot comprehend how she got so popular with the personality of a wet paper bag and the body of a troll doll with big bolt-ons. There are literally thousands of hotter, more fun to watch girls on the internet, and most of them also have onlyfans (and frankly make better OF content as well).
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next month i'll turn 28
never had a relationship, still khv
mom will be sad argument gets weaker everyday
you can just tell by the way he talks that he was some NYC wallstreet bro-type douchebag
>implying it's helpless little girls that come over to the first world and not mid 20s men with criminal records and little self-control.
If you can't take it anymore just do it, she'll eventually get over it, just make sure you play all your cards before doing it.
That cut to the Earth at the end really hit me.
What's the name of the song used in this?
Now do the same thing with a smelly fat guy
are you retarded?
song name?
His name must be Jack MeHoff and she's making his name reality
who is she?
>be random eastern european girl in shithole village
>mog the ever living fuck out of 99% of american women

also who? also sauce?
>You're legitimately schizophrenic.

>What do you do with the mad you feel?
You look deep inside yourself, and be kind.
You know the dog is easily obtainable and maybe the dog is a way to meet the cute girl who no longer thinks you're a psychopath loner.
It's weird seeing him young, he talks like a kind old man even while young.
If you're referring to the peaking, that's because it's a compressed recording off of a tape.
This is beautiful. Whos the guy playing?
Mine is so full of downs though, I'm trying to get myself to a higher place but so far now it's not looking so good. My mental health just took a shit all over me. No matter how many times I help somebody, nobody seems to want to do the same

that's a fucking dick tucked and taped to his ass cheeks. Gross, kys faggot
What have you ever done good for society? Don't crack on Mr. Rogers
It's her labia you moronic myopic virgin
>What have you ever done good for society?
I volunteer and pass out gifts and food to kids and families at Christmas.
>Don't crack on Mr. Rogers
I was not, I was on the poster. I forgive you for the misunderstanding.
Are you? It's a pretty simple question. And yet you didn't answer it.
You first.
>You first.
No. ladies come first.
>I volunteer and pass out gifts and food
No you don't.
>I was not, I was on the poster.
Wow, great mental gymnastics there. Too bad even a fair judge would only give you a 4.5 out of ten for the effort.
Except when they're with you.
He'd probably eat the whole burger
>Except when they're with you.
Come is not (cum) learn to read and get your mind out of the gutter, No they do that too.
Wow, you're retarded.
No, but you're a man child.
go do stuff you idiot.
thanks anon
>You're so annoying..
For some reason after all these years this is the only one that still hits as hard as it did the first time.
volunteer helping others, adopt some responsibility.
Plenty of suffering in the world you could help diminish and you'll carve out some meaning and self-respect in the world as payment.
It's a slowed version of "f song" by strawberry
>No you don't
Yes, I do.
>Wow, great mental gymnastics there. Too bad even a fair judge would only give you a 4.5 out of ten for the effort.
No. They wouldn't cause I didn't compete.
What do you mean your internet? The internet was created by the US department of defense. Get the fuck off OUR internet, you fuckin mongoloid.
You can't even point to your own country on a map of your own country dimwit
yeah it's not as if literally everybody has a camera with them at all times filming the most mundane shit constantly, this must definitely be scripted, retard.
is that the same guy for both clips?
MILF Jennifer Love is peak Jennifer Love.

If you try to force me off this hill, you will die.
Woke up today because i had a really good dream and i could feel something was off lads...
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>government programs that incentivize not hiring you or even firing you so your employer will get better diversity ratios
Is America truly such shithole?
"I may be an insufferable dickhead but I gave a hobo a can of beans so I'm basically Jesus".
Why are charityfags this way do you reckon? They always do this.
I never said I was "jesus" far from it m8. I never said i gave a hobo a can of beans. Those are your words not mine.
Amouranth... It's literally in the video. She's like (or was for a while) the highest earning OF girl at over a million dollars a month. She also lied about her husband being criminally abusive to regain traction with white knights when she started falling off in relevancy a little.
I'm trying really hard, but it's nearly impossible to imagine someone as dumb as you.
What is this?
The federal government is evil and does everything it can to undermine natural born citizens. We are nothing but an inconvenience to the corrupt elite.
pretty sure it's manchester by the sea
LMAO... You're still here? Shouldn't you be out handing out food and free blowjobs to the homeless or something?
Thanks, I have never heard of that film before.
Np, anon. Have a good day.
I'm her only son, and she also does not work I sustain her
I guess I'll make a life insurance and just wait the 2 years for the suicide clause to not apply
Also gives me until im 30 to maybe turn things around, or just end things in a nice round number
That's a plan at least.
Based and wisdompilled
Seeing this as someone who never experience any kind of intimacy makes me wanna commit absurd levels of violence
Why not buy a ranch and get a woman?
(A woman won't complete you it'll just allow you to start a family and temporarily block the the feelings of emptiness/loneliness/emotions You feel from a much deeper base desire.) Return to the father

sadhu sadhu sadhu
relationship is what happens when you meet someone who appreciates your vibe. stop focusing on the side benefit. do something that makes you feel good, about yourself, about helping others, and in the doing, you will meet someone who appreciates the vibe. think of relationships like a virus. the more you get out there living even a modest life exposing yourself to the germs, the more likely you will catch something.
All I ever wanted...

Ryan Gosling
I always liked My Lunch better for the cox feels.
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Not your conventional feels and everything turns out well, but the way this teenage girl's voice breaks when she's pretty sure she's about to die in a plane crash activates protec neurons
Unless it was a budget cut or something I don’t get it.

Ive never been fired from a job. Ever.

Whats happening?
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>LMAO... You're still here? Shouldn't you be out handing out food and free blowjobs to the homeless or something?
Yes. Remember, you're here forever anon.
yeah but the monk was also heavily, heavily drugged you know
Yeah, always got me how when JD says he would have done the same thing all the pretense drops and it's enough to fix Cox for that split second.

allah certainly didn't oppose it
I don't know what gets me more that quiet
>Oh god, come on..
when his pager goes off or him just blankly staring at the empty bed after his meltdown.
No, he wasn't. That doesn't matter though. You came on here to spread lies and that's what you've done.
Yes he was, heavily. It still doesn't change that it was a heroic sacrifice that took a great deal of courage, but you don't want that do you? You want everything to live up to the perfect platonic fantasy you've already constructed in your head. Well my boy, real life is obnoxious that way but it's what we have.
There are interviews from ww1 vets that missed the adventure and comradery war brought them
Heroic sacrifice? It accomplished absolutely nothing but his own destruction. Nothing changed, nothing will. Its just suicide with feeling.
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I think im going to kill myself soon. there is a lot out of my control right now. especially my brain. Im slowly seeking drugs to cope just the usual weed and alcohol but im unsure of what to do right now. I have a gf who I am deepy in love with who is the best and I mean the best women ive ever had the privileged of meeting. But shes severely depressed and im unsure what to do for her ive told her probably every right thing in the book to help her and make her feel better but it seems we have tumbled farther rather than grow. I feel defeated.... I do not wanna give up on her I want to help but I feel like I dont know how to anymore. There is also other powers at play in this world I think in the last 5 months ive seen more horrors and the truth of whats happening around the world hidden to the regular eye. we are all slowly being brain washed..... Yeah I guess im going mad but what id really like to do is just enjoy the things I want to or used to I hope I can live somewhere peaceful and call my own maybe get back into music again ive been kinda getting into fashion lately and trying to look proper and more adult looking. but anyway rambling I cannot get myself to do anything I need to be doing I guess I have a weak mind I wish I was mentally stronger to overcome the human consiousness that god gave us but im so easily brainwashed to do what I guess the "jews" want me to be doing.
Ayeee!!!! Free dinner!
I watched a couple of these, and Idk. I feel like everything is good? I’m Hungarian all I need in life is watermelon, bacon and beer. I don’t relate to any of these posts and I think they’re a bit cringe.
Hey man don’t kill yourself, pick up a hobby. Specifically get into RC. https://www.horizonhobby.com/
God sleeps in the rock, dreams in the plant, stirs in the animal, and awakens in man. At this stage all God has to work with is us stupid apes. Omega Point is the endgame.
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We're all gonna make it, bros.
Did she make it?
If you really loved your gf, you wouldn't kill yourself. She will absolutely kill herself right after you, and you'll be the cause of her death.
>ill get younger looking each year and date a single mom

Absolutely not, her youthful beauty faded in the mid 2000s, prime jen love is 1996-2004
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She did.
Break up with your girlfriend, and move. Seriously.

Get an education. Something that can pay you some money.

The rest will come naturally.
>Yes he was, heavily.
and where's this proof?
>getting sad over some blacked whore and not working on yourself

You deserve to be sad you fucking kike.
It's a shame that cunt didnt die
Braindead reasoning. God gave us free will. Some sub-human garbage decided to fly planes into buildings full of innocent people. They will rot in hell. You want God to stop every bad thing from happening? No free will. You want free will? Bad things can and will happen. PEOPLE do evil things, not God. A man can use a knife to prepare a meal of fish for his family, or use it to stab his neighbor to death if he is empty of morals and so chooses to do so. Anything, including one's own free will can be used for good, or evil. It is up to us to decide.
at least the Help option is there, Brothers. there is always support out there for your struggle.
>PEOPLE do evil things, not God.
Try reading a holy book. Not just taking a piss.
Not him, but your reasoning is of some weeb that has watched to much anime garbage and the matrix on repeat.

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