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Post some Gothic beauties here. I'm trying to expand my collection.
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If it's BPD it's for me!
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sauce pls
Girl in the first clip is razorblade_romance. Not sure on the second one.
Careful kids.

Goth girls (especially the thick ones) are excellent fuck dolls, but they're monsters outside of the pussy game.

Never date one, just fuck them.
Sadly true dat.
My first Ex was quite a catch regarding all the sex things. Bjs, handjobs, handjobs with swallowing. Every postion was amazing aswell. But she was a psychopath who nearly got me unalived.

Never gonna date such a woman again. Current Gf is not the best regarding the positions but her body and personality are exceptional.
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giddy with excitement for people to come in lecturing about the exact stylistic criteria for what is considered goth

First and only true goth bbw girl I dated had an ex husband she found via wife swapping. Dated for about two years, but she abused me mentally right up till the point I damn near killed myself too.

She was a psychology major too. Bitch broke me mentally while I was vulnerable, used everything she could, stole my money, forced me to say shit that wasn't true, took everything she could from me and then moved on instantly to a new victim while everyone praised her.

Fuck I hate women like her. I can't even look at tits in person without wanting to vomit now.

Love you man, don't fuckin quit. Also - hope your new girl is a great one.
Fuck off back to tiktok
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>she abused me mentally right up till the point I damn near killed myself
Aren't they sumthin, I just keep the house clean these days while she puts them one after another in the ward or in the grave
Use the proper fucking word! Jesus! This isn't Youtube or Twitter!NX4MM
fr, there wasn't a single goth post either
but even posers are better than all the trannyshit
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Fuck bros I want her to rip my fat-filled heart out and crush it in her big strong hand so bad it's unreal
sauce on this one
It says Esskayuwu at the bottom of the video you goddamned dolt
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holy fuuuuuuuuck
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Thread ruined.
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is this the full thing or is there more?
Tiktoker detected
Opinion rejected
In the next elections
Trump will be elected
What did you expect from normalfags? I swear all of them post shit like this in every fetish thread. "boohoo my shitty anecdotes blogpost" Vapid as the whores they complain about. Fuck them all
checked, near doppelganger for my wife at 19, my dick twitched a little, wonderful
>normal girl, but BLACK makeup!
wow man real cool
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2 scoops
sauce on this whats it from
foamy the squirrel lookin ass
does anyone know which freddie dredd song this is?
She looks absolutely nothing like Foamy the Squirrel, what kind of crack are you smoking? Foamy is a small, angry, grey squirrel. That is a side shaved goth chick. Nothing even vaguely similar there...

Now, if you were to say she reminds you of Germaine instead, then you'd have a point. But she definitely looks nothing like Foamy. You should get an eye exam sir. It can't be normal to have eyesight so poor you confuse an adult human woman for a small grey cartoon squirrel.
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How much per month does the government give you for your autism?
real goth chicks don't twerk.
How fuckin scared to get anal raped do you think they are cause I swear to fuck there's this one with a neat throat tat that's skinny and she in danger.... In minecraft
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Here's a rare one.

She cums.

Perfect body, too.

Luna Lavey. The only chick I've ever bought paywalled content for. Too bad she scrubbed all that away and I don't remember the user name and password, or even the site name, I got it all from. Damn, I'm a retard.
Should've had done it desu. Some cunt almost made you kill yourself kek grow some balls retard

Know your limits and play within them.
Yeah I've made this mistake a few times. Fucked a ton, dated 3.

All amazing in bed. All cut themselves, and were psychopaths. I was living with the one, dated her for 7 years. The pussy was incredible. She loved to do crazy shit, and fuck in places we'd almost get caught in all the time. We worked at a library in college, and she'd suck me off in the aisles, or fuck me in the break room, take nudes of herself and send them to me when she was putting books away, or flash me from across the library while I was with customers.

But she also broke everything I owned and tried to kill me more than once during arguments. I still have scars from her.
Turn yourself into the authorities lil nigga
Even Mormon girls twerk these days anon.
Proxy Paige, not sure what scene, most of her old stuff is hard to find and shes obese and disgusting now so no way for new stuff
Not same anon but google has a search feature
really shitty audio
you fap to some guy's voice?
grow up
Growing up is realizing you can say no to BBC porn.
Do better fag
Northern fat arsed goth gf
Johnny ramone
Is there a version that loops without the gay tiktok sound sending

Why does it always come down to tranny IR cuck humiliation shit? This thread has nothing to do with goth girls. You freaks are so transparent
>niggers can't write music
this is a 18+ board
I can't image taking time out of my day to do this.

Kill yourself, faggot. Especially since you don't post anything of your own.

You're the worst kind of loser
can you faggots even jack off without thinking of trump?
How do you use google to search for a source using a webm file anon?
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sauce plsssss
sauce plsss
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sadbutdoll on tiktok, i fucking love her
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sadly no OF but the perfect face and tits do it for me
Source me the video pls
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Henry 8.0 starring Brian Blessed, my fine Sodomite
>lecturing about the exact stylistic criteria for what is considered goth

There aren't many qualifiers desu. Not a tranny, black hair, white european/american, and has never touched a nigger. If all four aren't met, they're not goth
>I regularly masturbate over a 78 year old bright orange convicted felon
Holy shit, do you need Jesus
EverythingButt - 32586 - Proxy Paige - Anal Submission and POV
Sonny Moore
without makeup, she looks like my sister. Spooky
oh look another cauliflower hair thinking he's being snarky by being pre-offended. just kill yourself, remember down the road, not across.

yeah but just like the fag that I'm responding to above me, gen z doesn't care. they think goth is a preppy girl with black hair. lol
l miss emo girls so much; the OF trend exploitation is just cringe.
Me lmao
The fact youre more concerned with the cock rather than the fact that the post is still relevant due to the woman says enough
10/10 where can i get more
Does she have pussy?
Mia on ExCoGi
my brother in Christ, where did you find this? Do you have more?
if you focus on the cock that much, i've got bad news for you, fag.
my favorite flavor
Didn't know Skrillex transitioned.
I never comment on this board but if it is you thank you for wearing your watch properly.
xemowh0rex on twit but I have a few more videos, I just need to convert them. Might not be able to get around to it until tomorrow. She's on the anonib archives though. Check the /soc archives.
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Never mind I got it
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There's a lot more of her out there, this is just what I have on me right now.
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Just wish LARPerators didn't give it such a bad image.
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apparently they do

every chick I know twerks nowadays, do you live under a rock?
It'd probably be better to court a normal girl and just ask her to dress goth for you, at least in the home and bedroom.
Why the fuck would you willingly pay money for this disgusting hog? Holy shit dude, get a fucking grip.
>perfect face
LMFAO, fucking retard hahaha her tits aren’t even that great either. Pathetic
>If you don't want pissing and shitting in your porn you're obsessed with pissing and shitting because you can't just ignore it
We gotta stay strong. It doesn't make it easier if you finally open up about all the shit you experienced (or what was really going on) and people just don't believe you. I still to this day think of it the same. How completly unbelievable my story must sound to someone who never got mentally abused. Its not 1 big thing that gets you. Its the sheer mass of the little things that turn you into this damn spiral.
Thats for fortifying the opinion that most americans think america is just where everybody is from :D
Greetings from Germany and have fun with whoever you vote.

Yep, normalfag here. Only coming for the cums but from time to time I have to give you guys something to beat your meat even harder to, to justify not going outside and not being able to voice your opinions in the real world.
YOU have daddy issues
You can just tell this one has been used regularly my about 40 different step-dads from an early age.
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You're literally not wrong
As if you wouldn't.
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Always this

Like I understand y'all come from discord and have a hard on spamming BBC/ntr cuck stuff

But can y'all just stop
>Thats for fortifying the opinion that most americans think america is just where everybody is from :D
if you aren't from here, you have no opinions
Did anyone else hear the damn chirp?
Why do they do this?
Tease tease tease...
Finally move shirt out of the way...
Proceed to cover with hands...
Either show them or don't, I really don't care either way just make up your mind.
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>perfect face
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this is a dude
Sauce for Sourcy post
wow this thread SUCKS
i'm dating one that got a polycule going and she let me smash a few of her friends. it's pretty choice if you can ignore some of the bullshit.
source? more of her?
>anonib archives
where are they? anonibarchive.com returns "Address Not Found" error
>(and that's a good thing)
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"Look, I redid my entire person to fit these trend cause that tells me ill be loved! here's my OF btw im single"
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Need a name for this slut
Based thread
because the mods are in on it, they can spam their off-topic tranny groomer shit without consequences.
There really need to just be a /bbc/ containment board.
Please source

I love those girls pretending to be alternative, but in the end just like every girl, they like tyrone/chad, it's simply beautiful
Divinely? I thought this was Astra Azure?
There's a webm of two big tiddy goths doing the side to side hip dance at a rock concert.

I can't find it and it's killing me. It gets posted here kind of regularly, bros?
Lustful Logan
Chew with your mouth closed holy shit
OP, I think I actually know this girl. it's actually odd to see her on here wtf. I'm not joking, we met at a concert and then I found out she was "tiktok famous", mainly because her big tits obviously.
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chesticles have strange powers, my friend
maidenless spotted
please source
can someone post that goth chick giving a handjob and lovingly licks the cock think she has dark lipstick on, hottest shit ever and i need to save it
She's on the rag today or I would.
stfu nigger
Post goth
Mods ban this fucking queer again.
Sigh? What tf is this, tumblr?

He can't unless its filmed on a 480x480p nokia cellphone from the 2000s at least.

The sub-culture is dead these are al just preppy white girls using an aesthetic trying to stand out on social media. I bet they all have two parents who love them and are still together the fucking posers make me sick.

I remember goth girls from my high school days in late 2000s. Yeah big tiddy goth gf is a meme forreal because those bitches were ugly, overweight, had self-harm scars or malnourished, probably all molested at some point. It's supposed to be counter-culture, not what's in.
Not the same anon but
Pause the webm and rewind it to the first frame, right click it and choose copy video frame, then go to google image search and paste it in the search bar.
Can you link to the archive? I found one site, but it says it can't connect to the server.
I went to a shit public high school and goths were just like every other whore, there were hot ones and there were ugly ones, some had big titties some were skinny. Of course most were chad only and yeah the more degenerate ones burnt coal.
doesn't even use the whole dildo, the stupid whore.
I managed to search through it, but she's not on there. Did she get scrubbed?
I... this is a man, isn't it. This is someone's son...
Okay but what is this chick's name?
anyone know if shes still active?
i believe this is @razorblade.romance on tiktok
Been tryin to find her like 30 minutes and nothin
Thanks anon
Germany doesn't exist. Every country in the world belongs to America.
You feel better now that you got that out, faggot?
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Stfu fag
psycho face phenotype, avoid
M O A R vampy!
first time seeing one of her vids in the wild
did she ever stick something up her butt?
She should have tried harder
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You sir is a kind soul in a sea of indifference.
Listen faggot. Goth (as an Urban Tribe) died a couple of years ago. Goth may be in literature, architecture and other stuff, but as an Urban Tribe, it's dead, just like Emo, Scene, Punk etc. Modern goths are just edgy girls dressed in black.
Yes, it may be real goth girls but they are a reall small minority. Internet fucked up everything. You will never have your tiddy goth gf, the only thing you can aspire is "dark" and mentally ill girls with serious daddy issues.
Move on.
>Every country in the world belongs to America.
If America means Israel, you're correct.
Exactly. All this 'not goth' thing retards say on every goth themed thread must be a meme or something.
Black cock derangement syndrome.
I like this kinda content too.
I wanna face fuck that bitch so hard
God damn, any more of her?
ano nibar chive. net /s oc/res /23826 .ht ml
Were goths ever real? If all goths are fake now why would it have been any different 20 or 30 years ago?
>Goth girls
>Barely any actual goth girls
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Hope you got a refund.
nigga gonna lose his watch like that one of these days
Who wears a watch like that?
Not a goth
There is, this board
Just leave /gif/ if you dislike it, its their board.
I'm curious what the definition is then. A lot of these complaints just seem like pedantic gate-keeping.
Shes a stupid reddit and onlyfans whore
This. You drooling fucks in this thread don't seem to understand or in denial that you are deluding yourselves with this dumb shit. The thread should have just been called "Goth Style Whoredom" or "Whoring Goth Wannabes" or just "Whores."
You guys sound like my brother.

>Ayy yo, I'm gonna make some ramen.
>JAAAAAMES! Don't you know that ramen is a dinner dish with noodles cooked in a specific way, and what you're eating is a disposable imitation called 'cup noodles'?

>Bite me, homo.
>Just use random words to describe the world
Hey bro I'm just gonna watch the football
*Binge-watches the Kardashians*
>"hey bro, I'm gonna listen to music!"
>only listens to the Pope Marcellus Mass on repeat
Shit taste
They're not all coalburners only the trashiest ones
Mass reply fag is right for a change
I still don't understand what the distinction is.
>white women are not all coalburners, only the trashiest ones
>asian women are not all coalburners, only the trashiest ones
>bimbos are not all coalburners, only the trashiest ones
>goth girls are not all coalburners, only the trashiest ones
do you see the bigger picture, faggot?
This implies there are any quality women to begin with.
lmao what a fag who cares
>>27597543 not straight
If every room you walk into smells like shit, maybe it's you who smells like shit
If none of these are goth girls, can someone explain to me what it is then?
Damn bro if it is you can you do some more in this position? Everything about it is so fucking hot, the way the fingers disappear between the cheeks is golden. Please bless us with more
I'll see what I can do, mate.
No, nobody has any fucking idea, they'll all complain about it though.
A goth girl was last seen around the fall of Rome
Please let there be more of her. I went to high school with her. Post everything you got!
Good luck with all the stds
based, people should learn the difference between real goth and these bimbo goth wannable e-girl sluts.
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posted wrong one first time
Bumping for more
Cant find any leaks anywhere. Checked coomer and the what nots. Can any senpai please help!
what should we call them, then? dark style girls?
Jesus fuck you guys will bicker about anything. Either have a wank or get the fuck out, it's not difficult
Real Goths are unlikable cunts who smell bad and are deeply unattractive. They have only fans but nobody is subbing to that dumpsterfire
Germany never lost its unearned sense of superiority after ww2 they just do it in the most passive aggressive and effeminate way possible now
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sauce on this?
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Someone please tell me who this is
holy fucking shit. perfect ass, hips and legs.
Where are the hot Goth chicks? I only see hot Emos instead.
Can't quite make it out with the frenetic movement, but that's a Casio Mudman or Mudmaster, right? I chuckled, anon.
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Anja Dee. One of my Goddesses
When are the goth girls getting posted?
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built like a refrigerator

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