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File: 7321084577143868677.webm (2.52 MB, 576x1024)
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Softcore, hardcore, anything as long as the woman is pregnant.
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post moar.
some random chick on youtube, thats the only video of her afaik
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does this feel wrong to anyone else?
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homos and anti-natalist commiefaggots probably don't like it.
it feels weird to bring an actual baby into your fetish
its about the beauty of the pregnant female form, not about the baby. And the baby is inside the woman and unaware that its mother is twerking on webcam or w/e.
>the baby is inside the woman and unaware that its mother is twerking on webcam or w/e.
that doesnt make it any better
I can promise you that 99.9% of people with a pregnancy fetish are not thinking about the baby in any sexual manner. Even the vast majority of p*dos think sexualizing a baby is fucked. It's about the woman.

As far as the moral dilemma of a person growing up and finding a video of their mom being a whore while pregnant with them - what's the line? Is it any better if you find a video of your mom being a whore when you were 2, or 12, or 20? It's fucked any which way and I never got the argument that it's "worse" when they are inside the belly and completely unaware of anything going on outside.
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So I had a question about oral sex while pregnant and I've never seen it addressed anywhere. My question is... I mean, is it "healthy" to do that? Seems very unhealthy, and I mean if the pregnant woman swallows, you know? What's the deal with that?
It's just protein
Wtf are you talking about. The only danger is physical trauma to a late term fetus.
Virgin spotted
No downside if no STD’s are involved. At worst she has a bad reaction or swallows air and gets gassy, which pregnant women are very prone to. I’ve even seen claims that is can help with morning sickness, but that could easily be bullshit.
It feels wrong to me but not because of the pregnancy itself. Pregnancy's hot, it's literally the continuation of the human spirit. But it does feel wrong because I consider it to be pretty intimate and while it's hot I can't help but feel every pregnant woman putting on a show for degens like us online is one that doesn't hold it in the same regard (or got pregnant in a poor relationship for the intimacy to no longer matter). But maybe that's because I'd personally feel possessive (not in a bad way) a woman I got pregnant, i.e She'd have no shortage of attention
Based. There’s a few models like Winnie Cooper who seemed to really be into it, but yeah most are probably thinking about the cash money. Stop watching porn and find someone to love and pamper anon, improve yourself so they’ll love you back if you have to. There’s no happy endings here.
Don't do that you fool you put another baby in her, 1 is already enough
Banging a pregnant woman is like taking a victory lap
Well now you've said it, there's something fucking funny in taking the victory lap metaphor and returning it to the race track where someone else won a race you weren't even part of. But bringing that back full circle is cuck shit.
Once you've held a woman you impregnated and feel her grow every night it's all you'll ever really want to do ever again. Everything else is just bullshit.
Yep. I think about it all the time.
Imagine being such a cuck slave to biology
Nigga you say this while being a slave to masturbation
Yeah but isn't it kind of icky? I mean, we know that the baby gets nutrients from what the mother eats or drinks, so if the mother... you know... swallows. Kind of nasty.
File: preg suck.webm (3.85 MB, 606x1080)
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Stop talking and post pregnant women.
>barely 2 hand widths/7" with ligament surgery
>racebait/cuck fetish
>Jewish woman larping as white
most American webm today
She's gonna be ready for that baby I guess
It’s all digested down to amino acids in her stomach. What reaches the baby is unrecognizable as the sperm that put it there in the first place.
Okay that's a good scientific explanation. I think I get it now.
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The worst ones is when they start fisting the bitch and the baby starts spazing out in the belly
why reverb?
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I like to believe all the women in this thread are pregnant with black spawn
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this reminds me to that one video of a heavy pregnant woman riding one of those horse dildos and while she was riding it she got a water break...
Any have the TikTok video of a blonde pregnant women looking out the window in different sets of lingerie with a caption like "When you hear that s*x can induce labour"?
sweet christ that almost looks fake. How do you even walk with 50% of your body weight off centered in front of you.
Love this. Pregnancy fantasy and fetish is strong with me.

'I fucked you and put this baby inside you and I will decide when it comes out. I'm gonna fuck you until your water breaks."

holy shit i need more
lower center of gravity. pregnant women wobble but they don't fall down.
Holy fucking shit sauce pls
If you push them do they roll, wobble, and end back upright like a Weebles toy?
RIP her back. 50lbs of titty right there on top of the belly.
My wife has huge GG prego milkers feeding our 1mo old. Back is totally ok even if she doesn't get her daily yoga in. Her core has been obliterated from the pregnancy tho. Can barely sit up off the floor.

Pls post sauce
sorry bro, dont have source, it was posted quote often here on /gif/ back in 2012 ~ 2015...
I probably have it in one of my HDDs but I dont have them with me right here
File: BlondePregWorkout.webm (3.69 MB, 640x360)
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I mean yeah it's incest and pedophilia, ain't it?
>It's another episode of "All known paywalled videos of a woman are available for free, but only through private thisvid videos instead of torrents" episode.
you're an idiot
What do you think will happen if a pregnant woman swallows a man's semen? I'm just curious.
obligatory "ass to ass"
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bump, it's been so long since the last preggo thread, don't let this one die out so quickly
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4 MB
a reward for saving a good thread
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Trailer trash pregnant getting fucked
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Ain't that the fucking truth. Don't know what I'll do when we're done having kids.
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Do all pregnant women have busted pussies? Because all I'm seeing are roast beef lips.
hormones and increased blood in their body does that
Here's all of her pregnant onlyfans content if anyone wants it
That's how get pregenerante.

I have heard that swallowing a guys cum gets your body "used to it" and less likely to have an allergic reaction or reject the sperm and increases the likely hood of a successful fertilization/pregnancy.

It's probably bullshit trying to get blowjobs, but some women may believe it lol.
No. My wife has had 4 and it wasn't until the last one that there was a noticeable difference. They had to cut her slightly (OUCH) because bro decided he was gonna try and come out sideways and got his shoulder stuck. Dumbass.
my wife was tight till our youngest. she got a grade IV tear because she was on some hippie phase where she didnt want the epidural this time. so, when it happened, she panicked because now it HURT and she didnt listen and just pushed and pushed and tore her from ass to pussy. completely wrecked her hole, she got stiched back up but she went from tight to what felt like a bowl of warm water. she also couldnt cum after, the surgery like numbed her clit so now she couldnt get off from normal sex or even if i go down on her anymore. took a year of playing around with toys before she could cum, she was SO AWFUL because she was unable to nut for like a year, lol. but yeah now she needs big toys for the full/stretched feeling, because her pussy doesnt feel anything after.

oh and she has a gigantic pussy now. like her labia was split and tore and uneven, and even when we are about to start sex, when she opens her legs her pussy just gapes open.
Only if you knocked up your underage sister
Have you looked into vaginal reconstructive surgery? They might be able to do something (unless your into the whole gaping thing).
have you tried spelunking?
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More of this one, pls.
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is this in slow motion?
Hank hill ass
She doesn't want it and thinks it's "gross". It is kinda ok for me tho, she lets me do anal all the time now (as long as we stuff her with some giant dildo in her pussy).
actual perfection
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I horked. :(
Well no shit that's why he's asking
don't bother. I chased that one down once and turned out that was the only time she was fappable. Every other picture of her was gnarly grunge gross chav content. no makeup, dirty rooms, terrible angles. she fugly as hell outside of this single clip. don't waste your time.
File: BritishPreggoJOI.webm (3.74 MB, 960x720)
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her kid must be like 15 years old by now.
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Who's this breeder?
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went by therealgreeneyedgemini on Tik Tok,, she's one of the hottest all-time preggos imo but sadly that one at these 2 are all I have of her
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thats kino
Dude's spit looks like Elmer's glue. LMFAO
Holy moly
Are pregnant women hard to deal with?
Asking for a friend.
Hello! It appears you were trying to say "The best ones" and accidentally put "worst" instead.
functional design, baby pops out easier when there isn't so much cheek in the way

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