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are trans women, women?
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>Oh, my thread is already archived?
>Must be those damn troonos, again!
>check the catalog
>sorted by date of creation
>literally the 4 first pages have been created before yesterday
>most of it is niggers and troons shit
Yup. That's what I thought. Discord troons raided us.
>are trans women, women?
I don't know, do you think someone but an Adam's apple, wider shoulders than his hips and cheeks, ejaculating sperm, who can't breast feed a baby nor bear it, and has no menstruations nor uterus is the description of a woman?
yes. yes they are. it makes no difference if you have a biological woman at home, being stupid, or a guy, acting like a woman and being stupid. it's the same shit.
No. They aren't even people.
No. They are barely men.
Troons are troons. Neither male nor female. Just failures of life

Transwomen dont exist. Transition between genders isnt yet possible.

A man imitating the appareance of a woman is a pseudowoman, and is not a woman.
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delusional fuck.
They get my dick hard so yes

Are the people with penises and not ovaries women? No. No they are not.
I wanna say no, but they get REAL REAL fucking upset about that meaningless shit, so...maybe?
nope OP they are still dudes, but that being said some look very fem -- such as Daisy Taylor , id suck his dick
It's in the name. Trans woman.
>are faggots, faggots?
What kind of retarded question is that?
Who cares?
You're a faggot. No such thing as trans "Women"... only dudes with fake tit inserts and hormones to make them more effeminate.
If they were real women why you have to specify they are trans.?
If you have to ask, then the answer is no
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>Are they women
>Are men who call themselves (insert anything) women?
No, but the porn is pretty hot
no, trans women are "trans women", not women, we dont yet have medical advancements to fully transition, maybe once we can do Uterus Transplantation, proper hormonal support to sustain a pregnancy (can deliver via c section), and maybe induced lactation? i dont think that would be needed, but there might be some psychological aspects to breast feeding, for both the "mother" and the child, guess that would be the bare minimun to be "female", no need to change much more

idk why american trannies get so mad over not being called women, asian trannies figured this shit out long ago, they know theyre not women but ladyboys or transwomen.

but it looks pretty hot, dont be afraid to be a little gay
There is almost no good trans pron anywhere on the internet. The pro stuff is garbage and fake and the amateur stuff is just nasty. And i think the main issue is the fact that gay sex in general just doesnt feel very good for either part. Or it can feel good, but most people just do it wrong.
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Two mentally ill blokes
>are trans women, women?

No. But if it lets me get my nut off inside that feminine leaning bussy, I'll play to their insanity until I cum.
Considering literally all words are just inventions, and the entirety of language is a social construct – why not? Why not simply choose to define the word “woman” such as to include trans women? We are a society. We have a free choice on what we want our words to mean. Why not simply be tolerant and respectful, in our language?

Any transphobic answer to this question depends 100 % on linguistic prescriptivism.
I just came for the porn, keep going
Yes. Anything else?
Well, that explains it.

I can rest assured that I'm not gay when I'm getting my asshole pounded by a 6ft 200lbs woman
Yes and no matter what they do they'll always be women.

Why are you posting trans men though?
>Why not simply choose to define the word “woman” such as to include trans women?
Because that's retarded
>Science is in the name
You're gonna love it
No, why would they be?
Tran Walmart and HEB manager raps some employee dude at car parking lot for his Interview and job security.
Tran Walmart and HEB manager rapes some employee dude at car parking lot for his Interview and job security.
>6ft 200lbs trans woman
Society is more than just your in group and changes to widely understood words need to be negotiated. They have functional impacts on societal structures down stream of language. We can do what you're saying, but you need reasoned consensus instead of screeching at anyone who disagrees.

It makes sense to separate gender as a social-level construct vs sex as a biological construct. Trans women are women socially in pretty much any way that matters up until the physical act of reproduction. You just can't deny biological reality, changing definition doesn't work here just because we "invented" it. We didn't invent the external referent. Id rather use woman for the social sense and female for biology but retards on both sides have issues with it so whatever. Fuck you all and good luck
They are more women than any disgusting bleeder breeder cumdumoster cis scum. They have prove themselves to be superior at sports than the cis bleeders. Even the cis bleeders dykes have orgasms when a trans woman shows the cis dyke what true Sapphic love is in prison.
urinal cakes arent cakes though are they?
Are any women truly men when they get half their chromosomes from their father? Doesn't that make them all 50% men, and make you gay for wanting to be with them?
Did you preface the word women with something else? If so, then no, they aren’t women.
If they make me hard then yes, if they're ugly then no
posts like this really make ya think
The fact that anyone needs to ask means no, they are not.
im not agreeing or disagreeing but that is retarded logic
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No, hence the distinctions like "trans women" and "biological male" etc. They can be pretty and sexy, occasionally more so than many women, and I'm sure some of them are more feminine and loving in their demeanor than many women. They can probably be better lovers than many women are. But this does not make them women.
white women aren't women, then

stfu and goon elsewhere nigger
Having to say trans women, means no
>why not just remove the meaning of all words to the point it's impossible to communicate clearly and we're all just grunting retards who beat each other to death with rocks because we can't understand what anyone is trying to say?

Woman means woman because we invented the word to refer to women. I use the word woman when I want to talk about a woman, so changing the definition to include men is retarded and has no benefit to anyone but the mentally ill who get serotonin from being told they're something they aren't.
whatever's a girl & gets my dick hard is a woman, you dumb nigger.
>We have a free choice on what we want our words to mean.
Yeah, and the vast majority of society understand what a woman is and don't want to change the definition, so fuck off.
Transwomen can actually lactate with the proper hormones and the milk is comparable if not higher in nutritional content compared to cis-women. You probably don't care so idk why I'm bothering responding to this lmao

https://internationalbreastfeedingjournal.biomedcentral com/articles/10.1186/s13006-024-00624-1
Don't those chemicals leech into the milk presenting a risk for an infant cardiovascular system?
Who knew the way to repairing race relations between blacks and whites was placing an asian "man" in between them
No. They are men who bought a bad bolt on tit job and take hormones. They are not women in anyway, i work in a place where im watching two men slowly transition into full time cross dressers. I respect them and their journey but they are not women, they sure dont fart like women.
the "study" you linked doesn't say anything close to your claim. It's an account of a failed attempt to get a man to breastfeed a child where they had to try like hell and pump him full of all sorts of bullshit to even get a few drops of milk, and then they stopped because it wasn't working.

Add to this the fact that there's basically no research into what kind of hormonal bullshit you're exposing the kid to, and the doctors encouraging this shit should be round up and shot.
I tried finding more on this person but couldn't.
Sinbros – Return Of The Gina
you just answered your own question.
>are trans women, women?
Hey if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a goose I'm gonna...uh fuck a goose that walks like a duck idk where I was going with that
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No, other than spironolactone which has a theoretical but unknown chance of maybe impacting genital development of a newborn child. It's irrelevant because most transwomen have had either bottom surgery or at least an orchiectomy by this point and the only chemical would be bioidentical Estradiol (which cis-women take all the time) in their systems at comparable levels to a cis-woman.

Domperidone (which is the drug transwomen take to induce lactation) has predominantly been taken by cis-women to increase milk supply and is considered safe for both the woman and the baby.

These "chemicals" are the same chemicals that cis-women take and it's considered safe.

lmao, should a woman who smokes be able to breastfeed her child. Should she be "rounded up and shot" for introducing bad chemicals? The conclusion of the study states that "lactation protocols commonly used for cisgender women are also effective in transgender women" with some women failing to produce enough milk for "exclusive nursing". According to the NIH, studies show that 50% of mothers have issues with maintaining a sufficient milk supply for their child and decide to stop breastfeeding.

I started HRT early (mid teens), and I have larger breasts than my cis-sister. When I have a child either with my cis-girlfriend or surrogate, you bet your ass I'll be breastfeeding it.

You probably don't care about any of this evidence tho. You should embrace what the human body is capable of through science instead of just living in ignorance and fear. It's a new world. This is possible because up to 6-7 months in the womb we are all female, until the Y chromosome starts inducing changes. That's why Males also have nipples.
This comment appears every time that scene is posted

Somehow you are gayer than the literal tranny getting spitroasted
If you need to ask that then you know trannies can't be women
Tits or gtfo
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no now please stop making threads

bro its been like this for months. there is no end in sight. its so tiresome.

>isnt possible yet
>to fully transition
it will never be possible - sans growing an entirely new body and transferring your consciousness. even if you managed to accomplish all of what you described, you will still have the wrong set of chromosomes, and will be in constant war with your body as you fuck it up and fight it from doing what it naturally wants to do. in fewer words, YWNBARW.

>no, but i'll play to their insanity
you are part of the problem.

>entirety of language is a social construct
yes but no. language exists to define and describe. if you change a word from something that used to mean one thing into something that now means two things, a new word will be created to replace it that will better define the one thing. Doing what you describe will only serve to destroy the word "woman" and force the creation of something new that replaces it, and then they'll demand to be called that too.

If you want to talk about social constructs, start with the idea of gender alltogether. There is no such thing as gender. You are male or female. Everything else is arbitrary and up to what you or society deems acceptable. Its absolutely outrageous that a dude who wants to wear skirts and makeup must demand that he be called a woman. Wear the skirt as the proud man you are, faggot.
No, they aren't. I love tranny porn and hate women.
>6-7 months in the womb
I meant 6-7 weeks
>Should she be "rounded up and shot" for introducing bad chemicals?
>You probably don't care about any of this evidence tho.
what evidence? All you've done is spout a bunch of bullshit and post a single link that doesn't support any of what you're saying
Obviously not you fucking dunce.
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>Men are not women
>White women aren't women then

I think you're just retarded lol
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A woman is an adult human female, trans-women are not female. So no, technically not. That's why you have to say "trans-woman".
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only if they do HRT have either a tiny peen, or bottom surgery.
The Non-binary's are just mentally ill and the ones with tons of plastic surgery and doing porn and have massive cocks are just fags in drag..sorry if that offends, I only believe there are male and female gay, straight or bi. True trans has been on HRT since 13, been reviewed and certified by a tried and true professional psychologist and or were born as some kind of mutant hermaphrodite.
Hey chang
thanks for bridging the gap between races
Based. couldn't have said better.
>idk why I'm bothering responding to this lmao
me neither I don't know why you dropped such a retarded reply, you literally adressed only one of my points, and yeah I know troonos can lactate, it's artificial, unnatural, and you carfeully skipped all the others. You would have made a terrible polemicist.
Talk about cherrypicking, fucking sophist.
also kys fucking troon.
Exactly. leftist method.
I’m straight, so anything that gets my dick hard is a woman.
>leftist method
This is leftist method. For those who ignore it, leftists have a full range of strategies for intellectual warfare. Just create a Discord account, join some inclusive Discord, or some LGBT shit, you'll be shocked by both the following points:
1. how they deshumanize hetero/whites, literal reverse nazis, calling them animals, rapists, weird ("are heteros right lol?"), insane (this one is rich, talk about reverse accusation), wish they disappear etc, swiped from the surface of the earth, and the white ones are consumed by a profound self-hate. Most are bouegrois who never worked and never fought or raised as men. They live in a sweet illusion contrasting with the darkness of their pathetic life, their social life is a struggle, they're socially unintelligent.
2. They will use ANY GOOD to reach their goal. Dishonest methods don't bother them, they will lie, manipulate, insult, difame, harass, overjoyed by the death of rightists, leaving the most hateful comments, every w*man, be the heaviest landwhale, disabled people, fridges, disgusting masculine troons, dysgenic goblins are all beautiful but suddenly if you think whites shouldn't be invaded by niggers or that putting a wig and some polish on your nails and wearing a dress don't make you a woman, then suddenly, you're ugly and repulsive and stupid and you have all the flaws on earth, get insulted and deserve to die.
You must understand that they don't seek for comon sense, for truth, what's objectively true or wrong, or logical. They seek to achieve their horizon, a weird dystopia where nobody works and every race get mixed in peace and love, and they stole all the money of Elon Musk because... because!
Somehow they want to achieve the jew's dream: destroying the white race.
Do the experiment. Join a woke Discord. You'll understand all I say is true.
are they women? No
Is gender real? probably not

Is there anatomically a huge difference between the sexes where it actually matters outside of conception? Probably not.

Every embryo starts as female and all penises start as clitorises. It’s the a Y chromosome and the bombardation of testosterone during puberty that makes you a man, that’s really it.

What also isn’t debatable is that while sex is immutable, hormonal variance among people is still a spectrum and hormones control far more about how our minds and “feelings” develop than most people believe. The more testosterone deficient someone is the less male or logical their thoughts are going to be to the point where their entire notion of truth can end up being founded almost entirely on feelings, just like a woman.

I have no doubt that trannies genuinely feel less like men than the average masculine guy does and that those feelings form the foundation of what they consider to be truth or reality.

If nothing else, tranny delusion makes them pretty good substitutes for the jobs women no longer appreciate such as being a servile set of holes for dick. And if you do a good job sucking me off, I’m not opposed to calling you princess.
Does anyone have the one with the black haired kinda emo looking trans girl with sultry expression getting fucked from behind on like a bottom wooden bunk, her arms are against the wall and one knee is on the bed and she’s looking back over her shoulder making eye contact
Trannies spend thousands of dollars with hormone and surgery and shit to look like women , lose weight , learn to voice it down, learn to act extra girly ,learn to dress girly , shave it and grow hairs just to look like hot babes , a straight man who's biologically attracted to women will obvisouly like extra feminne tranny doesnt make him gay infact its opposite and it makes you streight , now the thing about penis is later part of question when you actually get down to dirty but on surface level its actually streightes thing you can do is get attracted to tranny
damn, who's that?
If we're talking seriously here, no but only because the language we have around gender/sex doesn't encapsulate what trannies think they are.
They're not born women and even if they get surgery, they're in this trans-state but not fully a woman. It doesn't mean they're less than what they are for that though. Because if putting on a dress, wearing make-up, having tits, speaking like a woman, etc, etc makes you feel better, I don't care. But these are the same people who turn around and say those things don't define what a woman is and that those (aside from having tits) are societal rules about women and can be changed if we chose to. Transwomen aren't women and they're not men. They're something else.
Cool people, not women. I'm fine calling them 'trans-women' tho. use whatever bathroom stall they pass for.

>is Logic black or white?

He's neither. He's mixed. But he passes white so niggers make fun of him.
To add to this, I wish more transwomen would go to Thailand and talk to the ladyboys there cause they're pretty secure in being the inbetween that they are and some get offended if you call them a woman too whether you realise they are or not cause god damn can some of them pass and there is so many of them at bars over there.

Esha Roses. Check X.
Are negroes human?
>are hot dogs, dogs?
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Many are. Just calling yourself a woman isn't enough though.
>your hormones level makes you a woman
deluded cope kek
trans women are men and a plague
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What do you think made you grow a penis?
but does she look like a man? no, she looks like a woman and identifies as one. therefore, she is a woman, although not chromosomically and genitalically (I made this word up but you get the meaning)
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She's a woman all right.
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No source. I got here months ago and they did not have a source either.
slutty violet
trannies are faggots, and if you like them you're a faggot too.
This is projection
No, they’re men with fake tits and hormone treatments. If you want to fuck and suck a man or tranny then just own it and fuck a man or tranny, but don’t call them women as a way to dilute your guilt or faggotry. No one is being fooled.
chromosomes you special ed faggot
I'm trans myself, personally I'd say this is pretty much how I feel about myself. Personally, I know that no matter how hard I wish I was, I'll never really be a woman, but being a man makes me completely miserable so I don't want to do that either. . I have a loving boyfriend, I'm at a mostly successful place in my life, and my family accepts me for the way I am; If I can't really be a woman, but still get to look like one and mostly live like one that's good enough for me.
>but only because the language we have around gender/sex doesn't encapsulate what trannies think they are.
That's because what they think they are doesn't exist, hence nobody bothered coming up with the language to describe it.
You described a H. Sapien female.

A woman is more of a social construct to describe a H. Sapien with feminine traits.
Everyone in this thread is a fucking retard.
Incorrect, kill yourself
Nah, but some of them can larp really well
I second this
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itt: closeted transwomen arguing with normal transwomen

i believe in all of you eggs coping in this thread, i was a chud like you too once but now i'm a cute girl
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Wouldn't happen without testosterone. Everything about sex is just hormones, what's the diff if hormones are introduced voluntarily?
Everyone's getting shit from EPORNER, but the tagging is horrendous. Just trying to type any pornstar's name into it brings up nothing.
"It's the Y chromosome and the bombardment of testosterone during puberty that makes you a man"

Are you under the impression that we don't grow our dicks until puberty, you fucking retard?
Whether you're a man, woman, or trans, you've got some enviable stuff going on in your life. Proud of you anon.

There are plenty of things that go on in the brain that nobody had words for one upon a time. We learn and we adapt as a species.
This is the problem. I’m addicted to the fantasy of fucking a cute trans girl but trans porn itself is rarely ever satisfying. Only a handful of videos are good. Professionally it’s plain awful, and the amateurs aren’t good enough. I think the problem is that these people just don’t know how to fuck and that these trannies aren’t even really that fuckable. Neither party seems to enjoy it much.
do we have a name for her
It's only gay if balls touch. Not gay.
>does not matter
>don’t fear desire
>if dick = hard all that matters
no, it's actually hormones. if chromosomes are like building projects, hormones are the workers: not in every individual the chromosomes reflect the person's anatomy (like swyer syndrome, where the XY individual has a complete female appearance complete of a working uterus (but not ovaries), so they still can have birth via an embryo transfer). that's why a male individual who takes antiandrogens and estrogens, progestogens and GnRH hormones develop secondary sexual traits, like breasts, softer skin, fat distribution et cetera, and regresses (i think that's the term I can use, English is not my main language) primary sexual traits, like reducing penile length, testicular atrophy and decreased sperm volume and quality (since sperms production is regulated by testosterone mainly)
who cares.. stop obsessing over other people lol.. have sex with whoever you want and stop being obsessed with labels.
you are a woman and you worked hard to be one. always be proud of who you are and how you became who you are, femanon
in a cis man, and i hope that all the eggs here become cute tgirls, so i can love em all
No. But you can still have sex with them.
All a nigga needs a crease!
this is a fetish, not reality.
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No. They're lying, Even to themselves.
Of course not, don't be retarded.
If they were actually women, they would just be called women.
On that note, I find replacing the prefix "trans" with the word fake clears everything up.
It's the combination of both the Y chromosome and flood of testosterone during puberty that makes you a man, but the Y alone isn't even enough to cause the clitoris to develop into a penis and the ovaries to develop into testes during fetal development, that requires DHT and testosterone too. It's rare but you can be XY and born with a vagina and ovaries because of hormone deficiencies in the womb. And remember, you aren't actually a man until puberty. Both sexes have roughly the same body morphology prior to puberty, so you are effectively neither a man nor a woman until then.

If you can't understand the first part, you probably are going to be incapable of understanding that a penis isn't actually what makes you a man. It's just an external clitoris fused with the urethra to allow you to act as a DNA transmitter rather than a DNA receiver. Next time you're teasing your girl's clit with your tip, remember you're actually just rubbing dicks.

The bombarding of testosterone that occurs during and after puberty is what causes actual male traits which are distinguishable from female traits to develop and the penis has absolutely nothing to do with it other than being one of the parts that is altered by male puberty. You could lose your penis in a horrific accident prior to puberty and provided you still had your balls and pituitary gland you would still go through male puberty and develop a male body, however, if you had lost your balls, but kept your penis, you would never actually develop into a man (or woman) because your body would be missing the hormonal system that is responsible for masculinization.
If you came to the porn board and posted a paragraph- your brain is fucking fried
No. They are men pretending to be women. make-up, surgery, hormones will only hide what they really are: mentally ill men.
Are firetrucks, trucks?
Are SUVs, vehicles?
Are t-shirts, shirts?
Is a yacht a boat?
Is a high school, a school?
Is a semi-automatic rifle, a rifle?
Is a PC a computer?
Is an evergreen tree, a tree?

Do you understand the english language you retard? You get taught about adjectives and nouns in elementary school (which is also a school).
Do you understand you will never be a woman?
Hopefully, one day you will.
Why would You call them women? If it have or had a male genitalia it is male. If it have or had female genitalia it is female. Why would anyone call man a woman if they are not? Thay can be wonderful loving, caring people and i wish them happy lives and to feel comfortable in their bodies, but it won't change facts. Simple biology
Is a seahorse a horse?
Is a komodo dragon a dragon?
Is a star fish a fish?
Is a jewish-american American?
Is a black person a person?
Are you a fucking retard?
The answer is no for all but 1 of those.
its so fucking funny how much troonerinos need society to play along or they'll commit suicide.

can you imagine waking up and some psycho doctor filleted your cock, split it down the middle and shoved it up inside you and woke you up with
>the surgery was a success Ma'am
any sane man would become suicidal but these mentally ill fuckers actually go
>thank you, i will now go harass lesbians and weak faggots who cant say no to me thanks to the ideological cult they found themselves in trying to have sex with a woman
LoL get rekt libtardzzz


The only people who care about it and think "trans women are women" are trannies who are internally homophobic and don't like the idea of/want to be called fags and men who are internally homophobic and don't like the idea of/want to be called a fag.
Are Guava Apples Guava or apple?
Is a Cellphone made out of cell?
Are Dutchwives Dutch or Wives?
Does being high mean your elevation has changed?
Shut the fuck up
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I think this also may be slutty violet
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A seahorse IS a horse?
No, a dick and balls that can produce sperm is a male or man.
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No, they're not IMO, but a man dressed up, acting like, and fully believing they're a women, if the feeling is there, can be as kinky, hot and romantic as doing it with a real woman.
Nah...but who gives a fuck?

I'm not physically attracted to men but I also find women's sexual politics repulsive. I save my loads and attention for QT trans girls. Sure, some are crazy but much lower ratio than women. They should be happy to be distinct from the whackos.
i know very well they are biologically male, that being said ...id go for someone like that, because i like the femininity even though they have a cock... i guess i cant see myself with just another dude, but dudes with tits? why not ...

still would , very attractive trans-dude imo
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She wouldn't if you call her "dude", idiot.
They're men with boobs
Of course they are.
kys troon
You wouldn't call them trans if they were.

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