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I miss real liberals. I don't know what happened, but the democrat party is just evil now. Ever since same sex marriage got legalized and the 2016 election it's been different. Not just with the party, but everyone that identifies as a democrat. They've become so bigoted that they'll turn their back on anyone that doesn't blindly vote with the party.
Now they're openly praising an assassination attempt. After four years of absolute hell for most people. The price of food has skyrocketed. Gas has skyrocketed. The constant psychological warfare they conduct through news media.
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the real liberals are having something stir deep within them
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she seems cringey trashy low-iq and self loathing. weird that she uses the word faggot when that's exactly what she is. she's a bizarre disgusting bitter tattooed mess. she's not a woman she's a faggot
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>she seems cringey trashy low-iq and self loathing.
It's not new. You're just noticing it now.
It's fascinating, isn't it? The pendulum swung very hard for lefties. Look at shit like the Whitest Kids U'Know. They're all liberals and made some wonderfully edgy shit. Or this incredible video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4PC8Luqiws
That was made by the fucking onion. You had rage against the machine singing "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" to saying "fuck you, take the vaccine"
>...vote for a woman...
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Verdugo Park Gym in Burbank, CA

Used to play there every friday. Dave is the guy doing the roundhouse. Dude is insane. Loud as fuck and would show up to the games drunk. Its so funny to me a clip from there blew up like this.
That is an insult to Hitler.
Compared to this cunt, Hitler was a good guy.
Useless bitch was not happy
Wow... that's some projection, anon.
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Legends still walk the earth.
>Compared to this cunt, Hitler was a good guy.
she wishes she could give a speech like that.
>Useless bitch was not happy
are they ever?
nice a.i shit video, Hey can a.i do eyebrows correctly? lmfao
Who dis?
Yeah and I'd fuck her like I caught her cyberbullying my baby sister.
Its classic organization = organism theory.

liberals have already achieved all of their goals. They scream trans rights but what rights to trannies not have that others do?

However there's billions of dollars in these organizations with structures and hierarchy. Its no longer a matter of achieving a goal, its a matter of survival. You've achieved the goal, now what? Just fire all the workers, lose your power and go home?

NAACP is the greatest example of this. Their goal, equal rights for niggers. Niggers in the eyes of the law are equal to whites. Well shit, the NAACP should have disbanded and gone home. Nope, it has to keep going and at a certian point its easier to just start making shit up. It went from achieving equal rights, to fighting for an end to microaggressions. Anything to survive. Its the law of nature.

This theory applies to every organization that has ever existed including governments. You think that if tactical nukes were legalized tomorrow that 2A orgs would all vanish? Nah, they'd start fighting nuke ownership biases and equal opportunity for those that want to bring their grenade belt to work every day.
Cope with reality
How fucked do you have to be to automatically think everything you see is AI?
>Cope with reality
Ok. It's the same video posted to youtube? Under some dude with Ayn Rand for his profile pic? kek. Rogers eyebrows are bigger than arab nigga cenk? lmao
>Loud as fuck and would show up to the games drunk.
Mans is my kinda dude lmfaooo
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Melonie Mac
Did you think AIPAC was good?
I wanna bruise her cervix.
>liberals have already achieved all of their goals.
lol if you're living and free they have not achieved their goals.
>NAACP is the greatest example of this. Their goal, equal rights for niggers. Niggers in the eyes of the law are equal to whites. Well shit, the NAACP should have disbanded and gone home. Nope, it has to keep going and at a certian point its easier to just start making shit up. It went from achieving equal rights, to fighting for an end to microaggressions. Anything to survive. Its the law of nature.
does the NAACP really gin up race shit these days?
BLM is a better example.
>How fucked do you have to be to automatically think everything you see is AI?
you'd have to be fucked to not consider that.
>nice a.i shit video, Hey can a.i do eyebrows correctly? lmfao
seething troon

melonie mac
>Post another a.i video with a black and white filter
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btw you're not trans your literally just a gooning pervert
stop it.
Bless you anon. Wonderful example of exceptionalism!
Why don't you actually watch the video?
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You cut up multiple videos, you can see the mouth movement is out of sync slightly and wrong and pixelated. Also the video is slightly upscaled, You're not the only one that does a.i dumbass.
Beautiful. Fuck Israel and all who support it
LMAO Schizoid.
she's cute
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Shes a full on hardcore christian that believes only in "traditional women". She thinks the bible is the written word of god.
Seriously, watch her channel and you'll see shes a loon
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>she believes the truth
>crazy right
so the Bible is wrong?
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>Beautiful. Fuck Israel and all who support it
Holy shit.
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Seriously. What a wonderful video this is. I can't overstate just how wonderfully put together this video is.
Also people need to remember that this happened too. They don't care about us real Americans. They never have. In fact they, in the fed, view us as an obstruction.
thank you!
>They don't care about us real Americans. They never have. In fact they, in the fed, view us as an obstruction.
the feeling is mutual.
She’s sexy as hell and I yearn to eat her pits and asshole
I wanna make iced tea from her used underwear.
>I miss real liberals. I don't know what happened, but the democrat party is just evil now.

Accurate statement. Yeah its a damn shame Orange man had to break their brains.
>LMAO Schizoid.
Interpolation jeet. (YOU)

If she's right, then why isn't this whore in the kitchen making dinner instead of being on the phone?

Get this bitch off the phone.
wallahi i can fix her insha'allah
>If she's right
You're a faggot.
She hasn't met her future husband (me) yet
I’m more than certain this amazingly delicious sounding tea is the fountain of youth.
only one way to find out.
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you don't gulp down everything shoved down your throat as 100% true, but >>27587938 has a point. Not everything is a psyop and not everyone is a glowie.

P.S. Are you the anon who keeps complaining about "A.I. generated cumshots" in tranny threads? Top jej.
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I think this is what you were aiming for.

This has a list of all the episodes he sang that song in.He stopped using it around 1991. So don't worry, if you'd met him he would have hidden his disgust
We are talking about the video quality, not the song you retard.
How do you even argue with someone who spews this kind of shit

Nothing you say to them will ever change their mind because it was not reason that brought them to this kind of thinking. Rather pure, unadulterated delusion.

The middle ground does not exist for these people. There is no compromise. They wish us death.
>P.S. Are you the anon who keeps complaining about "A.I. generated cumshots" in tranny threads? Top jej.
I don't go into tranny threads. but you seem too. lmfao
A lot of politicized people -- regardless of direction -- are what Zapffe calls "spiriitually-developed" and their meaning in life is constant change. There is no tangible end goal because the goal is just changing one thing to something else; and when it's changed, to move on to another thing to change. He lays it out as a sense "continuity", "direction." and "progression." Essentially, an ironic deathcope, i.e. people will worship change as being a good but not the change from life to death because it removes them from perceived impact on the world, which causes anxiety despite it being inevitable and unavoidable.
Based Gillisposter
faggot got exposed
run outside and suck nearest nigger off you fucking fagit
>self-hating woman gets angry at men
Many such cases.
Can tell from the way she talks that she's too stupid to be taken seriously about anything. Even if you think she's right, I would have picked a better example than this. She has a voice built for arguing with retail staff.
Her opinion is very based and objectively correct
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>Can tell from the way she talks that she's too stupid to be taken seriously about anything.
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>Her opinion is very based and objectively correct
I have been blessed enough to see her nudes

no I cannot share them
I can't upload anything either.
>empty-headed right wing tattooed christian e-girl
>"When I say faggot on camera my superchats go up!"
Fuck those other anons. This bitch sucks. Proof that conservatives are just liberals going the speed limit. Dumbass grifter pick-me cunt.
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Based and truthpilled
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>Based Gillisposter
>Full on hardcore christian
>Tattoos, long hair not covered, divorced
How can you think this is a fundamentalist? She's just grifting
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>content tailored to your tastes is le bad
>every piece of entertainment must be a communist struggle session.
Lol I think she's based too bro relax
I'm just explaining to the other guy it's a larp she started after divorcing her husband who cheated. she was never "trad-cath", she's literally just coping
Still a horse face even with pounds of makeup on
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>counter signals literally any topic automatically.
>would probably go to france
Imagine nodding along and agreeing with every point being made in a YOUNG TURKS video and calling yourself a conservative. This is your white savior, senior fuentes over here? Cat girl sucking shit through a straw over here? Give me a break.
Don't break your arms reaching for that strawman.
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>Imagine nodding along and agreeing with every point being made in a YOUNG TURKS video and calling yourself a conservative.
imagine believing vid rel and pretending you're a friend to Christians.
Now ask her about the Armenian genocide and to condemn Turkey.
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>Don't break your arms reaching for that strawman.
you're confusing grasping at straws and strawman You don't reach for strawmen you beat them. And why would reaching break your arms?
very very weird.
>Now ask her about the Armenian genocide and to condemn Turkey.
She's Armenian. Cenk would be the one to deny it but he's acknowledged it in the past (but kept the name lol).
Christcucks ruin everything.
Ain't confusing anything. He is grasping (reaching) for straws to prove a point and building a strawman argument at the same time.
What exactly is conservative about giving money to Israel?
She sounds stupid but she's hot and unbelievably based. 9/10.

it's a grift.
like 5 years ago she was posting shit about accepting gay and trans people, being supportive of progressive policies etc.
nobody followed her, then she went on the right wing grift circuit and she's all over.
What are you even trying to say here?
Why is it so easy to grift to the right wing? Their content creators make so much damn money compared to left wing ones, with the exception of maybe Hasan.
>Their content creators make so much damn money compared to left wing ones,
hardcore left wingers are either communist leaders who are too stupid to fall for the bullshit, or the poorfag useful idiots who don't have a bank account to donate from.
None of this is a response to my question. Were you too upset to answer?
Liberalism is reaching its logical, predictable end point. The "slippery slope fallacy" that liberals use to say conservatives were always using was really just pattern recognition and extrapolation. It was always working its way toward the destruction of anything and anyone who opposed it. It cannot tolerate any system outside itself. It's both immensely powerful and fragile in that way. Sometimes you just need to step back for a fuller view of the picture to see the arc of things.
>pattern recognition
How do you determine the real patterns from the fake ones? What's the methodology here?
I only knew her for wanting OG Lara Croft back and being against the androgynization of women in videogames. I heard she was kinda butthurt for being criticized on her christian believes. Now I get an idea why
Based. Women follow trends, she knows which way the wind is blowing. She's ahead of the curve compared to most, I'll give her that much.
>inb4 ur gay u faggot
She's unmarried and has no kids apparently, and she bitches about star wars and comic book movies like every other dipshit slightly right of center grifter. Cope.
Wow... that lazy cope. If you just want to make a statement then don't form your words as a question.
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>the democrat party is just evil now
The republican party tried to illegally overthrow the election in 2020. Not sure how you missed that.
No, I asked a question about conservatives, and you didn't answer it. You just started screaming about liberals.
>too smart to fall for the bullshit
apologies for the typo
jesus christ you're dense. in a world of lies designed to corral stupid people into convenient herds, when someone speaks truth to right wingers, it's like a candle shining in the dark. it stands out, and right wingers have to desire and the resources to try to support them. it's easy to create a right wing grift because right wingers are actively searching for voices to support who are saying what they want to hear, and they have money to throw at the problem.
you're talking to multiple anons, you fucking retard
holy fucking shit this is the most sane post i ever read on 4chan am i dying is this real am i already dead
You are dead, and this is hell.
>when someone speaks truth to right wingers
But they're not speaking truth to them, they're just using the same banal and easily disprovable talking points that every other conservative grifter uses.
>and the resources
The poorest states in the country on average are red states, so that seems unlikely. I suspect there are a minority of billionaires with conservative interests funding many of them, like we can see with the Daily Wire.
>it's easy to create a right wing grift because right wingers are actively searching for voices to support who are saying what they want to hear
Now this I can agree with.
>multiple people were too upset to answer the question
i'm not willing to invest more time to thoroughly pop your bubble. touch grass,friend.
>She's Armenian. Cenk would be the one to deny it but he's acknowledged it in the past (but kept the name lol).
It is to be expected of a Turk not to acknowledge it. Has she ever condemned Turkey for genocide denial? Has she criticized the US for letting Azerbaijan genocide the Armenians out of Karabakh?
That's fine. I'm used to you folks being cowards.
come back when you've reached age 18
I love how no matter what politics people have they always have to shoe horn in Hitler hate. Yup no way he was right about jews, just a 100 year long smear campaign against a man who died 80 years ago. "NO YOU'RE THE NAZI" over and over and over from one party to the other. Trump is literally Hitler. Biden is literally Hitler. Kamala is literally Hitler. Anyone who can potentially wield the authoritarian power given to them in an authoritative way that someone doesn't agree with is literally Hitler. Anyone who makes this argument better be an anarchist to the core.
Conservatives are the neglected and abused bastard child who will take anything they can get. Appealing to them is low hanging fruit. The Quartering/Nerdrotic types aren't even right wing in the proper sense of the term, but neither are conservatives. The conservative embraces these streamers out of desperation and a need to have their views affirmed, to some extent, by people with some degree of notoriety. Neither the streamers or the conservatives they pander to even know who Pat Buchanan is, what a paleo-conservative is, how Bill Buckley gutted conservatism and helped usher in neo-conservatism (another form of liberalism that has established the dialectic we're stuck in now, establishing the "liberals driving the speed limit" status quo) and so on. They sure as shit never heard of hardcore guys like Jonathan Bowden. It's just hacks pandering to desperate simps, and they're all 90's liberals at the end of the day.

The only one I can think of who is even remotely conservative is Razorfist, and even he's weaksauce though he does some good work.
>I love how no matter what politics people have they always have to shoe horn in Hitler hate.
Yeah, but some of that is bullshit anon.
Maybe Hitler shouldn't have been such a nigger then.
You're a dumb nigger. They burned the vinyl chloride because it was way more hazardous in the ground water as a lasting carcinogen than its combustion products being hydrogen chloride which combines with the moisture in the air to create hydrochloric acid so the local wildlife sensitive to pH balance will die like the fish and frogs. The acidic environment also affects the eggshells. The rest is CO2, CO, Carbon and trace amounts of phosgene. Unbelievable that retards like you get riled up by other retarded republicans who don't know what they're talking about, but don't make a peep about companies like Dow and DuPont who poisoned American workers and rivers/lakes for decades.
She's correct, proof that being borderline retarded is not a impediment for common sense.
When Hitler tries to unite Europe with common blood and culture ):<
When Jews financially and economically threaten Europe to unite under the EU :D
>common sense
Can you define this term for me? Thanks.
Hitler is the negative moral center of a modern secular creation myth. You can score points by comparing your enemies to him, and by signaling how unlike him you are. Left or right, he's alive and well in both the truth about him or the lies. They can't get over him.
>Anyone who makes this argument better be an anarchist to the core.
Based expecter of logical consistency.
The fuckhead who runs this train company actually tanked their stock price, stayed on, and oversaw this massive fuck-up, and got bonuses iirc lmao.
>guys the Soviets have eyes on Europe, help us stop them cold and end it all right now
>nooooooooo fuck you pew pew
>now that the baddies are gone, guys the Soviets have eyes on Europe....
When the left laughed, because they dont have good memes to laugh at, thats when I realized ok, these people are degenerate as fuck.
The last four years speaks for itself.
You don't need to tell me, I'm just mindbroken over the smoke and mirrors and how the average person believes in politics how a child believes David Copperfield can make the statue of liberty disappear. I know it's all a psychological game.
Its real either way, you dumb fuck
Found the multi color haired faggot voter.
The left has the bulk of power and they play to win. They coordinate to get their enemies (great and small) fired, prosecuted, occasionally even killed regardless of what conservatards think. Meanwhile conservatards are still scared to do so much as let a Home Depot employee get fired for publicly posting that she wished the 6'3 Cheeto puff was dead. These people were made to dig ditches and get on their knees. I cannot imagine living through the last 8 years and still "taking the high road" or whatever they say to mask their cowardice with moral superiority.
Using old people, normies, and unarmed shitposters incited by Feds and Antifa? Cringe
>Its real either way, you dumb fuck
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>You're faggot.
So voting for the opposite sex is gay, but voting for the same sex is not gay.
>Found the multi color haired faggot
This is hilarious when it's coming from someone defending a masculine and impure woman who dyes her hair, gets tattoos and shitposts while larping as a religious puritan on the internet.
Is she a self hating lesbian?
The 2000's called they want you back.
I kekd
True but much the same can be said of republicans. It's like everyone has become an extremist.
trips of truth
>unite Europe
>Declare war on everyone at once, losing, wrecking Europe and leaving half of it under communist rule

Pick one.
God damn, she’s completely correct and sexy as fuck
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I love you.
Shut the fuck up jew lover
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That's not even remotely the case. The U.S maneuvered to get Japan into the war and the UK did the same with Germany. I don't know how people have come to think otherwise.
She looks like the type who writes Sailor Moon fanfictions and will wait until marriage before sex, but will also cut your penis off and then feed it to you if you look at another woman
Welcome home.
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>I love you.
I know.
Wife material
Oh yeah. France, Denmark, Benelux, Norway too. Yugoslavia and Greece too. The Soviet union as well! All expertly positioned the trap to get Hitler to attack them. Those sneaky fucks.
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she looks like a young, thin, attractive rosie o'donnell

where was the outrage for jan6? People died, and the rioters tried to hang politicians.

to come out now crying about an assasination attempt is RICH, when you defend the party that tried to coup.

jan6 showed dems that they can either play it just as dirty as the republicans and especially trumpites do, or they can lose the democracy as a whole. Lets just hope things go back to normal once trump is defeated.
It’s ironic that /pol/ doesn’t recognise this as propaganda.
They knew about trannies back then. There was a tranny emperor in Ancient Rome for fuck sake. Trannies were in Psychopathia Sexualis which was written in the late 1800s. Troons didn’t just spontaneously emerge in the last half century.
That webm is as much propaganda as the modern shit saying the opposite.
an assassination attempt against someone who tried to both legally (vice president election gambit) and illegally (riot at capitol) stop a proven in court valid election result.
Sic semper tyrannus fuck that nigga
>no free healthcare
>no free college
>companies still raping the american people out of every dollar possible
>wealth inequality hitting absurdist levels
>climate change still being relatively ignored or actively encouraged by half the political spectrum
yeah they sure achieved all their goals because trans and gays can get married
>The Young Turks clean their asses after taking a shit! Real conservatives just build up a nice crust. God bless Israel!
She's based, for a woman anyway.
>no free healthcare
Except there is, I'm even on it lol.
>no free college
I went to community college, it was like 200 bucks a semester.
>companies still raping the American people out of every dollar possible
How exactly are they doing that? producing cheap as shit goods in a communist leftist supported nation? When Trump suggests tarrifs or any kind of trade deal leftists flip the fuck out and call him a racist. Same with immigrants. Leftists fucking love scabs so don't even pretend like they're fighting for the american "people"
>wealth inequality hitting absurdist levels
Its really funny considering the more left we go as a country the greater the inequality in wealth there is. Maybe muh reaganomics wasn't such a stupid idea?
>muh climate change
Yet another example of a never ending battle. Climate change if special in that it will literally never be solved no matter how much crazy bullshit you do like banning all car use. So it still fits with the theory.
Oh and I just remember that the only reason I had to pay for free education was because I didn't belong to the city the college was in.
If you listen closely, you can hear the collective scream of a thousand trannies an hero.
Damn, I didn't know Norfolk Southern paid for shills on this mongolian basket weaving forum.
This got me to google 33, 33 bible, 33 conspiracy, thanks I learned something new to talk about at work,It's this simple: the number system we live by is based on 10, 100, 1000. 10 based. 10 is infinitely divisible by 3. you get 3.33333 infinitely. Divide 100 by 3 and it's 33.3333 infinitely. The 10th astrology sign is Capricorn, the goat, the thing they worship. That is the significance
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>Ain't confusing anything. He is grasping (reaching) for straws to prove a point and building a strawman argument at the same time.
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>The republican party tried to illegally overthrow the election in 2020. Not sure how you missed that.
fake and gay
all he had to do was not invade poland.
Reich would still be intact, he'd be allied with Russia and absolutely lording over Europe.
>can't the difference between fucking and voting
least degenerate leftist.
>>can't the difference between fucking and voting
Can not type a complete sentence. Kys.
Yep, the Republicans are panicking.
They know they have an old, smelly, racist rapist as their candidate.
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>Is she a self hating lesbian?
she gets plowed by a new chad every couple of weeks.
>The 2000's called they want you back.
the feeling is mutual :(
>rosie o'donnell
take it back
I got suggested that the other day.
pretty impressive bona fides
>immune to irony
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>Mass reply fag.
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>(credible extremist sentence)
>still can't get board culture right.
>still can't get board culture right.
Tourist (YOU)
I don't want to fix her. She's perfect.
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I know who you are fag.
isn't nick gay?
The overton window shifted dumbass. This is exactly what I want to see.
Nice godwinpost bro
Not to mention he even got unification with Austria and the Sudetenland. But being the nigger he was, he couldn't keep it in his pants and wanted more.

Today Germany is 25% smaller than it was before he chimped out and the German populace of the Slavlands in the South and East was genocided for good measure.
it's so funny how this so called conservatives are destroying U.S with Putin's dick shoved down their throat and cheering for a insurectionist. It trully the end of the U.S. Not even the most lunatic socialist sell their country like this and champion foreigner interests.
Good riddance it was a good run. Time to wait for the Chinese rule I guess.
>Eastern Euro butthurt rant

You Polish or Ukrainian?
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>I know who you are
no u
also, you won't do shit
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>isn't nick gay?
the most based kind of gay
deeply closeted and racked with Catholic guilt. \
>Nice godwinpost bro
that was the only competant leftist shill trying to improve our opinion of the Cumula
>Not to mention he even got unification with Austria and the Sudetenland. But being the nigger he was, he couldn't keep it in his pants and wanted more.
its the greatest shame. All he had to do was consolidate his gains. Europe was full of pussies they wouldn't have done shit . He could have just maneuvered economically during peace time and dominated Europe.
All he had to do for the thousand year Reich is keep his militaristic dick in his pants. Perhaps the claims that he was some kind of controlled opposition meant to start a massive war are right. I can't figure out the incentive for invading Poland. I'm sure some history guy has some answer though.
>Today Germany is 25% smaller than it was before he chimped out and the German populace of the Slavlands in the South and East was genocided for good measure.
and no deindustrialized and made a vassal state of the fake and gay collapsing empire in history.
but from the ashes we shall build a brighter tomorrow.
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>it's so funny how this so called conservatives are destroying U.S with Putin's dick shoved down their throat and cheering for a insurectionist.
We're not cheering for an insurrectionist, we killed Biden. And we're going to kill or jail nearly every senior person in your party because they're all criminals.
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>and no deindustrialized and made a vassal state of the fake and gay collapsing empire in history.
*and now deindustrialized and made a vassal state to the fakest and gayest collapsing empire in history.
Out of the woodwork. They will crawl out and expose them selves in the sun.
A woman was shot by the capitol police. That's who died. Keep your lies to your self, democrat.
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>Unbelievable that retards like you get riled up by other retarded republicans who don't know what they're talking about, but don't make a peep about companies like Dow and DuPont who poisoned American workers and rivers/lakes for decades.
nigger you cheered for big pharma to take billions of our tax dollars to develop and then sell back to use a shot with literally no benefit whatsoever for covid, that can only make your health work and will eventually kill millions.

Fuck the streams nigger, they polluted in you.
You're justifying an assassination attempt, right out in the open for everyone to see.
Proof or you are full of it~
>I can't figure out the incentive for invading Poland. I'm sure some history guy has some answer though.
As Putin mentioned in the Tucker Carlson interview, one of the motives was a corridor to Gdansk. Danzig and East Prussia were exclaves made on purpose to fuck with Germany and put economic pressure on it. There's also other shit like Lebensraum and all that. Plus the Soviets agreed to help, which was like a dream come true.
If anything, the attack on the Soviets later on made no sense.
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>As Putin mentioned in the Tucker Carlson interview, one of the motives was a corridor to Gdansk.
Germany has lots of coastal cities why do you need a stupid polack city?
>Danzig and East Prussia were exclaves made on purpose to fuck with Germany and put economic pressure on it.
k, you don't need to invade poland for that.
>There's also other shit like Lebensraum and all that.
> Plus the Soviets agreed to help, which was like a dream come true.
all the better reason to stay out of the fighting and let the other powers weaken themselves in wars. Could still purged the worst jews and scared the best jews into being servants of the state, got them selling german weapons to poles and ruskies alike. OMG would have been glorious for Germany.
oh what could have been.
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>no u
>also, you won't do shit
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yah missed faggot
>also, you won't do shit
Only a glowing faggot says that.
>yah missed faggot
wtf are talking about?
Back to /pol/.
So left wing lunacy lunacy is to blame for everything unfavorable in todays society then, is that it? Typical overly simplistic conservative way of thinking. Kys faggot, you're just as retarded as the radical trannies on the left. Possibly more retarded. The gender thing is old fucking news but you conservative retards keep talking about it because its a way of complaining instead of offering solutions. But conservatives think every solution is really just "common sense". Conservatives should know that common sense can't solve issues given the left wings handling of "common sense gun laws". I hate every last one of you faggots on the right masquerading as homophobes whilst secretly sucking each off at the republican national convention and shutting down Grindr.
What you write is retarded. Fitting for a schizo flat earther who doesn't get how the world works.
>Kys faggot,
A democrat just wrote that.
Well, you're unwittingly right about the common sense part.
It should be common sense to hospitalize faggots. Or otherwise remove them from society.
When in Rome I guess. Seriously guys you got to chill with the (Faggot) thing it's not cool. Myself included.
>your party
You can't spot the East Euro ESL a mile away? ngmi boss.
yes. leftism is like a rot. if allowed to fester it will spread and destroy everything it comes in contact with.
once you realize the traits of leftism you can look back and history and spot, yup, that guy was a leftist. yup, that event was caused by leftist.
Post is made about democrats being evil. You respond with calling someone a faggot, to KYS, and a retard. That's not liberal thinking. That's being evil.
>Post is made about democrats being evil. You respond with calling someone a faggot, to KYS,
That wasn't me retard. I said (guys) learn to read.
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7 months
Sure thing, buddy.
>just like my heckin' movierinoos

>Sure thing, buddy.
You replying to the wrong ANON you Dumb fuck Buddy UnDrStAnD nOw? I was talking to the anon you were too.
>So left wing lunacy lunacy is to blame for everything unfavorable in todays society then, is that it?
As a former leftist, unironically yes 100%
Germany declared war on Poland, France and UK declared war on Germany. Germany declared war on the USA after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The only reason countries across the world attacked Japan is because of how colonized Asia was by France, Britain and USA.
>Someone who knows some chemistry and can use google is a corporate shill
What was he supposed to do about the UK or other jew inspired hold outs? Stalin was drawing up plans to invade Germany, I forget if Germany caught wind of this or if they did it independently of that information. Either way Soviet Union would also have fallen if it weren't for the USA and Britain lend lease aid.
Yeah that was totally me and not the strawman you constructed because you don't know how to argue against what I said.
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ding ding ding
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>Yeah that was totally me and not the strawman you constructed because you don't know how to argue against what I said.
nigger we have so many covid tyrants to tribunal
You got caught looking like an evil piece of shit. Why else would you respond to a
>Sure thing, buddy.
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I only recently discovered Shane and I can't believe his Trump impression. Better than Zach Hadel's and that's saying something.
did you see him and fake biden dueling on Kill Tony?
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also do you know about cumtown (RIP) and The Adam Friedland Show?
Yeah, that's what got me into him. I'd heard of him before but never really noticed how fucking funny he is.
Hell yeah dude.
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>Hell yeah dude.
dudes rock
Ah yes. The party made famous by seceding from the Union, slavery, Jim Crow laws, 100 more years of segregation and racially biased laws, who started planned parenthood to further eugenics and slowly killing off minorities, and who've single handedly have kept non whites in poverty in all of their cities is SUDDENLY evil

Fuck off nignogwillywog.
whoever is fighting the neocons are the good guys and the left did that during the GWoT
they (we) deserve some credit for that, I was leftist until 2016.
what if youre already trans?
>I was leftist until 2016.
Same. I was with Bernie until I saw those two black girls take his podium away from him. Seeing that triggered something in me. I only registered republican so I could vote in my state's primary for Trump. I voted Obama in 2008. Nobody in 2012. And Trump 2016.
I feel like everyone who stayed past 2016 has something wrong with them.
Holy fuck I almost pissed myself at this.
Uber simulator 2024.
>I was with Bernie until I saw those two black girls take his podium away from him.
that should have done it for me.
I walked away once they stole the whole nomination
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>electronic goyslop
just her past husband
she was married before, for all of 11 months
now she's a childless divorcée staring down the barrel of 40, so maybe she's ready to make a 2 year commitment to you
baby steps, ya know
4 dudes before they lose the ability to fall in love
and then it's cock carousel until their beauty fades.
it's so sad for everyone.
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>what if youre already trans?
you're probably just addicted to masturbating.
see >>27587892

also there's a half dozen simps (including myself) in this thread, she has no shortage of volunteers, it's her hypergamy and fear of missing out that make her think every guy isn't good enough even though they've been decreasing in caliber for a 5 years
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highest degree in freemasonry, occult associations with the death of Jesus as well.
>If you listen closely, you can hear the collective scream of a thousand trannies an hero.
If I couldn't hear them I'd stop posting it.
Everytime I see a new clip of Mr. Rogers I'm struck by how incredibly high quality the information presented is (on top of everything else, his personal quality, the production values, that incredible aesthetic and whispered almost NPR-like tone. What a delight.
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selena gomez, she's gotten chunky she was 11/10 trim a few years ago.

Not posting full.

Will legit get canceled.
just wanna virtue signal a bit huh?
not provide any actual benefit?
pretty lame
But I get it if she knows only you have these, that would be tough.
but I mean, couldn't you get cancelled for just this one?
maybe the republicans should put up a candidate who isn't a 78 year old trust funder who spend his whole life grifting and treating people like shit.

jfc, mitt romney or the corpse of john mccain would at least stop embarrassing us as a country and maybe not give away all our money to walmart and amazon.

i must be as much of a retard as OP though for even bothering to respond to this faggotry - go take this cumhuffing activity back to /pol/ where it belongs
God damn, she’s so sexy. Nude or not, this thread needs more of her
didnt this bitch go to the hospital 3 times because she forgot to drink water and her piss turned brown lol. I hope morgan tackett gets to meet her some day

Not worried about her desu, shed probably just deny anyway lol.

Its the one other guy in the world who knows about the pics. He has become a massive leftoid cuck in recent years and once the pics start circulating, he'd notice and I'm literally the only person could have leaked them.

That being said, shes so conservative leaning he'd probably get off just thinking about her nudes getting leaked.

You're honestly not missing much, any fakes you've seen are probably better, the hottest thing about them is the fact I'm the only person who has them lol

If that other fucker ever succumbs to the tranny percentage, I'll probably post em somewhere.
1.First learn how to use green text
2. To let you know you were responding STILL replying to the (WRONG) ANON YOU DUMB I don't care about your dumb ass debate. I Not the one that told you to but you should think about it. FUCK OFF
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Draw her nudes or describe it.
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>I'm struck by how incredibly high quality the information presented is (on top of everything else, his personal quality, the production values
Yeah it's almost as if they were upscaled with some sorcery.
Your president couldn't even finish a single term. And his diversity hire of a vice didn't do a single beneficial thing.
Your mentally ill ramblings and cope sure are entertaining though.
Your obsession is showing. Maybe try going outside and getting some air?
>melonie mac
Isn’t she a former porn star?
>If I declare war on someone with a defense pact, I declare war on the countries they're in a defensive pact too? Whoa!

Is that why the Benelux nations had to be attacked. And Norway was asking for it too, wasn't she? That bitch Greece and her sister Yugo, those are some hardcore sluts walking home at 3 am wearing a bikini in a dark alley!

The fucking mental gymnastics by Hitler fanboys are amazing really. Hitler was an impatient nigger who threw away a good thing, why can't you just face facts?
>they'll turn their back on anyone that doesn't blindly vote with the party.
There's a word for this
it's called a cult
They have their Bible ("social justice"/critical race theory)
They have High Priests (non-white trannies)
They have preachers (white women)
They have their sinners (any "-ist" you can think of)
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>Your obsession is showing. Maybe try going outside and getting some air?
I'm not the anon you seek Retard.
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If covid was so bad how come there has been not one protest to try and ban gain of function research? The former director of the CDC is on record saying such research has never resulted in any benefit for humanity.
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the content is good because the resolution was upscaled?
its such an incredible commentary on your morals that you seek to hijack the moral credibility of some popular figure to use as a marionette for your series of ever-degenerate kinks that you pretend is a political philosophy.
"I should be allowed to make people participate with my masturbation" isn't really a political issue, it's more of a premeditated violent felony.
The way she says that with such conviction makes me want to eat her pits and asshole
>The way she says that with such conviction makes me want to eat her pits and asshole
I would make her go work out because I bet if I licked her pussy and asshole it wouldn't even taste like anything because she's so clean and bird like.
Fuck, I thought it was some ai shit and he was gonna do lines of coke
Super cool story. Go buy some JNCO (TM) jeans.
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Not a tranny m8. You are the worst troll i've ever seen on my board. ----> plebbit.
>black dude losing his shit at the end
>speaking the truth is propoganda
Jesus christ just kill yourself already. fucking delusional.
Democrats in office, media, and academia had just spent six months defending the right to BLM rioters to “make people uncomfortable” with their protest tactics. BLM targeted civilians and private business owners. Politicians have no problem paying lip service to the “right to protest” when it’s only making civilians and private business owners uncomfortable, because it doesn’t challenge the status quo of the politicians. But once the people challenge the power of the politicians with a protest that makes them uncomfortable suddenly it becomes an issue they’re not willing to defend. No one was even armed on January 6. A fake gallows should make politicians uncomfortable. That’s the point of protest (as defended by Democrats themselves). There were even various times recently that democrat protesters have infiltrated state houses of congress and directly shut down votes by disrupting the democratic process, and it was likewise defended by the democrats in office, media, and academia.

But of course the political opportunism of democrats who wanted to spin this as some “indefensible” issue to damage republicans for the next four years (as they have) instead of defend it as they had the BLM movement and other Democrat-supporting protests prevents them (and you) from being honest about this.

Democrats only defending protestors when it suits their agenda, and lying and slandering their opponents to spin their constitutionally protected demonstrations into traitorous acts makes the Democrats a threat to our democracy. We can’t operate in a free state when the Democrats don’t believe the constitution applies to their opponent party.

Your rhetoric has shut down reasonable discussion. The time for discussion with people who want you stripped of your constitutional protections and openly slandered and attacked is long past.
She'd lecture you 10 hours straight about how immoral you are for just thinking that
I looked, and this doesn't look ai anon. I think you might just be coping. What he said isn't even controversial, and if you think it is, then you must be one of those who fell for the ((modern year)).
So because someone is on "the other side", everything they can possibly ever say is wrong because of their leaning? You're retarded and think only in identity politics. You probably don't understand that not all apples have worms in them, because you ate an apple with a worm in it once, and now that's just what you believe forever. Absolutely retarded.
Hopefully in a very stern and sexual way
Melanie is based if for nothing more than making Crystal Dynamics and the LGBT side of the Tomb Raider community seethe constantly.
>coping >>27599129
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making homos seethe is always good.
You excited for four more years of absolute hell?
It's so great how she was behind the scenes lying to the American people about everything happening with the president's decline.
Gotta love her complete disregard of responsibility.
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>You excited for four more years of absolute hell?
more hell?
this is hilarious I don't know what you're talking about.
MORE years? Nah I don't think there will be much umph left in the left after this plays out.
Look at the actblue financing scandal. We're fucking up all their toys.
>It's so great how she was behind the scenes lying to the American people about everything happening with the president's decline.
and she necessarily tied to the border collapse too
it really is glorious.
>Gotta love her complete disregard of responsibility.
there is no creature less accountable on this earth than a democrat woman.
If you're a man and you vote for another man to have the power of you that the president does, then you're a cuck.

at least a woman can't do anything with it lmao
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you guys are really really really really into the whole cuck frame.
its weird
no cap
fr fr
I pray you're right.
A rare case of a woman being 100% correct.
I wonder how many times they filmed each of his shots to make him look good.
if you're a man and you let a woman tell you who you can vote for: you're the biggest faggot sissy
Unlike Joe, he's actually capable of playing golf and not lying on national television about his handicap.
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>you're the biggest faggot sissy
>faggot sissy
get your t levels checked, you're the victim of poisoning by the people you work/advocate for.
if I'm wrong we get to boog
that's win/win as far as I'm concerned.
No in the most screechy and annoying way imaginable. She'd tell you to apologize, repent and join the cult immediately
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>I wonder how many times they filmed each of his shots to make him look good.
get used to it
the suck's just starting.
Would she show me how sinful I am by smothering me with her pits and ass while being screechy and annoying?
What is this supposed to show?
Dude likes golf so much he owns a course.
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>What is this supposed to show?
>Dude likes golf so much he owns a course.
I wanna tongue fuck anna kasparian's fartbox
wtf, that dude looks like one of the chicks on Trump's secret service detail...
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this dude thinks a bunch of cracker barrel grandmas with no weapons was a nation ending riot/coup lmao
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the narratives will become more and more erratic.
we're reaching the end.
Something something "they got you fighting a culture war so you don't fight a class war"
Two sides which both think they are objectively and morally correct.
A fuckfest, one could say.
God I would hate fuck her so hard
>unlike Joe
Nigga you living under a rock?
Holy fucking BASED
I will never forgive the democrat party for the last four years of hell. Lying scum bag pieces of shit. And that worthless do nothing diversity hire of a vice president is 100% complicit with the lies and strife her administration is responsible for.
>4 years of hell
The fuck are you on about?
lol the desperation
You can just go right ahead and stay mad for the rest of your life shit sucker.
4 years of hell? The economy has taken off, gas prices fell to their pre=Pandemic levels, inflation has fallen back to 2%, there has been almost zero domestic unrest, unemployment plummeted, and the US has no soldiers deployed in combat. What the fuck else do you want?
Trump is literally a liberal.
fuck israel
ok bill jewmaher
Behind closed doors i imagine she's quite kinky so i wouldnt rule it out

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