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Jewish webbums
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Funny how the jews are not even hiding it anymore but normalfags still refuse to accept the truth of what they're doing
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Just an anecdote: some years ago, during my holydays in Rome, I casually stepped on a man who spoke my language (I'm spanish). We spend some time talking and I learned he and his family were jews. They had established themselves in Italy after being expelled from Spain in 1492. And they still used spanish as their primary language after living in Italy for 500 years !! Imagine being that conservative.
The hypocrisy in this video coming from an organisation that supports the Zionist entity that is in the process of massacring tens of thousands of children.
Hiding what?
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chosen chromosome
Whatever they're hiding they apparently had to hide it in sewers that have hidden exits right next to a children's museum where kids go on field trips.
Did he speak Spanish or Ladino?
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kek they have him at work in the tunnels under surveillance... they don't even trust their own retards... with good reason...
Thinkin about it he's probably not even jewish they just convinced him he is and put him to work in the tunnels kekekekekek
blacks don't like jews, malcom x and nation of islam made sure of that when the zionists created Israel and couldn't shut up about being as unfortunate as black people because of the holocaust
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Here's one that scuttles the jewish narrative real good:
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They're not hiding whatever they're hiding seems good
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funniest thing about this was that it was all just canned food
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kek so inconsiderate even to their own. just goes to show.
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Another blacked thread?
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they have always hid in plain sight. they have aways accused others of what they are doing. they have always blatantly lied with the truth. The levels things are at now are seen with great regularity. people forget and the jews get away with it every time.

t. 94 year old
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Why is she kinda majestic though
Because you are a fool
It's because he's a shekel goblin.
>jews have always done what is right
>killing Jesus
>persecuting his followers to this very day
Anyone have the "small waist, pretty face, with a big bank" chick?

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>Christians have always done what they always do
>Blaming others for their own bullshit.
>Be annoying fuckwards towards everybody who isn't like them and get passive agressive full time when they cannot rush a mob to slaughter you.
>Then present themselves as the poor powerless victims when people call them on such bullshit.
Dude, you just described kikes.
Literally media manipulating, Palestine genociding retards that use the myth of a holocaust to play the victim.
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>Jewish webms thread
>expect hot Jewish girls with big tits
>only get /pol/ webms
god dammit
same... was hoping for some hook nosed fat assed kike ladies
>>expect hot Jewish girls with big tits
>>only get /pol/ webms
Can't it be both tho?
No one here gives any more fucks for jizlamists than the jews. Nuke em both, do everyone else a favor. Fuck palestine, fuck israel too.
Because she's honest.
Support for Israel in christians under 50 has cratered over the last 20 years, and it actually gets lower the younger you go.
>Support for Israel in christians under 50 has cratered over the last 20 years, and it actually gets lower the younger you go.
Younger people are more likely to get information from social media which jews do not control (as much). That's why they want to crack down hard on TikTok and so on.
Ultimately the boomers were the only generation the jews ever fully controlled, unfortunately they were the most influential generation in modern history.

Before the boomers and increasingly with every generation after the boomers jews are less tolerated.

The "infiltrate, gain power, exponentially degenerate, expulsion/genocide" life cycle has been playing out with increasing intensity every century for more than twenty centuries. This constant demographic bottlenecking has lead to a huge number of genetic disorders, and now the pendulum has swung the other way, jews are not only one of the least likely groups to breed, but the most likely to race mix, and I don't mean exclusively with whites or anything like that. 70% of the jews who had a child in the last 10 years had a child with another race, and well over 50% of jews will never have a child statistically, meaning even if you believe in some kind of talmudic one drop rule, their population is still tanking faster than almost anyone's.
Happy holidays.
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Hasidic jews in America have tons of kids. Specifically ones in NYC/Jersey/California. The average family has like 8 kids. So idk what you're talking about. Anyway here's a webmd:
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oops accidentally uploaded the wrong webmd rip gg
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It sounded like spanish to me, but actually he used some archaisms. I don't know the ladino language to judge.
Hey genius, what percentage of ethnic jews are Hasidic ?
Wow Jews are so great with civil rights and diversity in western countries! How come not Israel though?

That's strange isn't it?
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>Jewish Organ Harvesting of Goyim Cattle.webm
>look up original video
>people are speaking russian
>people are speaking russian
What do you think the number two language is in Israel after Hebrew?
What do you think the number one language in Russia is?
>What do you think the number one language in Russia is?
Both answers are the same.
Jews were the driving force behind the transatlantic slave trade. They owned the entire industry
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>same... was hoping for some hook nosed fat assed kike ladies
Every so called European colonial empire was owned, ran and controlled by them, they ruled the waves and not Britannia, Britannia has always been their bitch. Almost all wars fought by the European colonists against the natives are just on paper, rest were "won" via slimy deceit, cheating etc. None of them were "won" in a fair fight.
More Jewish princesses.
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They are exceptional at stealing glory

Just like they stole their religion after the biblical Jews were wiped out in the second century
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The Jewish people are on the path to destroy the European races in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand.
A Jew is safe to do whatever horrible financial schemes they want in a non-homogenous society.
When enough people realize this, you will be expelled. Again.
Think about it, at least 1030 expulsions, from all kinds of different civilizations, spanning at least 3000 years, almost the entirety of recorded human history.
Yet your people still have the hubris to think that none of it was ever your fault, it was always the other people.
You never change, you never try to effect positively to the host nations you install yourselves as parasites, you only look to leech, subvert, lie, cheat and deceive.
You always deflect, twist and rationalize, when you cause conflict everywhere you go, nothing is ever your fault.
You never do honest work, you always vye for money and power instead.
For such a small amount of people, you sure have done a lot of destruction in the world

What is exactly the mental illness that makes you think that your people never did anything wrong?
Why you never think what leads to the situation of a whole race getting expelled from its' host nation?
A bunch of honest hard workers beneficial to the nation would never get kicked out, why would they.
Why can't you change? Over 3000 years of history proves that you can't.

Your next expulsion will come, will it be your last? it might just be because you have pushed it too far this time.
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links to the media files with higher quality used in this vid
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>Loans without interest
Where is that mentioned in the video
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the children of who?

sorry I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. don't know them.
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>uses a phrase jews forced on everyone else because they didnt like the traditions of a 90% homogenous society in 1950
>totally oblivious to this
Yep its heeb time
sorry, but that was nazis too
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jews are not the descendants of Israelites, jews are descendants of Canaanites (Edomites), the very people jews vow to destroy as commanded by the Talmud.
But I guess the prophecy is coming true as jews indeed are destroying themselves, by importing Muslims in Europe and getting the whites (the real descendants of Israelites) replaced, jews are surrounding themselve with their enemies.
jews just conveniently skipped that fact that the DNA gives unequivocal, undeniable proof that jews are indeed NOT the descendants of the Israelites, but jews are the descendants of Satan worshipper Canaanites, with all the child sacrifice to Moloch, circumcision of males, etc. that goes with it.
Truth truly is anti-semitic, nothing hurts the jew more than the truth.
In fact, the modern Jews are farther from the DNA of the ancient Israelites than anyone else in the region, they truly are the invaders.
The blue-eyed and light-skinned original Israelites have left the area long ago and mixed with other peoples, but not with the Jews. Samarites and Palestinian Christians, while mixed and thus no longer pure, still have remnants of the Israelite DNA unlike any of the Jews.
I don't know how many Palestinian Christians are left in Palestine, but for every single one that a Jew kills, that is a Canaanite (pharisee satan-worshipper) killing a Israelite ("god's chosen" according to their own teachings).

This all is backed by DNA evidence, all of this is a fact.
This is the opposite situation of the "6 million jews" holohoax, which there never was any hard evidence of.
But that is how jews are, shining a light and hard evidence are always their enemies, 'anti-semitism' is yiddish for 'truth', jews are liars and deceivers how low stories that can spin and twist a narrative, that is how they get you.
They don't like facts or statistics, they like stories.
Rabbis talk about exterminating Rome/Edom/Esau/Amalek which they believe is Christianity and any Christian nation

Video where rabbis talk about how they have a commandment from their god to destroy Amalek/Edom, who they consider Christianity, Europe, America, and all of the West (Rome).

Jewish Rabbis explain why God 'Hashem' has commanded jews to destroy Christian Europe, USA and the rest of the gentile world. They are told to not only kill every single person, but to completely erase the memory of them and anything that reminds them of Amalek

There are dozens more videos in the archive, all straight from the horses mouth. Hassidic Pharisee Jews killed Jesus Christ, they admit it both in the New Testament, and Rabbis admit it today.
kek this dumb bitch just confirmed all the JQ conspiracies in one tiktok
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So if they admit it's not a conspiracy anymore, lol
Why would anyone who's almost a century old browse this place? I hope you enjoy the life you have left
Agreed. The world would be a better place if they were both completely removed.
very cute
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He's obviously a faggot and so are you
poor soilder knows he's just meat for games that jews play the puppets that own his masters are laughing
i still can't wrap my head around this. why are they tearing it apart themselves? didn't they want to keep it secret? why is it jews doing the demo?
He wants to roundhouse kick who???
Post 1 with subs next time fagot.
Dances with wolves with Kievin Cohenstner
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that long ass tranny NECK *hnnnng*
Jonathan Greenblatt is incredibly smart and well connected.
He’s the best thing that happened to the ADL. He openly hates whites too.

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