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Thread for all webms related to National Socialism, White Nationalism, the Third Position, racial identity movements and the Jewish Question: speeches, short documentaries, edits, combat footage, redpills, propaganda, etc.
less discussions more webms & gifs...
you can find many of your answered questions there
porn and troll posts are not allowed and do not reply to them, leave them alone
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fuck off back to pol you pathetic fucking loser
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cry about it faggot
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you can watch the full video here https://odysee.com/@OuterSpaceArtist:6/mein-kampf:7
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you can watch a 2 hour video about natsoc economics if you have questions about this type of economy that was carried under hitler:
an extra image for you guys:
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3.93 MB GIF
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648 KB GIF
>umm chuddie dont you know that hitler was a hecking jew!!!!
Hitler was a rothschild/controlled opposition (debunked)

[Streamable] Hitler was not controlled opposition

German Anti-masonic Exhibition in Paris - April 1941

Hitler and the NSDAP were financed by Zionist bankers. (debunked)


Hitler was a Zionist agent/puppet working to create Israel. (debunked)

The Jewish lie that Big Business and Wall Street backed Hitler

The Nazis/Hitler created the European Union. (debunked)


Hitler was not controlled opposition




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How does this thread affect you personally
Speaking of odysee channel redpills i may had found for your expansion (and all tastes) a very potent gold mine
Especially if he still has it a jwo file in the description
Or chanel info idk as its a recend find
Get some balls. Grow up. I dislike the nazi cucks, but imagine actually getting this offended over a 4chan thread. Are you a redditor tourist or something?
i know about trump being a zionist and all that, he has done so much for the jews... but I think he is still the better candidate over Kamala Harris
both are bad, but if you had to choose the lesser evil you would choose trump, he has "good" policies, his main flaw is that he sucks jewish cock
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That wasnt meant fo vid itself but in content that guy archives there
> the lesser evil you would choose trump, he has "good" policies
There is no lesser evil but more overt or covert means of applicarion of evil
Im telling that forward when he will win people will complacently will go to war they prepared for the finnishing off the aryans on both fronts just as he did some good old cover ups for epstein during last yeaes and never delivered rhe wall and instead send it to israel or niggers
>But he sounds better
I know for some its hard but there are no good intentions in these words and that comes from a anon who lives in nation where this is heared from one socdem party and their coalition ane never delivered and an opposite done as hitler said in MK
Was this from The Arms Race, or a later match? I've been unable to watch the past few years.
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Today's Europe is like a multi-flavored ice cream. When it's licked too much on one side, it falls, splattering on the ground the flavors mix and you can't separate them anymore. I am the child who cries for ice cream.
Like 90 bbc threads for you, son. Why don't you go there
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4 MB
source on the song ? pls
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3.85 MB WEBM
i couldnt find it
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feels good to be the thread with the most files on /gif/
thank you brother
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Try using this if you dont know
Mostly it worked for me
someone post the chud kali yuga kino webm
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this one?
I would accept fascism if I wasnt gay lol, too bad 97% of the supporters are homophobic and the other 3% are closet self-hating homos
I'm sensing a trend.
>Burn all books that make them feel sensitive
>Ban all material that questions them
Are Nazis soft-skinned fags?
isnt it the other way around? nazism and anything related to it is banned all over the mainstream social media, you cant even talk about adolf hitler or question the holocaust in eu without ending up in a jail cell even I got banned for 3 days two times in a row for racism against the jews on this fuckign board, also no I did not state that we should report anyone for trolling I just said no trolling, because I want a civil thread, yes natsoc germany did burn every book that was marxist and degenerate in nature, because they already have proven how bad they are through many speeches and even in this thread if you have watched every webm, you would understand why they burned all those books, but just jumping to the end from A to Z wont make sense. watch Europa The Last Battle and click the link I have sent in the first post of this thread if you are new to national socialism. you are literally falling for the monster fallacy, please study, research and understand every opposition before jumping to the conclusion
the monster fallacy video:
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feels good to be the thread with the most files on /gif/ once again
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Only good thread keep it up Levi
This Jew is now trying to advocate himself as a leader of the White people. It has proven to me that as animals we can predominantly follow our instincts. Nigger must destroy Jew must subvert Aryan must impose his values
Imagine being so fucking retard that you think those are the only two options: a Nazi thread or BBC porn. Neck yourself you dumb faggot
>"My god I made a mistake!!!!"

Hey look it's a Republican thread lol
Posted by a man with a jewish tripcode.
Top kek.
based, hulk hogan brother
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Based thread!!!!
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Does anyone have the audio version of Lamb and Lynx Gaede dancing with the ABC News fag expressing his total bewilderment from the off?
KEK, that's a good one. I didn't know your grandparents got murdered by Nazis.
Anyone have the edit where the narrator says: we will give the people an ideal to strive for. Been looking everywhere for it
Looking for a webm similar to this one but close up.
Hitler with Blondie and an enigmatic music.
Please post it if you have it

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