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women would literally fuck anything but whites
Post three fag
lmao quite a short thread, small even, undersized if you will
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I'm gonna be real with you asian fellas you live in a very unfair world. So honestly good job for getting laid.
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well you tried
back to your shitted threads I guess
thats chang after ur fucking ur wife
How do i get one
>i will never do squats after railing some dudes wife
go back to r/hapas, eurasiantiger
Do white girls stink? Im used to being around asian women
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Back to aznidentity dicklet changs
Nta but i would like an answer too
I’ve never had one that stinks and ive fucked 6 of them
Nina williams and jin kazama, i forgot the code
I’ve fucked 6 of them and none of them smelled. Blew my load into every one of them too

Describe the smell...
nah this thread is only just a sad cope. the overwhelming majority of asian women in the west date white men, not even asian women want to fuck asian men
I'm 35 half white and asian and no one has or wants to fuck me
another asian incel cope thread
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Stick to making blacked threads
if anyone can find a high quality version of this I would be very grateful

White "male" so fragile lmao
It used to be very hard but it got pretty good over past few years for us korean niggas and other light skinned asians who kpopmaxx. Matching a decent white girl on bumble or tinder isn't too hard. I do feel bad for my pajeetbros tho.
don't feel bad for them. and also ignore the white guys who are seething in the thread, most of us don't care.

asians are a good race, you guys are capable of creating clean, productive, functional societies with low crime. the people who are mad in here are just stupid.
the real enemy between the both of us is pajeets and niggers
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I want to marry a white girl but I want my kids to either look mostly like me or her but not a weird clash of features
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>pajeets are the enemy
Well too bad then you cumcel mayo monkey. Check who the highest earners in your shithole are. Your entire tech industry falls apart without Indian talent. We're the only reason your country functions at all while carrying 100 million spics and niggers
>your entire tech industry falls apart due to indian talent
The biggest dudes here are packing like 5 inches LMAO
Sorry to hear man. I’m half Asian too and if I were you I would go to Asia to find a decent girl, being a hapa ups your chances so much, unless you’re mad ugly I don’t think you will have any trouble. You shouldn’t bother with white girls, especially the ones in the west. It’s hard when you have competition from white guys. Hell full Asians practically have no chance. Although you may have some luck with the kpop obsessed white girls as I have.
>black men don't cheat
Black weebs will fuck you in a heartbeat.

Unless you're fat/ugly, in which case stop blaming your race you fat ugly retard.
its always funny reading stuff like this and then seeing the average iq of india is 76, literally 7 away from being mentally disabled. imagine the cope you have to have to cling on to the 100k people out of 1.4 billion that ended up with an above average iq and gtfo india asap and hoping you're one of those people when you're not.
what's it like being apart of the obedient worthless tech monkey caste?
asian women breath is absolutely rank
pajeets are just spics with uglier women
lmao, I work with plenty of your kind, you fuckers are only employed because you're cheaper to hire than real humans and everything you touch fucking breaks and has to be fixed by the handful of white employees who actually know what the fuck they're doing.
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why must you hurt
This is blatant prejudice but then again, they do have a caste system
I'm 26 chinese-american and still a virgin. I've been kpopmaxxing but haven't had much success
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friendly reminder that you will never be a woman
Go to the Philippines or Thailand
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Thanks man.. yeah I do agree my best chance is probably in Asia. Are you fortunate enough to resemble a kpop.. person?

I do wonder if there is a biological disposition for it, like indicated in that OKCupid study a while back:

I have a very stable job with good pay (about double the average in my country), I can drive, have a mortgage, own couple of cats, snappy dresser, hygienic, loads of hobbies... blah blah. But I've literally never had anyone other than absolute man-the-harpoon cases find me attractive, harsh as it is to say. And now I have to lump myself into that category as I've let myself go, being incredibly unhappy with my poor luck. Being fat isn't a good look over in Asia, especially in Japan whose women I'd have the most interest in. Just sucks.
New low for whites
Its always interesting though, if they're so proud of their race why are they always trying to race mix?
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>asian women prefer white men
>only 32% would consider dating a black guy
>46% was ok with dating a latino

>women, as well as men, of all races and orientations prefer White people

>White women are the most likely to refuse to date outside of their race, followed by White men
>White people are found the most attractive by participants of all other races

>latinas don't like asians and blacks, prefer White men

>women of all races have a preference for White men

>in para-african countries like brazil 95% of sperm donors are White
>52% have blue eyes
>70% in india
>china - "experts say regardless of the availability of Chinese or Chinese-American donors, women are still choosing to have mixed-race children"
>"Ms Zhan Yingying, a co-founder of the Diversity Family organisation, said it was rare for her to come across a mother who chose a sperm donor of Chinese ethnicity."
>"Basically, the selected sperm donors are mostly white," said Xi Hao
White men are consistently found the most attractive across all studies.
White women are only surpassed by east-asian women.
>the shitskins made another thread to cope with their inferiority complex
LOL minority men are so comical. Damn I love being White
>Do white girls stink?
Yeah. A lot. They try to cover it with loads of perfume while asians usually don't need any. Not even deo desu.
Need more like these, they're hot
>it's literally just professional porn
ngl these are pretty weak and nowhere near as bad or as bleak as the stats being spammed about white people. whites will eventually be minorities in their own countries, and they're already only 8% of the global population, so ANY racemixing involving white people including WMBF and WMAF are contributing to "white extinction". asians on the other hand already make up 60% of the global population and have homogenous countries, so i don't think they really care lol
she fkn mocked japanese dick when she went back to usa to shoot porno
I don't blame her. Been in a Jap sauna and can confirm their dicks are small and uncut
Nice, so how many gfs do you have as a chad white
A good question that no white man will ever answer.
>Half of these are online tests
Nice (cope)pasta
It's cope. If you actually bother to click the links, most of the "studies" come from Internet polls. But at least they've moved on from posting the same fake dating stats from the 90s lol
Asian is a way too broad of a term.

Frankly if we took a look at the actual terminology.

Europe (North West Asia) is apart of Asia (it’s geographically and genetically just a sub continent) as how South Asia, West Asia (Middle East), South East Asia, East Asia and North Asia.

Asia itself isn’t really homogeneous. Eg SEA countries like Malaysia where 50% of the population is immigrants (a portion of immigrants are consider native due to assimilating [20% of total population assimilated])

Also further to add - the “European” ethnic group is frankly within its population ratio size for its landmass and south continent status.

It’s larger when you consider its overseas colonial population than it should be.
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China and Japan must have more of this, surely. Everyone finds skinny White women attractive.
Why are the ears of mutt babies always so weird? This happens every time.

Only if you ignore the fact that White men and women are the most sought after race by all races. But, you Cope-a-Cabana, son. You will never be human.
>women would literally fuck anything but whites
I like this coomer narrative the most out of all, since it's the literal opposite of reality. In reality third worlders are extremely jealous of Whites in nearly every single way, especially the insecure "men" of these shithole countries. Fun fact: studies show condoms are too big for Indian men's small penises
White dudes here talking like their greatest achievement in life is being born white. Pretty sad and full of anger.
Also Want to add that Asian dudes here arguing with racist white incels are just as pathetic. Just ignore racist comments and posts. Pointless to argue and validate them
The entire thread is racist. Interracial fetishes are about racial domination. Its all pathetic but you will pretend its not because you're also pathetic.
I always found it fascinating how fragile white supremacy is, all of these links are stats in the west where society has been carefully crafted by white people in charge to create a paradise for whites. With how much of advantage white privilege provides you in the west, the fact that you can only capture 50% of the population of asian women is kind of a failure. If you look to Asia, majority of women there prefer Asian men and every preference stat for white black or latino etc. would be abysmal. It's just how society is
At least East Asian countries are homogenous... European countries like the UK, France, and Germany having a fuck ton of immigrants, and Germany's birth rates are even lower than Japan's now. Don't even get me started on the US where White births are declining in a country where they're already projected to no longer be the majority... it's so over
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Raceplay is just a fetish and these fantasies can be distinct from a person's real-world beliefs and behaviors, just like other types of role-play. People can engage with this fetish without harboring actual racist beliefs in real life. Not to say that there aren't unironically racist people in every interracial thread though, it depends on the person obviously.
>race play is just a fetish
So is pedophilia and homosexuality. What exactly is your point?

>distinct from real world beliefs
No they really can't be. You are what you eat, this applies to media. You're not as independently minded as you think you are but you're too unconscious to even realize that. I know for a fact you've watched a movie and changed your diction or even unconsciously used dialogue of it.

The point is, its all racial supremacy shit. Well actually its more like racial inferiority complex coping as racial superiority.
Hell even the concept of race itself is racist to an extent. The obsession with the race is a huge indicator that irl its something you're incredibly conscious of.
Honestly amwf doesn't bother me. I wish asian guys would start putting cute wasians in these lardass white women but only the top 10% of asian guys can pull it off. And every one of them who racemixes means another hot asian girl will definitely HAVE to mix, usually with a white guy. The net effect of this on the population is there will be a growing number of attractive wasians (from both wmaf and amwf) becoming increasingly white, and then all the short small dick asian rejects. It's very similar to what happened with hispanics. Over generations the paler more attractive ones self-sort and pair off and you end up with two sub-groups, one of which is basically just white at this point.
In a controlled environment by colonizers but that's not how the world works anymore. We've reached the point where there are more white monkeys moving to asia than ever and we know when it comes to wasians, the asian is the dominant gene, there's no such thing as a wasian with blue eyes or blonde hair, that's a freaking shiney pokemon in the wild.
homosexuality isn’t a fetish it’s a sexuality. Doesn’t really make sense to lump raceplay, pedophelia, and homosexuality together as types of fetishes since they are all completely different things.

I think the rest of your point is valid though. Raceplay always has some sort of racist basis even if you’re not trying to be racist.
>t. obsessed with whites out of jealousy
the first clip of the guy on the left is literally another Asian topkek
East asians are shitskins now?
You know we can see how small that guys dick is right? "You're so big" he'd be lucky to hit 5 inches.
idk what kike troon is making these takes but this is what happens when you combine a weeb and a whore its just fetishization these whore will fuck anyone
you got a whole ass article on how rich chinese women travel to the west to find white sperm donors
nice cope lol
and none of the articles mention the exact percentage of asian women willing to date a white man so idk where you took that 50% from
also for the >it's all online studies
what about it?
you won't find anything else
>carefully crafted by white people in charge to create a paradise for whites
>UK, France, and Germany having a fuck ton of immigrants
which one is it?
online studies, especially tracking interactions between profiles on dating apps, introduce the least amount of bias from peer pressure etcetc
>different things
Explain in detail the differences between only being attracted to men and only being attracted to children?
White women are meant for sharing between all races of mankind. There's a reason god created these angels

White men can have chinkwomen idgaf as a chink
Indeed, I am sad that ginger are not that common anymore.
read the file names
this shit gettin too retarded man

can we just please be normal
I downloaded plenty of amwf content, but been pretty lazy about converting them to webms
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I’m not sure if I resemble a k-pop star. But I probably have features that are desirable in asians like height(180cm) and facial features(narrow nose, good jawline, etc). I’m in japan right now(half Japanese) and I have had no trouble with women whatsoever, I get plenty of matches on bumble. Never really dated or used dating apps in the west so not sure on what it’s like there for me. But having lived there for most of my life i would stay away from westernised girls, they’re utterly unbearable. My advice would be to work on yourself and find a girl in Asia.
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>women would literally fuck anything but whites
You know, you could just make a normal thread without the desperate cope.
Nah give them a few, hookers are usually posted in these threads too
>women would literally fuck anything but whites
Back to r*ddit asian masculinity, chang
What's the porn called where Kenni Stylez kicks a white guy's ass in MMA and then fucks Lexi Belle in the ring?
battlebang or something like that
poocels exploded immediately by this post.
autistic white guys will always be the carriers of the tech industry
>women would literally fuck anything but whites
you made a typo
women are the most racist when dating
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Ladyboy on white male?
His doubts about the truth of her feelings were cleared when he was reassured by the prostitue.
Ok, "riced" made me chuckle.
Name of the girl or code?
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Trillions of dollars of anti-white digital media slander and White boys still came out on top, BWC is truly the most powerful weapon in the universe
Sheeiittt them bitches be racyss n shieeyt
The avg is 76, which means HALF the population (500 million) is BELOW 76. No wonder they worship trains and eat shit for fun.
who is this? not finding anything on the video title or polloop
Is 180cm considered tall there? I'm also 180cm. And I don't have a slim nose but at one point I did have a good jawline and good cheekbones. They're just covered with fat now.
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Hey man I'm an asian with a small dick and this post doesn't represent our ideals.

We just wanna fuck hot chicks
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The average height is like 173cm so yea you stand out, most of the time I’m one of the tallest walking around, just lose weight and I think you will be fine.
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Asian men only ever go after blondes but it's southern european women who actually unironically love them.

Name of the girl in the first clip? Or is she the same as the girl getting fucked? Name?
Am Korean and dated a girl who was for all practical purposes a Swiss woman but because her dad who was barely ever in her life was Italian she insisted she was Italian and behaved like one (very emotional, irrational, needing lots of attention)

She was a nice girl but I don't recommend it, it's exhausting. It's like dating an emotional golden retriever. She wanted to video call almost every night even though she woke up at 6 for work
Usually you guys don't even give them a chance, I assume it's because they're often not stereotypically white looking looking enough and have darker features. Whenever asians lust after white women it's ones with blonde hair and blue eyes.

I talked to a girl from italy and she flat out told me that koreans are by far the most popular foreign men
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I don't really mind their natural features at all desu but the physical problem with YT women is that they make no effort to protect their skin from the sun and are absolutely shameless about it

It's not even that wypipo can't age well but their women are allowed to do this and act like it's your job to accept them looking like a gross raisin by the time they're ready to settle down in their 30s
>the corresponding image subreddit is no-nsfw
Why make an amwf thread if you're just going to say white women stink and age poorly?

Bitch just gotta moisturize more.

I would, raw, multiple times a day.
You're a weak predator trying to pass as noble sheep.
Is this melody marks??? Looks like it
Also sources for the videos?
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Vegeta kek
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Would take racist old hag
Racist women make the best mothers.
all women stink you autistic faggot
I think it's Scarlett Sage.
>used to fuck Asian bros gf with my Asian bro
>Playing with his cock while railing her from behind would always make me cum hard
>They break up so we stop smashing girls together and we stop messing around with each other
>Fast forward years later
>Now I have a gf and I want her to give her pussy to him
>She isn't interested
It's unfair bros. I want to see her get riced and play with my bro like the old days
> some faggot who doesn't know the difference between mean and median tries to use statistics
ITT touched or raped women that now prefer a dick they can not feel
Is there any place to see good, new content of AMWF?
I also have a fetish for WMAF and BMWF which are much easier to find content for but there isn't much AMWF content online or at least it's harder to find because couples will sometimes hide the fact the dude is Asian or Asian girls will fill up the search results instead
I don't really like JAV
>Asian dude blew 20 ropes
More like this, worthless whore didn't even swallow though.
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Honestly, as a white guy, I don't really have a problem with AMWF, since asian guys don't go around hate-fucking white women. Black guys on the other hand, hate-fuck the shit out of white women. You can just see the way they fuck in porn videos and amateur videos. It's like white women are goddesses to them that they never felt they were good enough to achieve, and when they finally do, they despise them for it.

Also, at least they'll be light skinned if they're with an Asian guy.

I say White guys and Asian guys unite to form HAPA empire and eradicate darkies.
Both true. Truth cuts deep
He's so hot.
>he still thinks this is about white women and not just spiting whitey
Based Bleached women
they don’t care about their teeth that much for whatever reason
The insecurity here is crazy. What a sad existence you must trudge through
Got a British gf, can confirm they stink. Good type of stink though, really feminine odor. The funny thing is I guess when we fucked she left her germs on me and I've since lost my immunity to BO and have to use deodorant like everyone else.

Another interesting bit is I could physically tell when she was horny compared to previous partners because it practically wafted off her.
Most Asians have the European alleles for BO and the ones that don't have their own. Microrganisms live on everyone's bodies, this is an imaginary superpower nobody has
Consider getting her into japanese or korean cultural stuff. Her attitude might shift.
You wouldn't understand, yeah I could be sweaty and have that distinct sweaty smell, but white BO is different, it's like this thick musk that sticks to your skin, even after you shower, or exfoliate.

If she didn't shower our room stank of her. Like it was a thick stench.

Like sure if I didn't shower my dick would smell musky but after a year of raw sex my dick still smells faintly of her pussy.
>other/ moar AMWF content

Banana Fever was the only local stateside bros doing AMWF content that I know of.
>Whenever asians lust after white women it's ones with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Not always. I like brunettes better, but the blondes I used to go after usually had bleached hair (meaning they were brunettes pretending to be blonde), and most had brown eyes.

Seriously, if a girl looked hot, I wasn't terribly picky. LOL

With all these pro white statistics I guess whites getting replaced is a lie all along.
White people are going to be around forever. Just look at native Hawaiians and Maori.

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