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that's my worst nightmare. randomly walking out to my car in the morning and some psycho by my car trying to steal it.
Why did slave owners ever have to bring them here?
So powerful, so brave, so dumb.
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>speed debate
You NEVER went to high school or college, eh, you LOSER middle school drop out! hahahah
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No idling bro


idiot esl cunt
stay strapped
That negro was against gun violence and apparently did anti gun graffiti all over Baltimore. But he sure wasn't above stabbing a white woman to death.
Don't leave your car idling, get and learn to use a firearm, don't live near pavement apes.
what an absolute cuck
Get a gun and you can sleep better
This made me wonder, i have a push to start. I always carry my keys and fob in a karabiner looped onto my pants belt loop. Is there a karabiner or something of the like that "locks"? I know nogs are erratic and if it came to it theyd probably just take a knife and cut it off or someshit like that. But i feel like it would disuade a 1iq monkey since they dont get the immediate dopamine of grabbing my keys by simply yanking them off me.
Who brought them here again?
That's reparations enough there
An AR-15 would've solved this kerfuffle rather quickly

I personally despise guns, but will defend the right for others to have and use them
looks like they stole lottery tickets, ticket numbers got reported stolen so they couldn't cash them in at another store, so they come back to same store to voice their displeasure & make a mess
Ohhh my gaaaawwwwd he nudded on mah leeegggaaah!!!!!
Lmfao this seems way too on the nose. They definitely laughed about that one later.

Sit on 'em, Billy!

What a fun looking block party.
New map, where dis?
Weird to say you despise them when you rely on them every second for survival, and admit that others should have them.
This nog is actually quite based
He cash her outside.
>looters attack
>fight back to back
>show them no mercy and fire at will
>kill or be killed
Is this an American thing?
>An AR-15 would've solved this kerfuffle rather quickly
for either side, even. if those thugs had the gun then you wouldn't be saying this.
You know, not liking something and defending people's rights to engage in it aren't mutually exclusive. I hate modern gaming, yet you're not going to see me saying that all the trends in modern gaming should be banned. Same thing goes with flag burning. Also where did Anon say he relies on them at all?
That poor woman
Thanks Jacobtard
Based freedom enjoyer, you'd enjoy The Fountainhead
There's a difference between despising something and "not wanting one" or "not liking it" you fag.

>Where did anon say he relies on them?
Anon the threat of massive retaliatory and preventative violence is the only reason you're not being grilled alive over a chain link fence right now.
>Black with rifle vs white with rifle is even
>Rhodesian farmers going 100-1 on the regular against niggers armed and trained by the soviets.
>An AR-15 would've solved this kerfuffle rather quickly
Anyone who wants to own a gun should become familiar with the laws governing use of force in their state.

In my state, you are NOT allowed to use, or threaten to use, deadly force to defend property.
Here's the backstory, if anyone is interested: there's a difference between the "tradition" of intellectual debate, and debate as a "sport."

How exactly do you judge a debate competition? Well, one thing you could do is have a panel of judges pick a winner based on subjective qualities like, "they made a better argument" - but if you do it that way, the biases of the judges are impossible to overcome. Do you really think a pro-choice feminist would ever say that a student arguing against abortion "made a better argument?" of course not!

And keep in mind, the students are assigned the position they argue. So realistically, if your debate team gets assigned to argue against abortion, you're fucked.

So there's a need to have an objective standard for judging a debate competition.

What they came up with is pretty simple: you get one point for each component of your argument. If you're arguing against abortion, saying "the fetus has rights" gives you one point. Saying "the father has rights" gives you another point.

You also get a point for addressing your opponent's arguments. Saying, "no, a fetus doesn't have rights because it's not a human" gives you one point.

So under this system, you simply write out a shit-tonne of """arguments""" - you print them out, give them to the judges. Then you get 30 seconds to recite them. As many as you can recite in that 30 seconds = your score.

This very obviously turns the ancient tradition of rational debate into a giant fucking joke ...but it is objective.
I blame the fucking Dutch
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you have to think of the worst case scenario, a perp with a gun in your face. i too have a fob on my belt. i also have an older fob that died. i keep it in my pocket. if i am confronted with a gun i will give the guy the dead fob. when he gets in the car i will lock it with my working fob then set off the alarm. then run to safety
this website hasnt made me this mad in a while
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>There's a difference between despising something and "not wanting one" or "not liking it" you fag.
I said I hate modern gaming. I meant that literally. Hate is just a synonym for despise after all.
>the threat of massive retaliatory and preventative violence
From who? The Cops? The Cops are utterly useless, they'll never get to you in time and in many places are more likely to arrest you than the actual criminal. An armed citizenry? Maybe, but this stuff mostly happens in places where gun ownership is low and Black population is over 10%. I live in one of those areas, and I've never been victimized personally.
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That's a really bigoted take on such a vibrant culture
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Making the best auctioneer noise is now the height of burger "debate"
That's fucked up.
This is why you just shoot. You'd at least take one of them out, maybe, if you're lucky, 3 ir 4 of them. But then people would talk, don't try to steal from this area, they'll kill you
>I personally despise guns, but will defend the right for others to have and use them
and how will you defend the right of others to have and use their guns? since you despise guns you'll be using spitballs?
imagine the smell
Spin to win!
That second half was something else.
>your fault for wanting to live in a high trust society
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short version
I miss uncle phil
Back in 2020 (summer of floyd) they called to defund the police like all the blue cities, and the city got what they asked for, so can't really complain now that police are not showing up more promptly, half of them quit and moved elsewhere, lol
it's fun watching sheboons fight. if they have a weave it will be ripped out. if they wear a wig that's getting ripped off the sheboon's head. entertainment for cheap.
Idiot driver still looking for parking
Are you bald headed? Why so jelly

This is how American society works. Europe is about to find out first hand.
Yes there is something like that, it is called a Locking Carabiner.
they should remodel and repaint the statue of liberty in honor of this proud and valid black mans final resting pose.
This is in South Africa, and it looks like you didn't pass 5th grade
anyone says being a cop is easy, show them this vid.
cop trying to do the right thing, suspicious but still firm and fair, still doesnt see this shit coming.
BLM? i dont agree
did they try to run over the guy that was fighting for the car or were they getting away?
Oí Engerland
i wonder where this is. the guy in back keeps calling the driver "uncle" like they do in india and other parts of the world. the guy in back is cut up pretty good and he's got blood on the blade of his own knife so he gave what he got from the other guys. don't know who is the "bad guy" and who is the victim.
nope. you sound self-conscious about your hair. or lack of it lol
You know who, goblin
Honestly, I kind of hold the same opinion.
The idea of citizens owning guns doesn't sit well with me considering everyone in this country is crazy.
But I can't deny that in the right times, they protect people from criminals such as these.
Reply meant for >>27591908
so many dead bodies

London, Spencer Road
The guy is "OK", went to hospital.
It was an ongoing rob and stab.

Post video of your balding pimple head, and write a note with today’s date and time
moment of silence for the fallen
How the shit did he not immediately hit the gas pedal? Of course it's hard to tell what someone might do in sudden and stressful situations, but Christ. Fucking drive away!!! This driver is very nearly clinically retarded. I guarantee it.
they do it for free
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Based security area defender
this is correct. The more evidence cards you read onto the flow sheet, the less likely your opponent will be able to respond to them.

My entire "winning argument" for the negative was to tangentially abandon all of the debate's requirements and read unrelated evidence undermining the essential assumptions of the debate.

One year it was healthcare so I read a Baudrillard-based argument saying that we're all probably brains in vats hooked up to a matrix so we are incapable of actual healthcare. They'd never have cards against it, easy dubs.

t. Michigan state debate champ
If you are relying on some anon who despises guns to defend your right to have and use your guns, I don't know what to tell you. NGMI, I guess
He most likely doesn't speak the same language. Or If he's thinking EVEN SMARTER than that. Let the people pull him out the car and kill him because they aren't doing anything to you right now.
Like use is any better...
Instead of favoring cleanliness, morals and actually placing the working african american dude who wants to get out of the hood, "gangsta" culture reigns and being 'tough' and/or calling those who live and work like actual people are seen as pariahs or sissies. One example is that graduation shooting webm
5 dollars says he has a black bull who fucks his girlfriend while he watches
The nigger's greatest weapon is the sucker punch and he even failed at that.
>The death of Fentanyl Floyd causes a drastic uptick in black people murdering
Holy based
Corrupt officers trying to steal from a proud black man and gets shot at while trying to defend himself. We need to start a riot.
They're not human, some sort of rat type of specie
I'm less offended by them stealing, and more upset they trashed the place. Like have some class. Stealing is an art. This makes all thieves look bad.
I've gotten into hour long arguments about safe haven laws. Basically, I think its bullshit that abandoning your child is legal just because you dropped it at a fire station.

However, the argument I always here is "Do you want to see dead dumpster babies?"

Meanwhile, niggers are still dropping babies on the side of the road. Those safe haven laws are doing wonders huh?
The Killer always come back for one last scare.
If I remember correctly, they got a slap on the wrist. A fine and community service, I think. 1 or 2 of them were expelled I think too. This was a long time ago.
The janitor from that school makes more money than you and all your family generations, seethe shit-skinboi, lol, lmao
of course they did
that's why ya gotta be strapped! He could have cleaned up 6 thugs, but instead he got his ass handed to him.
what's not to hate?
I lol'd
That's why ya gotta be strapped!

Blast his nuts off, cut out his asshole, and blow off his knee caps. Let him spend the rest of his life in a living hell.
What fucking cucked state do you live in??
Would he be clutching a bucket of kfc in his left arm and holding up a drumstick in his right like a torch?
Man at least our European niggers are a bit different. They’re polite enough to steal and not hurt you as much
If I was the store owner
>Obaja negri von kurva z obchodu!!
>hitting them with a broom
How is it even possible to be like this?
Did he mention he was a firefighter?
What are the ethnicities that make up that hideous mutt?
Don’t mess with the janny
This shit made me angry. Imagine you revive this fucking ape just for it to chimp out and attack. Infuriating
Man sounds like he’s a South Park character. Vids like these make me glad I had a private education with nearly zero niggers in my school.
5 niggers kicked him in the head and he’s ok. Weak pack animals
Why’d he break the door?
this actually based
Oh my god how can that happen? That poor printer, what did it ever do
listening to this dude talk is like doing ketamine, i immediately disassociate
even when literally caught red handed trying to jump out the fucking window, notice the she-boon continuously say "I'm not trying to get bit by no dog bro" as if that somehow makes it ok. even to the bitter end they will try, in vain, to slime their way out of any and all responsibility.
Why the fuck did Hawaii join the game so late?
The veesion whit soun is better, fagget...
The printer had to be replaced unfortunately, it's days of printing expense reports and invoices are through. But the sacrifice has saved humanity just a tiny bit.
kid in blue spergs out once someone else steps in.
lol what was he even trying to accomplish?
this is what we let into our countries? it's like the plan is to just have them murder us.
we have all these police resources we created just for the exclusive purpose of dealing with the worthless people that we let in for the exclusive purpose of them committing crime and stealing our money and ruining everything.
holy fucking shit it makes my blood boil to see what a retard that driver is
people are so stupid to believe anything a nigger says.
we don't need niggers. so why do we have niggers?
don't live anywhere near them.
lol I didn't realize people like that were actually real.
a firefighter who went to save him died? first firefighter killed on duty dies because of a fat retarded nigger?
>Vids like these make me glad I had a private education with nearly zero niggers in my school.

forced integration is just stupid. and it's obviously stupid. It's like not having crosswalks or stoplights. it's OBVIOUSLY stupid. but no one does anything.
It's a monkey thing. Back in the 70s they realized they couldn't win, or for that matter understand a debate, so they decided to abandon the debate subject and just bitch about how black they are. It didn't really catch on until the mid 90s.

These debate clubs were originally intended to give people a chance to get their feet wet if they wanted to be a politician or orator. You couldn't use this form of debate for anything, obviously. No politician would stand up an rattle incomprehensibly like this and expect to get anywhere. You can't find an actual debate club anymore in America.
they probably got arrested for assault and the nigger got a red cross gift card for 1000
because he's a retarded nigger
why the fuck is a nigger even IN England in the first place?
>The idea of citizens owning guns doesn't sit well with me
dude kys
>thinks everyone in the country is crazy
>but the obviously corrupt government magically wouldn't be

I take it you're not a deep thinker.
All niggers should die.
Anon, I don't know any other way to break this to you...
I know someone like this, a candian.
He is currently hyperventilating on social media daily about trump, and makes comments about how he wants to vote kamala when he doesn't even live here.
Cuck brain is not hard to understand it's just hard to accept someone can be such a worthless simpering waste of life.
> What they came up with is pretty simple: you get one point for each component of your argument. If you're arguing against abortion, saying "the fetus has rights" gives you one point. Saying "the father has rights" gives you another point.

I love how you defend this as if any of this is reasonable or serves any practical purpose you demented mutt

What happened to the "WHY are we doing this again?" Part of any activity?
>I always carry my keys and fob in a karabiner looped onto my pants belt loop.
Ok so the step 1 to your conundrum is just stop you fucking retard and put them somewhere else

Step 2 is have a strong lethal weapon that you can use in a split second even if you get tackled or sucker punched from behind

Step 3 is for you to move your j a state where self defence and weapon carry is legal if you don’t already

Step 4 is to walk around with the other boys open carrying assault rifles while wearing marching clothes, preferably nice work suits

Fact: your chances of getting hurt in an "urban" assault drop to near 0 when you travel in packs of 6 in platoon formation with rifles in your hands

And if open carrying is legal so is doing this

>but I’m a retarded isolated amerimutt, I am not a part of any militant clan or group, I have no friends!
Your fault deep shit get working on it, lone wolves die in the wild, there’s a reason all wolves live in packs.
>when he gets in the car i will lock it with my working fob then set off the alarm. then run to safety
Motherfucker he’s got a gun and he’s in a car he could conceivably get working

If he didn’t arrive here already with his mates in motorcycles or other cars

Are you gonna outrun bullets you god damned moron? Are you going to outrun the attacker’s mates in their pick up truck and scooter?

Also what makes you think you’d be conscious

Anyways don’t cars have fucking immatriculation plates? Aren’t cameras everywhere? Isn’t AI image recognition à thing? How is it even possible to steal a car without getting caught in the 20th century they literally drive off with the license plate of your car and hundreds of cameras will spot both the car the license plate and their faces how is stealing cars even a thing

You can hear the gaming PC fans spinning up in this guys brain trying to understand how he should respond to this before just giving up and saying "ok"
I love how the driver just starts and stop, drives at 2 an hour, goes back and forth between letting the guys stab the guy or roll away several times

Before finally coming up with the absolute banger of "oh no my car is all broken :("

Like SURELY the state the courts or some insurance would pay for the damages in that situation in whatever fucked up country this is RIGHT?

Or is no one going to bail out a few thousands to repair the car of a guy who’s just was attacked by 2 medieval armies fighting with knives like they think they’re in Dune or some shit
>This driver is very nearly clinically retarded. I guarantee it.
The guy got in his car

He drives a mini van alone

The guy gave him money and told him he was gonna pay him for driving there

The driver is very fucking clearly an Uber/taxi driver, that’s why the guy fleeing got in that car specifically, and why he tells him he pays for the travel.

So WHY are you surprised the Uber driver isn’t very bright? You should expect this

>Or If he's thinking EVEN SMARTER than that. Let the people pull him out the car and kill him because they aren't doing anything to you right now.
No that’s idiotic you have a bunch of hysterical fauna with knives and the guy they’re trying to kill gets in a gate away car

Even if there is a taxi sign on the roof of the car which isn’t guaranteed, the chances he becomes a side casualties of the mob are off the chart, all it takes is one of them to either assume the driver is with the guy they’re chassent, or one of them to go "when you’re holding a hammer everything looks like a nail" and eliminate the ONLY EYEWITNESS

They probably aren’t smart enough to think of that but that’s yet another reason they could have attacked him to so no he gets the fuck away that’s the smart thing to do

The only alternative is to gtfo of the car on foot to make it clear you’re not associated and want nothing to do with it but that’s way more risky than running away
This guy was basically de personned by the CCP for appearing in this documentary and making the Chinese look racist when they’re trying to colonise Africa with a hearts and mind campaign accompagnying it

He lost his job (proven) maybe he even got assassinated (there’s 1.5B people in China good luck finding one)
>Don’t mess with the janny
Rare video of janny using 0.1% of his power
he got that India treatment. I guess pajeets do something right
their dicks are still bigger and shit
Wifi came from Australia you dumb coons
She almost sounds like the back track to a Kendrick Lamar song

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