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I need more, bonus points if its a indian or chinese who dies, no animals
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Thats all I got
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now with sound
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I gots a few moar.
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and moar
still moar
moar 2.0
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Raiden wins
moar raiden
And for my final act, Electric Boogaloo! UR welcome OP.
i"m confused. Is this, or is it not, a nerve gas thread?
Nerve gas is a generalization, it aplys to any invisible killer, this is just specialized nerve gas. Angry pixies protecting their wire homes.
>Indian or Chinese
>no animals
Anon... I....
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flawless victory every time
Demons aren't animals
White people are animals because they're humans and humans are mammals though
So no humans or animals being hurt
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Care to make any fucking sense?
is he okay?
cool way to die
I wish there were a normal rekt thread. This is too specific for there to be posts often.
make one then
what a faggot, he tried to take his friend down with him. i hope that queer died
Why music from Super Mario World but death song from Super Mario Bros?
That final spark.
Imagine the smell.
One short sequence of errors ...
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Took the lord's name in vain.
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heheh I made this vid. :D
good to see it making the rounds
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I posted a few indian and chink vids for you, like you asked.
Was that the same person saying "why isn't anybody doing anything" and "don't go in there"?
That cop deserves the same… that was an outrageous use of force. Hope the young woman got justice for that
brown people can't into electricity?
checkout how his skin instantly started smoking. he musta been instantly cooked well done inside out
His head fell off.
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I listened to it a few times after I read your question anon. I think it is the same woman, she has that kind of shrill voice that cuts through a crowd.
This thread serves as a reminder to me why Europeans succeeded and have achieved so much despite being a minority population of the world.

It's not because of 'colonialism' that you had problems. It's that you're a bunch of low IQ idiots.
probly not. She was ordered to get out and she didn't. Was he quick with the taser? yeah kinda but if you think a cop is being abusive, take it to the judge not argue with the police
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you might be retarded buddy there's no way he had any idea of what was going or, much less intentionally grabbed the bitch
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I mean do you think a cop shouldn't be allowed to get someone out of their car after speeding? It always comes down to this question and only the most retarded lobotomites would say "no, the cop should be forced to let the speeding person just leave"
lmao dumb bitch
Wise words, I just think the taser was overkill… in no way was she threatening that police officer. But you speak true, arguing with the police when asked to step out is pointless, she should’ve stepped out
Low iq statement as always by the least intelligent of society attempting to simplify their lack of understanding on history, labour and their bias.
taser wasn't overkill, someone driving while drunk can cause a lot more damage
NTA but we do not need modern police at all. Unaccountable State sponsored mercenaries paid by your stolen tax dollars. Such systems of "order" only ever appear during the collapse of a culture.
Then I guess you'd enjoy if family gets killed by drunk drivers
Angry brown thinks he sounds intelligent.
The number of police scales with fewer car accidents?
Well did you see that drunk bitch keep driving? Yes, policing cuts down on drunk driving incidents, dumb nigger
Lol if there were no cops women and nonwhites wouldn't be driving.
Was it speeding or DUI? I’m not aware of what the case is… but if it is a DUI then I would agree that the taser might’ve been justified. I just didn’t think it was the case watching the video.
>Yes, policing cuts down on drunk driving incidents,
Can I see the statistic saying that increasing the number of police reduces the number of car accidents? Or car fatalities? Anything at all?
Quads of high watts
If someone's retarded enough to speed you gotta assume they're drunk

>Can I get a statistic that somehow records drunk driving incidents in countries where it's not illegal and not really recorded?
Do you think about the retarded shit you ask? No, such a statistic would be impossible to get retard. What you're really asking is
>would people drunk drive more if it wasn't illegal and the law enforced?
and the answer is of course you stupid fucking nigger how could you possibly even begin to argue otherwise
I wonder what the damage was to the other kid
>There's no evidence the police are reducing this problem but we should keep giving them infinite money and power anyway
Oh fuck at first I thought his sandal fell off but that was his entire foot
pretty sure he went blind
NTA, go be a nigger somewhere else

I am as liberal as they come but I refuse to get behind any "sovereign citizen", "defund the police" or "I know my rights" horseshit some uppity dunce is going to pull. Are there God complex, rogue police who violate rights and commit acts of brutality? Yes, of course. But the vast majority just want you to comply and not act a fool.

We live in the 21st century, well into it now; most cities mandate body cams so even if an officer is going all Sgt. Stadenko you just do what they say, there's a record of what's going down. Most Judges immediately disqualify any argument you have if you refused to comply at the start of a situation. This young woman deserved every watt of that tazing....
hope your loved ones die in a DUI crash bud
1.21 niggawatts
deserved it.
rofl the dgaf is strong here
this seems like a mistake I'd make... fuck, man
literal bug zapper
Is that France?
>Look on the bright side.
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Where is our monkey gibberish translator?
Why is this young man being tormented?
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Whoops, wrong webm
>'Come on, I've got your shirt!'
Woman moment. He won't be needing his shirt where he's going.
Mate, that really made me laugh.
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I'd much rather have jumpy cops than idiot drivers
They even used green blood to be more accurate with the insectoid nature of the protagonists.
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Took the bitch long enough.
Did she save all three of them? Fucking crazy. Someone there had a brain.
it's the rapture
god bless
Saar this is a no smoking area
Seared poo
Did he shit his pants
wow his face looks like purebred slav
What do you think the nigger population would be if there weren't cops?
Fucking weird reactions. It's like they were waiting for it to happen.
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Pinche pendejo, kek.
Is someone killing a fucking cat too?
What a complete and utter hoe. Died twerking on a transformer. The collective IQ of humanity just went up.
somos el mejor paĂ­s de chile conchetumare
Man I already learned as a kid to never, ever run under a tree during a thunderstorm
I have a dumb question, why don't we put insulation on cables? There are so many dumb deaths caused by people randomly touching cables and we wouldn't have to do it everywhere, just in high density areas.
Cost can be an argument, but come on, isolated underground cables are already a thing. It's a solved problem.
cause insulation adds fire risk, on big giant heavy power lines that get hot will risk starting fires
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it's times likes this which make you glad to have no friends.
"oh kur-"
>no animals
I thought you wanted indians
literal minus iq moves
that first dude that disregards the situation SHOULD have contact channeled that JOLT

smart ones get what they deserve
dip ass not only secohdy is a failure and now traumatized
How couldn't they feel anything before they had actually touched the pole? I thought dirty water was an excellent conductor for electricity.
Natural Selection at it's finest.
>I got your shirt

As if that will convince to stop being electrocuted to come get it.
I think he wanted to move the fan/ventilator. looks like the case of the fan was hot (maybe short circuit inside).

When he touched the case of the fan, the electricity took the path of less resistance to ground. Since this is India, nothing is fucking grounded and there is no "short circuit protection".

In any civilized country with an electrical code you will see here a big spark, the electricity will go out in the room/building and the pajeet would have shitted his pants, but survived.
what happened? did he get too close and it arced? or did he actually touch something?
kek, what the fuck happened here?
This thread made me remember a story from a few years back

>note on the door from electric company
>"there will no power on X day due to maintenance on the lines on this street bla bla bla all day from 8AM until 6 PM
>Fuck, but whatever
>Day comes, electricity is out
>See multiple trucks all over the streets, they are changing some cables and transformers.
>well at least it was true and it looks like they are really working hard.
>took advantage of the situation and cleaner the fridge, read some books, etc
>Late afternoon, almost dark, crews still out.
>hear some yelling and cursing
>go outside to check wtf is going on
>one of the workers was yelling at his supervisor
>apparently they turned the electricity on from the control center without telling them
>they realized because the street lights turned on
>the worker was yelling at his supervisor because he was still up the pole working when it happened and was literally a hair away from dying like in many webm from this video.

So unfortunate. That prime real estate pussy is gone forever. Shame.
Power lines like that can carry megawatts of power. Had the system not had an automatic shut-off he'd probably be turned to coal in moments.
Because you're a fucking boot licker
He was stealing copper wire. They were just telling him to shut up and to keep poking him in the ribs with the wire. Apparently touching repeatedly is better than letting the wire in since it hurts more.
Pretty sure this was confirmed nerve gas
why is there a retard posting off topic shit?
You can tell this is the same illiterate faggot because none of these have anything to do with electricity
Imagine the sex
its a fucking concrete post how the fuck did it arced
>Why isn't anybody doing anything?
t. someone not doing anything
Barefoot, no gloves, no helmet. Why do third worlders not value their own life?
I bet it was shockingly good
Damn, you can see it blow out the bottoms of his feet. If he survived niggas got holes instead of soles
the man is doing maintenance to a high voltage converter station while the fucking thing is live

what third world retarded ass country is this
why didnt he get electrocuted when he dipped his foot at first?
Not concrete, its galvanized steel. The grey zinc coating makes it look like concrete.
Sounded like Spanish, so somewhere south of the US border.
third guy is lucky that the other two maintained a constant connection between the live and rail otherwise he would have been the ground and gone on to the next life with them
Which one is more dangerous?
DC or AC?
How are there so many of these? In the grand scheme of human history it's not that many but there's no logical reason I should have seen three different people decapitated by electrical cables.
they dropped the dude on safety harness with lines this close to power lines and didn't cut the power?
power of brown IQ is overwhelming
He’s in shock
That’s gonna hurt in the morning
Maybe try another pixel or two next time you dumb mother fucker.
Third guys mongoloid 73 IQ brain literally staring for eons trying to understand the signals his eyes are sending and that maybe something bad is happening
Why do retards post this? Can you not see how shopped it is?
yeah why teach kids how railways work and that one of rails could be live and cook you
Same thing happens at Corey Feldman concerts. Lots of chair suicides.
One dude was under water for a long time. Kind of doubt he made it.
He died doing what he loved.
as long theres a path for electricity to ground it will go trough it. The moment you become part of that path you get the zaps.
Two worker alive?
damn the motherfucker held on that ciggie as long as he could
Kek how he continues nonstop always kills me
its a 3 min video that has to squeeze into 4mb, did you expect 4k?
Fuck the cop and law
Jogger rekt
I always found "mechanical" deaths more impactful than regular rekts. There's some more "shocking" when it comes to cold steel. Not motives, no social manifestos, no anything. Just someone did an oopsie and died because they operated a machine wrong.
at same voltage and amps it's DC
AC has a waveform so at some point it's at 0, meaning for 1/50ths of a second there's nothing flowing
DC is constant dumping of electrons
All I see is you not posting a video u fag asshole
pussy prolly reeks
Not that guy but I also think you're just a dunning krugerite with a tiny worldview.

Two for one makes true, this should be at least understandable for a poltard subhuman like you.
kino kek
Terrible way to go...
So, indians have their own reggaeton?>>27592848
Before or after?
Exactly that, too close and arc between live part and truck.

Survivable with adequate PPE, but probably horrible burns from the arc fault thermal energy.
Arc flash.

Low voltage (<1kV) distribution have very high short-circuit capacity and release a fuckton of thermal energy in case of arcing fault.

Have anti-arc PPE, but probably not enough for the energy of this switchboard. Maybe survived with severe burns and and blast injury. (Air superheated by the arc expand like an explosive)
Yeah, I thought so. I wonder what exactly she expected people to do.
They should probably switch to wifi to save on mobile data.
>will pt 2 be on liveleak

this is real chat?
Violent death to pedantic autistic children
The most annoying part of the vid is the dumb bitch on the far right who probably didn't even know what happened.
Cables are insulated. I can't really tell what's going on in that webm but problems like that are usually due to a cable being exposed due to improperly stripping the insulation when splicing or something worse like the shoddy wiring is accidentally electrifying metal that's not supposed to be electrified.
maybe something to do with being grounded somehow or maybe the shock felt like cold water the first few times. Honestly impressed he had enough time and thought to try and go back to the stairs. I hadn't seen this one before.
It's not a live wire it's co2. He pops bubbles when he swims then suffocates and passes out
Also to add onto this, if you've been looking at the webms in this thread and you think someone can swim while being shocked/electrocuted you might be genuinely retarded. Your muscles lock up
We used to set galv steel ones that are same as this, had a couple of close calls desu, same lifting style as this similar truck and all haha
>near instantaneous, a flash and you gone
>gives the people a light show
it's a good way to go
most bucket trucks are insulated, some aren't and uninsulated trucks can allow the electricity to jump up to 10' to you in that bucket when the humidity and shit is high. saw it happen once, truck wasn't insulated and it was a rental since teh other was down for repairs and it melted most of the cartilage in the guy's legs and arms, walked like they couldn't bend the rest of his life after that. he got launched out of the bucket and hit the ground on fire from 20' up and was in a coma for 6 months but still lucky as hell
what it is already: unfortunately not zero
>This thread serves as a reminder to me why Europeans succeeded and have achieved so much despite being a minority population of the world.
at the begging of xx century germany had more population that whole africa
and usa used to have more people that whole latin america
I bet she explodes like a jet fighter.
But, but, but... what about her white privilege?
yea, but at least he felt nothing.
Glad he survived, fuck that supervisor
Nerve gas
Don't fucking care, it's funny.
I learned as a kid, by watching pokemon, that rubber gloves will keep me safe from all electricity
fake and gay
just wanted to thank you guys for your detailed explanations.
Keksimus Maximus
The drone backs off kek.
Can't do anything, may as well vid.
Seeking-naked-electrocution cult member.
Wouldn't want to live here but can't tell where it is.
>at the begging of xx century germany had more population that whole africa
Yeah, because they have higher IQ. The only reason Africa has more people now is because Europeans exist. We saved everyone from child mortality and disease.
Can someone tell me why so many countries have high volt high amp electrical lines running their infrastructure without thinking to use shielding?
>inb4 "thinking" and a joke about them being retarded
power lines are like bug zappers for the third world.
his neck slap goes with the beat o.O
can anyone explain why there's two flashes instead of one??
I heard on a podcast that someones visited india where the grave burnings smelled like barbecue
I'd assume something to do with changing conductivity. The first arc makes the first flash, and maybe after he gets cooked a little the conductivity goes up again, making another arc.

Or body positioning.
not exactly
mostly because of credit and church and secular rulers fought off birth control
plus plants from americas
this thread taught me that the only people who get electrocuted are people on drugs and stupid people
no... MOLEK wins
How are they still alive at this point?!?
I love seeing this webm in rekt threads, it always makes me smile
That much water would dissipate it
We do. If you are in the west tho.
Plastic and rubber are not big fans of constant exposure to the sun. Give it two years and all of the insulation would fall off
lol it looks like four kings boss fight, before you drop down into abyss
poo forgot his covenant of artorias
Welder here, stick welders have a voltage of 50-100 to start the arc but once it's lit it instantly drops to about 18-24 volts
Dunno what's really going on here but he's being showered in sparks, not getting electrocuted at least
the combined iq in this video could not fully power a 60 watt bulb
No that's nerve gas
The original nerve gas.
why do they get a bonus on easy mode
hello sir
>no europeans aren't stupi-
that's what he gets for masturbating all the time.
the effect america has on its people is astonishing
sick quads
if you see their skin you could tell they never learned anything

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