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File: Lick-and-Fuck.webm (3.7 MB, 720x404)
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Post and discuss animated women engaging in animated bestiality
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Anyone got that one of Elizabeth 69ing a dog that's knotting her mouth and throat fucking her
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That's the spice
Beast = dog?
Beast = any animal but no monsters. Yes to dog, horse, dolphin etc.
I wanna see some street fighter girls
Previous thread: >>27553531
And any anons contributing, please try to use software for converting videos, or at least sites that don't slap on watermarks. Thanks.
Kinda stuck using video candy unfortunately, it's the best site I've used so far for quick compression. Also I know werewolves aren't exactly beast but I like seeing women sucking and fucking canine cock so I figure it's close enough
Another conversion tip, make sure whatever you're using is outputing to VP9 for video and Opus for audio. And Opus puts out good audio at crazy low bitrates. So, lower it down to 32kbps for most audio and up to 64kbps max for anything including noise-heavy music. That'll allow more bitrate to go to the video and it'll look much better without having to reduce the resolution (or if you have reduced the resolution).
Boram from Github has been a good tool for me, sonce it has a straightforward UI, works on all desktop platforms, and allows you to limit output filesize.
Also unfortunately these vids are the best ones of rough knot facefucking I can find with high quality so settle for werewolf for now
>Kinda stuck using video candy unfortunately, it's the best site I've used so far for quick compression.
Does it let you target max file size? Most other conversion sites don't, sadly.
I don't think so, I kinda just throw in a video and most of the time it automatically just tries to shrink it to as small as it can I think. Most of the time it compresses it under 4mb, but sometimes it doesn't. Kinda frustrating.
Always REALLY liked this one of Nikki Minaj getting facefucked by a huge knot, despite it being another werewolf
Anyone got any Quiet webms? Don't post breaking with quiet, it's overposted and has aged pretty bad quality wise
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Looking for more ahegao like this one. Really like when they just have the dumbest faces completely taken over by whatever cock is fucking them.
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Great to see this thread so active!
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It's mostly just me. I'm about to dip for a bit so it'll sadly probably slow down again. I'm pretty sure I posted the most in the last thread too
Need vids or pics of the ladies carrying puppies
All good, It's not going anywhere. Gonna post the thread favorites from the previous one shortly
Nah personally I ain't into that. I can love without it. I just like seeing women being extremely slutty or just in the situation of fucking the animal or sucking it off. Not really a pregnancy kinda guy desu.

Wish there was more lady D stuff
now taht rule 34 videos is down which is the new place?
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Gonna post this because it's peak

This girl seriously needs to react to more beast content. Somebody in the last thread made a decent list
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Whatimits does it have? Like, total filesize, conversion minutes, number of total uploads per day?
There's also Freeconvert and Convertio·co.
One thing to consider is that on-device conversion is slow, but that'll allow the thread more time to breathe and get discussion.
scz bro
I don't know the limits it has, just check out the site video candy, everything it offers is on the first page.
Would really appreciate some more ahegao. Really love the idea of girls literally being fucked stupid. Dumb faces being sexual does it for me I guess
Please post more oral knotting for the love of god. Especially if the chicks eyes roll back during
there's a depressing lack of anal sex in this thread...
Anon check your stocking...
Any Fem PoV anons here? I apologize for low quality. I'm extreme amateur and can't compete with Patreon chads. I just make stuff for myself and don't normally share as my skills and hardware are limited.

And why is file size limit 4 MB? It's 6 for some other boards!
Here u go
Forgot file woops
>last batch of posts were all me
>This was over 20 minutes ago
You guys suck at this, if I wanted to just look at stuff I was gonna post I'd just go look at the porn and keep to myself
File: Knot-Pull.webm (419 KB, 800x450)
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Give it time, threads only three hours old and I've been posting too. All the posts are appreciated

>discuss animated women engaging in animated bestiality
What's everyone's favorite touch or detail in this kind of porn? Mine changes all the time but right now it's when there's some intimacy like kissing, licking, cock worship etc.

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Can we have this be a general on /gif/?
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That would be great if they can stay active enough. Needs influxes of new content or talking points though
Kissing doesn't come off as hot to me. Actually kind of gross. It's really fucking weird because I'm all into the chicks sucking and fucking or jerking off the animals but stuff like kissing does nothing for me. Same with vids or pics of the girls rimming, though to be fair, I don't even find normal rimming that sexy.

But, I do appreciate ahegaos, eyerolls and moaning with some dirty talk, oral knotting, or just knotting in general, footjobs, ball licking or sucking, cock worship, fast fucking, the chick getting pumped full of cum in any orifice, cum shooting out of their nose is good too. Titfucking is hot too, shame it's pretty rare, at least for dog cocks. Cum facials are great too, and swallowing the cum then showing their tongue showing that they swallowed every drop like vid related
If anyone can compress this video that'd be great. I can't get it under 4mb but it's an awesome concept. It's an interview video of video game girls being asked their opinions on fucking dogs
Personally I also really enjoy watching the cock pulsing as cum is emptied into the girl
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Agree on rimming, that stuff is terrible.

Also agree on the rest especially when having to do with cum. There needs to be more cum play and swallowing. Picrel has cum swallowing and showing her tongue

That's a good one. I miss toasted, he made some good stuff. Another thing I like is when the animal is thrusting into the girls mouth. Can be consensual or not, either works. Vid related
Remembered an old favorite of mine with and underrated video game girl, Anna from Metro, getting fucked by a dog while blowing another dog
Here you go
Still a lack of anal, so sad.
Anna is the (knot) slut that never was. She didn't get nearly the amount of content she should have.

SC is one of the few animators who puts real novelty and originality into his works

Vaginal is infinitely superior.
Taylor the Knot-Slut back in the thread
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Along with her Co-Star
I'm the opposite. I can appreciate interspecies pregnancy, but am repulsed by Lady Demimatsapastasauce or whatever her name is.
I'll try to get and share some beast preggo stuff, if I can.
>Gonna post this because it's peak
Yes. She seems to have a few orgasm throughout the whole thing and even seems to genuinely cum hard at the climactic finish of Jill and the giga monster.
Her reactions can be found at this link another anon shared in the last thread: https:// coomer su/fansly/user/286304372684496896?q=reaction

Separate question, does anyone know if Studiofow confirmed whether Jill died or not at the end?
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>This girl seriously needs to react to more beast content.
Definitely, if Fansly will let her. Maybe nobody reported it for that video and it slippe through the cracks, or maybe they allow animated beast content.
>Somebody in the last thread made a decent list
Thanks! Here it is: >>27590145
>She should also react to classic hentai anime, like from Lilith (Taimanin, Kangoku Senkan, etc.), La Blue Girl, Mahou Shoujo Ai, etc.

>For 2D, she should watch more stuff from Zone (she already watched the Wakfu parody), like his Teen Titans stuff, the Modifuckers, and the Ghostbusters one.

>For 3D, it'd be cool if she watched Animpron's main works, since she doesn't seem really adverse to beast stuff, as long as it's done relatively well (hopefully Fansly is okay with that). Maybe also some more of LordAardvark's longer stuff, like the Elizabeth one at the strip club and the more recent futa x female one with Jill and Claire in a cabin on an island, since I think she already watched his Mass Effect one (Blue Star?).

>Any other recommendations for her? She seems pretty down for whatever, based on the few reactions I've seen.
Feel free to add to it.
(Btw, can you comment on any of her content with a free account? Or message her with suggestions?)
Need footjobs or bukkakes
I’m actually not sure how people give suggestions. I’d imagine it’s a paid deal. Hopefully she would enjoy more animal stuff. I do know she didn’t care for a particular werewolf comp video so who knows. Then again she thought code valentine was fantastic
>Taylor's next performance

I can see it now, she strolls out in the usual shiny clothes but this time followed by a doberman.

I bet that show does record numbers lol
So zmsfm is just done doing beast? That's disappointing
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One of my favorites, for obvious reasons. I just wish Claire's face looked a bit more erotic and less derpy.
>Any Fem PoV anons here?
The first post of the last thread was a fem POV, so there should be several in this one. It got me curious, at least.
>I apologize for low quality.
>I just make stuff for myself
You made this one? Very cool. Only issues were it was hard to tell what was going on (partly a lighting issue) and the motion was kind of all over the place (VR headset tracking?).
What tools or software do you use?
>And why is file size limit 4 MB? It's 6 for some other boards!
I think 4 is the legacy amount and places like /wsg/ got a marginal bump up due to demand, or something along those lines. At least it shows what can be done when you apply a bit of effort and restraint when encoding video files.
Yeah, let the thread persist. Vids help bump more than regular posts, so don't blow your whole cache too quickly. Last thread lasted a week.
But, to help the cause, I found a number I already made but didn't post, because I wasn't sure if that was allowed or not. So, I'll start posting some here and there.
>Kissing doesn't come off as hot to me. Actually kind of gross.
I got into that aspect of beast stuff precisely because it's gross. Makes it feel like she's completely crossed that line. Or it just ads extra sexual stuff and, like the other anon said, intimacy when I don't want to see this stuff in a "that's disgusting" light. Same with beast rimming.
But, I find it kinda disturbing and annoying that like half of all beast stuff (or more) is made in a tame fashion or with a feeling of normalization. A big part of why it's hot is because it's such a violation and the normalizing takes that away. But, the other aspect is that it means moral degeneration is becoming more common and not relegated to its "proper" place. Like that explosion of Poképhilia that happened middle of last decade. I'm kind of digressing a bit too much and not really sure where I was going with this. So, whatever.
I guess maybe a thread-relevant takeaway would be that we should have more beast content where the people in it recognize the violation for what it is and react accordingly, taking it seriously, rather than being non-reactive and being cool with whatever. I think that's a flaw of the majority of porn of existing characters and franchises, because they don't respect their personalities. It's kind of like, what's the point in even using that character?
Be the change you wish to see in this thread.
Blackpill moment
Actually, this webm is a decent example of what I was hoping to see more of, at least in part: >>27592365
In what way?
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I do think that the characters in this porn should recognize the taboo of it but according to their personalities if possible. That can be hard to do without voice actions but it’s nice when the character acts like themselves
One of these days one of these dipshits will figure out how dogs actually fuck. This could've been good.
Any like this but instead the girl is straight up making out with the dog?
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To horny to worry about nearby infected
why is there never a bestial themed dildo/RP thread

the amount of girls doing roleplay of fucking their dog nowadays is pretty high
...so do better do it later in a safe place, Ellie.
This one is incredibly well animated.
Another one with nice details of facial expression and change of pace.
Nice detail with the swaying POV of the camera.
Knotting can really add another level...
If only they did it right. Once it's in it should stay in. Thrusting should continue but it shouldn't pop out like that. Kinda defeats the purpose.
Same reason I don't watch vids with normal dildos, why the fuck would I want to watch that fake shit
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Nice that some have more realistic speed

It seems a lot of animators don't understand what the whole point of the knot is.
I use VAM, and the knot doesn't really fit for the dick size I use. It could work if I make the dick size smaller, but that's not fun.
>get into a thread and jerk off to beasts
>but if a hot woman does it, its blackpilling
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The only animations I’ve seen that actually use the sheathe. Awesome
I like how immersive this one is. Like the setting is made important and something to help get off with.
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Slightly higher quality encode version. Forgot to upload this instead.
I just remembered Kuroinu would probably be good for her. Especially the first episode and the beginning of the second where Chloe is plowing Olga with a strap-on. It kinda goes downhill after that.
Great that the human pussy can accommodate and derive pleasure from so many different cocks besides human
What's the image limit on this board, again?
Have a bump before bed I guess
I love Chel
Talk about shit taste
Nothing will top these too. I sent the first one to my gf a few months back and it made horny hahah
There really needs to be more tongueplay and sloppy kissing in this content
I wanna suck some doggy cock like that oh my god
After seeing that guitar gif in the last thread I fully believe she could do this. Question is, would she ever have the will?
Can we get some SRVN in here
What is that?
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nah, disagree. i like it when the whore in question goes brainless-fuckdoll mode
and here comes a fucking idiot
Good thread everyone
>>27600764 Vacation time dipshit. Retarded
Man, the graphics nowadays really look impressively real.
why was the clip removed? i liked it. and it's not more illegal than most of the other stuff on here. so, why that double standard?
I don't understand you fucking idiots.
>It's not more illegal than most of the other stuff on here
It literally is. The difference is it was real. Nothing illegal is being done to create the animated stuff you fucking idiot. There's a huge difference.
go to /b/, go into a loli thread and ask why nobody is posting CP. Get it now, dumbass?
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Make a thread, would love to see it
Wish it had it unloading directly into her stomach
Sauce? Who is this?!?!?!
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>BEAST thread
>it's just dogs
>Comes into thread to complain about lack of something
>Doesn't contribute or even post what he says there's a lack of
Many such cases. Sad!
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>posts nothing different
Imagine my shock
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A rarity
Nah not into that
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911 KB
When I make POV scenes in VAM, the character model's hair tends to get in the way, even when I use a plugin that cleans up visual clutter and clipping while in POV. Do people just remove the character's hair and have them be bald or something?
Yeah I made it in Virt-a-Mate using tools available on the VAM hub and bought the Queen Marika model on Patreon. I made her breasts a little bigger and used the Embody 58 plugin from the VAM hub for the first person POV camera. I think the motion is a bit wonky because I don't have VR and I think the POV camera might work best with one, but I'm not sure.
Does anyone have anymore of this girl reacting to this shit? Its gold
Unfortunately that's the only beast content she's reacted too. Sucks I know. It's a stupidly untapped market
Average dolphin
She’s got other stuff but no more beast
Here's the full scene and her uncensored reaction.
And if anyone's curious to hear her own words on what she thought.
She's not super articulate or descriptive in general throughout this whole reaction video, but I'm still curious if any NZ/Aus anons can provide a sanity check (the programming term) on her use of "mad" in this context to clarifying if she's being positive about the act or not.
Because, both clips seem to suggest she's at least "mostly into it." Might mean she's open to other things that contain some beast type content.
The finale (part 1)
>not beast, but thought I'd share it, anyways
The finale (main part)
>had to lower the resolution a bit to allow more bitrate to go to the audio witjout messing up the video much
Refer to this post for comment, link to full video, and my question: >>27592635
File: Ciri witcher r34 webm.webm (3.96 MB, 1920x1080)
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Here's the best one I've ever seen.

Very high quality.
Or this one.
Not bestiality, though the werewolf one was closer. Really good animations, though!
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Such an underdone sub-fetish. Interspecies lesbian is barely explored, even if it's with non-humanoid aliens or other creatures. Maybe female plant monsters would be an exception. And Ungulator seems to have done a number of yuri Poképhilia stuff.
Yeah. He expressed that he's uncomfortable and unhappy doing them. Gave his people on support sites option to vote if they wanted one last beast anim.
Majority people out of respect just voted to end it right away and he moved on.

He did say though that he's fine doing beastlike monsters.
I think he meant if it will only be dog.

Need more of this one!
Can't find source though

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