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last thread >>27544186
File: bruce lee.webm (2.19 MB, 1024x576)
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can we get some actual chinese porn in here?
why not just go to /wsg/ if you're not gonna post porn
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Who would?
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Base on the position of the dildo, it's hard to tell if it's in her ass or her pussy.
File: bear chilling.webm (3.8 MB, 720x1268)
3.8 MB
more monkey
shut up cumbrain
File: jj lin.webm (3.26 MB, 277x128)
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Lame China thread. Some of you guys don't know how to do it them, the monkey posting needs to stop.
Shut up fag. The monkey posts are the best ones.
Quiet, fag.
>Sees dead bear
>without hesitation
>touches the bears balls first
>before anything else.

I just can't X'D

Anon, I....
I love china and the Chinese
Their genetic ability to stop feeling any empathy, sense of danger and awareness of their surrounding is incredible
id have my dick pushed into my liver if i let ms jackhammer's
deathgrip hands near my little guy. but still,

Battery pack?
heh...we're so fucked
two more decades and these things will be indistinguishable from us.
Tell me you never had sex, without actually telling me you never had sex.
Goddamn anon! The monkey posts are the best thing going here right now.
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i just knew what the soundbyte was going to be without even unmuting, gets meP2YV everytime
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stop posting monpai faggot, youre going to get the thread nuked
That's fucked…
File: Who You Gonna Call.webm (1.82 MB, 960x872)
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Chinese "people" dying, is not safe for work. And I enjoy watching Chinese "people" dying.
They say he survived and made a full recovery after a coma, but I don't believe it.

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1.25 MB GIF
Why, do you not like ... ground pork?
I had a masseuse like that for a while. Would again.
nerve gas dispenser actually
China will grow larger!
File: niko_origin_story.webm (1.55 MB, 640x360)
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Get a whiff of that, exile
File: Nine-Ereven.webm (826 KB, 1280x720)
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Have they not invented blenders yet?

>zhongguo porn ma?

sorry, but i only post chinese porn where chinese women are brutally humiliating, hurting, emasculating/cucking, de-nutting, beating, or berating chinese men.

some of this shit gets me off but mostly it's just entertaining and hilarious.

something i've considered doing is making versions of this specific scene's clips with the prc flag over the boy and a taiwanese flag over the lady. i think it perfectly encapsulates their complex relationship with one being much stronger but being totally humiliated/undermined by the other smaller one's perceived leverage over it...

oh yeah this is when she really starts laying down the bitchslaps

more bitchslaps yes
Everything in China explodes.
those must be the jew masturbation machines
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the laws against hitting pedestrians with your car must be very loose in china. don't know how many videos i've seen of cars like this one in the video just knocking the shit out of people crossing the street and no one seems to care
alibaba link?
Holy fuck man Chinese twitter has some insane shit, I wonder how much shit is on their social media that we can't see
File: Lovely Dinner.webm (3.91 MB, 960x540)
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3.91 MB WEBM
what do you even call this shit? like tf?
How sad, that's a Taiwan black bear
... But why is this guy's first thought "better tickle the balls see if it's just sleeping"
File: gotta_finish_the_job.webm (3.35 MB, 360x624)
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3.35 MB WEBM
This is pretty tame compared to the other Chinese femdom videos I've seen...
was Zhang planning to burn down the entire building? Wtf was that?
File: chinese bull comp.webm (3.7 MB, 640x360)
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File: chinese food safety.webm (2.97 MB, 368x640)
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File: china touhou.webm (1.4 MB, 480x360)
1.4 MB
looks like an ebike battery
>badass guitar trampoline out of nowhere
epic way to end the windy playdate
nobody noticed or they pretended that they didn't notice
if you don't see problem its not your problem
File: china metro.webm (2.38 MB, 720x1280)
2.38 MB
2.38 MB WEBM
>need to dump water otherwise whole system is fucked
>don't tell anyone because party lose face
>dump water
>chinks just go to work like everyday to drown

Anon those are plastic tits.
What the fuck? What's the context here?
Does anyone have the video of that fat Chinese chick that ate herself to death on live stream?
fucking owned
"please, remain calm and return to your homes"
wtf? they just get in the train anyway? they're seriously just lemmings holy shit
Flood season
impeccable timing
just russians
he rolled 20 on intimidation
that's a man
they literally can't see anything beyond 2 meters from them
File: eye fields of vision.webm (3.47 MB, 640x360)
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3.47 MB WEBM
wtf is this shit
ukrainians can't get a break
Monkies are the only good stuff here though.
it won't, jannies don't care about this monkey for some reason


it's where she came from
That poor policeman is so tired.
fake and also gay but I kek'd
The chinks always make me feel sick. Hate their communist government. Hate their calloused cruelty. Hate their shitty fake Japanese products. Hate their exploding/collapsing buildings. Hate their butchered writing system. Hate their dumb slutty women. Hate their filthy habits and lack of manners. Fuck you.
as if east asians needed another item to extinct their own race faster
I have a daughter. Shes 3. If this were to happen, knowing her, shed be frightened and asking if the baby has a "booboo". Just hearing the child cry would set off her empathy.

This type of behavior is learned. Unless the boy is mentally unstable and psychotic, this only occurs in a culture where empathy is non existant. He sees the adults around him behave like this
Their gfs saw my gamerscore
Chinks are seriously some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet

>robots learn behaviour patterns exclusively from china
>learns its ok to just run people over in cars znd trucks
>driving in china is now an IRL terminator movie everyday
>Hmmmmm how can make this about the race as a whole
File: Aww So Cute.webm (3.86 MB, 1280x720)
3.86 MB
3.86 MB WEBM
had to be sure
it'll be a long time before they can figure out how to make those things walk
very hot.
Blame china's rush from a mostly laborer population to a diversified consumer one taking place within a single generation. People over there, especially ones in their 40s and older, don't have the ingrained understanding that you can't just walk out into roads like they could pre-2000's because there's cars and shit on them now, instead of just scooters, donkey carts, and the occasional truck.
Post pics of daughter

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