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File: 1714355061666054.webm (3.73 MB, 1440x1080)
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Amateur preferred, but basically sluts and whores making out. Orgasms welcome too.
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3.82 MB WEBM
Are people still into lesbian shit? Thought this softcore shit died out in the 2010s when the internet started actually properly growing up
uniboob on the loose
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
there's nothing hotter than attractive women being intimate with each other because they are genuinely gay and want to. Nothing. That hotness factor falls immediately to zero when it's clear they are doing it for money or drugs or to impress some weird dude in the room.
>Are people still into lesbian shit? Thought this softcore shit died out in the 2010s when the internet started actually properly growing up
to be fair the best lesbian por is from the 2010s
Counter argument. One girl is genuinely into the other one but the other one is doing it for attention. The duality and unresolved feelings make it even hotter
Of course, I like seeing genuine bisexual women exploring lesbian sex

Also I feel like /gif change a ton since then, male and transgender gay videos is the majority, I do miss when there were lesbian videos but a ton were fake occasionally the amateur threads showed here or there

In wat you're not wrong to question whether ppl don't watch lesbian stuff in /gif

Good times

P.s if you got more girls genuinely making out pls upload
Don't take it personal, the dude probably is tired of all the homo and trans stuff taking over gif

Angry dude, lmk if I'm wrong
plus its unironically the healthiest porn to watch imo
File: q4ks3vf4okpb1.webm (758 KB, 576x1024)
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File: DenseStingyAtlasmoth.webm (2.96 MB, 960x540)
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>because they are genuinely gay and want to.
Never happened

Why are you such a massive faggot anon?
File: uqwhshcj9jjc1.webm (641 KB, 600x392)
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>attractive women being intimate with each other because they are genuinely gay and want to.
Lol, why do you think they film it? It's too make chad horny.
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who are they?
White woman on white woman the most normal of normal boring lesbian porn right here. I thought 4chan was better than this.
What does kissing and touching tongues feel like?
Sauce please
More reluctance please
i'm deeply jealous of lesbians. 2 girls is fucking hot and also i'm sad i can't fuck them, i'm attracted to what i can't have
salsa pls
Maia &Yara kissing in barn
File: lesb kiss.webm (3.85 MB, 1280x720)
3.85 MB
3.85 MB WEBM
thank you anon
File: 3q4xzxsebvnb1.webm (1.32 MB, 540x646)
1.32 MB
1.32 MB WEBM
sauce is desperately needed
File: 9axRukN.webm (192 KB, 480x854)
192 KB
File: LonelyAzureRacer.webm (2.77 MB, 1080x606)
2.77 MB
2.77 MB WEBM
they cut the makeout out of this video for some reason, but you can hear her talking throughout

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