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literally my toilet all day today. first my son clogged it, then the wife. the hell did we eat? i tried to flush it like 20 times and it just sat there. 12 hours later and its clear. i couldn't use the snake on it because it would've gotten covered in shit kek
there is already a thread kys son of a bitch + flagged + YWNBAW
I checked before i posted this one, don't worry anon
>who's on your balls, get better br@
Need the ol poop knife
this thread is equivalent to flarrty
wtf is going on with ylyl
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not funny at all that's fucked up
fake and gay
Lost to this fucking comment.

You’re on 4chan my dude. This is one the lowest of the low places of all of humanity.
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Ameritards are vile and disgusting creatures.
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kys faggot
When ur nose blocked
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AI and it's consequences have been a boon to the human race
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The poo revolution is coming.
It's this a ytp? If so link to the complete video?
Nobody told me mrbeast used to be based
does that count as a birdie?
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This is a story about the life and times of Bad Luck Duck...
Actually lost
Funny shit
I don't know what I should've been in another era, probably a farmer, perhaps a warrior. Here I lay today in this modern hell, after a litany of degeneracy from the internet. I remember getting video game CD's in cereal boxes and playing them on my parents computer. The old Mario game with his giant floating head or the Godzilla tier Kaiju game. Good times. After 26 years in this bullshit society I've seen a lot of garbage. The shit I've seen on the internet is far worse. I think the most notable things I've seen is the guy reaching for his non-existent face with his non-existent hands or the guy fucking the dead maggoty raccoon in the ass. All this time and retardation leading up to me sitting here daydrunk laughing at this poojeet rape. All the while I'm thinking about how the video conveys to me that it would be easy to get raped cause I can relate to the guy more than women I've seen on this site. I don't feel bad for the guy but I can see the likeliness of it actually happening. An interesting entry into the study of psychology. Anyway Ugandan Knuckles was a dope meme and if you think otherwise you should fuck yourself.
Oops I forgor the Mario computer game was all board games the floating head was from the DS
Hey bro speaking of the racoon one I gotchu nigga I know the guy who made the video shits Hella funny dawg check it
Classic, almost made me throw up the first time I saw it. Only time in my life I was nauseous from something visual. Now I feel nothing lol
this is so wholesome chungus core core
I actually lol'd and I'm mad about it
Kys faggot
nah man that's enough for today i'm out
You disgusting cunt
what the fuck is THAT
What's the sauce on this? It's obviously fake, pajeets dont have clean ass
blacks com wit dey seasonin
Women being women
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we trolled him into killing himself
This is racist
He looked like he enjoyed it so why did he khs?
faggotry isn't appreciated here
his family must have found out or something
People who find these types of videos funny are actually fucking retards.
>>27599555 hopefully his entirely blood line finds a train to get run down by after eating all the cow shit on the side of the tracks. fucking dirt rats Jeet tards subhuman filth
"a hole's a hole" kinda guy
So it's come to this, I'm so desensitized that even seeing this makes me feel nothing, it's objectively gross yeah, but I just don't FEEL grossed out, yaknow?
I hope this absolute faggot did himself and his family and the world a favour and neckroped
This sort of weird fucking degenerate shit is why I do not associate with faggots
Cup of ranch dip anyone?
That psycho cunt cackling. Disgusting.
>Its actual brainrot. They are hopelessly devolved.
he's a banjo kazooie character.
reminds me of dane cook.
dey eat da poo poo.
Toilet got blacked
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this is golden.
is there one for the other redeem classic after 10h?

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