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Post everything related to whitys femboys.


-Only light skinned femboys are welcome.
-Some trans girls who might look like femboys are welcome.
-Although the thread is not "ballbusting" themed, these are welcome.

*Bonus points go to femboy couples*

Our brother thread is: >>27592854
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Bonus point
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This one is amazing.
Does anyone have the one with the black haired kinda emo looking trans girl with sultry expression getting fucked from behind on like a bottom wooden bunk, her arms are against the wall and one knee is on the bed and she’s looking back over her shoulder making eye contact
This is crazy
pretty sure that feller's Nipponese, for what it's worth
does anyone have the webm of the cute femboy using a vibrator and theres a sailor moon gif overlaying the vid?
Please help!
I don't know what you mean, Anon.
What does jerking like that do?
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The orgasm is the same but the act itself feels extremely feminine and so your body and brain react femininely to it (nipples get sensitive, brain buzzes submissively, urge to lick lips and all that
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How do you even do it? I can't bend it when hard
Pull her back when you’re 75% hard and keep it there. That’s where she belongs now. You just have to teach her that.
My cock is not a her
is now you queer
Oh. mine is. Anyway, do what I said.
Yes, it is.
It did jump a little being called her...
Ugh god can’t you feel the weight WANTING to fall off your shoulders?
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It is not funny? XD
Why would it be
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Why is is cum line paste?
A few of these faggots are bigger than me. it's not fair
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Not this one lmao
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It's fatter then mine that's for sure but idk about longer
>almost all of them are bigger than me
It was over before it even started for some of us anon...
Aint no way that a femboy
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Then you have a little worm, Anon.
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There ain't no wa- *the reveal* fuck...
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It's not fair
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These cocks are too big for "femboys"
i don’t know what to think… for a few days now i have woke up and flirted with black men on dating apps sending pictures to them and asking to serve them and have them treat me like a girl. i haven’t sent anything exposing or identifying

after i cum i always feel disgusted and tell myself that i’ll never relapse again. that used to be the case for bbc porn but having done this it feels like i’ve gone another layer deeper and even though i tell myself i don’t want it i keep relapsing each day and doing the same thing to the point that today i’m having thoughts to want to start working on my ass, doing makeup and dressing feminine again (i’ve done it in the past on my own but never sent pics of it. i also don’t have anything anymore as i threw it out due to shame)

part of me wants to give all of this up but it’s just so fucking impossible that i keep getting pulled deeper
I can't jerk off like that. I just end up straining myself and hurting my back
fuck yes i imagine a fat black dick sliding out of my greasy mancunt whenever i take a huge shit
Do u think so?
Lol not all of them
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jews aren't white
тaкoe интepecный пoвeдeниe
нe coвceм пpинятo, нeт?
id pay 50 bucks to suck that dick and 200 to get topped by it for an hour
man this shit is not fair
Just embrace it, Anon. There is nothing you can do, you are biologically inferior, your body is biologically made to serve black men. You should start playing with your ass, training it, since in the future it will be used by black kings.

Start feminizing yourself, since that would give you an advantage when looking for black men and also remember that a good sissy always makes an effort to be hot for her man.
Since you are having trouble accepting your place, this is the only solution I see:

-Train your ass, because the next step will be to go straight to taking a BBC.

A black man will put you in your place and show you what a sissy you really are, then that's when you'll embrace all of this.
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Its not fair that i dont get to drain that every day and every night
Resist. Just because you are feminine does not mean that you have to serve black men. White people are the peak of beauty, strength, intelligence, and artistry. You can be cute and still love your people. Please don’t throw away your birthright by becoming a sub to a non-White.

Make friends with other White fems in your area, and gatekeep fat jewish genderblobs. They are the ones who will try to convince you that Whites are weak.
Fwiw anon, the people you’d be sharing that “community” (specifically raceplay) with are profoundly mentally ill and are universally negative and unhappy. It’s tough to back out of something you’ve already started but by that same token I encourage you not to take any steps further. You aren’t ruining your life yet, so don’t start is basically my advice.
normally hate circumsized cocks cause they're dry, shriveled, mutilated and gross, but this one is very smooth. nice
That position is stupid, because it prevents her from enjoying those beautiful gifts that this little sissy has.

This whityboi knows what he wants, he's just embarrassed by it, but he just has to embrace the idea.

-Why if this whityboy feels the desire to give his body to black bulls can't he do it?
-Why if this whityboi wants a huge black man to make him feel girly can't he just do it?

There is a natural desire and this boi can't escape from that, he should not repress himself just because people like you want that. On the contrary, this whitie should embrace the idea even more and only then will he reach that maximum and full state of feeling totally feminine after (or in the process) of having given himself body and soul to the services of the black bulls.
I completely agree.
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right? Of course a faggot will have a photogenic fat cock with a big head and big balls good for hitting clits, god damn. I bet he cums buckets too to add insult to injury
Oh my... I really like those fatbutts.
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She spanked very hard.
any sauce on this? i hate how hard it is to find - toys and stuff all nice but a proper hands free cumshot from anal with a real dick is just A+ material.
Sauce please :)
hot take but women should just be raping hung twinks
hey guyse, just wanted to say that I am not gay but I think I used to be gay as a kid and now I may be somewhat asexual but contemplating becoming gay, not that I want to be.. which is why I am not going for it but contemplating.

I kindof dislike the idea.
Shit that one is hot. Pound him better, punish him good!!
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>wanted to say that I am not gay
The first stage is denial, Anon.

Nah, being serious:
It doesn't matter if you are or not. Sexual attraction is a spectrum, so don't worry so much about labeling yourself with something, just enjoy your sexuality.

>I kindof dislike the idea.
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anyone got the webm where a caged femboy tries to cum on a towel but misses? hands free
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Slut is @bri_wynters. Wish she'd take Black dick like this.
Holy shit what a beast of a cock
Frottage is the hottest shit. I wanna do this with a femboy before I die
Any vids of them getting mating pressed by black boys?
No way that's not a girl! Sauce please!
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Shut the fuck up, nog-worshipping tranny. Keep it to yourself.
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need name
holy fuck OP I have never seen someone so retarded that they encode all these fucking webms with massive black bars. what the fuck man.
I'm not attracted to masculine faces, but I'd love to fuck a femboy, how do i find them.

Am i gay if I'm attracted to femboys but not any other men, i think i just like femininity regardless of gender(but i don't mind masculine women or tomboys??)
Seriously. Especially considering that auto-cropping during transcoding is a trivial thing.
You're the only one crying for this.
>white femboy thread
>almost all of them have big rocks
BBC xisters I don't feel so good
Fisheye lens is helping a lot, but def still a nice cock.
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It's about white femboys, it doesn't imply that is about blacked femboys or something like that.

This is a big rock:
Don't matter to me I'm still topping ;^>
Cute boys with fat dicks are a cornerstone of civilization.
"Swuttyboy" on Xvideos.
Ts Rose Marie
yeah but it would be objectively better if vertical webms had no black bars, for people with vertical screens (primarily mobile). black bars also take away from the potential quality & length of the video since we're limited to 4MB

you're the only asshole who is defending making shitty low-quality webms
kys phone poster
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Literally, you're just crying for crying...
Oh my... this one is so fucking amazing.
where are all the big cocks? i want a big femboy cock to worship
What a nasty gluttony.
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i'm not as big as the other boys x.x
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You don't need to be big. ;)
need more like this
21 M/F French here!

Still rather new and might spam several boards bcz I really wanna find someone to feminize and break me mind and body ^~^

TheFrenchCutie on discord, anyone's welcomed!

This one is Kitty Lynn. I think she has an only fans but this one was posted on Tumblr years ago.
fuck, new fetish
>he has 10-18 minute videos of hard jacking it without lube and he still doesn't nut
My man might have deathgrip syndrome, shame
Fuck it looks so soft..
He actually can't ejaculate, he said so himself.
Id still suck on it
Damn that's rough, I wonder if a urologist could help.
not posting on mobile, and who gives a shit if I did

you realize the hypocrisy in complaining about people who complain? why are you crying about what someone else says?
The point of my criticism is not "complaining", but what you are complaining about, which is kind of stupid. There isn't hypocrisy here.

You're a natsoboi who is always crying in trans, femboys or blacked threads...what a shame man, you're absolutely pathetic.
how is this possible
GOD hung femboys are the fucking best, it's so great

Having a sissy little faggot bottom with a fat hog that should by all means be piledriving wombs until they're pregnant just flop around uselessly instead while he gets his bitch button pounded makes me cum so hard
its not, a lot of the guys making these videos will use a syringe to pump fake cum into their bladders and then just piss it out to make it look like they're cumming.
I need sauce now
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right >>27593095
having some major foreskin + small penis envy, i want my tiny weenie to look as cute as them, this is not fair
my favorite one all thread, i love seeing how much he touches himself without moving his foreskin much
I think, cna't find a lot of their stuff since they deleted their twit
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This one is really funny. XD
Oh mamma mía.
This one is the best one, shit!
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Posting some oc
Now this is how commercials should be
you're literally spending time doing the exact thing you initially complained about: you are also posting in a femboy thread about trivial shit that doesn't matter. If you weren't retarded, you would follow your own logic and see that you are the exact kind of person that you're complaining about. why didn't you ignore it? why do you keep replying even though it makes you a further hypoctrite? I don't mind replying because it's consistent with my stated & known values, but you don't even know wtf you're saying because of the blatant inconsistency. Like I have to spell it out for you while all you can do is say "nuh uh, no u"
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What a cute body.
I want do this to you, Anon:
oh my, tell me more anon
You don't understand... Read my comment, reflect on it, and then come back.

I don't complain the fact that he complains, but about what he complains about (which is something different). If he complains, I don't mind if he complains, but I might be bothered by WHAT he complains about (the reason, the subject).

I reply because I find it very fun to make natsobois angry.

It seems you don't handle basic logic.
made me cum
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Because I'm not attracted to men.

feminine guys, sure.. a bit ..not enough to go look for one.
what the fuck is a natsoboi, and also you are literally lying and again retarded
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This >>27595527

And also some advice as someone that used to be in the same position as you.
You can learn to enjoy being femenine and liking dick without going full into raceplay or hrt/trans territory. What helped me the most was finally admiting openly that I'm bisexual and that I love receiving attention from men. It took me some time to admit it but at the end I managed to be honest with myself (and my close friends) and now I enjoy my sexuality in a healthy way with guys (and girls) that are in the same wavelength as me.
Nice cock anon

Hole next?

theirs a fine line between femboy and trans
and femboys dont tend to last long unfortunately...

But yeah same, I like femboys but its a lot of effort to go out and try to find one (quite unicorn) or already have a boyfriend with a big cock
anyone got sauce on the toy?
nice penor
zoomers that can't even use a file explorer
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First, I'd start by biting and kissing your legs until I reached your balls. I'd suck them both, then slowly move my tongue along your cock until I reached the head. Once there, I'd make sure to give you the best blowjob.

Next, I'd continue up to your belly, where I'd play around, kissing you until I reached your nipples. There, I'd bite and suck on your nipples, just like a vampire with its prey, and keep going until you're thoroughly satisfied.

Then, I'd keep moving up until I reached your neck, which I'd kiss and suck while holding it with my hand. I'd continue upward to kiss you, then stop kissing and hold your neck with one hand while giving you a few slaps in the face with the other.

Finally, we'd finish with a flourish, kissing passionately again, and I'd end by gently biting your lower lip as I slowly pull away.

What a dream.
That is a waste of a cock
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Prepare for fighting, Anon.
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Lying <----- Hahaha.
You just know to say "retarded", you have zero arguments.
Natsoc + boi

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