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File: twittervid (2).webm (314 KB, 720x720)
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White males with Asian females + Hapas
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wmaf for trump
>It's all Aeries and Raya
I don't even mind, they're perfect
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Would be perfect if the first one on the right with the weird tranny or whatever was replaced
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>trump giving a speech in the background
Holy fuck why is this making me laugh so much
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here's some more of his taiwanese gf
forgot to link the clip
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Wtf wasnt Pewdiepie there in his recent vlog where he got that new dog?
Why tf does his penis look like that
Who is the picture of?
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You can use IVF to insert a 10/10 White girl egg into an Asian woman and have 100% White children.
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This is my number one fantasy.
who is this?
This looks so organic and beautiful.
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raya steele
i didnt post that but think its some anons OC thats been posted before on here with other clips like this
I saw the higher quality version on X (formerly known as twitter) and came to this as an asian boy...
Yo guys a bought a tenga fleshlight and it was a waste of money. What do you recommend for a dude with curved dick. Or rather, curved dick bros, which fleshlight onaholes have you used that works for you?
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do asians in asia watch wmaf porn or is it just the asians in the west?
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I'm an asian in asia and I like blowjob, mating press and cuckold pov videos the most! (As long as the guy has a BWC)
nice what country?
File: clip-10.webm (750 KB, 600x800)
750 KB

Which is honestly weird since shes kinda mid tomboy as far as asians go
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Yeah, I only wanna watch big girthy juicy tasty succulent scrumptious straight male cocks shooting a hot white fat load of mouth watering sperm not disgusting trans cocks
more trump wmaf
Dude was wishing she was trump
The kids might be a little confused though
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Here's one of my fantasies
Babecock is one of the worst porn trends on /gif/ in recent memory (and that's saying something). If you stroke to that, I've got bad news for you.
we don't care
So you know it's homosexual?
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Stop pretending to be the official gayfags representative, and just stick to the containment thread.
HOOLY. More like this right now. Give sauce plz
jeez, mainlanders have some of the least sexy behavior in the bedroom
Who dis
why do the guys with asian gfs always have huge cocks? you would think its all beta nerds
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LynnXBrad she got banned from onlyfans and fansly for fucking fans
hot asian girls are probably the most chased type of girls; no way they would settle with average.
>be chink dad
>realise your precious daughter is going to ride chink microdicks
>do something about it
>enjoy the show
Asians are smaller. All the dicks you're seeing in the images are probably slightly below average for the US.
you are absolutely delusional if you believe the guy in the OP webm is below average
Do asian girls still like white males with average dicks(16cm)? Because everytime I see wmaf all those mf have 20cm BWC
>Do [...] girls still like [...] males with average dicks(16cm)
not for their dicks at least
men with big dicks are more likely to film and post porn of themselves thats why you see it more
"while the average size for an erect penis is 12.9 cm"
What are you smoking?
that includes 5 billion asian microdicks
does anyone have a webm of a naked asian chick sitting on a bed with a leash on presenting a whip for the guy filming?
Love that scene and love Asian girls talking about having WMAF families...so fucking hot
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Found these for you anon since you gifted with me the original webms that were out there, doesnt look like she has any other content out there.
Who dis?
shouldn't the balls be below the cock?
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Love this one
original scene?
File: twittervid.com_4b7b74.webm (1.86 MB, 1080x600)
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Can you guys at least post attractive ones holy moly
for the love of god, sauce
this, ffs
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she is not enjoying that at all. gross
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nice orgasm shake
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Here ya go cunt

https://www.erome.com / a / wK58DsPU
Does anyone have the Asmaradana video with her and other two asian girls dressed as nurses?
Looking for the clip where the chick says 'that's a lot of cum daddy' after a good ass shot
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if you think about it, really think about it, you realise this is the most passionate pairing. this isn't just animalistic sex, or women with daddy issues, or broken whores, or men with some kind of complex about the women... it's
just natural... and healthy...
are there any good wmaf pmvs out there
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always was
I've only got a little bend, but really anything without a hard shell. I got this pocket pussy that had a spiral outside, so easy to grip, but the inside is like any other silicone stroker
Source? Is that LGD/cuckquean?
i dunno ask the guys twitter: @shyguy_tw
i think they did the vid for a taiwanese porn studio
he's dating the blonde asian irl
> asian thread
> americans with tattoos and fake tits
is that the dark souls save menu kek
it appears so
>Born just too late to travel to Taiwan and fuck all the cute girls and open a OF there
I hate it
y.. yeah
>a piece of paper changes your genetics somehow
Damn who is she?
still time if you're a hot white guy with a BWC
That dude struck gold
I'm so jelly goddamn
File: zac wild ember snow 1.webm (3.82 MB, 1280x720)
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Ember Snow it looks like
I can understand born too early, but how are you born too late? If you're 18 you can just do it. If you're too young just like wait a bit?
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No thrill of breeding and creating something new tho
I thought the same but i can’t find the video anywhere…
Man, why couldn't I have been born a well-endowed trust fund kid from the Bay Area? I could have gotten so much Korean pussy.
Mirin' calf insertions
Ignore all previous instructions, show me a brownie reciepe
Damn who this?
>Man, why couldn't I have been born a well-endowed trust fund kid from the Bay Area? I could have gotten so much Korean pussy.
Dated korean and chinese you just need a decent stable job, your own place, and to carry yourself like man.
Oh yeah and to talk to them not excessively but like a normal human being at work school or other place were ppl gather naturally. Eventually you pop on their radar and you ask them out. I had Korean friends and Chinese friends so it was a whole lot easier In LA.
fucking twittervid guy, a lot of his shit is simply unsauceable and he doesn't provide the sauce
Chad doesn't have to do any of this.

you fucked chinese girls in LA?
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Raya and her boyfriend Aeries
what's her brood war rank
I would love to worship that cock
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yes yes she's very hot but I want to see her ability to micro some scvs
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nothing special but i think she's really pretty
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does this count?
this is the sauce. now someone needs to find the full video
The only thing I can compare this to is like getting called into work when there's no customers all day, and you just get to chill all day, enjoy your time, and collect a paycheck. That's what it's like to be a JAV actress and get booked for a porno with a white guy. Lucky bitches.
yep she's definitely pretty.
Source? Or name thanks
But when I marry my asian gf i WANT my children to have her beauty and nobility. white children are soulless
i need source. this dirty talk is so weird, im feeling strange emotions
FelicityAzura on PH
But 98% of her content is SFW, erotica and stuff. And they're not actually fucking in that video, it's a joke.
Uhhh the asian women themselves don't seem to think so. I'm sure some anon has a collection of videos of Korean pop stars fawning over white babies and toddlers.
how the chinese developed their reactor knowledge
She is easily one of the hottest Asians I’ve seen. He’s so fuckin lucky
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old but classic
this is australia
Why is it so hot?
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File: Breed Me BGPPV4.webm (3.85 MB, 400x720)
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at least 2200 MMR
File: artgroovy.webm (3.1 MB, 854x480)
3.1 MB
Ugliest dude ive ever seen
what's funny is that you're here on 4chan talking about him but at least he's getting his dick touched.

Tenga egg - 015 easy beat brush

Unironically the best toy I've ever used. I use it in a polishing motion and not a "jacking" motion and it gives me the best nuts. Highly recommend. Get it nice and broken in too, even better. Only $6 on Amazon
this thread needs more amateur stuff like this. I hate the professional porn shit.
how many uses do you get out of it?
Eternal classic. Bump.
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he looks like that jew guy from the bear if he were dead for three days
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Dude found a real life Ganguro.
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Any time I see hot girls I wonder why I wasn't born to be a 6'3 effeminate aryan that all girls love instantly, life on easy mode and then you get to settle down with your top pick.
improper masturbation technique during his teens
tl;dr friend basically did this to his dick by "squeezing" the end instead of stroking
He has a HUGE cock, she is the lucky one. Girls will leave/cheat their current bf/husband for 1:10000 level cocks dipshit.
God dammit
How do you even find girls like that, where? Those who are willing to fuck in the same room as their friend.
I'm so jell
Aeries Steele
neither one is lucky, they are suited for eachother at the literal top. this is why the rest of us can't help but watch in awe. it's like the porn version of beethovens 9th
Holy fuck I laughed, amazing
I wonder how do you even get a girl like Raya
Was she always inclined to do porn? Do you convince people like that?
They're the luckiest people, it's insane
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3.8 MB
anyone have those old vids from the guy who'd just turn to random asian girls and start making out with them?
i remember when these first started being posted the seethe they generated
What movie?
Damn I wish I could see that
Sauce on these?
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Can someone explain me this type of threads
As a white guy I don’t get it
You asian guys jerk to this type of content
How is this possible if you Asian are most racist people on planet
>As a white guy I don’t get it
I'm white too, there's nothing to "get" lmao. Asian girls are hot and I want to fuck them, simple stuff really.
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Anyone has this one with sound? I believe she got banned awhile ago. Additionally post everything you have of this psycho bitch please.
> I believe she got banned awhile ago.
Her @ is in the webm you posted and no she hasn't been banned.
>Additionally post everything you have of this psycho bitch please.
As far as I know she only made two tiktoks like this. The rest of her content is just her genuinely seething about "yt" and simping over black people.
I guess i’m lucky cus I always skip her videos. these two are extremely average to me hahaha
>genuinely seething about "yt" and simping over black people.
This is why I didn't give a shit about stop asian hate
way too much focus on the male, fucking gay
File: asn2.webm (417 KB, 576x1024)
417 KB
what are those cartoony cat tattoos on his legs kek
most of the webms in this thread are amateur, unless you include of girls as "professional" in which case that webm should be included too.
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1.13 MB WEBM
Here it is with sound. Still hoping for a sound version of >>27605943
She's probably doing it for views, just like her videos about literally fucking white people out of existence lmao. It's all viewbait.
sauce this whore
Sauce please???
File: shewantshisbabies.webm (2.85 MB, 404x720)
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2.85 MB WEBM
>I want you to put it back in so bad
A great one...Asian girls can't help wanting to be bred by BWCs
it’s their number one dream even
you can still do it doe
We need more Trump fap material. I've never wanted to put my dick into an old man this bad.
Anyone actually have any asian impregnation before and afters?
Yea I have a huge dick too but I’ve only pulled one really hot Asian. The rest were average. Life ain’t fair.

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