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File: melting.webm (2.45 MB, 1280x720)
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Post male moans, intense/screaming orgasms, creampies, and guys completely going braindead with pleasure. I wanna see men get overwhelmed by pussy.
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how about screaming from deepthroat pleasure?
he definitely wants to get her pregnant.
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Nice idea for a thread, OP. Shame none of us have much to contribute. I'll post what I have, though it may not be what you're after.
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someone post the orcs at the gate
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I think this is the first homemade porn I've ever seen where I feel bad to have watched, I don't think many people ever have a moment as intimate as that.

Anyway, anyone know the source?
Men really should make more noise during sex. Just let yourself go feral, who wants quiet fucking
Yo what the fuck is nothing sacred anymore yeah why am I watching that good call, what is wrong with people.
I feel like I cum harder the louder I get
Seems like two inexperienced lovers, super hot
lol yeah, I remember my first time giving a girl a creampie too.
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>no loud nigra
it's over
/gif/ is finished
God damn
That yt boi never had no pussy like that before!
I hope he does. Then if they have a daughter, in 18 years, I'll get her little mixed ass pregnant
2 retarded poors off MDMA or something else having the worlds lowest effort plap? Get back to you know where you clueless faggot.
I was looking for him lmfao
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Sauce me brotha
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Great thread, accept my offerings
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My gf has been teasing me like a bitch and it's making me want to turn into a dog. We already have a problem scratching and biting each, drawing blood. And I think I'm about to get her preggers
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Anon delivers. Knew I had this saved somewhere.
I don't care where this took place, but to me this is what I think of when I imagine Brazil
she kinda looks like kylie rocket, niceee
an androgynous bitch and two goth bitches, oh my fucking god
cursed trips
what a pathetic faggot
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you have to be 18 to post here, go back to playing fortnite kiddo
when pussy from 2 dollar hoe hits differently
if sex isn't like this you don't love her btw
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They had fun. Good for them
nah that guy is right. thats as gay as ive ever seen heterosexual sex. the dude was almost crying
Tina Hot. Forgot the name of the video.
Shut the fuck up you dumb fuck
I dont cry when i fuck my girlfriend. do you?
>"Harumph I wouldn't sound that gay" he says as he watches a man creampie a woman's pussy while he jizzes into a tissue
I'd fall in love. Holy sh!t
>I wanna see men
>how deep are you in the closet?
jfc, source?
>c’est fantastique
lmfao how are we supposed to take these guys seriously
sauce? please god
In the billiards room? :/
more of this dude?
So hot
holy fuck what a dream scenario
Stfu incel
Says the fag getting emotional over porn lol the dudes right
>t. virgin

some of the best sex I have had was a slow grinding kind of sex. can be absolutely amazing.
Que gatinha linda!
Who is she?

OMG, while I was writing, I searched for this "Wake Up N Fuck" series and it has a page on IMDB, with all the 42 episodes and all pornstars' names. Ahahahah, finally this database is useful... Aaaaand I was wrong, her name is not there.

Fortunately I found her in another way (image search her face with Yandex), she is Angel Rivas.
This combination of gorgeous eyes, thick lips, and curvy cheeks (with dimples!) is irresistible.

And she has videos for both men with taste (small but perfect teenager boobies) and idiots (deformed lumps with plastic implants).
Making love and fucking are completely different things, I agree. Personally I prefer slow and sensual. I can feel their pussy better, and they can feel my head and when I flex my dick inside them.
Jackrabbit sex is nice, but it's a distant second
I'm an autist who counted, that mongrel retard lasted 19 seconds
fug I want to nut in some random hoe with no care at all for if she gets pregnant.
He's got a condom on, making it even more pathetic.
The negress is hot though
Fuck she's got great calves
you have never seen sex outside of the internet
I cannot fathom why people default to jackhammer doggystyle/reverse cowgirl. It's okay sometimes but it's so fucking impersonal.
op is OliviaJayXXX
I think the guys that learned sex via porn are the ones who jackhammer. And from talking to women I've had sex with, the vast vast vast majority of men do exactly that, jackhammer, and they don't even actually like it.
Me getting the woman off is what gets me off
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Probably because youre effeminate and submissive and never get horny or dominating enough to fuck a girl that way. At some points during sex for an man, that's what happens and women like that shit. Being some little homo who's emotional and paints his nails black and is "passionate" All the time is gay. Sick of you emotional autists talking about women like you have any experience.
looks like he just pumped an inhumane amount of cum into it
Goddamn, sauce?
Everything is about power dynamics with you cunts isn't it? Sad!
This MF's butthole absolutely ruins every scene he's in...always with the fucking closeup.
So basically you want to see a dude orgasm like a faggot?
Is this dude Cantonese?
Diu is "fuck" in that language
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>I wanna see men
your entire post can be condensed into these 4 words
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did he go to prison
JuliAleXXX. Amazing amateur porn, all of their vids were this passionate.
Relevant to this thread but not really wholesome.
His asshole is better looking than his face, be grateful.
You're on 4chan we all know you wouldn't wait 18 years.
In all seriousness is this what love looks like?
The classic. Thanks my nigga.
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True, probably would wait 15-16
this has to be at least 10-15 years old. i remember it from the old bangedup site. still good tho.
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>Start a "You are the girl below" without saying "You are the girl below"
This dude's hunchback is distracting.
Right, i lost my shit too lmfao
Sauce ??>>27602949

Bro, no beastiality
>omelette du fromage

she was rubbing her ass on his cock as a "dance". He's hitting her butt with his cock as a dance too.
Love how all the normies are using that sound effect without knowng it comes from porn. It's like the yeet sound effect that comes from a transphobic vid.
>thats as gay as ive ever seen heterosexual sex
4chan, everyone
I've seen this couple before, that retarded ass leg tattoo is unforgettable
> i wumbo
> you wumbo
> he, she, me -- WUMBO
> wumbo
> wumboing
> wumbology, the study of wumbo
> its first grade spongebob
I might be wrong... I don't have a PhD in pornology like most of 4chan... but I think this is Diana and Damien Soft. I think the story here is that she had vaginismus (pain during intercourse) but then had her IUD removed and it went away. So what you're watching is one of the first times he was able to fuck her without hurting her.
Oh God, this reminded me of when I threw a bitch inside because I had to see my ex with someone else at a party. On the way to my house, I saw her walking down the street, and I approached her and offered her 2 dollars for a blowjob and she accepted, I took her to an abandoned house in the center of the city, she gave me a blowjob and without further ado I slammed her against a wall and I used her until I finished inside her, I saw her again a few months later, with a belly protruding. I hope to do it again with another bitch and leave her pregnant also.
I miss amateur porn videos like this, where they felt genuine, instead of blatant attempts at monetization on pornhub and clips4sale.
Almost a decade and a half and it never stops being funny.
Thanks anon
PhD in pornology here, it’s Damien Soft on PH. AFAIK he and Diana are still making pretty good content
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Men are quiet became women don't like it to begin with. They're more inclined to think it's funny rather than hot.
If they are both genuinely into this and get off from it then god bless them. Sweet couple sharing a wholesome moment together.
i thought everyone knew it came from porn. did you just figure it out?
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