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How does it feel knowing that there’s always like 6 femboy/trans porn threads for every anti trans thread here? They didn’t even bring trans issues up at the last debate because you dipshits don’t have the winning position on it anymore
Oh boy, another mentally unhealthy amount of seething about anyone who is not preaching the same ideals, while the same webms get posted
Not a tranny, dont bother with that cope excuse to weasel out of your own mindset
>I spam harder than you!
ok troon
How does it feel knowing that you’re gonna kill yourself
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the odds are far worse than that. at least be accurate.
there are usually minimum 10-25 bbc/faggot/cuck/j*wpoison threads going at any given time for every "tranny hate" thread.
you faggots are the disease, not the solution.
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Threadly reminder: they do it for free
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feels great knowing that despite there being a dozen tranny and faggot thread you seething cumbrains can't help but post in the one hate thread. chuds literally living rent free in your mind.
you really think about trans people every day and every second, don't you? (i think i should say that im a cis straight male, so you dont say that im a tranny and kill myself)
What’s the name of this tranime? I ain’t even gonna watch it, I wanna find the intro song
Idk man as a tourist I find some of these kinda funny, like I like those chud vs troon soijack ones. I don’t like those surgery vids
yeah, you guys sure are one to talk about a group of people living rent free in one's head. I'm just here to sage and disrupt your safespace
Yuru yuri.
Daily reminder that the impact of HRT for white nerdy males is the same as crack cocaine for black Americans.
I suppose you're talking about your experience, that's really interesting.
No, it's widely accepted objective fact. The only ones who live in denial of said fact are coomers and troons.
difference being, crack didn't prevent the nignogs from breeding.
The faggots that run this site for the glowniggers love queers and abusing kids. Shocker. Fucking beaner jannies.
Who even makes these threads?
Could it be the lonely chuddies that don't even know any trans people?
Can anyone explain why they're allowed to make so many threads at once, all about basically the same thing?
You mean all those BBC faggot threads?

The discord troons of course.
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Same reason you're allowed to make these sad threads you newfag cunt
There's not even that many of them at once, well done on outing yourself as going into those threads and wanking your willy to them
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You will never be a woman
Anyone got the webm of the interview where the lady says thats trans peoples parents are the worst because they have nothing to lose because they have destroyed their children
yeah no fuck his little pussy disclaimer at the beginning. if you're gonna say something, either hit hard or shut the fuck up. no inbetweens.
wtf are you talking about, those bars went hard
I sincerely hope you kill yourself janny who's reading me
piece of shit
kys troon
why do you do this?
Are you a troon?
A faggot?
A jew?
A nigger?
what's your interest?
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It's crazy how they think cutting their dick off for Pfizers makes them a resistance fighter of some sort. Truly the system's most useful idiots.
you know what's the most pathetic? It's that they will act so smuggy and sassy here, to act strong, but if you know them a little, they're the most depressive, unstable, unhealthy, mentally ill, fragile people.
They literally blame you for not acknowledging their "gender" or subscribe to their bullshit because it can lead them to kill themselves.
The trans subreddits are an absolute different story than
>"so chud? u mad? lol"
They're all at a hair's breadth to kill themselves, they're the most unhappy people on earth, they literally have to gather and continuously repeat themselves coping bullshit such as:
>you're amazing!
>you're unique!
>you matter!
>you're beautiful (while they look like disgenic monstrosities, obviously male)
to avoid killing themselves or just be depressed.
Most can't work, a lot get homeless because they're terrible at organizing their life, constantly depressed etc. They're literal wieghts for society, but somehow you have to submit because if not you're an intolerant bigot and deserve to die and are responsible of their misfortune.
To conclude, they act sassy here but their speech is literally "tell me I'm a woman or I'll kill myself !" and admit they're fragile and constantly depressed, that living as a troon is hell.
So yeah, troon, you can act all you want there, I know how you are in private. You aren't fooling anyone here.
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They cope online in their little troon bunkers and try and spread their misery to others
>guys im thinking about trannies again
>guys I posted 20 tranny and nigged threads today but you're the obsessed one
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Lots of seething faggots itt. Good job OP
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How does it feel seething over this particular thread? Why bother if you feel confident that you're "winning"?
Got animaniacs parody?
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>>27596160 (especially YOU)
Bro the way trannies and fags reproduce is by touching children. The rates might be on par but to claim otherwise is naive at best and ignorant at worst.
how much is the tranny killer 9000? does it only kill trannies or does it kill the other member of LGBT?
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well, you are the closeted one, not me
someone please rape and murder this fucking whore
once intention was brought up to question... the silence to respond leads me to believe jew or russian
>give us what we want or we'll kill ourselves
>you want us dead you are a fascist
Always incredibly funny that they think fascist just means authoritarian, while they constantly argue for an omnipresent universal militaristic world order that kills you for saying anything about jews or darkies. We tried free speech, we tried being nice to non-whites and all kinds of degenerates, and they have only wanted to kill us in return for that, next time we get the chance, there won't be any mercy, like Augustus didn't give any to his enemies after seeing what they did to his spiritual father Julius Caesar.

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