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Needs some yakity sax treatment.
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This does not in any way qualify as rekt.
anyone have the one of the shaman falling off the cliff while his tribesmen just watch?
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yours neither faggot, its a youtube clip so fuck right off nigger.
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At that height hitting the water is like hitting concrete
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when did look left, look right become a non existent thing
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wamen moment
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So No U...
One shot charlie, hes got a <10% chance of survival. The position of his arms indicated brainstem dislocation or a bleed.

thank goodness the police were there
rice nigga was dancin
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Thread ruined. STUPID CUNT
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The based area defender returns!
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looks deliberate. because if they were u-turning they would've gone onto the sidewalk considering their turning radius and also the fact they came nearly to a stop after blocking all the lanes.. and the thing is the impact didn't even look that hard. perhaps they were faking the injury being worse than it was, or, they were knocked out, or they somehow broke their neck in a freakish way.
Wtf happened?
Where was this?
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Thanks for uploading this without sound so that other faggots will save it and continue to upload it without sound, very inspiring.
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Why do they punish thieves with hand shots so much, are they really this retarded
>hmm this person is stealing rather than doing manual labor or something
>we should make sure he can never work again, surely he won't ever steal again
retarded spics
the reaction really confirms he's getting bullied
>what the FUCK did you do
after everyone saw the provocation
my ex gf had a huge wound in her knee after falling from a skateboard, and one in the palm of her hands too
I was never one to skate without using at least clothes so I couldn't figure how could a simple fall from a skate cause those wounds but now I see
she travels a solid 20 cms on her knee in this video, I'm guessing my ex had something similar happen to her.
I will never understand people who get off on smells but then again I've always had the real thing so I guess I didn't need to long for female aromas
that being said why tempt fate and go for more and more sniffs if you've already got lucky the first... three times
this guy was asking for it.
for once the dude on the bike was behaving like a civilized person and still gets hurt on an accident lol
I will never understand people that prefer them over cars
the people doing the punishments are gang members do you think they care if the person they are punishing will be able to do honest labor later
I don't speak portuguese but the little I can gather they are being punished for being spies either to a rival gang or to police.

this one was because she stole 4 bucks (in brazilian money... it's like, seventy cents of dollar)
Some concrete just flew over my house
he'll be saying his L's correctly from now on
Did he died?
That's robbery and assault and battery. I wonder of this kid got prison time. The robbery charge would put him away for a long time.
Bro just have the girl give you a handjob are spice really this stupid
When you accidentally emote and can't cancel it.
chad suit
File: BothKneesFuckedup.webm (2.86 MB, 1280x720)
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>The sound the drum makes
ooooo dat nigga hit his face
biker at fault

>has a power rack
>the purpose of which is to allow you to do a variety of exercises
>allows to insert rods to be able to spot yourself
>benches inside of the power rack
>uses rests to create a rack
>does not use holes to add safeties so that he can spot himself and bench safely
>this retarded shit happens
At some point there is no excuse for the insane stupidity
why the fuck don't people put safeties in place so you don't fucking kill yourself? I swear the extra inch or so of range of movement you'll lose isn't worth a crushed trachea
File: WineBottleToTheHead.webm (3.4 MB, 720x620)
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such a satisfying bonk noise. Also what is it with ghetto blacks? Why are they always so aggressive? What sparks being a piece of shit such as they are? Also, depending on how that bottle broke,that went from hitting a man with a bottle to a possible murder charge with the wine bottle head.
Ngl, I feel bad bcuz it seems like they genuinely just retarded kids. Like, the girl seemed so emotionless that I feel like the probably didn’t deserve that and this is just some group of community thugs who go around claiming “debts” and torture people
It's why I never understood how the average citizen in these countries doesn't get their hands on a gun of their own, legal or not. The criminals fucking have them and they've shown they're willing to use them to hurt others. Fuck that. Put down the criminals like the trash they are and don't call the cops, let their bodies just be found because you'd get in trouble otherwise.
You gotta keep your mind on your money and your money on your mind anon
File: ZeroAwareness.webm (1.61 MB, 640x360)
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fucking bikers think they own the road
that's actually a really terrible way to gut a rabbit - if you fuck it up in the slightest you rupture the internals and then you've got rabbit meat smothered in bile and shit.

cut the head and paws off, skin it, then just cut it open and take everything out.
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>Simp sees girl and assumes she did nothing wrong
American incel moment
I was actually a few blocks further down from where this video was filmed. Basically what happened is there was a gas station on fire already and it got out of control fast when your mom walked by and farted.
Why are Americans so naive? Do you really think gang members care about rehabilitating their victims?
Unc was doing too much.
ah, yes, the nigger-go-round
>Phone dropped
>Nigger doing nigger thing
Right on fucking cue.
>I will never understand people that prefer them over cars
Car to big, bicycle too small.
I dont own one but i understand why sometimes you just need *less*.
americans arent about rehabilitation either, only punishment. anon must be europoor
damn he felt bad at the end. Its not really his fault but still.
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Happened to me once
did you live?
Funniest one I've seen
What's the story?
Isn't this a cumtown bit lol
FACT! 90% of sneaky butt sniffers stop right before the girl farts
Yeah, I stood up and left, was too embarrassed to have a word with the driver nothing was broken
he got too greedy
dumbass, u could have sued and got some free moneys
>Give my ass a little kiss
Should have double masked
idk man, seeing that naked land whale pretty much wrekt my boner
Should have pulled out his gun and shot the guy in the white car for not putting their foot off the fucking gas.
also in an event of a collision like in pic related you're 100% fucked not to mention any seasonal weather ruins your plans
Its fine, he drove away and I was like wellp.
I am starting to consider one simply due to economic factors. They are cheaper than any car even if bought new, and they get MUCH high MPG compared to a car, at least my current one. I prefer driving a car because I feel much safer in it but depending on how things go in the coming years I might end up driving a motorcycle.
Dumbass, the guy was jogging straight at him. Even if he didn't assume any hostile intent his ass should have reacting in some capacity.
low IQ
she looks so pretty afterwards
Fuck out of my god damned fucking..? area motherfucker!
Gets me every time
Bikers really need to learn to share the road
Coworkers. The woman rat out the old guy for embezzling the company
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owner and dogs should be be shot dead and left to rot in a ditch
It's just called the nig-o-round
the cat lived and the dog was a nigbull

He blew through a marked pedestrian crossing. I'd love to hear you or him argue "it wasn't his fault" with the police.
1. That's a fucking horrible pedestrian crossing.
2. She needs to pay attention before she crosses.
3. Driver was going 40 easily and made no attempt to stop for pedestrian. That dude will never see light again.
At that height, hitting water is like hitting nerve gas
Dead cause he couldn't wait an extra 3 seconds
he was talking about the guy filming who slowed down and stopped first you dumb fuck
Black dude needs to leave. When cops shows up, he getting arrested first.
Better to have someone die then to have them live to sue. He was in distraught and had the perfect excuse to finish the job.
I don't know what's more cringe, the neanderthal grunting or the nig nog contributing nothing but dumb ass "oh shit" mouthing
People whose whole personality revolves around how "swole" they are or filming themselves working out aren't exactly playing with a full deck

I know we all guffaw at the SpazLord going full-gorilla on the dude but I've always wondered how bad the dudes injuries were. I mean we're talking nearly 20 unprotected shots to the dome, and that's AFTER being suplexed straight to the floor.
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File: Gunshotted.webm (880 KB, 464x360)
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>kept advancing towards the guy with the gun
>get shot
>impersonate the fat nigger in Watchmen after getting splashed with french fry oil
> impersonate the fat nigger in Watchmen after getting splashed with french fry oil
Lmao I thought I was the only one who thought that
What's the background story to this? Was it because the other dudes were sick of this fatass being lazy all the time?
how the fuck are you going to steal if you have no hands
Fuck that biker
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i love how he just released such a massive fart at 0:32
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i dont think this guy was even knocked out, i think he just genuinley went to sleep
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Bitch got fucking scalped
>Its not really his fault but still.
So you see a truck stopping completely next to a crossing. Yet its not his fault?

Nice going retard. You must be american
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Good goy
kek yes just shoot the cartel if they come knocking. you're so stupid it hurts
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This is not a rekt. The guy was lucky that boat caught him, because everyone on 4cjhan knows that hitting water is like hitting concrete.
I mean one look at that guy should let you know that you shouldn't let him in your taxi. Deserved.
Shame they failed. Cats are an invasive african species and should be eliminated like all african immigrants.
but its security glass... how did it cut him so bad lol
The camera guy honks his horn as a signal she should cross. She waves in acknowledgement but doesnt even look st the other lane
>he felt bad at the end
As opposed to what? Feeling good? Okay even? "Wow I just watched someone get hit/hit someone. I'm feeling pretty okay about this!"
What the fuck else are you going to feel when you witness someone die right in front of you? God, you're such a retarded NPC. That should've been you in the crosswalk instead of a decent functioning human being.
>Carousel of Nogress
whats really neat is he holds the broken bottle and actually cuts his face in the final punch after the bottle breaks. Lol he wasnt having it
This is why I never ride with other people lol. There are so many giant fucking retards who have no idea what they're doing and will wreck you.
Anyone got the video where the cat in a cage gets set on fire?
Tbh that is womens main power. And why they get away with murder
lmao you can tell he's just waiting for an excuse and wanting him to say nigger but decides to just chimp out at "n-word"
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>magically returns at :25
completely wrong, they just stole something
>land whale
found the incel. never seen a naked woman outside of a screen have you?
thats not a fart, probably a combinaiton of him screaming and gasping for air. sounds kinda like a baby deer getting eaten
Ignoring the troll comments, the biker is probably at fault here. If you honk at someone on the road and cause them to run a red light, you're at fault for their accident. The biker was probably doing something distracting to the driver, or maybe was menacing them or something.
Vilest and cruelest thing ive ever seen
>woman just stands around and waits for her turn to get mugged
imagine losing because you did a gay emote
That’s hot
Also checked
when you see kaotic in the corner you know its the good shit
The lives of others are so meaningless to me that Id hope the biker died over due to the slight inconvenience a fender bender would cause. My car isn’t that important to me (it’s 12 years old, and I commute in a different vehicle owned by my employer). Even so, people in general have proven themselves so inconsiderate and so retarded that a few hours of my time should result in their death.
Motorcycles fault, as usual. Speeding around a blind corner resulted in an accident and, hopefully, their death. The red car didn’t see anyone before turning, so they proceeded through the intersection.
what are these creatures??
Damn. It’s almost like being a generic fat shirtless Mexican with a shaved head didn’t help him at all.
you monster frisbee
The famous trad Russian wife
>the only pyramids blacks have built.
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What are they even doing to her?
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I have a theory.

For literally thousands of years, most men were farm labor. They learned how to operate a farm, from growing crops to raising animals, and maintaining farm equipment even as it changed throughout the centuries. Very few worked as craftsman.

During the Industrial Revolution, men who would have been guiding a plow horse (or whatever) moved into cities and started working in factories. They’d take items from conveyor belts and put them in boxes, pull levers, and again, maintain some equipment. This actually increased the pool of skilled craftsman, which is why houses from the late 19th century are often so stylish and well built.

Sometime after WW2 things went awry. Farms have long been industrialized, and what little farm labor is needed is imported from Mexico. Manufacturing was automated or shipped overseas. As such, our labor force largely shifted, which is my so many men are now working in various skilled trades.

The issue is they either lack the intelligence for the job or the innate skills associated with it. Men who’s intellect and talents qualify them for picking strawberries or operating a hydraulic press simply aren’t cut out for repairing the front porch gingerbread on my 1911 craftsman style home. Most don’t even know what gingerbread is.

But that’s the only kind of job they can get. They either work repairing things for their betters or starve to death. The guy in the video might be a decent enough man but is probably downright retarded. He’d be much better off working as a farmer, but it’s an impossibility.
Sorry for the shitty edit don't have the original
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at that concrete hitting height is like hitting water
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Had no choice but to ride on straight roads.
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Why do you assume tradesmen are dumb, or for that matter, why do you assume educated people are intelligent? Both are replete with midwits that are just smart enough to do the job and repeat after their teachers. All it takes to get a degree these days is being able to regurgitate what you are told, they dont teach critical thinking. On the other end, tradesmen get paid well. If they dont want to sit in an office, they can pick up a skilled trade in a year or two, costing less than a degree, with apprenticeship included, and come out making high 5 figures. University does not make you any less a cog in the machine, it just makes you arrogant enough to act like you arent. The ultimate difference though is that uni grads are high in conformity, while tradesmen are far more independent.
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FUCK. almost felt that
you should have exit strategy in mind before starting shit like that
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its hard to consider such people sane
What was she even trying to do
never saw story for this one. hope the perp ended up being only casualty
There is no loss in range of motion. That is pure cope. Just look at this video. His chest is much higher than his neck. The safety bars would sit above the neck and below the chest. When he failed the lift, he could have brought the bar to his chest then rolled it toward his neck, and onto the safeties.

For incline bench and squat it’s even easier, as the safeties don’t have to be as “fine tuned.”
wild jogger appears!
any idea what was hanging between his legs?
Man phoning the ambulance got a 200digit pin lock on his phone?
File: Perfect diversion.webm (951 KB, 1280x720)
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animals. esp blue one is straight trying to kill him the whole time
whatever was left of his dick and balls. not much apparently
Bro looks ready to be put in the coffin after this
me when i find todd howard in public
there's a reason their countries are underdeveloped shitholes
the biker had an entire lifetime to slow down and stop. he is retarded
How tf do you know you have the right target, they in a clean room AND they're all chinks
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Indian rat spies should get shot in the face and dirty losers that come from other countries just to be scum rat spies should have their children killed in front of them death to spies death to their whole family I wish I could personally slit the necks of folthy sellout trash spying losers and watch then die

fucking DIE

>that head bleed
It is over
dr fenceberg penis removal surgery
Bro literally got lost in the sauce
i am living in your walls
hope this thread happens to the loser who keeps sending retarded sack of meat to spy for them die you worthless voice in some losers ear die you fucking sack of shit eyeball behind the camera staring at a screen I hope everyone you know like you gets their family beheaded so FILTHY life invading terrorists like you can ALL DOE
Alright last one for now. Will be back to post more later if this thread is still up
Take your meds you stupid faggot. Nobody gives a shit
No Abu Hajar?
aids infected elephant kys
Nah you should die and only you
i am living in your walls
And people will call you a pussy for using a gun to defend yourself when they start swinging.
Ain't no way I'm letting my head get stomped on.
>you goin to jail now
never not hilarious
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Pakistani seethe, fresh squeezed.
Either you get assaulted by a coward and learn or you become a jannie and seethe for eternity
just the new breed of young corrupted scum meat for some loser to use playing out their games
Women fighting, men get hurt.
Just noticed that he checked his gun way before the other guy escalated.
Something fishy about this.
imagine just hating one race when the problem is the scum inside the exterior
lol fucking MacGayver with the buttplug shiv
Mostly peaceful.
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smell that stinky pussy
inhale that pungent potent stank
breath at musky strong aroma
>rooftop private gym
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So why just hate one race? There a whole panoply of races to hate!
>I will never understand people who get off on smells but then again I've always had the real thing so I guess I didn't need to long for female aromas
Are you saying that people who have sex do not like the smell of ladyparts? That doesn't make any fucking sense. I'd actually say it sooner works the opposite way. Since I started to have sex I've developed a larger appreciation and psychological connection to the smell of a female.
just a good man taking out the trash.

that whore was a string pulling bitch handler for puppet spies and killers pretending to be real people.

glad she got what was long overdue >>27596977
Happy Father's day fedboys!
Wtf was she doing? A 100 rep set with just the cable and her ass sticking out as much as possible?
imagine shooting someone over a water valve
>what you get for being a good boy

meanwhile the killers the dealers the money stealers reach the top
> I got run over once
> did you live
> yeah

Something tell me that you may not be the sharpest chisel in the set.
Your sheltered life is showing.
If you fuck anything up, it's fucked up... you can fuck it up by gutting it the regular way too, doesn't mean it's a bad way.
hey look a spy getting what they deserve didn't mind their own business didn't keep to themselves got into a game of being nothing but garbage to the world
How fucking fast was that moran going? The front end disintegrated.
Hitting a boat from that height is like hitting concrete.
>barely able to move
>barely concious
>unarmed and poses no threat
>no desire to fight, or even defend himself
>i, as a black man, feel the strongest urge to rob and assault this man while shouting racial slurs
predictable nigger brains are predictable
I think it's like hitting a boat, dumbass
Well, if he wasn't late before he's late now.
based on the file name, putting hot peppers in her man cave
hey look he caught a rat piece of shit internet "hero" irl so much for the power of digital rat trash in person
hope this was the daughter of some big shot and she got reformed with brain damage payback from God for the sins of the father. wipe her ass and suffer loser
I hate I see the DOT billboards or hear commercials on the radio talking about to pay attention and watch out for motorcycles. Yea, car divers can be assholes but motorcycle drivers are way fucking worse and dangerous. I'll barely have a car length in decent traffic between me and the person in front yet the motorcycle dickheads will still weave through and cut the next guy off in the other lane. I hate driving next to them in case they hit a pothole and fall in front of me and I run them over.
> owns a cage
> doesn't put stop bars in
> vanity lift training alone
He'd only be stupider if he'd also set himself on fire beforehand.

As a gym owner: can confirm.
wish I could do that to the cancer that haunts my life I'd stay and watch them face to face DIE
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it's a shame people have kids knowing they become whores that get plowed every night lick suck fuck nasty filth
daddies girl grew up well
>insurance fraud
There was one i remember seeing several years ago where a guy was driving a van to pick up two people. It was cold and they were both wearing hoods. The guy parked and the one was walking with her head down and konked her head into the rear windshield and the driver was laughing hysterically. Was pretty funny. Only saw it that one time.
>sitting on your property
>invaders come and try to kill you

here's this dumb fucking retard
(You) not seeing the real issue

kill yourself idiot fuck
What was he expecting to happen..
When I use power or squat racks I always use the safety bars. I even watched videos on how to successfully bail doing front/back squats without hurting myself just in case. Which I have bailed and never hurt myself because I use the pins and care about not fucking up my body.
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hope that sissy faggot bitch grew a pair and killed that asshole for assaulting him over exhaled hot air. glad that ain't me kuz I would have killed that loser for touching me
I seriously need a payback arc for that golem
once two innocent children, look at the glory of being made in God's imagine
his steroid dealer is going to be upset
they found the whore who wanted it all to go down and who talked the nog into doing it then killed her
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How do you know he was irish?
hope the children of true vermin do this to their parents since they the ones that corrupted them into being the cancer of humanity
baldie was dying to shoot the other guy, you can see him checking and preparing the guy way beforehand. Probably threw some insults to the other guy to rile him up and provoke so he'd be "justified". Fucking worked too cause I hear he only got 3 months or something
pride b4 the fall
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maybe the next dick that bitch has stuffing her will learn not to start with others
God, that must have been SO relieving in the moment.

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Holy shit I would cum buckets if I were given this situation
He shot him like 8 times and the video shows he premeditated his actions
Its poland in Szczecin
She died and emergency services that arrived didnt even try helping her because she was so obviosuly mangled after the fall
Another POV showing her getting out, there are rumors she was making a tiktok challange video https://x.com/TygodnikAngora/status/1587706792330641414?lang=en
I wish there was a board that was exclusively automobile rekts (tire rekts are the best)
Anyone got the brick flying through the window and killing the driver's wife next to him? Final destination shit.
Theyre not good enough that we need a board for them
There's a blood trail coming from the cop/security guard when he runs behind the counter.
If we ever get a new board it should be a containment thread for all the BBC, fag and tranny shit that plagues this one
he showed her his hardon - she laughed, said her 12 year old brother was bigger. She took a photo
everyone in the office laughed at his tiny boner
I love tranny baseball bat sex
tranny sex is great
I live a few miles from this guy apparently.
NEVER ride into something made of steel
Jeff Bezos vs John McAfee
I remember seeing someone say they should just make a /porn/ board for random porn so they fuck off from b and also gif
I need moar
Nice trips. Was this just the usual suicidal tendencies cyclists appear to have or was there a plan?
Parachute didn't deploy afaik
Seeing this is like Christmas Morning.
Where is this why is there a troo flag?
This isn't criminal justice and reform, its gangs sending a message not to cross them or else.

Seriously, why do you think these people just let themselves be tortured/executed?
Because if they resist it'll be even worse.
I didn't get ran over I got hit
Seriously? What is the backstory of this
You know he didn't, if he was unable to do anything but sit there and take it the first time then he is too cowardly to do anything the next time as well.
this is fake there are no gunshots and you can clearly see she is smiling
you sick fucks posting shit like this need to get a life
Whole new meaning to firecrotch
i'm sure they've been arguing a lot and someone probably told him well hey if he's on your property and takes a swing at you, you can legally shoot him
Every month or so I have a walker or driver to my right look to their own right instead of left in my direction, where the traffic is coming from. They are all lucky I was paying attention to them actively not paying attention.
fucking zoomers
It's as if they believe the person will die if they lay still on the ground waiting for an ambulance and the only way to save them is to shake them awake.
Nigga flew too close to the sun
The guy was an actual threat so the woman cop wasn't in a position to mistakenly pull her gun and kill him. Only innocent people.
>something something stole xanax from roomates and is high on them
Its funny they never stop to realize there is no point to any of this, it's going to continue forever, nothing they do will ever make a dent in the problem, and their homeland is meaningless and not worth defending, but instead should be annexed and have its natural resources used to support civilized nations.
He has the CTE of a grizzled UFC veteran aged 40, or a 26 year old NFL player.
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You basically didn't say anything in that whole rant
I think you repeated "people dumb" in different ways
Aaaaand unconscious in 15.....14.......13.....

40 seconds maximum for anyone with tourniquet knowledge to save his life, otherwise, game over.
the honker is to be legally held accountable here, at least where im from
Dude... stop it!
For me the best part is the monkey chose what he was going to be attacked with, unintentionally. The wine bottle being used is the one he knocked off the counter.
Good catch!
Or just dont do these faggot ass unnatural lifts and do some real exercising for once
the glass was acting in self defense
why the fuck would you struggle inside that cramped space when the nigger already has his knife ready to stab?
I've had neighbors that deserve this
>nice trips
God I can't imagine what it's like to be such a needy little faggot that you participate in every single epic maymay and lack the self-awareness to realize it's only like 2% of you.

Yeah man, sequential numbers are so impressive. You know 333 comes after 332 and before 334, right? Are you aware that that number -has- to occur? And that someone didn't choose it or do anything to get it? Right?
Even if the bike was speeding it is still the car drivers fault.
morons from the planet Mors
Madam, please calm down.
someone please tell me the baby survived. I can't... :(

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