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post stabbings & slashings, any knifery will do
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How much would it cost to pay a cartel to take care of these women? I wonder if that's a feasible way of getting justice in those shithole countries.
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Lo Wang aiming for the subclav artery then proceeds to toss would-be robber to the ground like a piece of trash.

dude's an assassin
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prolly bout tree fiddy
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Community Service!
What the fuck dude...DRIVE OFF!
Religion of Peace?
Ikr bro really started going on about his stupid car
This is just so sad and depressing.
Did they arrest the murderers?
Yes. Also the cop who took down the white guy who was trying to subdue the Muslim and was subsequently stabbed in the neck by said Muslim died from his injuries. Retard probably thought the stories of white people attacking Muslims were true and thought he was witnessing one.
The first right time to drive off was when he saw a bunch of hooligans rushing toward his car. The second time was when one entered and the others were trying to attack him and destroying his car in the process. He would've saved himself from some damage if he didn't let them break his shit and stab the guy bloody in his car.
"Im dead", this aint no videogame kid. And even if he survived, hes gonna do a dime. What a fucktard.
Fuck that driver, holy shit. DRIVE YOU DUMBASS. Then he starts whining about his car but he could've prevented some of the damage by literally driving away. Hmm, my passenger is getting attacked by multiple people from both sides of the car, let me just keep my car, that apparently is so precious and important to my livelihood, absolutely still. This vid needs to be added to a "Rage-inducing vids" comp.
A retarded gorilla died, and a couple of dumb fucks will go to jail. Holy shit and they say violence isn't the answer. We should encourage subhumans to act like subhumans while we live far from them that is.
what a fucking retard (the driver)
Did the chinck guy went to jail? That's clearly not justified.
Gee you fucking faggots better buy me a car if it isn't such a big deal to you, I'lll give you my ppal account.
One bitch almost hit the only guy who was going to help, kek.
these are the kinds of people that we are letting pour into our country and that every commercial is encouraging white women to have sex with.
Weird how the manliest guy in that place was the knife-wielding coward short foreign guy.
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tree fiddy?
You're not getting a new car if the window broke what kinda of woman logic is that?
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Ah... London...
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>kinda of
opinion disregarded
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Live by the Knife

And die by the Knife
imagine being in a fight for your life and your only hope is just like

>OOOoooowwww.... mya da caaarrr

>oh... oh noooo

>everythiiiiing... ohhh
ill buy u a knife in the ribs

ppal nao
lmfao at him contemplating his decisions and imminent death like he didn't just bum rush into it
I'll be the licked the knife clean afterwards.
>uncle drive
>drive uncle
>drive the car coo
>drive uncle
>>oh my god pls
>uncle drive
>uncle drive
>uncle drive pls
>>my everythin car broke
>uncle fast pls
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I'll be for that and this too even my nill
DA didn't charge. You can see from the video he cut off Jackie Chans only possible escape, he tried to deescalate by telling them to take the money and go.
is it normal for brits to call taxi drivers uncle?
europeens have district attorneys?
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It was in LA, they're not going hjorka borka.
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That smoke shop robbery happened in Las Vegas.
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That's dumb and wrong though.
They were so not even remotely committed to that robbery.
yeah jus about tree fiddy
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You're dumb and wrong
probably the best video on the internet. this guy is legit a hero and should have been rewarded.
Legitimate hero

Like a sims character. Also checked.
Best video on the internet. Coward dying a cowards death.
If he went to jail for defending himself that would make that country's law retarded.
no, not taxi drivers. its used mainly by brown ppl to other brown ppl. Like how blk ppl in usa call each other "brothas"
"My car is everything broken" IT IS BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T DRIVE OFF YOU FUCKING RETARDED PIECE OF SHIT CUNT. FUCKING RETARD I swear thjis guy should be beaten up because of how stupid he fucking is. How can a human being be THIS stupid.
Nuke the countries with hydrogen bombs and replace the former population with anyone with an iq over 90 and relatively white skin
Driver was a shitjeet
I never thought I'd see irl Clarence Boddicker death
Man knives are fucking gnarly id rather get shot than stabbed by a nigger, but unfortunately I’m a europoor so no bullets for me
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the kafir deserved it, but what would a cuck like you know
with regard to everything else in the thread, beheading are likely the most humane method of death through a blade
what did he do to deserve getting stabbed after losing that fight? He wasn't really a threat to them anymore. Are Russians just subhuman?
this one is fake you retard, i haven't seen it posted in years
why are cumskins so violent?

I had to watch that a couple of times to find when the guy lost his hand. Guy's hand got chopped off at the beginning of the fight and heater picked it up off the floor.
Holy fuck you just know he got inspired off of some corny creepypasta. Never thought cold-blooded murder could be cringe.
the slant eye that stabbed him knew what he was doing. Quick stab to the leg like that possibly nicked and artery because damn that mofo bled out fast

Honestly with how rampant knife crime is in these countries, I'm amazed people just don't carry a gun, legal or not. Ain't no way in hell I'm just going to sign up for dueling some sand nigger to death with a knife, laws be damned.
zero survival instinct. you're telling me the stupid bitch couldn't at least to even pretend to fight back? Kid or not once knives get involved, I'm gonna break his fucking neck.
>just turns her back on the kid who literally stabbed her and is holding knives behind her
Women are just mentally handicapped children honestly.
That basedboy should've been stabbed to death purely for the crime of acting like a mentally challenged down syndrome Retard.
who was this guy. I found a bunch of shit about his gf for some reason but I don't get it, what did he stood for?
That's the typical american mentality. Cars are deemed "totalled" for any given dumb reason.
One of the reason I've learned telekinesis. I've used it on multiple occasion to stop a single stab wound from bleeding, buy me enough time to head to the hospital to be saved.
Imagine winning a fight and then your friend just runs up and starts murdering the guy. That would piss me off.
This isn’t shock, this is just Indian retardation that he deserves to be hung and beaten to death for while suspended for being a retarded Indian .
wtf is being said and whats the context
what happened
fuckin' robbing a vape shop...zoomers man. Also, the dude that got stabbed sounds like he thinks he's in a videogame and he's calling out enemies and shit to his teammate lol
Does anybody have that video of the two gook kids that get into a knife fight?
I used to not want to get stabbed but I am basipally a nigger at this point so if someone stabbed me I wouldn't even give much of a fuck
man i'd love context on that
I could take that shot.
Sucks to live in a world with no gun rights.
I was just thinking the same exact thing. Only difference is I actually have gun rights. Shame the law is so against gun owners that I would probably still go to jail.
i feel like advocating for carrying a gun and then getting stabbed are not contradictory actions. what's the point of the tweet?
his friend got him killed
Oh yeah. I live in freedomland too just saying... The stars would have to fucking align for me to not get prosecuted over saving that guy.
you gotta be shittin me
he's a white leftist who got murdered by one of his pets
to me it looks like some random black guy murdered him
Canadians are such losers jfc. Not a single person did anything but sit there and let yet another sand nigger go on a rampage with a knife (an item they're not allowed to carry btw because their country is run by cucks).
guess how white leftists view random black guys
"We're allies! I stand with you black brother!"
*fucking stabbed to death*
Wouldn't surprise me if his own girlfriend tried to get the nigger's sentence reduced or something
Notice this thread is all nonwhites? like all rekt threads
russians are not white they are pale due to snow and poor sunlight they are more chink than anything else.
bro so many chinx (like latinx) nice country the kikes won
They aren’t hitmen you can walk up to and ask things to.

They would kill you for asking that.
chill dude, not everyone wants to be a hero, but that dude in that webm made a big mistake in confronting the attacker in the first place
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>This man just got stabbed man
>This guy just stabbed him bro
>He's dead bro
>This guy just DIED BRO HOLY fuck!
>While filming it live right next to him not helping one bit
Zoomers are genuinely pathetic
does anyone know if the hospital was able to reattach the severed hand?
Well there are many cases of stabbing where the attacker is non-poc, it's just that the videos are rare
Asian guy should at least lose his job for resorting to violence so quickly, but shouldnt be arrested i think.
>Asian guy should at least lose his job for resorting to violence so quickly
nah, niggers get away with literally everything all the time and it's part of why CA is such a shit hole. They need to be reminded that if they want to be part of a civil society, they need to act civil.
The best way to win a knife fight is to not get in to one.
knife fights in real life are always a mess of who can make the other bleed out first and/or hit a vital organ first. I know this, but there is still a part of my brain that wishes for the knife fights from video games and movies. The Resident Evil 4 fight with Leon vs Krauser comes to mind. I remember dying on purpose in the game as a kid just to be able to play that part again.
He looked like he wanted to kill him anyway but his buddy knocked him out first. Hes takes the knife out right in the beginning
few years ago, couple of friends at a Russian airport. One was pissed off the other was late. That's it.
She tweeted something like that about how it wasnt really the black guys fault or something after they buried her boyfriend in some backyard kek
Railway station not airport

Thats so cucked, just let niggers run around with knives while avoiding eye contact so they dont stab me? id rather just shoot the nigger
Canadians are so gay
is someone getting stabbed to death just a normal occurrence to this guy, why is he so desensitized?
literal drones
It's weird how alike they look. They must be from the same village.
>are russians subhuman
why did it take you so long to figure this out?
How can they possibly run a business or any type of organization like that if simply asking for something in exchange for payment is deadly.
first of all the guy who was stabbed was a human being, and probably just some kid too, not a “nigger”, and I think if you unironically are racist or call people niggers I think you are close to inhuman. So your opinion shouldnt really count for anything. However I would give the guy who stabbed him the benefit of not going to jail, because since it was a robbery it was not a normal situation, the guy didnt go out looking to commit a crime, the robber did. But he didnt have to resort to violence and the kid that got stabbed couldve been punished another way so that a mother doesnt lose her son because of a petty robbery. You on the other hand, you sound like a violent person yourself and I think you should be locked up for being a racist piece of shit.
Literally just lock your doors and all of this is avoided. It's amazing that people still leave their doors unlocked. Just. Lock. The Door.
He just randomly assaults this black guy for no reason other than he felt unsafe (why because the guy was black?). Luckily the black guy had a knife for self defense and protected himself from the random unprovoked assault. No wonder random people were hesitant to help after he randomly starts beating up an innocent man minding their business.
that being said if the kid died i dont really feel so bad for him as much as i do the mother. Theres just something that pisses me off about people who scream like a bitch and beg for their life.
They seem like white guys trying to be black
Guy probably has aids or some sti and put his own blood on the knife first then goes around stabbing everyone he sees once.
Probably some nonsense they heard from their psychologist "when Grody is having a hyperactive episode just remember to ignore him, dont give him the attention he craves till he calms down then you can talk it out"
>lets just turn our backs on him, clear the table
Grim how 3rd worlders are. Tourniquet could easily be applied
Notice how he avoided filming the niggers face
T. Listens to his music on full blast
and disgusting.

I can't find the story. I really need to know if those murderes are in jail.
Crazy world.
>Female police dealing with a violent man.
When will they learn
Even so it pretty much looks like guy was getting mugged by a homeless man and sure everyone thought he was crazy so they avoided him. Just look at him and the way he stutters his speech, get a fucking haircut.
this is why in america the policy is to keep your distance and shoot the bastards trying to commit suicide by cop.
Damn, he would just have to pull his belt off and tourniquet his leg right then and there. Probably need help to get a good deal going, but the bugs made it clear they aint helping him.
How evil and menacing to listen to loud music in public... like every day I drive by people blasting music in their cars with the windows wide open. It should be a new law. If anyone listens to their music on full blast it is against the law for them to defend themselves from a random unprovoked ass kicking from a stranger.
White people suck at being niggers and you cry liberal like this?

Get help
I need the backstory
kek someones being stabbed to death in your car
>oh my god... my car is damaged :(
fucking retard
They are lower than subhuman
The point is he's a blm activist who lived in a fantasy world where right wing people (the ones who constantly warn about certain demographics) are the real threat to his and everyone's life. when in reality it was some random black guy who killed him, instead of some right wing chud, because obviously. Add on to that the girlfriend being absolutly no help in getting justice and you get this image of two incredibly weak people who exemplify the real world consequences of the brain virus that is white guilt and leftist ideoglogy.
really gotta hand it to him
if this is canada why is 90% of the train asian and the rest black?
nice i assumed he would have died. im confused tho, how is he saying he's finacially fucked after getting stabbed. i thought canada was this socialist state, dont you get workman's comp or disability or whatever?
>killing your friend for being late
what a fag. if your friend is constantly late just break up with your friend already and don't be an emotional bitch about it.
anything a man could do a woman could do just as well
they saw an asian and thought it was sweet
you're just like the MSM, always giving black criminals a different name
>just a kid
>hooded man
>subway menace
kek, the concept of hitman is mostly a movie thing. cartels aren't in that business unless they have a personal relationship with you maybe or already have connections aka you're also involved in shady shit. murder is a major crime that can easily be exploited by undercover feds if random people were able to "ask" them to do kill people. hits are generally an internal affairs rather then a business.

the only types of people that will do a hit for you are unhinged burnout morons or drug addicts who are guaranteed to get caught and rat you out and even those fags are more likely to just take your money and never talk to you ever again.
don't make bad friends
ayo whys he stab dey guy
LOL at the one guy who was like "Verily! I have been slain! This is truly is the end of me" The asian guy then said "shut up"
Then preserve your vehicle by driving. The attackers don't give a shit, they're trying to kill the guy in the car. I'll try to simplify it for you:

1. You say "fuck it, kill him just don't damage my car" they break your windows anyway, stab the dude to death and now you have blood, gore and a dead retard in your back seat. Good luck

2. You drive ASAP with the guy in your car, you maybe lose your windows, but now you don't have a corpse, gore or blood in your back seat.


3. you see 3 guys attacking the dude you just dropped off and you fucking GAS it and get out of there, no broken windows, no dead dude. But you're down an extra 250 bucks
You laugh but the shop keep made a sale that day kekeke
the guy that got stabbed was married lol
lowball 100 pesos
Takes a different breed of man to live in this world. Some 40K shit.
This is why empathy is a higher intelligence trait, not having it is a sign of the opposite.

Not only does compassion not set in to motivate you to drive away, self interest is lost on you as well.
The backstory is not enough father at home kicking the sh*t out of the boy.
If not better!
Like bleeding for example!
0:21 they should have shoot him before
Nice b8
Nigga sounds like Mario "ah a mamma Mia muh a car is a damaged"
Pakistani not Indian. If you are going to be racist be racist towards the right ethnicity
she couldn't leave him alone with his sister
Why should he, it would be better for him if his passenger died for dragging him into this.
He should not have driven, these retards owe him for dragging him into a knife fight they were meeting up to.
>Honestly with how rampant knife crime is in these countries, I'm amazed people just don't carry a gun, legal or not.
It's China dude, carrying a gun has a life sentence in the worst prisons on the planet.
It's not against gun owners, it's a against whites. If you cannot be honest about this, you will have your right to defend yourself reduced even more than it already is.
He was a “community activist/advocate/retard”. He tried to talk the nigger down from smashing some rent-a-scooters and the nigger turned on him and killed him. His girlfriend declined to press any charges and asked the state not to either. I think she also started a go fund me for the nigger. Your typically leftist bullshit.
his [intimidating walk] got him killed when it failed
just a prank bro
This little nigger worshipping faggot is in Vancouver. That isn't Canada, it's some homosexual commune in British Columbia.
...because it's Canada?
he said I'm here to spy and act against you for the games of my rat handler

>the only proper response
oddly enough this was like my dream last night death to life infecting parasitic scum fuck off and mind your own business
what you do to the rat loser that uses you as a target for their game
glorious thread when evey victim you see you simply turn into the losers that plague your life
makes me think of the stark contrast we have in the UK versus americans.
some guy and his 19 year old son were given life sentences recently for stabbing a guy who attacked them in when they went to defend their car he was trying to steal at 3am.
American police would've magdumped him by yesterday if he tried anything like that, say what you want about the police in burgerland but they don't struggle with situations like this.
this is what I wish I could do the rat loser who strings a bunch of puppets for their stupid game. utter worthless trash that shouldn't have been born now uses people like pawns
beautiful world to raise kids into
I'd pay ppl like him to put the rat loser who haunts me everywhere I go to death. ain't the fault of loser rats that just obey its the worthless loser telling them to do so who deserves to die
A hitman type business can only be birthed from a large crime organization itself. Read into Murder Inc. if you want a better idea of what it takes to have a business like that become a thing and how it would effectively operate. A normal civilian isn't hiring paramilitary to be their private police force just like they're not hiring hitmen to carry out vengeance on and enemy their behalf
In the US, you're fully allowed to defend yourself, your loved ones, and your property. If you can kill the attacker depends on the state. You'd get jail time in states like New York and Oregon but you'd practically get a handshake from the sherif in states like Texas and Wyoming as long as you were justified in using deadly force
what you two idiots don't understand that guy getting stabbed was a rat caught on his day off he got hit for being a snake two faced cunt that used people like pawns for his game, You dumbasses think your some heroic good guys?

the knife man was the good guy taking out the garage now shut the fuck up and watch without your stupid ass shallow opinions of right and wrong. he was scum and got what he deserved
A lot of eastern Europe is legitimately full of garbage tier humans. The kind that if they disappeared tomorrow in a flash pop the world would be a better place
good man critally stabbing the man then taking the whores life death to internet spying rats I wish they all get what's owed
ufff nice ass of that petit fille
two dudes in a genuine battle walking away with wounds scars and memories. how refreshing. no losers brainwashed into committing abomable acts against his fellow man just 1 v 1
The moment he got stabbed and stand and contemplating, he saw Death in front him and was like "Well, shit."
thanks for that jargon knowledge
literally retarded
push and push and eventually some rat sack of shit dies, not like it matters when you have an army of mindless retard slaved ready to take the place
you have to be 18 to post here
holy shit dude was playing music and you attacked him and got what you deserved. wow.
This guy did absolutely nothing wrong.
medical expert here they sowed it back on and he was good as new
He survived believe it or not. I think he lost his eye but he was interviewed by the news.
no you wouldn't. you're not even old enough to own firearms.
imagine being such a pathetic sack of shit you have a vendetta against innocent people. sounds like this retard was brainwashed into becoming & believing the lies he ate up.
Faker than my grandmother's orgasm last night
I assume this is German. Can someone please explain. It looks like a fat little Paki attacking a political party stand and killing two people including a cop before getting tazed.

But why?
poor girl thought she was going to make a difference only to have a cheif who's in bed with gangs and drugs dying for nothing
Vandalising lime scooters or any private app transport for techie hipsters is always a good thing. That a chick got stabbed and a bigger might go to jail is just icing on top
Good post
This guy did an AMA on fucking reddit after he did this and everyone was telling him to stfu and get a lawyer lol. Robber survived
>when you're in death danger and the only reliable person available is a literal dysgenic pajeet retard
Goddam I can't believe it
This nigger had the worst RNG
>His girlfriend declined to press any charges and asked the state not to either. I think she also started a go fund me for the nigger. Your typically leftist bullshit.
I see some retard on 4chan post this alot it always makes me laugh my ass off. Are you stupid? Are you even reading what you're writing? This isn't simple assault. You can't "decline to press charges" on behalf of someone else who was murdered, you fucking dipshit.
She tried to pick the suspect out in a lineup, and failed (because she was traumatised and scared shitless). That is what you have twisted into your stupid ass lie. It's genuinely impressive. Also where is the fucking fundraiser for the suspect? Would love to see it
That happened in colombia, and the sad part is you'd get arrested if you had legitimately defended yourself, harsher laws for criminals ain't a thing because most of congress would be in jail or dead so it's every man for himself to do justice and hope those retarded cops don't punish you for not doing their fucking job
oh you're that famous person called 4chan? Damn I'm glad to meet such legend!
She wasn't cheating on him. They were divorced, and he murdered her out of jealous rage. Quit making up bullshit
I can't stop laughing
the memes write themselves lmao
>cAn'T wAiT fOr bEiNg StAbBeD bY a SwEaT mEaT cHuD
deserv'd + kek'd + Darwin'd + karma'd
bud, thay cop did his jobs, it's the brownoid cops who didnt do shit that got him killed

were they fired for being incompetent idiots?

nah, muslim cops dont help white Germans
probably didn't want to make worse the fate of a quiet proud and already oppressed afroamerican
god bless her sweet heart
Dude let me know if this guy ever goes to Amsterdam to smoke weed, hope he likes spice
based and truthful
how can anyone even disagree with this post
the fact you didn't see the point of the tweet, and resumed it by "advocating for carrying a gun" shows not only how retarded but also how much of bad faith you are.
hope you follow your little friend in the webm.
Im glad internet is saving what TV is hiding.
All those people screaming , nobody doing a single step...
Bunch of retards, they maybe deserve it at the end
any arguments Joe Rogan ?
kek, nice one
This is why you should be fit. Look how that fatty was laid out by him, being put onto her back back onto her bed. This the best you can do in life or death? No core muscles to prop her up, just a big piece of meat ready for the butcher. If she had any strength or the capability to do a single situp, up she could've tightened up and either rolled backwards or start kicking her legs. It's FATTY FALL DOWN GO BOOM time though. Fat kills.
Absolutely, this one particularly kind of deserve that for that lack of basic instinct...
It's funny how in all the webms you see white people getting BTFO by Asians, Blacks, Muslims, Indians, etc. Whites really can't fight without guns, huh?
Cool, thanks for the clarification.
He was just being polite by waiting in case they wanted to stab him too.
People on a balcony are filming a guy without a tshirt getting stabbed in the neck by another guy wearing gloves, glasses and a hoody.
On a parking during a nice sunny afternoon.
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Why are you spamming this in as many threads as you can? At least put more effort.
>pay a cartel


And you’re retarded
Is there any way to survive something like that?
Be an Uber driver! Be your own boss! Totally safe! Especially on Saturday nights when the bars close.
What does he cut here? Looks like he slashes the ankle but then it seems to be half the foot hanging off.
>Americans can't even get into a taxi without being stabbed to death
Self-defense 101
Former El Pollo Loco chef
Walk away
He probably vote Left as media are not putting him down or they would have found some old reddit post and calling him a racist...
Yes, he climbed Diamond on his smurf during recovery.
Dude sitting at the patio table:

“Lemme just finish this latte and these delicious vanilla-orange scones before I traverse this bloody crime scene”
“Hey, can someone give me a hand?!”
Firstly are you an actual fag?

Secondly that is his store.

Thirdly no he didn't as this happened in America not Europe
“Excuse me sir? You’re bleeding profusely. You might want to lie down.”
Yes, but the surgeon reattached it to his dick.
Oh! So your dad is gay then.
is that a cop? could be wrong but looks like an Italian one
I don't think you know what telekinesis is..
When whites fight there are no survivors to tell the tale, simple as, nigger.
yeap. Stab wounds that are debilitating bleed a hell of a lot and there's nothing here
shit happened fast and he froze, most civilians would in a situation like that. adrenaline kicking in like that makes it hard to think, especially if the guy hasn't ever been in that sort of situation.
another black acting like the animal he is. they earned their reputation. need to deport all of those thug types of niggers and send them back to their "homeland".
he hit a major artery. the only way he could survive is if a doctor/surgeon/ems was right there next to him. the guy likely died seconds after hitting the ground
If he was a chink, people here would be calling him a subhuman bug for not trying to do something. The cognitive dissonance on 4chan is real.
Muslim driver, probably got 20 IQ to begin with lol
The guy getting stabbed is just saying "what are you doing" a few times and a random woman is pretty much saying the same thing.
Try to flex your foot as far forward/up as you can, as though you were trying to touch your toes to your shin. The thing which prevents you is the thick achilles' tendon, at the back of your ankle which runs down to your heel. When the tendon is cut, nothing prevents the foot from flopping around freely. The bone in that area is surprisingly minimal with mostly connective tissue holding things together, look at a skeleton around that joint--if you got a hard cut with a sharp blade, your foot would indeed be hanging half off.
This has to be bait, there's no way you're this stupid
Your kind cannot create, only destroy. God made your lands a desert because THAT is what you deserve.
Because Germany is cucked beyond belief
Why couldn't his mother name him something better like Oliver, Max, or Hugh G?
It's a nigger power move to blast music in a subway or bus or public space.
>nobody gon check me
Fuck niggers. Sometimes they get checked.
Aforementioned brainrot, that's how they disagree
This is not even funny, fuck you
I see a doctor, a lawyer, a pile of erudite meat and gore. LET THEM IN.
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wise anon, you are too good for this place.
Not on your own. You'll pass out pretty fast, but you can have a 2nd party reach into your neck and pinch your artery if they can find it. Then you have like 10mins to get to a hospital at risk of brain damage the whole time.

Look up Clint Malarchuk. Vietnam vet saved him.
Based esper dabbing on stabcucks with his mind
Because there are violent people surrounding the vehicle and trying to kill someone you moron. Are you literally retarded? It's about preserving himself and his shit as well, do you seriously think it's better to sit still and let a bunch of guys break your car's window and murder someone with you witnessing defenselessly right next to them? Every day I am astounded at the stupidity of people on this site.
You are the point of it all. Being utterly incapable of seeing what is plain in front of your face because you don't even want to anonymously accept the truth. Fucking wild world we live in
You don't know that in the moment, you only see someone being murdered. What kind of person is going to debate whether they were guilty of a sin when they witness a crime like this taking place?
I don't think I would be able to be a cop, if I survived a guy trying to kill me and smiling like that I would make sure to end his life
This. He specifically targeted an area. Really getting tired of seeing how little earthers defend one another. Maybe in .5% of all these videos you see a hero intervening
>girlll powaa-ACK
I feel the same
uhhh don't try to charge the guy clearly brandishing a weapon??
This sort of npc behavior where you just stare at crime/injured person is spreading too because of the browning of the world, soon Australia and Canada are going to be just like this followed by everywhere else. Grim shit but hopefully I'll be dead by then.
>relatively white skin
but then you'll just fill the country with pedophiles, trannies, and mass murderers?
also dont you see the irony that you are advocating for mass murder?
that's why you always carry a samurai sword
we create mutt babies with your women
Sure if any of his buddies didn't immediately run off instead of checking on him, they could've pinched the artery shut. But then again they all seem to have double digit IQs so they'd probably just say some stupid shit like "OH SHIT BRUDDA" and watch him die.
I was about to mention the same thing. Clint Malarchuk was a goalie who had his artery cut by a skate and was spouting blood on the ice. One of the trainers got to him quick, fingers in the wound and pinched off the artery and held it until they got him to hospital.

the live broadcast

and the news story with his interview in the hospital
I'm glad I know to pinch it shut myself now.
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It's cool plebs, I'll post a video so you can all keep having your circle jerk.

Talking is for nerds, stabbing is for chads
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omae wa

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Russia is the perfect example of why war is Dysgenic.
War disproportionately claims the strong, the brave, the loyal, the intelligent.
The best men in a culture will answer the call to defend their people and some will inevitably die. In Russia's case, it lost an entire generation of men during WW2.

Who survived from that generation?
The cowardly, the incompetent, the stupid, the weak, the rats that evaded conscription or were too useless to serve even as conscript labor or cannon fodder.

These are the men who the women of that generation were forced to choose from when they wanted to settle down after the war. They often even had to compete for them or share them, because there were so few. They were often battered, mistreated, etc.

Most of the women were smarter, stronger, wittier, funnier, more humane, more compassionate, etc, than the scumbag men that survived the war, yet were forced to rely on them and to subject themselves to abuse and exploitation by them, breeding deep resentment.

What kind of children do you think were raised by bitter, resentful, abused mothers and pathetic, weak, stupid, cowardly fathers? Not the best human beings. And then how do you think those kids did when they grew up to be parents themselves?

That is why Russia is such a failure today. It has nothing to do with Communism, because we see Vietnam and Cuba and China doing well under similar policies. It was purely the loss of millions of the best men a generation had to offer, leaving the country in the hands of the worst men.
Truest statement
Nigga those are haitians probably the worst of all black people
>Vietnam and Cuba and China doing well under similar policies.

wtf are you smoking?
They literally killed him like they do halal meat
Nobody cares if you mate with some ugly desperate women and create mutt babies with them. A white man can marry a brown woman and the result is the same: you will continue to inherit the desert until your race becomes more civilized and can sustain agricultural society.
The fluid is paint, not blood, btw. The protesters were spray painting the Chase Bank building. He busted open a can when he fell.

Chase Bank steals millions from its customers. The punishment is lighter than the profit so it keeps happening.
No they reattached his body to his hand
Each has a better median standard of healthcare than the US, for example, and better access to education, more social mobility, less inequality, etc.
Cuba has a better literacy rate, and vastly better healthcare for most people than the US, despite the ongoing embargo.
Vietnam is still reeling from the long-term consequences of the war, including Agent Orange causing rampant birth defects, but it's still flourishing.
China's climb has been so astronomical. It's one of the most powerful nations in the world now despite being painfully behind the times just 100 years ago.
Even in the USSR, before Russia became Communist, its life expectancy was up to 20 years lower than the US. By the collapse of the USSR in the 90s, it was several years more than the US.

If you look at the statistics and realize that they're heavily skewed by how good life is for the richest 10% of Americans, and then you look at the median statistics for all of these countries and realize that the bottom 90% of Americans are doing pretty poorly by the standards of most developed nations, you must begin to ask yourself how much of what you were taught was propaganda with little basis in reality.
China is the only one doing well on that list and that's only economically after they opened up options for free trade. If they kept the original communist ideals they'd be dirt poor and just as shit in all the other ways they are now
What a fucking subhuman! Like, god damn, can you call him Anything else? Fucker belongs in the Ganges river or in Pakistan. Shocking video. I would give the man behind him a medal if he clobbered that driver even though he technically saved him.
>Nobody cares if you mate with some ugly desperate women
ofc you don't, that's why your step father is Abdul and your brother in law is Tyron
>, and failed (because she was traumatised and scared shitless).
Illegal Afghan migrant Sulaiman Ataee applied for asylum in 2013, was denied in 2014, and the government tolerated his presence in Germany since then for exactly no fucking reason at all. On 31 May 2024 he tries to kill anti-islam-activist Michael Stürzenberger in Mannheim. On-site are several operatives from an organisation specialized in beating random unvaccinated people to bloody pulp and vandalizing the homes of people who dare quote government statistics on Facebook, called "police".

Here, Ataee stabs Stürzenberger in the face before being subdued by an experienced martial artist. A random faggot panics and yanks the martial artist of the assailant, setting him free. Professional vandal Rouven Laur steps in and subdues the faggot, because apparently that's more important than dealing with the now back-in-action knife attacker. As a "thank you", Ataee then stabs Laur and wounds him fatally. The only pro vandal, who isn't a complete retard, draws his gun but doesn't have a clean shot until he closes the distance. Several female wannabe vandals were present and armed, too, and they were all absolutely fucking useless biomass, because of their XX chromosomes.

In the aftermath, everyone agrees to mourn the tragic death of pro vandal Rouven Laur who heroically gave his life, have a few talk shows on how right-wing extremism is the greatest threat to the country, and then leave it at that.

Welcome to Saudi-Germanistan.
Hung Lo puttin in that fucking WORK
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>statistics>unconfirmed data
Made in: cuba, vietnam, china


Shut up turdworldsimp, and go finish my gay pride apparel order, you’re getting paid $1.55 a day, your opinion does not matter, and don’t you ever forget it, slave
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
Great response. Yeah that's totally what it was
Get off the internet and realise people don't wholly live through their political opinions
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>whitest country on Earth
who's gonna tell him
Having an ambulance right next to you, so no, there isn't
Having guns doesn't stop amerimuts from being killed, also you'd probably still get charged if you shoot some nigger
Nah, take your L. There's no Muslims where I'm from. Hint: they're in camps.
>what did he stood for?
being a faggot liberal cuck
>knife-wielding coward short foreign guy
>manliest guy
lol lmao sure Ahmed
China's statistics are entirely made up. All bad ones are reduced, all good ones inflated. Even for natural disasters, if an earthquake kills 5000 people for some reason the government will say only 500 died. People don't immigrate to Cuba Vietnam and China. They leave those countries to go to western ones. You're delusional. An average person in america lives like a king compared to the 1 billion chinese who are "average."
the audio on this one is insane. You literally hear her death groan as she expires.
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ching chong?
oh my aplogies, i thought i was talking with a human being not a human bug
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God that was hard to watch
Its Poland, not America, u can see word "parapety" in the left upper corner.
woman et the end say "proszę to zostawić" it means "please leave it"... "it" xD
>You will get jail time in states like NY and Oregon

Nah, non castle law states just means you have to reasonably de-escalate or attempt to escape.

If a nigger pulls a gun on you, you can shoot back no problem.
A new car?? You seem to be missing the point… You’re dumb ass could’ve been stabbed to just for fucking sitting there like an idiot.. You don’t know the circumstances around it. It doesn’t matter how you say it you’re complete fucking moron… You should’ve taken him off immediately. Situation only gets worse every second you sit there. Fuck your car; a human life matters more than your stupid ass windows.
Just watch The Hunted.
Absolutely based, have a (you)
The chink guy went on reddit and answered questions. He credit the nerve to act on that situation to his LoL gaming sessions I am not kidding lmao.
it's illegal therefore difficult and expensive to get
Wow, I thought London was bad where I live. Literally about a dozen out of a hundred people in that video were white.
That's pretty fucking cringe. I credit my intense paranoia and ultra-instinct to playing on WoW PVP servers but that's WAY more legit than League, where you literally know where the enemy is going to be.
On PVP servers you could be minding your business all night, grinding hard in some remote corner of the world, for hours, and then you drop your guard one time and a fucking rogue pops up while you're killing. It's been over 14 years since I played and I still carefully survey every area I go to in real life and always look around and listen. Airpods are for idiots.
Actually that's not bait that's an empty hook

...why are they all wearing the same shirt

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