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Not trying to be a dick, just can't tell if serious
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because if you're serious, your social status should be lowered.
as optically bad as the argument "can you believe they think his argument is so stupid he must be a troll" is, I'm just happy you right wingers are finally sticking up for the mentally handicapped
we're laughing because one of the right's thought leaders is a braindead nog you buffoon chud lmfao
>thought leaders
The fact that you think this is a thing proves how weak and submissive you and your kind are
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>as optically bad as the argument "can you believe they think his argument is so stupid he must be a troll" is, I'm just happy you right wingers are finally sticking up for the mentally handicapped
yes good example.
always social shaming
always mean girl energy
it's just social engineering.
>we're laughing because one of the right's thought leaders is a braindead nog you buffoon chud lmfao
you're laughing because some Party Approved Influencers™ laughed and you're a pussy who relies on consensus filtering to form your opinions.
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>The fact that you think this is a thing proves how weak and submissive you and your kind are
that's a much more elegant and effective way to make the argument I made in these posts
chud doesnt think frump is a rural retard cult leader LMFAO
>a rural
the property developer with a thick Queens accent?
They dont even try to hide it anymore. I miss when the israelis used to atleast try to sound normal
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>They dont even try to hide it anymore. I miss when the israelis used to atleast try to sound normal
they're legit unhinged
You say ridiculous shit, you are gonna be ridiculed

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