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File: blond.webm (3.29 MB, 720x400)
3.29 MB
3.29 MB WEBM
Discussion, videos, and stories about the monger lifestyle are all welcome itt
File: Toronto.webm (3.91 MB, 480x852)
3.91 MB
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File: filipino.webm (3.88 MB, 1920x1080)
3.88 MB
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File: asian qt.webm (3.74 MB, 480x852)
3.74 MB
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File: hi.webm (2.45 MB, 720x1280)
2.45 MB
2.45 MB WEBM
takes so long to downgrade from 4k and then convert into Webms. Does anyone have an Mp4 to webm converter recommendation that allows me preview the webm file size before converting? Pisses me off whenever I convert my vids into webm and it ends up being 4.01mb, file size too big for 4chan.
Where can I find goth/alt escorts
I tried using Tryst but every single woman on there is divided into 5 groups
>5/10 that looks like she doesn't bathe
>hideous crackwore
>old hag
>high end escort that charges thousands an hour and either doesn't show her face or looks like a lifeless mannequin
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1.85 MB
1.85 MB WEBM
It's Onlyfans' fault. And anything like it. Anytime you see a good looking pornstar or camwhore and wondering why she isn't selling blame it on Onlyfans and its ilk. Simps ruin EVERYTHING. E V E R Y T H I N G. They've completely taken all the good pornstars and attractive women out of escorting.

If Project 2025 comes true, I'm praying it puts an end to the onlyfans monster and anything like it once and for all. The only thing keeping me from mongering is the fact that the women now are all either hideous crackwhores or soulless looking bimbos built like inflatable sex dolls.
I need the full video of this blonde
Some questions, since I've only ever done it once, although that wasn't in america. When going to a massage place, how do you know if its "safe"? I mean I know theres sites for reviews and whatnot but I'm just overly paranoid of being unlucky and getting fucked by cops. And how do you initiate with one of the girls to ask for a rub or blowjob or whatever? If meeting with a private provider, how do you stay safe?
File: AliceSkagenWhoreRemix.webm (2.7 MB, 1080x1438)
2.7 MB
I assume these places are completely legal in Canada? Considering how open they are with advertising on their own websites. I should vacation there one day
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1.12 MB
1.12 MB WEBM
> Gif Monger thread copypasta

Try the /hc monger thread, it stays up longer and you'd get an answer that won't archive
I didnt know hc had there own thread
File: 1721648928400697.webm (2.45 MB, 640x1138)
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>>high end escort that charges thousands an hour and either doesn't show her face or looks like a lifeless mannequin

welcome to the world of escorting where every basic bitch thinks they are entitled to close to or 4 digit per hour

advice, look online for escorts sub 500 and find one that inst entitled, took me 2 years but found one for 200 per hour and have been seeing her for the past year and half. plus she does not even post online so i know i am the only client other than her bf
I'd appreciate some stories.
Oh damn!

Hazel Moore.
Planning a first time Thailand trip. Is it worth fucking around with fiwfans or should I stick to gogos and massages, maybe Tinder

t. tired of being a virgin
Anyone know streetwalker locations in San Diego other than that one street by the naval base? Even better if any hot spots in the East county.

well god damn son.... she is so pretty.
File: HazMCumOnTits.webm (3.76 MB, 720x1280)
3.76 MB
3.76 MB WEBM
Damn straight. She was adorable. That 1hr felt like a slice of heaven.

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