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"alpha" fucking incel astrology. This guy is a voyeurist who can't talk to women or anyone, and then acts like a nuh-uh brick when he gets called out.
cry more
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Kek, what an incel
>confusing "alpha" with "literally will die a virgin retard seething on the internet with so much impotent rage that he has manifested the idea that it's women and not him that are the problem" LMAO neck yourself
>can't even greentext
decided to quickly jerk one out during your discord raid?
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My fav kino of his
cry? how this is alpha please enlighten me. with that logic all the serial murderers and rapists are "alpha"'.. ending up in jain and doesn't reproduce, end up for life or electric chair, doesn't put up offsprings. nothing "alpha" here, just a bitter incel
Yes. that's more alpha-ish behaviour. yes. the biker here is the incel. I like this guy
Classic. Apparently he died?
She's absolutely right, you're not allowed to film people in public spaces where it's reasonably expected to have privacy. Public restrooms, changing rooms, and yes, public beaches (nude or non nude)
>dont film me
>why are you filming?
>because i can
>no you cant its my body
>its public space i can
>please delete it and go away
if its illegal why not call the police immediately, why is she trying to argue with a mentally ill person
Fuck i love this it's so funny
Why do they all talk like beavis and butthead characters
you seem to have "alpha" confused with "autistic as fuck"
I hate fucking goobers
Name of that Thing? I dont Rememba
nothing alpha about harassing some random girls
this is more akin to alphaness than the OP

- woman puts her ass and crotch on display publicly
- film her
- old hag jealous of the attention starts being a karen
- not backing down, tell her to fuck off, standing your ground
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What about an open beach makes you think you can expect privacy? That's retarded, anon. If it's not a closed area with walls and an intended purpose like a changing room, private property with restricted access, or your own home, you cannot expect privacy. That doesn't mean you couldn't catch a harassment charge for singling someone out intentionally, circumstancially, but you wouldn't be charged with anything to do regarding breaching their privacy.
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yall are goobers.
women are retarded and vile creatures when not properly kept in check by men and they deserve no respect, they are nothing but worthless whores really.
unalive yourselves.
and furthermore, weak men like you are to blame for letting it happen.
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"goober" what are you, 50 years old?
women are retarded, yes, but the dude in this video is being a creep and it sounds like he hasn't left the basement in 20 years.
maybe you should leave your basement, too. you're as emotional and retarded as a woman.
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She's never going to have sex with you and you will never be a woman.
what are you, a pissed of ugly probably old hag? what else would licit this response?
lol my favorite part of this one is the white knight dressed like a human sperm
this. these fags are unbelievably pathetic. they're so far down the hole climbing back out is impossible.
>"goober" what are you, 50 years old?
Get a load of this goober. What a hag.
okay goober
given that you are defending this dystopian feminism essentially, i'd much rather be in my hole then in yours.
>two complete retards having an insanely autistic interaction

Jesus christ. Guys *technically* correct and not breaking any laws, meanwhile if the girl kicked his juts up into his stomach and threw his phone 50 yards out into the ocean she's not gonna face any consequences. Just cowboy the fuck up.
It's always the uggos that are full of themselves and self-concious. If she were actually hot she'd probably have the confidence to do a dance for the dude.

The age of privacy is over. This stupid cunt has no idea she's being filmed from 5 different angles and doesn't even know it.
You would not be saying this if you had the love of a good woman. I feel sorry for you.
This is a timeless classic. There's so many golden moments in this.
>scuse you! Scuse you!
>goober! Fuckin goooooober
>yeah you wish you could work, as fuck as hard, as I can
The close up on the mouthike the guy has the camera literally a nanometer from this faggy cyclists face.
i'm a married man dumpass that's how i know women are retarded firsthand

nobody is going to think you are alpha for autistically recording hot women like some fucking pajeet

if you want you stand around amazed every time there's a hot woman then move to India where it's normal

in America this behavior is seen as mouth-breathing basement dweller shit

but perhaps this is news to you because i spent my 20s fucking them and you're still 14
>you know, I'm 17!!!
Ok. Why are you being a whore out on the street then lmao.
>She's absolutely right, you're not allowed to film people in public spaces where it's reasonably expected to have privacy. Public restrooms, changing rooms, and yes, public beaches
There's no expectation of privacy at a public beach. You are 2000% wrong and retarded. Kill yourself, faggot.
in this day and age, it is impossible for a man to find and/or keep a good woman. thanks for feeling sorry for me, you should. i'm justified for hating women and i am not sorry.
when feminism dies off and traditionalism returns, i may change my mind accordingly.
i disagree, i have a wife and the trick is to let them think they have independence. most of them don't want it, they want you to carry their bags and hold their hand in the grocery store. they want you to order their drinks for them because they're scared children and aren't raised to be confident. feminism is typically a "cool lie" women tell themselves, just like how men lie to themselves about being able to beat people up. until they get their ass handed to them.

let a woman think she has independence and respect. Then she'll be wet and call you daddy while you disrespect her in bed later.
indeed this video accurately displays the state of western society. the entitled whore being a whore not wanting to be called a whore, attractive because she is 17, the hag who can't live that fact down, and the goober white knight being an absolute sorry retard.
pajeet detected, did you wipe your ass today bud? seen any fetuses on the street lately?
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This lmao. What's even more funny is when it hits close to home and the spaz out. My favorite is when you call this site a bunch of incels and there's always some kind who who's says I'm projecting and this site is full of normal sexually active adults.

Ahh man.. never gets old.
>Privacy argument
Why is there always this argument? Are you allowed to film in public? YES. Is it weird and do autists really need to be explained why it's weird af to just blatantly do it and if you risk getting caught you pay the "social consequences"? Also YES.

Like a few anons said above.. these kids are fucking gone. When I see threads on /b/ how do I pick up women.. you either know or you don't. If you need to be explained why you shouldn't video women in public then you're a retard. These virgins can never connect the dots.

>Why no gf
>Also, blatantly creepily films women in public
>Gets caught

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