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File: 1708668023703770.webm (1.15 MB, 270x480)
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Chubby, thick, bbw. Your choice.
Bonus points if they get cummed in/on.

(Also sauce on first girl please)
Post three you shitting faggot
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I am these capchas are annoying
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Every fucking thread there is always one of you stupid niggers. I hope your children get cancer and die before you die you colossal retard.
It’s like all the physical attributes I could ask for in a wife merged together
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Aw hell naw, go up!
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Anyone got a sauce on this?
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Kim Lisa comes up but can’t find anything.
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I will come out and say that I actually like heavier girls. Not obese or anything, I just don't find the super thin girls attractive. I think thicker girls are a lot better.
Me when I'm plapjakin
Man..just envision the plappin potential for Mal, I wish she'd get dicked on video.
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not even remotely chubby
Salsa pls
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i don't see no ribs
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Why do you care about what happens to their children? Are you a pedo?
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What'cha gonna do, black boys?
Must be living in a starving nation to think that this is "Chubby"
Do you know the sawce?
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use one of those mobile apps, it makes captchas much easier. problem is, ur using 4chan on ur phone which is asking for trouble.
All fun and games until you try pulling her hair.
Europeans eat nothing but bread, they combine that with their holier than thou outlook, and it makes sense they have an entire continent of twinks
nice plaps
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3.8 MB
the fact that he was holding her by the hand and not the wrist bugs the shit out of me
where do you dumb niggers come from?
>1 microsecond goes by
fucking rope cunt, i bet youve never made a webm in your life.

Fucking damn. I know the harness is a lot of it. But fuck she wears that well
Nibba your post got me kekin hard
you are a fucking illiterate turbonigger and im not giving you 'sauce'
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A classic
i remember jackin it to this like 20 years ago
Girls that big don't usually have skin like that.
why is this nigga tryna make eye contact with me? stop doing that its awkward and gay af.
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The farther they can get from skinny without becoming objectively unhealthy, the better
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Lmaooo. My ex had the same hair!
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>the way she grabs his tiny legs at 0:07
absolutely mogged
holy fuck sauce pls
Is there more of this one?
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nice, my plapper would do this with one of her coworkers when she worked at a dollarama
I have fucked both thicc and thin black girls, some of the best sex
Yeah I hear that man, always been that way myself, don't know why. My mum has been moderately overweight most of my life, maybe its an Oedipal thing, dunno.
I have a skinny gf but I want a fat gf too. Luckily the cock is good enough to justify it
Anyone got that one of the fat Asian girl that used to be posted here a fair bit? Tells the guy to take the rubber off or something, her name was Jen I think?
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1.15 MB GIF
The creator of this was seething so fucking hard. Probably already hated fat women before giving into his own thirst and fucking one
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As a fellow skeleton these webms give me hope
sauce please? i needa know the context of this vid
Got any more of these I'm loving them
this gives me hope.
if some meth addict with shitty facial hair can get a girl, so can i
Do you suppose her asshole stinks when she gets sweaty
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Yeah, I've got a bit. I have alot more to convert though. In the process of that now
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Idk but theres also a vid of her where the camera is in front of her and shes getting railed from behind and even say "oh youre cumming" to the guy. Im tryna find it
Anne, dummy
Beautiful. Sauce?
>The creator of this was seething so fucking hard. Probably already hated fat women before giving into his own thirst and fucking one
IIRC, he was an Aussie on /pol/. Can confirm. Most of the chicks down here are absolute piggies. He probably fucked a big girl and was in denial about it like a fagHHYP
anyone have the video or the name of that couple with the cute thick latina being pounded by some fat white neck beard
>Most of the chicks down here are absolute piggies.
Is that why most Aussie guys date Asian girls? I swear that country is the WMAF capital of the world.
source? I've seen her on 4chan a few times, but I don't know her name.
No wonder that the Plapjak meme is so relatable.
Seems to be the only way out of inceldom for two generations of men.
There any more?
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What do you mean "the cock is good enough to justify it"? Does your skinny gf have a cock?
No they didnt i made this thread to see some plappy princesses idc about the race

Been.looking for that vid, thanks. Anyone know her name
where did you get the first vid? >>27781559
Ain't seen subslave in a minute.
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I like this thread. I'll dump some relevant from my collection.
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pls source me up, i tried a reverse video and image already.
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Keemstar and Boogie2988 post-transition
38L tits
Literally me
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I really like Harlot Quinn but man are her videos overpriced
She also became a nigger fucker
With a 45T gut
Worth it
I know this ain't the request board but I saw a fat girl in like a pool or hot tub outside from behind you really only saw her fat ass and she was getting fucked. She may have had like blue hair. Been lookin for the webm ir sauce forever
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I have a feeling you're looking for Alexxxis Allure
>my plapper
your plappee*
plapper is the one that plaps
A lot of woman for a little man
Sara ungh
Hey, I own that lamp!
My dawg she is delicious
Anon.. did you inherit it?
Thanks bro it does kinda look like her build type. I even found a scene with her in a pool but not same one I'm lookin for. Either way appreciate ya
File: Latinahole1.webm (3.71 MB, 1706x960)
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Thanks, I know, right? She's so small, soft and chubby. A perfect little fuck toy.
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She works at whole foods kek
I hate this thing that guys who are bad at fucking do where they just grab the ass cheeks and shake them harder instead of thrusting any faster. like you're not even pulling the woman toward you you're just kinda just shaking the ass around to give the illusion that you're fucking harder becuase you're too out of shape to actually move your hips.
this bitch sounds like the aliens from Mars Attacks
not everyone is a cuck or a kike cause they dont babyrage at a black dick in a porn forum bro, theres only like 2 of them anyway. By that logic youre a cuck and a kike for browsing porn forums anyway lmao

Just post chubby girls keep the /pol/posting out thanks
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Got it a while ago while browsing /gif/ idk her name tho im looking for it as well

I wish I could have that while being 6ft and not being a straw.

Why is it that there are no tall, fat women?
College years were the best. Spending all day in dating apps and getting ton of dates with chubby girls. Like damn just bring weed and say just the tip and I be busting inside them chunky girls weekly. Best one was this one already slutty nerdy with glasses looking one. Go all the way to her with some weed turns out her friend was there we smoke out and this bitches were weak because they were so stoned I had them twerking and next thing I know I got them with giving me head busted inside both. My point is bbws are easy and delicious especially when you get them high with some good weed.
File: Hairpull.webm (3.26 MB, 1538x1080)
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I need sauce plz ;-;
Sucks that everything reverse lookup gives me no is a javascript-ridden abortion that won’t even play the video. So much good shit keeps getting purged from the cleaner sites
Jesus fuck sauce
Just post chubby girls keep the /pol/posting out thanks
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File: Roobi Royal.webm (3.93 MB, 800x450)
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lucky guy
amazing asses
Notice how black peoples don’t care and live their lives
No you’re just a child that anything you find different makes you deeply uncomfortable
She needs to wipe more
Can we get some OC from you guys?
File: plapjak.webm (3.66 MB, 960x540)
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3.66 MB WEBM
Brother, I have good news. It's at the very end:

sendvid com/4pzn8zqc
That don't look safe to me
I understand not trusting internet strangers, but I wouldn't lie about Mal getting piped.
Yeah I guess there's some fucking there. Someone actually get the vid, cmon goys
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burgerking fuck lettuce
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3.5 MB
Why are so many fat girls with auschwitz tier skinny guys? You see it all the time, it's like they're attracted to their complete opposite
*raises glasses
well u see, the ass can plap itself on some thicc hoes
Start working on finding your wife. Life will be so much more amazing for you when you start having a real connection with a wife who loves and fucks you good.
How do you become attracted to fat bitches? This is too much, insane people.
it starts with liking jiggles in ass and tits and it grows from there
The absolute GOAT, I would give anything to take the place of that auschwitz escapee fucking her.
I don't know why. I'm relatively skinny, and most gfs have outweighed me at least by a little bit.
If Mountain Dew and Doritos somehow became a person, it'd be that motherfucker.
This video is proof that all fast food workers are just young drug addicted degenerates, this is part of why they in no way shape or form deserve a "living wage"

source for these two? the first ones dirty talk is so fucking hot
any source?
Definitely a virgin. my girl begs me to grab her hips like that and shake them
what if you just wanted to jiggle her fat?
because fat girls hate fat guys and a lot of people hit on fat girls because of the illusion of being more available, so they can pick skinnier guys
Honeybiscuit is a perfect bbw. Huge tits coupled with huge ass and a nice belly. My face would never leaver her buttcheeks. I wish anons posted more of her
a work classic
this is literally the wojack fucking a fat chick meme irl
most of them cant reply because they're homeless, illiterate, or in jail.
>whore fucks a nigger to get back at a libshit hipster bf
kek, the most mentally sane lib couple
Sounds based to me. What else is she gonna do, key his car?
>fucking niggers is based, chud
smartest tranny lmao
Enjoy getting ur car keyed
Sauce? Impossible to find
No homo, but I'd lick both of their assholes.
This shit is like making a pizza. You gotta get the dough ready before you put on the toppings. It needs some love and care mixed into it.
Not anorexic isn't the same as chubby.

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