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Girls having a good relationship with cock or performing to attract one general

2D&3D are cool
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a beautiful princess
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you doing ok man?
things you dont personally like are gonna appear at random times in your life, its important to learn to deal with it emotionally otherwise you're gonna waste a lot of time and energy on negativity when you don't really have to
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nta but just letting u know that ur a cuck
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what do you mean?
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More of her?
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Is this where my little niglet went last night?
Why does that man's cock have a clown nose at the tip?
It means he's very fragile.
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thread ruined
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fuck you, i laughed so hard it ruined my orgasm
sauce please
>you dont personally like
most people don't like it.
who is the slut

Just as an FYI the plural of succubus is succubi.
u can't even handle them long enough to post something in response. there wouldn't be a problem if u chuds just responded with normal porn. every time you cry about it makes us laugh
Thats it. Im going to South America
me2. unironically though, latin america has it all. even the bitcoin HQ
>every time you cry about it makes us laugh
mentally ill exposing themselves in thread? pretty funny.
so u just make fun of the mentally ill and cry about jooz? solid plan
Sofia Jordy
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Does anyone remember a japanese girl called 1000 girl or something like that? her goal was to get to 1000
That one is a classic. One of my favorites from a long time ago.

i PROMISE you guys, the average person does not think about race as much as you do. Its an obsession for you
i mean i dont see much wrong with it
what happened to making society better?
did you just trick me into focusing on dick
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Thats a trans girl lol based
hmmm ok ok. stand by and prepare for action if need be. keep a look out for any opportunities.
normally i'd say that there are always opportunities to do things but just need a handful of focused people to do that. once the weaponized autism is in action, hope ur ready lelel
Who's this?
>talks like that
ok then
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anybody have that video of a latina girl filming herself give a white guy a blowjob. he has to keep pushing her off so he doesn't cum, but she tells him she wants him to cum in her mouth, and then drains him
Kali Rose i think
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who is that O_O
And you believe her?
Yeeeaaahhh, you're a little fucked in the head.
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In what way? A majority of non-woke white people feel this way.
Who dis?
sauce on this cumslut
some german bitch
You sound woke. Also vaxxed.
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you doing ok man?
hate to break it to you but if your sexual desire and fetishes revolves around attraction to another man's penis, and specifically the color of another man's penis, then you are in fact a closeted homosexual who can't come to terms with your own sexuality and instead project your own values onto other people and virtue signal to hide your own insecurities about being gay
how do you get your cock and balls this smooth? laser? waxing ?
Stfu faggot
Holy fuck, who's that?
>hairy mole on your dick
I'm so sorry.

She's swallowing the tip of the condom...

Wow, any sauce?
Gorgeous girl, anyone knows the name?
Vitoria Beatriz. The best Brazilian ever
can we have sauce on that
I'm not the one who posted that WEBM, but I'm pretty sure she's Aria Alexander
That's not human. That's a succubus.
Dakota Skye

she wants the white baby so bad
Ghivi looks kinda retarded but is a genius at handling cocks
I miss her
>things you dont personally like are gonna appear at random times in your life
like how people will call you sir
>its important to learn to deal with it emotionally otherwise you're gonna waste a lot of time and energy on negativity when you don't really have to
>says person who threatens to kill himself if others refer to him with his actual pronouns

Bump for sauce anyone?
Is that Abella Danger?
love that blush even when it's fake
mary konopelka
you're still doing it, no one mentions anything about pronouns or trans or homosexuality or whatever, and you guys bring it up at EVERY OPPORTUNITY

pure obsession

the only thing you have going on in your lives is not being woke
Bumping this, been looking for a while too
Like the time you just wasted sounding like a fag. Nice.

Expecting even a shred of emotional maturity from people here is sadly a waste of time. Kudos for trying though.
How can someone look so gay while fucking a woman?
>expecting anything more than toddler-tier responses from the 4chan porn board
bless your heart, my friend.
You are right, we should just shoot freaks like you and continue happily with life
You are fucking joking. I went on a date with a girl and we could not get back to my place for an hour because a gay faggot rally blocked an entire street
it's amazing how you can't stop thinking about fags even in your imaginary dates
>You are fucking joking. I went on a date with a girl and we could not get back to my place for an hour because a gay faggot rally blocked an entire street
They do a great job of demanding compliance with their "love and tolerance" on everybody whether you like it or not. So much joy. That's the left in a nutshell.
I used to get hard just from thinking of sex, now I can't get it up even with porn.
Gay guys gets chicks. My ex told me she had let her gay best friend try to fuck her so he could feel what a pussy was like.

She told me it like I was supposed to be okay with it. The only upside was that the gay guy had started crying while inside her because of how disgusted he was.

just had to share that story somewhere to get it off of my chest lol
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skinny with a good jawline is just called being handsome, that's the guy who casually fucks all the girls in your social circle
its an old pick-up routine to pretend you're gay and tell the girl you want to feel what its like to be with a woman. the biggest turn-off to a female is a guy actually wanting her and chasing her, she's more open to fooling around with a guy who doesn't want it that bad and might dip at any moment to head to the next anonymous gay fuck party to swap STDs - at least he isn't some creepy needy loser
eigthttwenty, luna and jay
Anime does nothing
Hahahaha, this is the stupidest story i've ever heard
"That's the left in a nutshell" his oddly sticky fingers typed. Love and tolerance were the virtues of the right wing he thought. Everybody knows that. What the socialists were doing was corrupting it to their own twisted, selfish end. Everybody knows it. Everybody nods and smiles in agreement when he speaks about it at the parent teacher nights.

Wheezing a grunt, Kevin pushed himself up from his desk. Weeks old empty cans rattled against a dusty keyboard. Any day now, his wife Karen would ask him about cleaning them up. He would, of course. A strong, unified society is the ultimate result of each individual taking sole responsibility for their surroundings. A responsibility he proudly exercises, when his wife asks.
Your shooter missed and got his head blown out all over the pavement.
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I genuinely have no idea what you're referencing.
Step one: attempt to bully
Step two: if receiving pushback, feign ignorance
dude, even i dont know what shooter ur yappin about
the trump shooter? he dint even get shot on a pavement, it was famously on a rooftop
Step 2: feigning ignorance. Attempting to make the target look hysterical.
the only one making you look hysterical is yourself, not everyone is out to get you
what shooter are you talking about?
I'm not posting anything so you can run to your janny friends in Discord. I just want you to know I'm on to you.
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sauce for this?
>hate to break it to you but if your sexual desire and fetishes revolves around attraction to another man's penis, and specifically the color of another man's penis, then you are in fact a closeted homosexual
ironic since the guy you replied to seems pretty agnostic about dick color and you're complaining about nigger dicks not being white
Nailed it. Kek
>I mean, just look how far we've come as a society though behaving this way.
Normies can't compute this
Pretty sure that's Adriana C. I forgot her last name, but I think she's the one who broke her back jumping into a pit. If you google it you can probably find her and that scene.
Chechik. And I am almost certain that is not her.
kenzie anne

youre welcome
this nigga saw a guy with a nice ass and started projecting immediately
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holy fukk, need sauce boss
Shit man, you're not vaccinated? Get it done - for your sake and ours.
>Shit man, you're not vaccinated? Get it done - for your sake and ours.
I'm sure you're kidding as the uptake for the new covid mrna shots is something like 2%. I never understood the logic of the unvaxxed somehow hurting the vaxxed. If you're vaxxed and the vax works, then wtf are you bothering me about? Go about your life feeling safe that you'll never get it as the fake news told you night after night. Never getting an answer to that question and not even being allowed to ask so many others without getting banned is exactly why I didn't take it and will likely never take another.
Every question should be able to be asked and answers challenged. We never got any answers except "You don't believe in science?"
The treatment of the people in blue states with the lockdowns and selective business closures also made me a permanent believer in 2A. They'll literally have to take it from my cold dead hands.
I couldn't imagine ever taking one of these girls seriously. When it comes time to settle down and sexual history comes up, typically it's like oh I had a couple bf's in college, maybe dated some afterward, etc. These chicks are like "Also, I sucked a dick". Oh was it your boyfriend? "No." OK, kinda slutty but whatever, that's no big deal... "no you don't understand it was with two other girls". Same with these girls who get spitroasted or cross country skiing when neither is their boyfriend. I mean wtf? How could any of these sluts ever be considered wife material? Imagine what your daughter would be liked being raised by one of these sluts.
>my wife
>total slut
>totally turned off by nigger penis
you know, because that's a thing that comes up btwn a non nigger man and his wife.
dont seek help, wouldn't want you to waste any decent human beings time
>you know, because that's a thing that comes up btwn a non nigger man and his wife.
>dont seek help, wouldn't want you to waste any decent human beings time
Uh yeah it comes up all the time at the nude beaches and resorts we visit. She doesn't like them. Neither does anyone else as far as we can tell. I'll give you an example. There was this older couple on a very secluded area of the beach last summer. She was very friendly and was getting drunker as the day went on. A number of dudes were set up nearby including a black man. One of the white dudes walked up to her and within a minute or so, she was sucking his dick. A few minutes later, the black guy came up to her. She gave him a handjob only. After that, two more white guys came up to her, one at a time, and she sucked both their dicks. She motioned for me and the wife to come over, which we decline. Then her husband fucked her right there and they left. Clearly, she didn't like black people, but was trying to be nice offering a handjob but giving blowjobs to the white ones. My wife wouldn't be that nice.
Asian is shorter to say
Emma Magnolia and Jewelz Blu
I absolutely love big fat juicy sagging titties but for some reason I like this video the most in this entire thread.
Kek same desu
I wanna put a penny in emma magnolias butthole and see if a gumball pops out her pussy
I married a Colombian.
Best thing ever.
Hot, cooks for me, big ass, basically begs me to fuck her in the ass.
Best part is that if you are not a latino man she will be so loyal and committed because she knows latino men only cheat.
For those don't speaking french:
"mum i need to pee!"
"why did you lock the door?"
>started crying because it was gross
probably because it's more emotional. Bottoming as opposed to topping is 100% personality. Making a happy bottom top is kind of like making a therapist murder someone. They're not built for it, it feels wrong, it hurts.
Personally I'm bi (femboy emphasis on fem) but I LOVE anal. I can't stand casual sex though, I just shut down if there's no emotional connection. My love life sucks but maybe I'll find a man or a dominant women (or both I kind of want to be a 3some toy in a 3 way relationship)
you will never be smart and you will be naturally selected in the coming death camps
Why do they get gay guys to do straight porn? How is it possible to be flaccid in this scenario
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Rei girl is actually doing a great impression kek
hot. love when she sits on it without moving too
says the loser with his dick in his hand lmaooo
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on topic, got more?
>you will never be smart and you will be naturally selected in the coming death camps
So you are willing to fight and die for your woke beliefs that men can be women, that illegals are our strength, that climate change is due to man, that lockdowns, masks and mrna shots work, that inflation is due to greedy corporations and not endless gov't money printing, that Biden got 81M votes from his basement?
It would be the first time in history that anyone fought and died for such things. Everyone always fights and dies for freedom. It's a pretty deep human desire. But hey, if your deep human desire worth fighting and dying for is that men can be women and you're willing to drag people to a death camp at gunpoint for it, bring it.
She looks vaxxed
Hailey Rose
It's called desensitization. I doubt you get laid often, so you're thinking of it from your coomer brain's perspective. If you're fucking as a job, and you've had to maintain an erection for 2+ hours, with constant interruptions for camera angle changes + photo ops + lighting, etc, eventually you become numb (not just mentally but physically). There's a reason why they have fluffers on set and sometimes even eject the guy's dick with shit.

Porn =/= real life.
is she retarded? a cat? wtf she doing nuzzling a cock?
she's back tho
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Exchange your favourite and personal whores here. Fetishes are welcome. Ahegao, mouth, spit, tits etc. Degrade and expose them. Come and join
>when you have big strong hard muscles but the most important one is soft
Sauce for any of these pls
It's the people who can't get vaxxed. Immunocompromised cancer patients, kids and organ transplatees, and a thousand other invisible conditions that makes getting covid a 60%+ mortality rate experience. Oh and babies, they don't have immune systems either. My kid had a seizure and was in the nicu because of itt.

Get the vax or you're a baby killer.
you almost had me
Very funny, anon
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Fuck off niggerphile
Damn. Who is she?
Underrated life advice post
I'm sure you're trolling but in case you aren't, all of these people are compromised by all sorts of things already, such as being exposed to the common cold or flu. The best way for them to stay healthy has always been to protect themselves, not rely on the rest of the world to do it for them.
Furthermore, we were all told that the unvaxxed are the reason it was spreading which was clearly untrue as the vax did nothing to stop transmission, even among highly vaxxed populations such as nursing homes and even entire countries such as Singapore which did not fare much better than low vax places like black neighborhoods in American inner cities. We were told to prepare for a winter of severe illness and death among the unvaxxed in an attempt to scare us into submission. We're all still here and healthy while the quadruple vaxxed are on their 6th round of covid, each round worse than the time before, sometimes taking 2 weeks or more to 'get better'. They still say stupid shit like "think how much worse it would be if I wasn't vaxxed" while #purebloods like me and millions of others who didn't comply don't ever catch it.
Shalom rabbi. Readying your portfolio of black penises to shower all over gif?

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