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File: tongue taco.webm (3.69 MB, 404x720)
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food recipes thread
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the tongue of what animal?
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looks healthy and delicious
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Looks like a cow tongue to me
this is really funny if you imagine it as sexual innuendo
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>has to cook it 5 different times
hard pass. just cold smoke it for 18 hours like a normal human.
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Does tongue taste like internal organs.
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It's all muscle. Can't be worse than Ox tail soup.
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Frog posters getting what they fucking deserve KEK
God I hate this fucking fat fuck si much is unreal
>get a unusual cut of meat that you could do any number of interesting things w-
>just mince it and throw it in with the rest of the refried slop
what's the point?
Can you name the interesting things you could do with a cow tongue? Not being facetious, I'm actually curious
You see food, I see a fleshlight
What the fuck
We need to start another war in Asia to thin out their numbers.
Just say you don't know how to cook and be done with it.
No. It has a consistency kind of like a little more firm liver, but tastes like meat.
It's not unusual, it's a typical cut for tacos and burritos. The smoking was unnecessary, but this is generally the best way to prepare it.
The sauce broke. Fucking shrimp parm.
finally, a good thread
>terminally online girl cosplaying as little house on the prairie because low iq guys go bananas for "trad" shit
well, it was good until the third worlders arrived
>the heat of the frog cooks the egg
I've never actually dressed a freshly killed bird, but aren't you supposed to gut and remove the feathers before cooking?
brown hands typed this post
No. It's a muscle but it has very short fibers and it's another level of tender. Not much flavor to it though.
Gourmet crab juice for your khlav kalash?
At least she hasn't eaten the cat yet.
Good thread, can we have sound or written instructions please?
Yo mama haha owned
>your yellow beast, sir
>slave owners had to put iron in the mouth of the Africans so they don't eat dirt
Anyone that can stand the smell of burnt feathers is not human.
I think its funny that French people also eat frogs.
hell yeah
They eat the legs....after skinning them. Rednecks do the same in the US.
They don't eat the whole fucking thing, skin and all
Right, right. Whatever you say froggy.
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>effeminate faggots who hide behind pseudo-intellect driven by blind consensus as a metric for their own presumed "iq" shit on those with higher aspirations than them because they're easily manipulated and incapable of individual thought

There's easier ways to tell us you're a massive reddit faggot, ya queer.
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says the eater of raw meat
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I doesn't have much flavour, but the meat then boiled has a thin gummy outer layer and realy tender inside. I like to eat it really thinly sliced with mayo and horseradish sauce.
>woman shows off cooking skill
>anon seethes for no goddamn reason
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>Mongolian beef
>Olive oil
can't bring myself to factcheck that one. >>27804430
holy shit that looks SHARP! i need sauce on that camera!
imagine the smell.
We used to make jungle juice at fraternity parties. We made it in giant Tupperware containers, like the ones for storage, we would sometimes piss into it. The girls said it tasted delicious.
Do not drink jungle juice at fraternity parties
None of these have cooking times or measurements
I love how gen z food is legit depression era food.
God, even looks pajeet, switch that shit to steak and eggs.
Italians, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanians, Albanians, Slovenians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Ukrainians, South Africans and even Southern United States are all white countries that enjoy frog meat. I'd bet that your dumbass room temperature IQ brain wouldn't even be able to name more than 2 countries at once. Ya inbred cracker.
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You need to remove that outer layer of membrane? from the tongue though
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They are just retarded. They never even gutted the bird. I went dove hunting yesterday when the season opened. To clean a dove (pigeon)
>puck feathers around breast of bird using a pinching motion
>twist the wings backwards to snap them off
>jam thumb under breastbone
>rip upwards
Now you have a cleaned breast, chuck everything else into a bush. Watch for shot in the meat. (Also to kill a wounded dove/duck/goose, grab them by the head and spin them around to break their neck.)
The face he makes when trying it doesn't look like he particularly enjoyed it
>Cuts before we see his grossed out reaction to the taste of natto
the lily-white hands of someone worthless whose only self-perceived value in this world comes from the lack of color in his skin wrote this post.
Nigga failed at basic bitch cooking skills and immediately pulled the race card lmao
It's a meme recipe you autistic fuck christ in heaven you niggers need comedy spelled out to you in bold letters
I don't find mixing chocolate ingredients and random stuff in a pot consistently humor or a good joke.
For this shit I would beat shit out of her
truly the land of the free!
Eastern euros shitting on jeets, pure kino tndvp
Not in China land.
It's the golem perversion version of cooking.
The fallen imitating heaven
>just boil my shit up
The day i can do this shit without plastic bags i'll try.
Where do you think the Vietnamese learned it?
I can never tell if this is a joke. Shitty chops and using ground beef for beef stew is so ghetto.
> Hot salt frying
> Muri, or puffed rice, is also a common snack in the Indian subcontinent and is one of their oldest foods
> The puffed rice is made by heating salt or sand in a karahi (in India), a patil (in Bangladesh), or a wok over a fire in a traditional Indian stove, then pouring parboiled or dried pre-cooked rice into it and stirring.[2][4][3] The puffed rice is then quickly removed with a metal sieve and set to cool.
> Hot sand frying
> Hot sand frying is a common cooking technique for street-side food vendors in China and India to cook chestnuts and peanuts. A large wok is filled with sand, which turns black from accumulating carbonized particles from the food items being fried, and heated to high temperature. Nuts are buried in the hot sand and occasionally turned with a spatula, then the sand and nuts are separated through a wire-mesh screen. Hot sand frying is also used in many villages throughout Asia. A common cooking technique in villages is to wrap fish or other meat in a banana leaf, tie it off, and then place the banana leaf in the heated sand one side at a time
Kek. Literally me.
Yeah, I've smoked beef tongue before. Didn't use the weird box and just a dry rub. You can just peel the skin off when it comes off the smoker though. Anyway, it's fucking good.
Shits tasty but the texture is god awful. Degenerate meat at best.
This shit looks fucking healthy as a snack if you think about it
>no oil
>just salt
I've always wanted one of these but even on AliExpress they are close to 100 USD
Yarn got proper geeked
Someone need to make webm from this.

Remember all humans on earth are equal.
There is no hierarchy between people.
There is no inferior people, neither there are superior ones.
Thinking the contrary would be racist and contrary to sciences.
God I hate pajeets, look at them bobbing their heads back and forth with big stupid grins as they cook and eat literal cow shit with their bare hands while sitting on the floor.

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