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What do you guys use nowadays to show and look at cocks and horny sluts anonymously?
Emerald Chat, don't get much success there but have had some wins. Closest to Omegle I've seen that you don't need to link a social media account or phone number to, and isn't completely dead/a sausage fest.

Was using Monkey App but again they made it recently that you have to have a Facebook or Instagram or something to use it. That one was good, lots of niggers though. I believe a lot of people also use Ome.tv but again you need a Facebook or VK so never used it

I miss Omegle like you wouldn't believe, man
thundr. you gotta be patient but I have had quite a lot of wins.
feels like a big sausage fest so far ngl
i take it back, there are actually some women on here, just spoke to some

not gotten lucky though because im socially inept
what the fuck is the point of putting a ring around your balls
What is this site/app?
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The white girl in the center is literally the most theatrically horny for the BBC between the three, as if she has to demonstrate how a dirty slut coal burner she is. The native one on their left is probably the best sex out of the three.
we already know these are just 2 gifs on top of random fake chat-log, brough
What language is that, sounds like something from Caucasus or central Asia or Balkan
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always skinny niggas...
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pain pleasure
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its to hold out longer but its supposed to be tight around your dick not your balls.
it gives the illusion that it's longer than it is.
16.5in? Really? And bitches believe this?
Yes, they unironically do. It's easy to convince women online that your dick is huge by using some subtle camera tricks
Yeah but not fucking almost 17 inches huge. Just the statement alone is unbelievable. Camera tricks and lighting can add 3/4 inches tops
do you think a woman has any mental concept of what an inch is?
luckily no. a lot of dumb women have called my stock standard 5.5 inch "7 inches". i always just say yep absolutely great eye.
Lol that thing is barely 7 inches

Irrefutable proof she is hungry for that bbc, cannot resist it.
does someone try their 30mn boost for 3,99?
>Wanna see my balls?

kek lost. the male brain on horny is really an enigma to think women would be thinking that's the hottest part to see or some shit
he won more than he lost
Damn. I like mean bitches. I wanna see more of her.
Cause their skinny ass frame makes their dick look bigger. Guy is maybe 8 inches (so big) but weighs like 130 lbs and is hunched over, wallah now he can larp like he has some 12 inch dong on camera.
i wish there was more of this
Why do people still believe there are dicks longer than 10 inches?
met my first gf on omegle. good times..
I have a big dick is there any place where I can do this? Omegle is not working
the major part of the time you'll do what for omegle was banned wich is exposure of minors to shoking content and also reasonable suspections manipulation of minors.If they accept theyr is actual no real means to identify a young lady more or less near to her sexual majority (Theyr iiiis a loooot of childrens on those app). And if you record them its considered as pedo content so if you get caught you'll be considered like one of them.
ometv or azar theyr is also monkey somthing but i dont rmber you should find it when you ask to google what alternative to omegle he can find.
I'am also waiting for all those scammers like tomer lawton to be jailed
imagine being that guy, you just got cucked by a guy on the internet

can someone make this into a webm?
>match with girl
>colored led-strip lit room
>shitty song you've never heard of playing on full blast
>taking an olympic swimmer's hit off a vape
Immediately clicked off. Can these chicks fuck off already?
Any archive I can find this on?!I want to be able to access it whenever I need it but I don't want it saved on my phone lol.
lol no fuck that.
that's the ugliest dick I've seen in a while
lumpy mf
I just searched omegle on pornhub and it called me a pedo wtf
is the term a dogwhistle or something?
Lol, you're a pedo now anon
>samefagging jew
this count?
Thats the full video
can someone make a webm of this
yes. It matches you with exclusively women. BUT there are tonnes of dudes on there who put their gender as female because the algo gives you a slightly higher chance of matching with a girl if you're listed as F looking for F because the pool of that is smaller.

Also, it begins matching you really slowly after a while and even though you get matched with exclusively women, if it takes 20-40 seconds or so every time to get a match and you could have just skipped through 20 guys to get to the one girl the algo allows you to match with without paying.

It is still much better than wading through the sea of dicks but it is also quite addictive because you get dopamine hits matching with hot women, some who will straight up have their pussy/tits out and you think to yourself
>its only 3.99 ill just buy another 30 mins
until you've done it like 6 times and you've spent an appreciable amount of money. If you do that like 2-4 times per week you'll end up spending a tonne of money just getting your rocks off. May as well just pay for a prostitute at that point.
>the algo gives you a slightly higher chance of matching with a girl if you're listed as F looking for F
Really? I might just do that next time because the website doesn't even show it like some others do.
Ever try emerald or monkey paid stuff? Who has the best paid model out there in general? I think thundr paid kind of sucks
I mean I think that it's just too much of a gamble for companies to explicitly allow that content (with the females in them being completely random people who don't explicitly state their age or comply with pornhub's new policy of getting ALL actors involved to submit ID verification).

So they just lump it in with having a high probability of it potentially having abusive material.
Thanks for your reply. I won’t pay at that point. I was patient. I think i matched one REAL girl every 15/20mn… and some quit right away. BUT yesterday one Canadian blonde girl lets me talk to her about my fantasy… and replied to my questions, that was exciting.. Today jerk of in front of a girl who was touching herself, from south America, asking for more and more dicks with a despérâtes voice, also a young italian (18yo) flashed her panty with a beautiful smile but finally quit quickly.. well, if time is money i am down poor but still horny, thund’r is not omegle but an alternative to consider;)
Pleeeease God source, or the longer version
Hey fellow anonymous. Is there a site where I can flash or just text with random?
He's white.
These are minors, the nigger should be in jail
The thumbnail is really funny for some reason
anyone knows if the guy has a username or tag or something? Im trying to find a viddeo of him with a cute blonde chick but I cant find it anymore
File: titty wobble.webm (1.18 MB, 720x900)
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skype orgasm
This is the power of BBC
You know why they did that on monkey?
Because of me! I was botting email registrations through their api until they completely turned them off.
Anyone got the one with the two goth bitches freaking over one dude's huge cock?
What is the file size limit? I have some OC I could post, but need to convert to webms
do you have a brain injury?
can't access
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big titty bitch asks bf for permission
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british milf is a size queen
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Jesus christ, he looks like a toothless redneck with a waterlogged trunk as a penis. Why would she even consider doing this?
Which website is that? I'll love to show my cock to pajeetas.
In English Doc!
Looks like one of the hundreds of sites that use the flingster camera feed.
is that Ashley Guggs??
what site
yes really but it because the pool of users is smaller you'll end up seeing the same girls over and over. Also you can see if the user is listed as M or F if you pay with boost. You can see if guys are listed as F.
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I’m looking for a video of a guy called “objectively dark” or something like that
the girl told him “he could break her ribs with that shit” and used a small blue vibrator while fucking herself with her brush. I also remember her holding her legs up for some time and cumming about 2-3 times.
Anyone got it?
mentally ill
Ehm, what the Sigma?
More of these two
Someone post the one where it's an Asian girl maybe Latina telling the guy she'll flash him if he cums. Tell him something like your getting real big. Please?
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Can help you last longer. Keeps the blood in without completely preventing circulation so your dick gets harder and venier. Dude just has it on "wrong" is all, doesn't do much for me around my balls. Weirdly makes me orgasms harder too.
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More like Pastrami
It takes forever to blur the faces
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fuck me I'm in love, she is absolute perfection
it's fucking hot how submissive women are. too bad i'll never be with one
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There's a 17min video out there with her sucking the fingers and better angle
Fuck this thread brought back memories of convincing girls to masturbate for me on webcam.
Omeagle is dead apparently, whats the alternative nowadays
I'm just trying to see
This girls butthole
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Then we jump ahead a little bit
been getting wins on thundr.tv, just realized I could start shadowplaying them for you guys
who? source?
Where can i find the full?
File: shaking orgasm.webm (3.4 MB, 1080x1080)
3.4 MB
They are minors, you weirdo.
Any more of this?

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