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drunk related
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Lol this them war thread vodkafags start every morning
Why do they look all scared??? Strange party

The KFC bag does it for me
the cat checking to see if he's okay is very very cute
They're both fucktards. Don't get me wrong, fatso deserved what he got, but skinny cunt has zero need for that light in his yard. Anyone that hangs a flag in their garage is a complete fucking retard.
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lol same floor
He died
God damn, after the second flooring he just take the fucking hint and go. The pajeets friend should've dragged his sorry ass home.
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>the timing of that vomit
Only amateurs dodge roll near cliffs hell think twice next time
some people would pay good money for that
why was the victim so tired?
was he on downers?
did the shirtless guys hits inflict paralysis/cold damage?
based swimmer
oh wow wtf
agents of demiurge interrupting his swimming session
lmao seething
I’ve seen this before I couldn’t figure out why he fell just as he was about to escape. I wonder if he was overcome by fumes/smoke. That dipshit’s coat melted pretty good and I bet it released toxic shit in the air. That’s how most people actually die in house fires.
>has crazy drunk neighbors who trespass in the middle of the night
>absolutely no need for security light
Ok retard good job!
that cunt was patient as fuck with that drunk retard
CJs indian cousin Sanjay
best vid so far.
animal cruelty isnt funny

Nope. Small kicks for small brains.
where's his dick?
>the fact that you can't tell an AI video from a real video
its not ai
I hate those kind of drunk people.
Put in a sensor light dickhead. No need to light up the entire street all night long.
make me, cunt.
lmao he was chill as fuck too
this one's a certified kek
neither are faggots
fire probably sapped all the oxygen and he passed out regaining consciousness as the door opened
nerve gas in the making
its a pidegon man, this isnt cruelty

I mean that both ways. I dont feel bad about pidgeons for a second (disease carriers), but also i like the idea that this bird just got FUCKED UP like had no idea what was coming and then is gonna be confused all day

the only bad part is if the pidgeon died from that but idk life is resilient... maybe itd develop a taste. drunk pidgeons is funny

why don't you drink poison
File: hood-daytime-drunks.webm (2.78 MB, 720x1080)
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How is this cruelty? Or are you one of them peta faggots that thinks any human interactions with animals is cruelty? You are gayer than the village people and more useless than tits on a man.
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That stupid fucking whore actually had her feet on the table in a restaurant.
>The VB stare
Can someone please provide a translation of this?
Best singing guy dabbing on the drunk.
maybe dont leave an open glass of alcohol right next to an animal? animals dont know better, especially if it looks like water.
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>Your saviors of the white race, sir
>that last thigh squeeze for the road
pick one
The male chaperone responsible for this woman should spend a day in the stocks for allowing this to happen.
Making that bird the coolest bird in the high school isn't cruelty
That's the king's English m8
Why are the low countries the only place on the entire planet where cyclists aren't total fucking cunts?
he won gold in the brics olympiads
>fire still burning
>no oxygen
Not to be a dick, but I doubt your theory.
damn lol
>all kinds of motion in video
>assuming it’s not a sensor light
This poster sucks cock on purpose.
You can suck dick by accident?
lol. lmao even
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Living the dream desu. Two Asian girlfriends while beating the shit out of their uppity dad, who happens to be your chauffeur.
pigeons are disgusting diseased niggers
yea, I guess he just felt cold lol you fucking retard
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The full video before this is like 20 minutes too, that drunk guy abusing the young lad and not fucking off when told. The old man apologised the next day when he'd sobered up.
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Soooo... Is anybody ever white ?
Big guy is retarded for letting this happen
Finally! LOL! One that made me laugh!
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I'd say her physics model is from around 2005.
she's so hot
Amazing if unscripted.
I hope the driver beat the fucking shit out of him
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Jesus fucking christ that mongoloid camera work here almost made me puke
>we were kings, bruv
Is this one of those wet houses they have in Russia where they let late-stage alcoholics drink themselves to death?
Pointing a flood light like that towards your neighbor is definitely provocation.
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Yes, they're called trash streams. This one was SosedTV and it got shut down because all the contestants got addicted to heroin.
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average mexicans look like this?
And I thought americans were fat
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>knocked out by a woman
I would have killed myself. Imagine the humilliation.
Soccer match attendants are below average no matter their nationality or race.
Bro at the end caught a chair from the undertaker
Accurately tossed beers at the douchebags nicely done jotos
Why would you blur the pussy upskirt
>call the police call the police
what a retarded thing to announce to the angry drunk
the best part about this is that they can probably drive back around in five minutes and do it again
dude might not even remember it happened in the morning
>double kill
and now he's earned the right to rape Natalia
hit her with a wicked blyat hand
I can't tell if she is 14 or 44
fakest shyt ever
>>27820145 mag dump the beaner.
I'm stomping on the nape of his neck. Good Lord are Indians the most disgusting race on the planet besides nigs.
File: drunk-ma.webm (3.61 MB, 612x1080)
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Are russian males even human?
This and also most animals can't digest alcohol because they don't have a biological tolerance to it the way humans do. Even a small amount can be fatal. Case in point: dogs and cats.
Luckily this pigeon will likely be fine. Birds that feed on seed and fruit metabolise alcohol fairly well. Raptors metabolise it terribly and will die if they drink it.
Fun fact: horses metabolise alcohol just fine (they have a better tolerance to it than humans do) and beer is actually good for them. They also hate light beer.
They could arrest me any time. Btw latinos do this shit because they are eternally seething about being 3 ft tall
Based christening
File: Beer-Man.webm (1.74 MB, 360x640)
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Wwe tier theatrics by the couple at the end lol
That's absolutely a K hole
Would you, aye?
Nice lefthanded shot with the pepper spray!
That's why you use whips on dirty poos
Whores know to choose 'em eh?
>not nerve gas, but close
He's drunk on an elevator, drink in hand, cigarette in mouth. Goes to light cigarette decides to light his drink for drunk lulz. Things don't go as planned (drunk plans usually fail).
Exits elevator with firey mess, no one is the wiser. Epic win!
Wow, peacekeepers in the melee. Stops the drunken brawl and renders aid. I was waiting for the 2 KO boys to go at it.
that ones obviously not slav. its some nordic fellas
>fun wine aunt with huge tits
Yes, please.
Can I have her miracle cure for a sunburns also?
can any mongrel slav translate please?
>women street cops
you can hear him snoring going to sleep after that lmao he couldve died
wtf is this place? a bar?
Some people are too stupid
You should kill yourself anyway, I can't imagine being you is any less humiliating as is
>that crack
did big boy snap his spine on the pavement lmao
A soul for a soul
That's not drunkenness, that's just your average paki with a firearm
can was pressurized with nerve gas
Ukraine lost Greenberg
>Get educated - stable life
I appreciate the energy, but I'm still trying to figure out how you go from the education step to the stable life step.
What's the matter, he couldn't take rejection?
He's Danish. This is in one of Copenhagen's metro stations.
Still seething days later
is that a dead woman between the other two?
this is just traditional russian mating behavior. red flag if she cant take a punch well, you might get levied a fine for killing your wife on accident.
> sir
It's Xir, you fucking bigot!
> Soooo...
You have to go back, Tranny faggot
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>That fucking smile after he gets hits with the helmet and goes at him again
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So are you, apparently lol
What kind of monster assaults a woman in front of her child?
Bite my shit faggot
That fuckin handshake, marriage material
Smooth cranial.
an alcoholic asshole
she is
Take your fucking peta fried ass back to /a/ and leave us in peace you terminal faggot.
stop alcohol
>small child in the frame
christ what a depressing place to live
Mexicans are way fatter than Americans. You're only allowed to talk shit about White Americans but they're the least likely to be fat or obese other than Asians. Blacks and Browns have insanely high obesity rates especially in the south. Most mexican women over 30 are literally ham planets.
There are more DUI deaths every year than firearm homicides. Half of murderers are drunk when they murdered their victims. Alcohol has no health benefits and causes cancer like crazy. But retarded normies act like this shit is normal and not drug abuse. Imagine making fun of stoners when you're 1,000x worse for society.
probably more like 10,000x worse or 100,000x... hell the real number might be 6 million.
Drunks murder more people than heroin addicts, tweakers, and crackheads combined. They also kill more people accidentally. Drunks are filthy fucking junkies.
you can't be serious
you don't just fucking snap out of one. you have to be 18 to post here
Wtf were those GTA V mechanics when he pushed him? The fuck?
they looked so fucked up from drinking and probably childhood malnutrition
chad, then you raise them
we live in the matrix
thats in hannover
Niggers always walking in the fucking bike path no matter where you put it
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ive never been to ausland or even had that beverage, but i knew the glazed look before i even watched the clip
Can she marry me?
that uber driver is so damn mad rn
this is the most annoying clip ive ever fucking seen. whatever country this is can never talk shit about the american hillbilly and the american ghetto
I've been trying to find this video of a drunk (Russian?) girl falling in the street and her dad comes overs, picks her up by her pants and hauls her inside. He also throws the bottle of alcohol at her friend
Wow I live right near here (Christchurch, NZ)
Wonder if I'll see this bloke around.
dont dox urself
Dox for what, watching gifs?
no, for saying ur location on the interweb for all to see
no because the audo is fucked
Slightly sinister, not even laughing or talking so as to not be identified lol.
Kek, me on the left
You know it’s gonna be good when the fucking abo is the one who is acting calm and levelheaded in the situation kek

fromsoft ass level design
>put sound on
jesus CHRIST. thats a woman? unbelievable.
How do you refrain from beating this man to death?
Animal alcoholism, pls don't make it look like he dosen't have a problem anon
That's the first step
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I'm amazed no one posted this classic
The famous ancestral technique of "kieilupletnu" to obliterate your opponent from a distance.
It seems that only the greatest alcoholic masters of the East know this technique.
Drunk people really should be executed. Anyone at all really who drinks alcohol is a low IQ faggot who should be tortured and then beheaded. Waste of space every single one.
>Waste of space every single one.
Nuh uh im an organ donor so im at least worth replacement parts
>Imagine making fun of stoners when you're 1,000x worse for society.
Bitch naming a city, or even a geographic area is completely meaningless and that's even IF OP was being truthful.
I remember back in the 90's and early 00's where telling one a area code could could narrow down your address to a handful of locations, which honestly kept everyone polite.
>whatever country this is can never talk shit about the american hillbilly and the american ghetto
Yeah, this clip accurately portrays about 85 percent of Europe (including the UK)
I love how disappointed the poos are that their drunk buddy is getting absolutely manhandled. You can tell they want to jump in but they know they haven't got a leg to stand on
I mean, >>27822725 is right, though. Yes, the drunk guy is more wrong for what he did but I'd be pissed off too if I lived across the road from the skinny cunt and he left that bright-ass light shining into my house all night long. Not saying what fatty did was right, just that I can understand how it started
Just because you can legally get away with something, doesn't mean you're not an inconsiderate cunt for doing it
>for saying ur location on the interweb for all to see
You're an idiot, mate. Nobody is going to track someone down on the Internet just because they saw them say identify which city they live in.
>Yeah, this clip accurately portrays about 85 percent of Europe (including the UK)
What is this brit cope? That's 100% UK and not at all the rest of europe
Kek you are a retard
aw his boyfriend saved him
Australian, actually. And I've lived next to Serbs, Slavs and Hungarians. I know what the fuck I'm talking about, eurotrash.
>drunk pidegeons is funny
are you retarded???
imagine not being able to spell "pigeon"
W o w
Dude is enjoying prison right now
Only retard here is you. Guarantee you that you would just shut up, turned the light off, then ask him if he wanted his dick sucked you pussy faggot
Stop drinking. Worked for me.

The one with shibas is better. Saved my life desu.
Wish retards like that would get gassed
Imagine having that much of a dog shit temper
I love how he made them stop the music so everyone could hear the slap
Just let the guys fight, fuck's sake
just slime things
you wish 'retards' should be 'gassed' because they have 'dog shit tempers' and you like to imagine that you're any better?

right. enjoy your stay.
Fuck off mong
Nearly impaled himself on that bar sticking out of the ground
>calms down when someone holds him
Yeah, people of western European descent (sans Italians and Jews) who are not wiggers
Hitting your neighbor like this. Dudes now plotting how to chop your wife up after he's done fucking her months without end while your skulls blown out
I want sex her
I used to give swigs to a little parrot friend they so intelligent who doesn't like to get out of that fucking skull huh
where my crazy drunk azn gf at?
What's NZ like these days?
So you lived next to nothing but Slav subhumans and you think that gives you any idea of what Western Europe is like?
You're a fucking retard.
Is that what you fantasize about doing to your bully?
Lmao at your life rn
That fuckin banshee tho
Not one assist. Fucking bug people
Is it me? Is the common denominator flip flops?
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>people of western European descent
so spineless cuck slaves = white?
that's a bit silly
Is he?
Cute kid
Doubt he's in prison.

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