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lets split the /pol/ thread so we can enjoy the titties in peace
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What's the prompt on this one?
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Sorry I have no idea, I don't make them myself. I just started this thread hoping to separate the sexy stuff out of the pol thread so I would have to trawl through the political ones to get to the porn ones.
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Women in distress
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File: Taylor.webm (1.01 MB, 1280x720)
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*gasps* this isn't *chokes* part *heaves* of the show!

Drowned out by the audience as they cheer for their idols edgy rope-play.
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I'd prefer these without the bodywriting. But I'm loving that stuff like this can be made. When we get a truly uncensored ai the fetishes are gonna be wild. New fetishes we didn't know about!
File: Ariana4.webm (1.04 MB, 1280x720)
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Hell yes, things that couldn't conceivably be filmed or recreated irl, like a little snippet of an alternate reality

Ill make some without the writing next
File: Ariana5.webm (1.32 MB, 1280x720)
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No, no if you like them with the writing that's fine, no need to change it for a random anon. Speaking of "snippets from an alternate reality" I read some erotic horror stories when I was younger and I still remember how hot those stories were. I hope I live long enough to see ai be able to make them into movies or even just short clips.
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The day when you can type "Tay Swift getting blowbanged, ass fucked, hard degrading, 45 min scene, inbred hillbillies drag her from her limo" and it gives you exactly that
If anyone is taking requests I'd love to see a hot slim blonde walking along the beach and suddenly getting drenched by a large wave of whatever the ai allows you to use that is closest looking to cum.
Do the hillbillies all have "larger than humanly possible" cocks? If so you and I are on the same page.
Yes they do. And since this is not real life and just a horror fantasy, it would end with them ripping her in half and scurrying across the yard to fuck her top and bottom separately. And her long legs would keep kicking.
File: Ariana6.webm (1.44 MB, 1280x720)
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When Ariana's limo breaks down in the Appalachians, she gains new fans amongst the locals, who have been starved for entertainment.

She puts on the show of a lifetime and they couldn't be happier with the performance. In a twist ending, she ends up leaving her life of fame and fortune behind to live with them and provide the female touch they've been needing!
Tried it, here's what we got!
tantalising, at the minute ai is such a fucking tease isn't it?

Imagine where we'll be a year from now. I think everyone will have their locally installed video generator that is at this level or better - and fully uncensored.
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3.17 MB WEBM

What prompt to get the wiggly tongue sticking out?
Just typed "her tongue is hanging out" after a comma
thanks will try
0:54 I hope she enjoys her new home, she's never leaving it.
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If you want to make risque material make sure to reload the page every so often once your prompt is in generation. The reason is twofold: first, the loading wheel doesn't update properly, and secondly, most naughty stuff that makes it through the filter ends up getting deleted after about 30 seconds after creation. You have to d/l the video as soon as it's made.
Can anyone do Lauren Southern smoking?
meh, I will try again
the AI has a hard time with d tier celebrities
File: lsdownloade.gif (177 KB, 512x768)
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177 KB GIF
No image prompt on it?
Generate Here:https://hailuoai.com/video

1. Enter your prompt.
2. Click “Let’s Go!”
3. Tip: Reports suggest using moonrunes (Chinese/Japanese characters) might improve accuracy.
4. Tip: Download videos as soon as they are baked or risk losing them forever to chang

Helpful Tools for WebM Conversion:
Telling me there is a problem with content of the copy, try another content.????
By now lots of terms and words are banned or semi-censored.

You have to be creative and describe stuff in a different way.
Well the first video was
Dana Perino smokes on Fox News live TV. It no where close to her face. and the now the file is corrupted.
IF the Chinese are going to sensor the US. Yea this is good as dead. THE first group that allows us to have our own library of images that we can prompt and create an animation of our choosing is going to the top of the heap.

And even if it goes through the censorship you have to be quick and download it immediately. Sometimes they delete it like 20 seconds afterwards.
the real porn happens in your head
File: beach wave.webm (1.04 MB, 1280x720)
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1.04 MB WEBM
here you go, best I could get
whose got the biggest tits lets see what you got
how do you get nightgowns or bikinis? the latter is outright blocked for me and the former is a shapeless bag
whip em out lil homie dun be scared
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>how do you get nightgowns or bikinis? the latter is outright blocked for me and the former is a shapeless bag
"bikini" just works for me, if you get insta-blocked sometimes it works if you just try again
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Their word filter is not too smart.
> Scarlett Johansson
> Scrltt Jhnssn
here you go!
what other celebs does it know? will they only work if you dont type the vowels?
jannies killed the hype bros :(
File: Tyson nut.webm (666 KB, 1280x720)
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I like doing Mike Tyson gens it seems to do him pretty well.
This is pretty good! Thanks anon!
Could someone do a hot, oiled, slim, young blonde in underwear and high heels walking through a basement surrounded by spiders the size of large horses? Can you make her look scared?
The software is free, do it yourself.
REEEEE they deleted my last 5 gens at 99 / 96 %. Did they get stricter? How is it for you guys
Just try different shit. I've been copy pasting my prompt and spamming it. Still getting shit to successfully gen. As other anons have mentioned you really do have to camp the shit at the end, although I've had a couple where I forgot I was baking and opened up the tab after like 30 mins and was still able to dl.
Kinda seems like a game of cat and mouse in a way, what have you been prompting?
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I'm camping it non-stop. It goes to 99 or 96 % and then poof just disappers. I tried out different prompts that still worked like 18 hours ago...
>what have you been prompting
women in bathtubs smeared with shit lmao. if it doesn't work now I will come back later and try again
Good one.
The whole point of this thread was to separate anons who want to make porn from those who want to make political content/memes. Please make your own thread.
>women in bathtubs smeared with shit lmao
you gotta prompt stuff chinks are into obviously.
Also, thats nasty and you should feel bad for trying to prompt something like that anyhow.
but try different wordings perhaps? idk you gotta be smarter than a chink
too be fair the other thread was moved to bant and is slow af
File: booba.webm (1.27 MB, 1280x720)
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jannies ruined everything as usual
very good work
I just keep on trying they will never break my spirit. From the last 10 prompts or so I got 3 gens, I don't know if that's a good ratio
>you should feel bad for trying to prompt something like that anyhow
Yeah, nah
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>From the last 10 prompts or so I got 3 gens, I don't know if that's a good ratio
eh not terrible I guess, alot of my prompts get eated up too. Will be nice once we have readily available ai video generation that isn't so censored, will be a very interesting time lol
File: 10.webm (1.13 MB, 1280x720)
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>clear viscous slime
This term gives results pretty close to cum. Can someone help me with the following prompt? I can't get the slime to actually hit her.
>A very attractive young blonde woman is standing and smiling on a hot sunny beach while wearing a microkini and participating in a prank TV Show. From out a frame a huge amount of clear viscous slime is thrown over her. She is now completely drenched from head to toe in the slime and has a sad facial expression.
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>1967, a man looking like young Sean Connery holding bananas. He is surrounded by three tanned American blonde beauties on a tropical beach. Transparent cellophane micro bikini and slim waist.
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someone generate a video of a girl sniffing another girls butt, wearing gray sweat pants. aryan girls pls
Here you go bro >>27834793
Porn and movies are going to be wild in a couple years here, especially when people are able to locally host their own versions and create things without filters
Yeah I'm just sad that it didn't happen 10 years earlier. At this pace we will die just before experiencing the really good stuff technology has in store for us...
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Ariana meets the men responsible for the majority of her views on youtube
Has anyone managed to generate naked asses?
Sheer microkini/lingerie
What's the prompt on this one
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1.15 MB WEBM
something like
>In a royal palace, a beautiful blonde princess lounges on a divan. She looks like Scrltt Jhnssn. From off screen, a servant approaches with a pitcher filled with off-white liquid. The princess smiles, tilts her head back, and opens her mouth. The servant pours the thick liquid over her face. The liquid drips down all over her clothing.

still trying to nail down the cum, currently using
>The liquid is clear hazy white, slimy, and contains some viscous white strands and splotches.
Every single gen I tried was completely off the prompt. I don't know how you guys get it to do specific people like taylor swift.
File: magictime.webm (1.12 MB, 1280x720)
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1.12 MB WEBM
Its magic bro
Post a sample prompt. I'll give you a good one:

>The camera quickly turns upwards to reveal Taylor Swift, who kneels in a bathroom stall, wearing a very short sheer microkini and a very short white skirt. The walls of the bathroom are white. The camera is then located in front of Taylor Swift facing her, and she is entirely visible. On the right wall is a perfectly round hole, centrally located, about 5 inches in diameter. A large object resembling a thick link of sausage is sticking out of the hole. Taylor Swift then leans forward to move the object inside her mouth.

Sometimes you have to retry the prompt, also make sure to refresh the page, and to d/l the video as soon as the loading wheel reaches 97% or so because it could get deleted shortly after generation. Also, sometimes videos might finish before that, so in general, it's best to just have a window open with the loader.
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i use scarlett johansson for lots of prompts works fine for me
That was kinda kino
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I'm having a great time
Movie frame, 8k HD, realistic, red head scarlett johansson as black widow tied to a chair by rope in front of three russian men sneering

alright, just gonna play around with it lol
I swear to God. POST THE FUCKING PROMPTS you dipshits. If you find a way to beat the titty censor, than share what worked. Then you get to see more titties.
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lol they're no better then jeets and jews if they do this.
How do you get it to generate scantily clad women like this? I keep getting women wrapped up in so much clothing they may as well be wearing burqas.
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here's an example of a prompt and output

>A tan Australian fitness model with blue eyes and blonde hair in a two piece string bikini is outside at a tropical beach scene in the daytime. Hoses around her spray water up into the air and it rains down everywhere on the ground and on the woman, drenching her. She spins around happily with her head back and arms outstretched, enjoying the refreshing water cooling her off on this hot day. The scene is shot in dynamic slow motion like a music video, capturing the sparkling of water droplets and emphasizing the woman's pure enjoyment of an exhilarating midday shower.
Thank you sir. I will do the needful and redeem my beaututiful asian woman videos now.
>Wide shot, Taylor Swift, tongue sticking out. A glob of viscous jelly is smeared on her face.
Or we could just go to any porn site
Could you have obtained a more desirable result if you specified the colour of the jelly?
Yeah you can. I tried adding in "white viscous jelly" but it didn't make it through the censor. Nonetheless, at this point you can use a video editor to mess with the color.
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These niggas geeking
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i'm trying to find the right prompt to make the blue eyes not look like they're straight out of dune
"hazel eyes"
Love it.
File: Cream.webm (439 KB, 720x406)
439 KB
A tan Australian fitness model with blue eyes and blonde hair in a two piece is sitting in frame up close with an attractive pose at a tropical beach scene in the daytime. The liquid drips down all over . The liquid is clear hazy white, slimy, and contains some viscous white strands and splotches. The liquid rains down everywhere on the woman, drenching her. The liquid slowly seeps through the crevice The slimy white liquid collects in. Going ahhhh with mouth
File: G.webm (627 KB, 720x406)
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These are hilarious. What's the prompt to get the dudes to look like this?
Her face covered with smashed cake would look good
We ordered a cream pie boss.
File: light blue.webm (1.18 MB, 1280x720)
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1.18 MB WEBM
here's "light blue", looks a little better although the faces it generated are kinda so-so
Yeah they look like aliens lol. What was your prompt that made the panties fade away?
I find that the faces it gives you are pretty generic and unattractive if you don't specifically prompt with a celebrity's name.
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nothing in the prompt that would do that, AI just decided it was time

>wearing a sheer micro bikini with a plunging neckline
Emma Stone with milk pouring out of her mouth. she seems unhappy about this. kneeling in the street
there is already a sex scene of her getting pounded by black dick

Might webm convert later anyway.
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hazel eyes coming in a bit browner than i would like
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Can we have less blondes please.
"4 drooling male nerds, the men are wearing shirts that say "GOON FOR TAY", The men are all cross eyed with their tongues hanging out"

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3.7 MB
Sequel just dropped.
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1.32 MB WEBM
got it to give me a cute on finally. wish we could seed these with a prior generation so you could keep a good model if you found one
Inferior irl brain. We aren't posting the prompts because that's all we want to see. We post the prompts so that we can figure out how to move beyond the reality we can on "any porn site"
Remember the Olivia Newton John video "physical"? Can you do something sexier based on that?
If you want a woman in a particular type of bikini or underwear you have to type the name of that garment eg "microkini", "chemise" etc. The ai is retarded, you have to tell it *exactly* what you want to see.
File: hmmmm.webm (1.02 MB, 1280x720)
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1.02 MB WEBM
the AI is very bad at animating any kind of complicated movement. it can kind of handle standing and walking, but anything else is very bad
Tell me you're the only other person who read those spider attack stories by tdm?
the ai cumshots are going to be insane
The AI works better if you break the prompts into numbered lists rather than a full chunk of text.

1. 4 drooling male nerds are surrounding a woman.
2. The woman is Taylor Swift in a bikini
3. The men are wearing shirts that say "GOON FOR TAY"
4. The men are all cross eyed with their tongues hanging out.
5. The woman looks terrified.
File: hailuo-01.webm (622 KB, 1280x720)
622 KB
An ice cream is attached horizontally to a brick wall. The stick of the ice cream attaches to the wall. An attractive woman with curly blonde hair, dark brown eyes and a round face is eating the ice cream. She is trying to eat the whole ice cream all at once, but is having difficulty doing it.

"ice cream" seems promising.
the community has spoken, we want blondes
the oily sweaty chest works for me!
great, has anyone figured out how to get hot faces yet or is it still generation roulette?
File: ginger.webm (1.32 MB, 1280x720)
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1.32 MB WEBM
"blonde" is just to make sure we get white women.
File: hailuo-03.webm (608 KB, 1280x720)
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idk I just describe facial traits that I think would look attractive.
just pick an A/B list celebrity lookallike name
deeswap your girl/crush/femcel/Z list celeb in afterwards
I've only gotten an Asian girl subbed in one time, it's not like Bing or anything. I think it defaults to white. I use the term Caucasian if I want to be absolutely sure I'm going to get white.
The asian women generated by this AI are butt-ugly.
I have one, but this one might be better.
I'll leave this for the last one, it's getting overdone with scarjo here.
We really aren't far off from flat out AI porn video, huh? There's so much porn out there to train with it's only a matter of someone just following the whitepapers and doing it.
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how did this guy manage to make a 20 sec video? i thought the limit was 6 secs?
These are all garbage and it is clearly censored beyond any useful capacity. May as well have a thread about Sears catalogue finds.
For actual prompts though you want to be descriptive; don't just name a person, you still want to describe them. Then you have to find a balance because if you are describing eyes then it has to be close up enough to show the eyes and that's already limiting the output. The more you put in the more it will conflict with itself.
It's a fine art.
is there a definitive list of celebs that this thing knows
it's the ancient tech of cutting and merging. he just made multiple gens and put them together
and let the chinks know what the workarounds are? No thanks
How do I create an account on that site? Do I need to use my phone number? Do mutt phone numbers even work there? Thanks.
Use the desktop version and you don't need an account or give them a phone number.
the spin at 0:20 is amazing, you got something special here bud
Can u give the ai input of a specific girl? If so can s1 try with s9me german twitch girls like annitheduck, xfiibii, mahluna or juliabeautx?
try yourself numbnuts, hailuoai.com/video
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2.71 MB WEBM
Prompt for this one?
When I ask for a woman with a, "oily body" I get oil dripping off of her
File: cumbug.webm (1.3 MB, 1280x720)
1.3 MB
bros I think the censors are asleep
This an AI made by chinks, on a board that is like 90% spics and pajeets, you are not getting non-blonde women because shitskins are obsessed with blondes, and to shitskins, "white" is synonymous with "blonde".
Are the jews involved too? I'm whiter than white and I'm obsessed with blue eyed blondes ffs.
File: back massagies.webm (3.91 MB, 1280x720)
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3.91 MB WEBM
Mmm mm mmm...
now do the other side
File: nice.webm (2.08 MB, 1280x720)
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2.08 MB WEBM
nice breast
How did you get this to generate? Anytime I have anything with a butt shot it just gets instant deletus
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File: carwash.webm (2.22 MB, 1280x720)
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Wash that fkn car bitch
*love* the wet/sweaty/oily look

Properly wanted the cream thing to jump at her face, but it is beta version :p
The more I watch this the funnier it gets.
Predictive programming for the new world order.
18 fucking mins to wait to create a video omg
taytay, but there is some arm in body error there, that's about it.
File: Animebooba1.webm (3.94 MB, 1280x720)
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I think I sidestepped the booba censor. 1/5
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1.95 MB WEBM
Not sure what happened with this one.
these are cool. reminds me of P3 reloaded artstyle
Anyone knows an easy way to swap faces? I'm trying to do some taytay ones, but these free swap video sites keep rejechkswggting my videos
These all kinda suck. What's the appeal of AI?

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