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Post pedophiles being caught, confronted or beaten.
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I remember this. That's the freak who dressed as a schoolgirl to prey on underage girls going to the bathroom at school, wasn't it?
What happened to
>Throw pedophiles into a woodchipper!
? Here you have one actually trying to kill himself and they're stopping him!
Wait for the pedo sympathizers to pour in...
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cut a weeb and a pedo bleeds, and weebs are like 90% of this god forsaken site
links to a legal case or something? feels staged
Where is this happening? Sounds like a mall with loads of people.
this is the kino shit, getting slapped around enough to be scared shitless, but not being beaten to death. I'm not big on capital punishment, but it's always good to see offending pedos be given a little memento mori
Well, the assumption is that libido is all they are and feel, and all they've ever been. Most seem to have an autistic level of delusion and behavior commensurate with signs of early dementia, at best. Sad actually. Just some 'demon' to be killed to most here, I guess.
I've seen videos like this many times where it's police escorting criminals while a crowd is around, and it seems like the police try very hard to protect the criminals. But why? It's always from South American countries I think. Why do the police care so much about pedos not getting harmed? Such bizarre shit, that happens in no other part of the world
>They put him in a cell with my cousin
Read the caption tard.
its in prison.
Thats false, americans even have sicarios killing pedophiles, only asians, muslims and baizuos dont give a fuck about fucking kids.
ESL-kun please use Google translate
You don't get it anon, it's da laaaww, everyone deserves fair treatment and rights, even the guy who raped your 7 year old daughter and skinned her alive!!
The problem is these are brown people and brown countries. They don't really care about laws and morals and shit. Especially when you consider how many of their countries rely on drug trafficking, human trafficking, and gangs for their economy to not collapse
You absolutely LOVE to see it
They'd still probably get fired for not doing their job aka what they're told to do, not everyone is a druggie
What the fuck are you even talking about? Please show me what parts of Western Europe or the USA where police are letting citizens apply vigilante justice against people arrested for crimes.
You’re telling me cops in other parts of the world wouldn’t protect accused people against mobs?
Do you think those British guys were weebs?
I know right, he could have stabbed one of them. Very unnecessary to try and stop him.
Due process of law
It protects potentially innocent people
there's literally a video of a black dude beating the shit out of a pedo in this thread but whatever fits your agenda, white trash
Being against vigilantism doesn't mean you sympathize with criminals
I remember this too. The man apparently did this a few times before in other schools.

They set him free because the judge (a woman btw) determined that the man felt trapped inside a girl body, hence his behaviour
Fuck you and your MAPphobia, faggot. Go lick old, roastie pussy. Real men fuck virgin and fertile females
That's a good thread idea
Bump, nice thread, it's so good to see these fuckers gets confronted
...wouldn't that align with what he's saying?
just type "youth pastor" into news part of google search and you'll have plenty of incels caught abusing ki. enjoy.
I wish you a very happy 'get in the woodchipper'
>trying to save guy from slitting his throat and get the knife from him
>punch him in the face
Lol keep talking big.
We know you get no pussy except the one in you mirror.
So uncomfortable to watch
I would like for people to stop them from killing themselves, the way they're supposed to die is being locked in a storage container for just two weeks, no food, water, human contact or heat they'll die alone, confused, frightened but slightly hopeful until their last system sputters out.
Costs no money, the camera footage of their useless screaming for help would be both hilarious and honestly kinda good fap material, and it solves the problem of pedophile fucks trying to rape 16 year old kids.
I would curbstomp this disgusting bundle of chromosomes
Omg this is the best thread I've seen in a minute. Fuck all the gore and tranny threads, let's see some good old fashioned videos of men making their communities a safer place to live.
Bozo, cops in white countries arrest criminals in private and by force. There is nothing like this where the cops cuck down and gently suck the cock of criminals to ensure they have a pleasant runway walk to a vehicle. Dumb fuckin monkey

Trying to screw a 6 year old girl is kinda pushing it.
There was such a neo-nazi in Russia - Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak (Russian for Cleaver, Hatchet). He made a YouTube show about catching pedophiles. Long story short, later he was tortured to death in prison.
If anyone wants to, make webms from his videos.
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Cops in “white countries” don’t take an arrested person from court to jail? What the fuck are you even saying? Are you high, trolling, or just mentally disabled?
This faggot deserve to die.
Just track down all shota and loli posters and cremate them.
This is too quick...
I would fuck the guy with a wood stick for hours until he die...
yep, let me know, I would join you any time of the day or night.
On one hand, of course it's fucking staged you think these pussies actually show up ready for a gunfight with a legit human trafficker?

On the other, when they aren't staged, virtually every case they show is thrown out of court for various reasons that basically boil down to "You are not a cop, your word is not any more believable than the person you are accusing, and because you committed premediated felony assault on this stranger for the ultimate goal of posting a video on the internet you have much bigger concerns of your own now."

That's one of the big giveaways the ones where they beat them up are all fake by the way. That the poster wasn't arrested themselves.
You probably put pronoun in your bio for asking the obvious...
It's right on the screen dumb ass
"Not in front of his kids"
Shut up dumb emotional woman...
The next day that "dirty pedo" shot and killed your righteous hero. Thanks to the video your praising it was an open and shut case of self defense.
As I recall he was a registered sex offender for some stalking charge that had nothing to do with kids, and he received this beating for literally saying "hi" to a group of girls playing near his house.
>What happened to "Throw pedophiles into a woodchipper!"?

Well, as it turns out, all the virtue signaling obese limp wristed faggots talking about biblical levels of violence against people they've never met when they've never even been in a fist fight are full of shit. Most of the people in this thread could walk in on a guy ass fucking a toddler and they wouldn't even say shit to the guy, much less "throw them in a woodchipper" or any of the other over the top bullshit they talk about.
I'll be very surprised if you can point to genuine evidence that this is real. Feels very fake, as if staged by a group of transphobes to manufacture evidence to support their bigotry because they can't find genuine examples of this occurring.
It's in a jail and it's fake. They don't put actual child molesters in with normal people.

>Oh the guards hate...

What the guards hate is being arrested and locked up forever as a former LEO for conspiracy to commit to murder. They don't like pedophiles but they are paid to protect them, and can face charges if they actively avoid doing so. All the bullshit prison stories you've heard about what happens to "chomos on the yard" are as fake as your neo-vagina. Chomos aren't sent to the yard.
The exact reason they shouldn't be allowed to have a "next day".

Aswell, why the fuck you got quotations on dirty paedo, nonce is on a register, cunt admitted it.
The whole throw them in a woodchipper is retarded, they should just beat them to death on the spot, tooled up or not, paedophiles are a universal evil & if it was dealt with, how it should be (Immediate excecution) then I doubt we'd have this shit going on constantly.
People need to kill this pedo like every people in power corruption
>it's fake.
Are you sure? Not every jail is exactly the same. Maybe he was in gen pop temporarily before he got moved somewhere else.
Those retard sexual teasing him LMAO
I'm sorry, I didn't notice at first.
Jeez man that's an extreme answer
lmao that's not how self defense works
That was 100% financed by globohomo.
>Upon his release from prison in 1978, López began wandering throughout the northwestern area of South America, eventually arriving in Peru.
>He later claimed that during this period he had killed over 100 girls, mainly street children from indigenous tribes.[6]
>While these claims are unverifiable, it is known that López was briefly captured by an Ayacuchoan indigenous tribe in south-central Peru after attempting to abduct a 9-year-old girl.[7] The Ayacuchoans stripped López of his clothes and belongings and buried him in the sand.[8]
>However, an American missionary convinced the tribe to release López and turn him over to the police.[8] The police did not detain López, and he was instead expelled from the country.[8]

How would you feel if you were this american missionary, knowing that this pos went on to kill hundred more kids and is still on the run.
Spotted the pedo. Hi pedo
nigga mature, actually fully developed women are better than dumbass snot nosed ass kids, i dont get how you can pick lil girls over milfs
Except his definition of "pedophile" is "a person who isn't straight", so that's just anti-LGBT hate disguised as anti-pedophilia.
Majority of pedos are alphabet entities so he was right to target them
The majority of pedos being alphabet entities doesn't mean that the majority of alphabet entities are pedos. And even if it was he would still be wrong to target them since there is a chance of targeting an innocent person.
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>open the thread
>white sjw roasties get beaten
>somehow spic weebs seething malding coping all day in this thread
Does anyone else feel like these pedo catchers are just looking for someone to feel superior to? Like is the community actually safer when they bait them like that?
>Inb4 "hurr durr found the pedo!!"
Its like a Monty Python skit
Got any proof for that ragebait?
Yeah, they are the same sort of people that would mob and stomp kick a guy after he slapped a girl near them, no questions asked.
Imagine if some cunt framed you as pedo, and these cunts just come after you, assuming they are free and morally justified to abuse you.
Hell I have two kids, and say hi to their classmates all the time, some girls from my sons class even hug me openly because I accompany the class to all manner of museums and excursions often. I shudder to imagine one of their fathers was a psychopath like >>27833410 and just decided to "teach me a lesson".
You lack reading comprehension and are stupid.
Yeah, that baffled me. What the fuck was that response? I suppose all the adrenalin got to him.
Yeah he basically targeted poor confused 19 year old fags for trying to go on a date with what they assumed was 17 year old fag. Then he targeted someone actually connected. Ended up in prison, strangled to death with his hands crushed to paste by a hammer before death. Just desserts. I watched some of his videos, he was very disturbed, sadistic individual.
>it was hard to manipulate adults into dating me, so I tried to manipulate kids
It's also likely due to the idea of once they're in custody properly, the police of whatever nation are now legally on the hook for whatever may happen to them.
When society breaks down, pedos will be the first to get slaughtered. I can't wait for it.

Yeah, based thread.
Never understood why these pedos stay still like that, lmao nigga you destroyed your life might as well put on a show for us and fight back. Whatever, can someone post the video where the pedo has a knife and starts chasing the hunter while the latter is crying and begging for mercy.
Do you know they're trying to add pedophilia as one of the varieties of sexual orientation in the Alphabet+, right?
I'd very much like to see this lol
they are just looking for someone they can hurt
they would be hunting witches or lynching black people in the past
Damn this is old. Everyone in the video is white and there was at least one kraut opposed to child rape.
>>Pedophile thread
>>Post 4chan user being caught, confronted or beaten
if they had any fight in them they wouldnt prey on defenseless children in the first place
>hehe u guys are pedos!
>open webms
>over half of the pedos are trannies
Anyone got any good TCAP or similar webms?
Most of these amateur youtube hunters are cringe. The professional stuff was way better
Just your typical mentally ill ped type coping with his attraction to young boys they go out of their way to cope
You will never be a woman
>us pedos are so heckin oppressedorino... we are literally witches and people of color!
Holy fucking kek. Redditor spotted
I bloody well hope so, seeing as I am a man. I also happen to speak Russian, so I've seen his videos in context. I detest pedos, and I'm kinda cold even on gays, but Tesak was a low brow piece of shit thug and died like one.
Someone brick it FFS
please post more webms of pedos getting their asses kicked faggots
sauce? name?
This was funny seeing this "man" turned out as a bitch, we need more pedophile killing and torture videos. Thank you anons.
you wanna fap to an old geezer decaying in a connex? but thinking hot 16s are hot is weird? i dont buy it buddy. youd fuck a dog i bet
>Isn't it obvious? It must have meant my penis
>commits assault and battery
>spends several months in county jail
>children still get molested
Based and redpilled
But 16 is legal in most states, Anon.
dude doin this is gay af lmao. its just dom/sub type shit
i hate this bitch. she makes me root for the nonces
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how old was joseph?? who gives a fuck it was immaculate conception in canon and he wasnt the messiah lmao hes a side character and muslim canon still has their prophet fucking a 9 yo where even if you dont belive mary was a virgin she was still 14 not 9 lmao 14 is prime and not pedophilia
imma weeb and i hate pedo shit, loli shit etc., thats a stupid correlation youre trying to force
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>lads! lads! you're better than him!
not a pedo I remember seeing this on the policeactivity channel, guy just had a restraining order (and evidentaly a deathwish)
South Americans, and Latin Americans in general are more prone to engage in vigilantism due to their countries having weak judicial systems.
>Such bizarre shit, that happens in no other part of the world
You know this isn't true.
defending pedos is the lowest form of human being. do everyone on this planet a favor and shoot yourself. I'm genuinely serious, you're a cancer on this society and do not deserve the oxygen we have left on this godforsaken rock
Well, half the threads are tranny too.
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he was trying to knock him out to prevent him from killing himself, are you retarded?
How is this guy a pedo
Yeah but in the anglosphere it’s considered as bad as saying the N word even though it’s legal (the N word is also legal)
Any proof for any of these claims? or just internet BS?
Really mentally ill stuff here. Please get help before you hurt some random person.
You had me till the end, kekworthy bait
low Iq pedohunters btfo
Sick chant lmao
Should have just shot this freak and left it to rot. But I guess that goes for all of them.
No hes from reddit and only came here to rage about this website, then he went back
looks like kind of a small shoe to me
Just some guy making up shit to defend the pedo for some reason. I googled around and I found nothing about this supposed shooting
the only good bit of it is in the clip
the rest sucks
keep running by lost team
The missionary was a hero
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Based. What a fucking chad
Cause in latinoland when a pedo gets into prison they get tortured ten times worse than what any citizen could do, so its better to not get the justice proccess interrupted because "our client wasnt protected by poilice" bullshit because of what >>27837723 said
That's so sad bro, do you need tissues?
ITT, speds malding while waiting to be v& irl
Nigga I'd do samething to 6y/o rapper
It's real. Cope you sexually retarded satanic faggot fuck
>fucking a 9 yo
Aisha was 6 actually, 9 is the canon rape.
Is there any proof that guy was a pedophile? or any proof of what the other anon claimed which was that he was on the sex offenders registry but was not a pedo? I feel like all the above was fake and he was probably just a catfished pedophile as per usual
It’s kind of hard to tell. Looks like objects become smaller as they are held lower on that cam. Either way it’s a stretch unless that’s near a preschool or something. But it looks like it’s somebody’s dirty apartment
>Is there any proof that guy was a pedophile?
He more or less admits it unless you're trying to say that a guy slapping him was enough to make him admit to being a pervert that preys on children when he really isn't

>I feel like all the above was fake and he was probably just a catfished pedophile as per usual
They clearly had history, did we watch the same vid?
The Nazis had a program called Aktion T4 to euthanize people with poor genetics like this. The jews won, not us. White people lost.
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Your posts are bizarre. police protection there is no different from what happens in first world countries.
>in latinoland when a pedo gets into prison they get tortured ten times worse
Shitskin fantasy. Wetbacks are all voracious notorious pedophiles. They are as bad as jeets. Their ages of consent are preposterously low, and they routinely rape kids underneath that as a matter of afternoon hobby. In fact, recently an american pedophile was arrested in colombia, and the cops… just let him go.

Stop defending shitskin pedophile countries.
Aktion t4 was as fake and gay as the holohoax. Muh nazis killed nobody.
>americans have sicarios killing pedophiles
It’s extremely rare, like 1 out of 100 million.
Listen, the guy in that webm admitted to being in a registry and did talk to the guys daughters. Should he have? No, not at all and never should talk to a child again. Did he deserve the beating? Legally, no.

Also, if you have not seen it, I suggest watching the movie The Hunt. It is a Danish film with your exact fears come to life. False accusation of rape by a teacher and an entire town that works against him.
Who tf does the cameraman think he is?
>17 image replies 156 replies
>No seats over there
>No college girl, no awkward my mommy and daddy teen boy
Please vacate the website, you big fake doublefaggot. Do yourself in like >>27833416 and post something decent.
You can get on the registry for almost nothing tho, most have mothing to do with pedophiles
Hes about as trans as chris chan is retard
Chinese says its their kids shoes.
Tazer is an American company.... Just saying

Mag dump Vs a tazer Americans man
>He more or less admits it
He says "yes" when asked if he's a sex offender. Otherwise he tries to pacify the raging redneck saying he's going to kill him.

>They clearly had history
I found it clear they'd never spoken before.
While an extreme and not common example there really are people on that list for getting drunk and pissing in an alley late at night two blocks from a school. Being on the list does not make you a pedophile. I want to say MOST people on the list aren't pedophiles.

"Why'd you shoot this guy?"
"He was going to kill me."
"Do you have any evidence of that?"
"How about a video where he randomly beats the shit out of me and says he's going to fucking kill me if he ever sees me again?"
"... Yeah."

Hello. Is your daughter home?

You have a shred of evidence guy was a pedo, or are you taking the bully who peaked in highschool's word for it? As for "I don't deserve to breath." 4363 N Topping Ave Kansas City, MO. Anytime you're ready, pussy.

That shit has been floating around for like over a decade, but I do remember someone posted a thread laughing about it a few years ago. I don't care enough to look up the article but it was somewhere in Texas if you want to go fishing.
She was 6 when he started touching her, he waited till she was 9 to actually fuck her.
"to defend him or herself against an apparent threat of unlawful and *immediate* violence from another"

if young guy visited old guy for a second guy and got shot, might have a case for self defense, but you made it sound like old guy just waltzed over, shot young guy, and got off on self defense

you gonna give us a news article, or names or something to verify this? or just sit here and keep trying to convince everyone that most people on pedo registers aren't actually pedos

4363 N Topping Ave Kansas City, MO, either this is your real address and the elementary school around the corner definitely knows who you are, or you've got a chip on your shoulder and it's the address of someone who slighted you. In the latter case, I'm guessing the real owner could identify you... watch out buddy
Can't stand the moral highhorse these pussies ride on while simultaneously endorsing abortion and cartel trafficking because it's "out of their hands". >>27837498
This is why applying modern (((sensibilities))) to the past is retarded. Once a girl hits puberty is it completely unscientific to say she isn't "ready" for sex due to some mental barrier that you pull out of your ass. I genuinely don't understand how baitniggers in these threads fail to see the obvious population control psyop around AOC, the pill, abortion, and female education. Islam, to its probably only credit, sees right through these schemes due to their inherent mistrust of kikes, yet western smoothbrains gooble this shit right up.
I would like to see you try and tase someone wearing a coat and see if it saves your life. 1/6 tasers activated dont do anything
this guy needs to be knighted
based lore knower
>16 year old kids

anon, kids nowadays at that age have had more sex than a retired porn star from the 80's, but, u know, u can call them kids for more dramatic purposes, of course.
Pedophilia might be wrong but violence of this nature isn't the answer.
Kinda, i just testified in a court of law and the guy got 17 years day to day. It doesnt remove the guilt or feeling like a shit head but ive never once wanted to kill the person. Just go away and never come back and no internet ever again without bbeing monitored.
It happens everywhere. The idea is that once someone is in custody they are going to comply with the police and then they can be put away under the law neatly and with all bases having been covered with everyone involved actually getting caught, when the suspect cant even expect to make it to trial why would they ever talk or expose more shit. Its literally just about ensuring due process. Theres been cases thrown out over this sort of shit, collaborators not getting pulled and people not getting answers to why something happened all because the suspects lock up over how they were treated by police let alone the masses.

Heres a video of what it looks like when the police dont try to protect the suspects, because this happened the accusations of the family being part of a larger child trafficking ring was never discovered because they refused to coopoerate, and so any other victims or further collusion has been left up in the air. This shit does not help a case wrap up, however its satisfying to see evil dragged into the light and have the shit kicked out of it.
He waited like any upstanding gentleman.
Kindof explains why trannies troon honestly.
>I tried being a man and had no success, so I became a woman
You are absolutely and 200% incorrect. I have been on the pod with exactly 3 chomo's. One was murdered by his celly. On was poked up and got sent to another compound and the third got his shit rolled up by his celly and checked in as soon as his celly found out what his charges were.

They absolutely go in gen and shit like this absolutely happens to them. The worst thing that can happen to you is get a chomo as a celley because you are going to the hole. You HAVE to break them off or you are going to get broken off.

When that chomo gets brought into your cell, say goodbye to your good time.
"Trust me bro" isn't evidence, shit for brains.
Exactly this, animal abuse also. Probably they were huge bullies themselves when they were kids since kids don't need excuses to justify it. That's not even getting into the absurdity of how a lot of these pedo hunters turn out to be caught being huge pedos themselves.
it actually is the answer you pedophilic faggot piece of shit.

Take your revenge is bad hollyweird meme-trash somewhere else.
Just out of curiosity was that guy someone who messaged you on a chatroom and said hey you want to hang out some time? Pretty sure that's not how it works ever. It's a trusted member of society that the kid knows.
Cheeky cunts making egg puns while fucking this guy up kek
Can some slavanonski translate?
Let them have a easy way out? I don't think so
Lol this one said he was possessed by belzebub which is why be did it.

How's that not a plausible defense in court if churches etc exist. Don't pay taxes. Etc etc.
Violence just breeds more violence. We should resolve issues like civilized people.
Maybe stop living in Marvel Studios world and step into reality.
>civilized people
Cull the defects from civilization. You need a good ol civilized ass whoopin you pedo defending faggot
When you resort to brutality people respond with brutality. You just create a vicious circle of savagery. Let the law handle the offenders. That's what society is about.
The problem is your average sloped brow cro magnon retard isn't going to care about the nuances of someone's offense and the sex offender registry becomes basically a hit list where everyone on it is assumed to be a pedophile or rapist

There's an anon that posted his story on /jp/ that got registered for buying an onahole with a loli on the box. The charge he was stuck with makes it sound like he possessed CP

You can get registered for something like "exposing a child to harmful materials" which if your ex wife knows where your porn stash is and you share custody could be an easy mound of shit to step in. Not to mention statutory rape- I met my wife when she was 17 and I was 18 and I shudder to think what would have happened if we got caught fucking in our car with today's sensibilities. Not something we even thought of at the time
get raped in prison pedo
That poor lady died from her injuries. She could've been innocent too. She should've been given the chance to stand trial. But she was denied a chance to prove her innocence by a violent barbaric mob. Such senseless savagery. I weep for this world.
these people need to be rehabilitated, im talking the ones that actually want to change and know something is wrong with them.

the ones that are out and about being open about their attraction are the ones that deserve no mercy. its insane these people are public about about it and trying to change laws in their favor.
Not all pedophiles are bad. Some realize their sexual attraction to children is wrong and refrain from acting upon it. This is why we as a society should demonize the act of pedophilia but not pedophiles themselves. They are still human beings at the end of the day. Hate the sin not the sinner.
Wow, even Reddit is siding with the asshole savagely beating that potentially innocent man. I expect better from Reddit. They're normally on the right side of history. Smh
Masturbatory fantasies about vigilante violence aside, is there any scientific evidence whatsoever that it is even remotely possible to cure a pedophile through therapy?
i agree, and these are the kind of people that need to be rehabilitated because they realize they are sick and want to change.

again, the ones that are proud about it are the ones that are likely to act on their attraction and deserve no mercy'

hell in my area there was a serial rapist preying on the middle school and elementary school girls.

he was caught by some miracle he wasnt beaten to death by the dude that caught him he survived the beatdown but

he didn't even make it a month he was killed by the other inmates once they found out
Rightwing bigotry is the cancer of society and the primary reason its going down the tubes. Being rightwing is synonymous with barbarism and the dark age.
Shut up, pedo
I like how just nobody did anything. They just waited for the execution to end :D
nice video re-enactment
only works if they actually want to change and puts in the effort to change.

if for example rehabilitation was court ordered i would imagine it wouldnt work.
That makes sense.
Works the same for junkies.
I assume the behaviours are related. Seeking pleasure regardless of the effects on anyone else.
went to college in FL and like 90% of the born and raised FL women I got to know confessed to being molested as kids by family members or friends of family members
why would anybody try to stop him?
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https://hardgif.com/gif/218503776 thats what i found. her name could be Nana Ogura
This anon >>27837723 we have this thing that is call "Citizen Detention" that is, when the people arrest someone that was stealing, you can even search for it in spanish as "Detencion ciudadana" and that videos are just so funny sometimes.


Like for example, look at that, just look that. jajajajajajajaja. Imagine dont be a latino and lose the chance to do that to a delinquent, in europe you do that, and you now own that poor inmigrant that was trying to steal from you all your money because of the HumanRightcucks
What if someone falsely accused you of pedophilia? How would you like mob justice? This is why people need to stand trial otherwise there's nothing that separates us from the dark age.
its common, also think if i remember right they found a link between endometriosis and other fertility issues in women who experienced that during their childhood making it harder to get pregnant.

wonder if the ladies in the vid are really that dumb to support pedo as an orientation.
rehabilitation not normalization
Please tell me those are just
>Pedophiles need help so we shouldn't shame them for coming forward with their illness as long as they haven't actually acted on their impulses
talks taken out of context. The second woman especially is sounding real sus.
historic sensibilities said girls before 16 are off limits. People waited after a girl hit puberty because the pelvis is still growing and an early pregnancy can easily get the girl killed giving birth.
based 2A enjoyer
Anybody that doesn’t support the public beating and humiliation of pedos is likely a pedo themselves. Fucking kikes and their appeal to authority bullshit. Hope you faggots get made to eat a curbside LMAO

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