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That one does look like the guy is dead and she's sucking him just to wake him up.

Many of these videos look like evidence from molly overdose.

But it isn't. It's a heart transplant contact they take. It makes their nerves and neurons shine in the dark.

Just the nerves you need to connect to the machine.
ok what the hell
Triple swipe left on niggers lol. Right there with you
so fucking hot but the first time I saw it I thought the dick was coming out the buttcheeks like it was reversed and now I can't unsee this
any sauce tho?
src pls
I should've gone to korea or vietnam or some shit to get a fuckdoll
You good bro?
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Remember anons, this is how hapa incels are created
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A lot of girls are lowkey into pee stuff, including my wife, and I don't really get it.

I don't really associate peeing with horny because I can't even get hard if I have to pee, unless it's morning wood
hint from someone into it: its not about associating pee with horny, its about associating her submissiveness and humiliation with horny
Fucking hell, now I can't Unsee it! XD
Visit a psychiatrist asap please.
looks like Solazola
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Fuckin saved. Best webm I have ever seen here, and I dont even have asian fever
>Mfw I dont have this
I wanna kms
cant wait to be in her position one day

captch: T A2M
That guy had a weak father.
who,need info.... like, yesterday who???
Why the fuck they have TWO washing machines
Ones a dryer retard. They are a set, see how the door handles are opposite to each other? So u can easily transfer.
Two washing machines are more convenient. Makes sense if you’re always busy with other things.
Last time I saw a dedicated drying cylinder was on an USSR made washing machine in 90s lul
Why would you buy something like that when modern washing machines can both wash and dry
Irena Ortega / Rina Dakota
>Rina Dakota
Thank you
Throughput - you can wash and dry at the same time. Common in many parts of the world where footprint does not come at a premium. Front load washers are inferior to agitator or impeller designs.
god fucking damn it my sides are in orbit
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e rome.com/ZippS
lmao we just caught a fucking bot, boys.
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fuckin lost
It's all about submission.

Men are naturally dominant, women are naturally submissive, that's how our species work, like when you watch a documentary about spiders and you see the female spider dominates, and sometimes even kill the partner. Submissive men are a result of a genetic failure or Jewish influence, much like dominant women.
sam e

captcha g4y4p

You can't overdose on MDMA, you obviously don't know what you're talking about.
you very much can retard
No you cannot.
Are you dumb?
No, merely knowledgeable on the topic.

You just believe and repeat things you once heard like a golem, but the truth is that not a single death has ever been attributed to taking too much MDMA, for the simple reason that there is no biomechanism associated with the substance that can kill a human.
If there is a lethal dose it would be perhaps 100 grams or something. Per weight it takes even more than that to kill a mouse.

If you want to apologize for talking without knowing, I'll be here.
Ohhh so you cum to the Latinas and Chinese then want to settle down with a white girl
No one wants to marry and have children with women with brown pussies lol they're dirty.
Impregnate all. Leave no wombs open for others.
Racemixing is disgusting Anon.
only when other people do it
hot....anymore from this couple specifically? She looks like a tight submissive little cunt.
washing machines don't dry as much as dryers
that said, dryers are bad for fabrics
Any more?
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Not enough piss drinking in this thread. The best wives guzzle piss.
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Sorry man, cum guzzling's the best I can do
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Sauce on god
this guy sounds like the biggest retard in the entire world wtf
horny gimi
I'm not buying another washer when my washer and dryer have been working fine for over 20 years. New stuff breaks fast and in some cases is designed to break just after the warranty period so you buy another.
honestly, if she were wife material she wouldn't be doing porn
please more of the angel
>women are naturally submissive
have you met women irl?
Yes, and they are submissive, they want to be something else, they try their hardest to follow what the Jew told them through propaganda, but they are submissive, all you need is to be firm and to act as a man and they'll be submissive. Every time things get bad, women revert to their submissive ways lightning fast.
nevermind, found it. pantynectar
that's an act, a facade put on display for a transaction.
>serotonin syndrome
>cross effects with MAOIs
>abnormal heart rate
>dozens to hundreds of MDMA deaths where MDMA is the only active chemical reported yearly
>"not a single death has ever been attributed to taking too much MDMA"

actual faggot. whats crazy is i think you believe it too
It's always crazy to me when people say this retarded bullshit, because OBVIOUSLY women are naturally submissive. Like, have you ever fucked one? Of course they're submissive. Retard.
I wish we knew the girls name
No, it's disgusting for everyone, in all cases.
Why do you call her both submissive and a little count? That doesn't make any sense.
You obviously don't know what you're talking about, but that's okay, I'll teach you.

Hyponatremia only happens when you do stupid things and overheat yourself and don't drink salt, like dancing for hours in the sun. This is not caused by MDMA in any way, so you're wrong.
Neurotoxicity caused by MDMA abuse has never been found to be lethal, so you're wrong.
No severe SS has ever been witnessed merely with MDMA, and no death, so you're wrong.
Overheating is caused by behavior, not MDMA. Merely taking MDMA does not even increase temperature enough to be considered a fever. So you're wrong.
Crossing with other drugs has nothing to do with MDMA per se, this is off topic and you're wrong.
The erratic or intense heart rate (on par with a cardio physical activity) caused by the amphetamine is expected and has never caused a death, so you're wrong.
This does not happen. Never has a death been linked to MDMA, we don't even know how MDMA could potentially kill a human. So you're wrong.

You're welcome.
If you want to apologize, I'll be here.
The european mind cannot comprehend this american excess
More of them and their cuck
Lisa Simpson levels of yellow.
Holy fuck sign me up for this
Is this a tranny
No rimming? Any guy can get a blowjob from a girl. It takes wife material to go further south
You talk like someone who's never even gotten to first base with a girl
Definitely need sauce
You can od from mdma fucking moron, my god you're really fucking stupid, on research and you wrong
No you cannot, I explained why.
The fact that you're just insulting me shows that you know you're wrong and are ashamed. Grow up and apologize.
You want your wife to have parasites and infections from licking your poop chute? You're not a good husband.
Not everyone is a filthy unhealthy unwashed ingrate like you are
you can overdose on just about everything you fucking dipshit
Not MDMA, as I've explained.
It's better to be single than to be with a woman who is not submissive.
WAY better.
Holy, need sauce please
holy shit this is how people die from taking too much MDMA.... you think it can never hurt you.

>"it would be perhaps 100 grams or something..."

I don't believe you have to die from a drug in order to overdose from it. I've nodded out quite a few times on pills where I thought "what the fuck is going on or "ohhh fuuuuck I definitely did way too much, I might have fucked up my brain permanently." I definitely consider these overdoses...

...if you think you can take more than .25 grams of good molly (you think you can take 400x that) and be fine, you're fucked in the head, partner. Really hope you're just trolling on this one.
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This is Emma Kotos, got some videos for ya'll.


couldnt find morek
You can't die from taking too much MDMA. There is no record of it ever happening.
very hot
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>good gf / wife
What am I supposed to take from this? It's an overweight woman and a man with a thin dick.
This has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.
Disgusting fake nails, it's nigger fashion.
Single motherhood
Mary Anne
source, quickly you fags
I'm pretty sure it's not solazola. does anyone know the actual source or link to the video?
MDMA is THE MOST harmful drug to take, though a lot less phisically addictive than smack, it causes much more harm than smack. MDMA is a shit drug, avoid from taking it at all cost. you might try once, but once you try it, it will fuck your nervous system up.
even taking one time is enough to make your entire nourves system blunt, and the more you take the blunt you are.
you want something to keep you going?
ask your doctor for Adderall XR, or for vyvanse.
stay away from MDMA.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
I had a dear friend who died from heart failure because of MDMA. how's that for a dollar? she was fucking pristinely healthy.
This never happened.
MDMA has never caused heart failure. Another substance caused it.
a close friend of mine diead from heart failure due to MDMA.

it sounds like you are a full of shit 12 year old baby who's trying to stir shit up
>MDMA-associated deaths
Yep, so people that died in car crash, opiate overdose, suicide, hyperthermia... and that also tested positive for MDMA.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about and just lost all credibility. It's like saying cannabis overdose is lethal because there are cannabis-associated deaths because people have car crashes while positive for cannabis.

Don't post here again except if it's to apologize.

it seems like your parents naglect you, kid. your mom should be reported to the authorities giving you unprotected access to 4chan, or to the internet in general.

go watch youtube kids or or cocomellon, kiddy, this site isn't safe for you. in fact it's harmful to you. leave.
You have absolutely zero argument and realize you're in the wrong so you resort to name calling. You behave like a little nigger.

Ps: don't invent stories and lie about having friends that died, it's just dirty.
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>Ps: don't invent stories and lie about having friends that died, it's just dirty.

Oh I wish I was inventing that. did that hit the spot? well that's the 100% the complete and sad truth. my friend, Ya'ara, died at the age of 23 from heart failure due to MDMA use.
I wish it wasn't true.

Oh I am sorry for you snowflake. I am truely sorry for you.
This never happened. Your Goa'uld friend doesn't exist or at least hasn't died of MDMA overdose, there is no known pathophysiology for MDMA that could cause a death, including a heart failure as you said.
MDMA is a very well researched drug that's on its way to be commercialized for PTSD among other things and the safety profile is very well established.

Repeating yourself won't convince anyone, and inventing fake names to try to create some fake sense of closeness with your inexistent friend has no effect since you're not talking to dumb women.
If you have nothing to add, remain quiet.
Zero argument, nothing to add, only polite name calling and trying to belittle because you're losing the argument.
A very feminine behavior.

big vid collection on telegram
>wife material
>hands covered in tattoos
She wouldn't make a good mother.
Yea thats a world of trouble

remember asian baddies know about divorce sttlements these days
A good partner is someone who is a total slut together with you and you alone. Yes you can argue that these are not good as they share their sex online but given that porn is a "fantasy for sale", you can choose to embrace the fantasy thay these girls are 100% faithful sluts with their partners and that the couple choose to share their love life. It's not as if you'd ever have any chance on them anyway, you're only getting the fantasy.
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whats up with her nipples
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Get wealthy. You can be nigger or a kike and make white women eat your shit.
I love these washed out porn stars are eating shit and drinking piss. Whores.
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it is quite surprising to see (what used to be) big name pornstars doing this kind of shit for presumably less money
This didn't just happen for them. Each of them were thinking about this as early as when puberty hit in middle school. I wonder how they each brought this up for the first time with their respective early romantic partners.
I know Kayden Kross does private videos with Manuel and she made a piss drinking video recently. They seem to enjoy each other.
These two are boring.
The girl look like malnutrition-ed gook and the guy is pathetic white chud.
i must have sauce
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Well he is fucking a top girl.
>have you met women irl?
Literal beta detected. Every girl I dated wanted to submit to me. I've also seen beta fags like u who would get girls through friendship. There's a different. Chads don't make friendship with girls and their girls never assert. Chad fish whoever they want and the girl show submissiveness. You just showed how beta u are. You are the one who ask girls what to eat. Turn into a homo. I fucking hate beta males.
>Spilt tea on the fucking saucer
Fuck it I'll make it myself
You could've just said no, faggot.
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No u retarded faggot. You are a beta nothing more. I will kill you on sight.
Dark Souls 3, I think.
Welp, boner gone. Hopefully not fucking permanently. What the fuck
elden ring
Great you ruined it bloody bastard bitch
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Ema Lee
Ema Lee Deez Nuts
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dark souls virgin detected kill yourself IMMEDIATELY faggot
Marriage age right there.
"She" put the milk in first?!
Fucking disgusting
Yea, you can die of serotonin syndrome. This is much more likely if you take an SSRI antidepressant (which are incredibly overrated prescribed) and mdma at the same time.
If it was heart failure it was probably an amphetamine mix not just mdma
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You can die from SS, but this never happened with only MDMA.
Stupid music.
Eva Elfie might be the only woman I've ever thought to be prettier than my wife.
It's mostly due to her facial expressions though. She's a master at it.
That's not Eva Elfie though...
bump, this thread has potential
Oh you're correct it's not. It's... Uh... Mirari! That's it I remembered. Another Russian prostitute.
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Good girl!
It just hit me that my gf broke up with me because she wanted to suck my dick but I didn't let her. My dick was dripping with pre-cum and I was shy.
Stupid post.
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Kimberly Brix or so I think
you footfags need to an hero already
>those feet
holy shit nasty
not even a footfag but damn bitch clean yourself
this is not about feet retard
Does anyone have the Kagney 2drops video?
I can't find it and I've looked for some time
I love this
You do realize you have to be 18 or older to be on this site, right? Summer is over. Go back to school.
who? search gives nothing

Shrooms Q
is she AI or a real girl?
>no tits
>ugly amerimuttoid face
Might as well fuck a fleshlight
Of course you can die from an overdose.
"Rare" is not the same as "can't happen".
It needs to be like 40x the typical recreational dose. Serotonin syndrome or a heart attack are what a high enough dose will kill you with.
fag; she has a beautiful face

I'm glad you think so highly of your wife. Sounds like a good marriage
This is why I always return to this website
I heard somewhere that it might be his relative
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Smart post.
No he's right, browns can be pretty if they make themselves look like White but the brown nipples and brown vagina is just disgusting. I don't get why they don't just bleach it like Japanese pornstars do.
Still, never happened. The amount we have to give rats to kill them is so insane that no human was ever recorded doing it. We don't even know what mechanism would actually kill humans if it could.
You haven't even read the study you linked. Really lazy.

>soirée en discothèque. À l’arrivée du SMUR le patient est inconscient, tachycarde (140 pulsations/minutes), et hypertherme (41,9 °C).

The guy had a fever of 107f, he died of hyperthermia caused by dancing at a club for hours. The MDMA did not kill him. As we know very well from amphetamine studies, taking more will not magically make your body heat up even more forever, there is a threshold which is before the danger temperature.

>...pretty sure it's not solazola...

Yeah, except it is.
Just one Yandex search and...

Solazola has black eyes of soulless races, looks like a demon that skinwalked a White person's body, really uncanny.
>gf/wife material
>posts mostly whores
That's my issue with the thread. It's obviously coomers and virgins hornyposting when a good wife is mostly a kind woman that tries to be a good spouse and mother, not a whore that has recordings on the Internet of her drinking piss.
elle fanning is the female bill hader
well, that's only your point of view
Recordings sure, but recordings are not the point of the thread, its stuff in the recordings. Why good wife can't be both good mother, a kind woman AND be submissive and pleasure you sexually, drinking piss and doing all the other stuff from the thread?

You make niggers seem smart and tolerable.
You're back but still have no argument whatsoever, only insulting because you know you have nothing to backup your false claims. Sad.
Sorry, but you've been debunked
Not reading that shit mate.
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kek you will never ever touch a woman in that category of pretty and fit in your whole miserable life
Bro except for the vagina she has the body of a 13 year old boy, it's everything but attractive to a normal person.
No femininity.
Sauce? Feel like this can’t be their only content
study lots of 13yo boy bodies, do you?
Someone has never actually had to deal with or known any9ne on on smack. Mother fuckers are dropping like flies with the new rc opiates and tranq that's mixed I n all the dope these days

Over half of the people I knew that used dope are dead, not a single one 9f the ravers or Molly kids have anything wrong with them
>half of the people I knew that used dope are dead
trash taking itself out desu
No, but I was 13 once and went to the swimming pool.
Undeveloped human bodies are not attractive if you're a normal person.
To be fair MDMA abuse is bad. It will absolutely harm you and your monoamine receptors if you take too much too often.
But it won't kill you, that much is true, and it's not causing much harm at all compared to opiates.
Meh, men aren't all created equal in the face of substances.
Just like some people (and entire races) have different genes and receptors when it comes to alcohol (GABA receptors), the same thing is true also for opiates (opioid receptors).

Some people would've been perfectly fine and productive human beings if they had never experienced opiates. It's a tragedy and a genetic lottery.
>actual retard post
Feels so refreshing in a sea of satire, bad jokes, roleplaying etc.
Just a plan retard sub 80 IQ post
God, this faggot is talking so much dumb shit like he doesn't had any social interaction with ANY kind of female at all. You know, like NORMAL people. Sad.
>he's not attracted to the one with the body of a prepubescent boy?
>better call him a faggot
Classic White man. He stays even if the child wasn't planned.
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Classic White man. He stays even if the child is a beaner
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Just want a woman that becomes an object for my sexual desires. Totally dehumanised, just holes for fucking.
Is that too much to ask?
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omg, name?
What does it take? Does one need to be a Chad?
So, whats the frequency of unwanted pregnancies in people who use birth control?
Holy fuck source?
already above

wtf are you on about, it's not the only case talked about in the study

Also an overdose change the homeostasis in the body,
Which trumps everything you said before about MDMA just causing symptoms not killing anyone. A drug causing symptoms like hyperthermy, nausea, etc... means change of the homeostasis. It's not the drug in itself that kills, it's the symptoms associated with the overdose, caused by the drug: hypertension, hyperthermy, etc
Drug overdose causes changes in the homeostasis. This is what kills people who OD
If we follow your logic, no drug can kill anyone.

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