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>can't save his own thread so he comes to shit on another thread
no comments
>proving hes obsessed by some other thread and paints a comment exposing his brown ass as that poster
thanks for proving my webm and that you are just a reactionary browncel making these to cope lol

reminder that outside of asia more asian women live with white men than they do with asian men, let that sink in for one second... no wonder jamals have to cope
The only one coping here is you since you came into a thread you don't like to post some irrelevant webm
>Look some random guys are malding
Ok? What exactly does this prove? People mald under bmaf posts too, as seen by you malding about bmaf and the comments under literally any bmaf couple on twitter/instagram. There's always going to be some bitter/racist retards who cry about any interracial couple.
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American Asian women please.
How the fuck do you guys farm this shit?

Hell no. What are you talking about? The yellower, the better.
Name the Joo
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Life is just not fair
why not?
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complete larp I saw plenty of black men with jap women out there.
its called psyops
You & similar white guys mald & cope over BMWF more so than any other group when it comes to any other interracial pairings, Let THAT SINK IN hypocritical retard.
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Why are most of these vids from South Korea?

Is there a reason?
name of the girl plss
4chans porn brain: only two men exists, white men and black men. Touch grass faggots.
I've lived around Asians, I've dated Asian men and women. I've seen Asian women mostly with Asian men, but with all other types of guys. Don't believe this weird shit, date whoever you want. Porn is not real life
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they more open about it there
in Japan,it's just as common,but they don't it's worth filming or pointing out
in china,it's more concentrated in the big cities where international students hang out.
there are also more 'meeting spots' there where black men and Chinese girls can come in contact, like dance classes.
I don't understand, why do you care if it doesn't exist in real life? Dykes and autogynephiles are ruining all media that I love but instead of giving myself an aneurism about it, I just fuck off and go enjoy something else.
try south korea next time, retard
Why are Asian girls so into black guys now?
Black/Asian compatibility has always been a thing, even if whites attempt to downplay it or outright dismiss it.
why are east Asians so into hip-hop?
Why are hip-hop crews in the west often named asian? (wu-tang as an example)
why do blacks love kung fu movies,and currently anime so much?
you can trace this closeness both in culture and in politics (cold war afro-asianism)
Beyond the 'BBC is just better whiteboi!!!) porn-speak,and this is really just my own hypothesis,but i do believe it has to do with both of them being attracted to what the other have,by they lack.
Asian love how energetic and unbridled blacks are, especially in contrast to their rigid, often cold cultures. Blacks love how deep and rich asian culture is, and how it can clearly be traced back thousands of years. Despite what they may defensively claim in front of whites, they can recognize they can't do the same with their own culture.
Which combo makes better porn these days?

fuc chang gon do?
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This one's GOATed. I also like the one where the Korean chick does like a blind date thing with the black guy who picks her up from behind. Do you know what I'm talking about? She picks him out from a line-up in a reality TV-type setting. Background was all white. Clinical, professionally shot. I like my BMAF to be despair-inducing.
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This one right? There's a longer version but I don't have it.
That's the one. For this particular niche, what could be better? This is as good as it gets. Has to be, right?
Also, are you OP? Do you have a pretty big collection of BMAF softcore?

Naw I'm not the OP and I don't have a bmaf softcore collection I just happened to have that one.
Damn! I know there are a few people here who have sizeable collections, but I want to know how the fuck they farm the good shit.
pls souce name of the man or girl
Op here
You can find good amount of stuff on insta blasian accounts
I advise using one of those Instagram viewers that allows to go through an account and download without having an account yourself
It's much easier that copy pasting links
Miho. Omori
honestly,there are far more couples out there than one can even imagine
just recently,there was this cute Japanese girl who posted a montage of her and her black boyfriend.
till that point,she had like 15 pics of friends and family. zero sign that she had a boyfriend or that he was black
even though it's only been a week ,i can no longer find that video,she might have requested it get deleted because she didn't like the exposure.
wasn't enough attention for them on the streets, had to upload it online
I feel like this observation is key in understanding the psychology behind the people in these relationships
oh great
the armchair psychologists are here
might be time to wrap it up soon
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This really is. It's like a nightmare.
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As a thirty year old virgin who has never been in a relationship due to autism and have been attracted to Asian women and abused by black men my entire life, watching these videos feels strange to say the least. It kind of feels like my heart is being physically ripped out of my chest when I watch them. It's hot though.
i actually found her account again,and yes,she deleted the video : annchan____97
one or two incels gave her a mean comment about it,and since she's got just a small personal account,she must have panicked and deleted it
I'm not autistic and I'm not a virgin, but I watch these clips for much the same reason. Deep down, I'm afraid that BNWO is true, and that no matter what I do, no matter what relationship I end up in, I will never be an attractive prospective to a woman when compared to a Black man. Without a hint of irony, I'm about to give up women and just go gay.
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>I'm about to give up women and just go gay.
You're lucky if that's an option for you.
What do you mean?
I mean if you're bisexual.
What makes a BMAF softcore clip kino? Discuss.
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Try to not be utterly pathetic for once in your life.
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I do regularly, but these videos just bring to the surface what I normally burry in the back of my mind.
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If you're white or asian, I don't understand how any of this affects you at all. If you're white, you can be aggressively mediocre and have asian women, albeit not 8+/10, tripping over themselves to talk to you. If you haven't, your probably not around enough asian women in general. This shit you see in this thread is usually an incredible anomaly, less so in South Korea because there's a surprising amount of cultural overlap with them and black culture, but the you couldn't pay some asain women enough to be caught standing next to a black guy in public same can not. Save up some money and go to these countries instead of crying on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
>but the you couldn't pay some asain women enough to be caught standing next to a black guy in public
Skill issue
>why are east Asians so into hip-hop?
No more than most other western genres. The metal scene in Japan is booming
>Why are hip-hop crews in the west often named asian? (wu-tang as an example)
Not so often, wu-tang notwithstanding. Name three others
>why do blacks love kung fu movies,and currently anime so much?
Again, no moreso than other races. Just ask Mexicans
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Big dicks
Tight clits
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Name? I'm crazy about that bob.
And if I were Asian that might mean something to me. Stay mad whitey.
lmfao another botted cope thread
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Sometimes I feel bad posting such wholesome content to this hellhole.
>M-Muh bots
Why does this thread make you so mad?
Out there polluting nature
This is the video I was talking about that was deleted!
Glad to see it survived

It's still on her page maybe she deleted it and reposted it or something.
Does anyone have the one where the guy is lifting the girl up and she has braids? He's like way taller.
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I dont usually like asian women but shes fuucking hot
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You idiot, why is the audio so loud? Couldn't you normalize it?
>women no one wanted confirming they're bottom barrel
I'm gonna fucking kill myself.
I want them. I've never been in a relationship.
It's not clear why there is no zoo porn with monkeys?Among other sexual acts with animals, sex with monkeys is the closest to human sex. I have seen scenes of women fucking dogs, horses, pigs, donkeys, cats, snakes, insects, worms, fish... But for some reason there is no porn where monkeys fuck women. Moreover, all the animals listed are not capable of getting aroused by women, but monkeys get an erection from women
This genre is tapping out for me. Used to be so sexy because it hurt to watch. It was actually so painful to watch these people be happy together that I had to look away from the screen. What's next? Is there any more good porn after this, or is it time to enter the real world?
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Where can I find clips of BMAF couples making out/engaging in foreplay?
As a black man this gives me hope one day I'll find me a cute Japanese/Korean girlfriend.
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post your face so we can archive butthurt white dudes for science.
anyone have sauce for that kpop video featuring bmaf couple? it was posted in one of these threads awhile back.
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NewJeans - Cool With You & Get Up (side B)
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still one of the hottest videos i've seen despite the lack of clear visibility
it's not clear whether the chinese guy is taunting an IR couple,or whether he's upset that the girl is leaving is getting picked up by a black guy
I love when they 'joke' about it
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Im half black, ive exclusively dated asian women because thats what the majority is where i live. None of them have an issue with my skin tone. Thats why i dont get the amount of "aSiAn WoMeN oNlY lIkE wHiTe MeN" threads on here. Its empirically false. Any woman of any race will date for money. Asian women going for love more commonly share the sentiment that whites are creepy, controlling, and fetishizing about their race and culture. Basically youre creepy weebs.
where from?
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This thread is so wholesome! I love it!
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This thread is so cute, now I wanna date an Asian girl
So called "master race" when it comes to being the most butthurt individuals ever
Dude, basing your world view on a 4chan thread is the most retarded thing you can do, go outside
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Cute desu
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So dark he's purple.
Any background for this? Hard to tell what's going on with the people in the foreground.
This is random, but if you go on Pinterest and search "Black and Asian couple" it's nearly all AMBF.
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>"master race"
After the UK riots that happened last month no one can take these losers seriously anymore.
You'll fuck all of them if (you) could. You wouldn't be coping this if they were all land whales, would you?
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I remember seeing her post this on twitter. It was WW3 with seething that day.
>outside of asia more asian women live with white men than they do with asian men,

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>don't post it online
then you'll say it never happens
>post it online
then you'll say they're trying to get undue attention
damned if you do, damned if you don't
>WMAF ARE THE MOST representative pairing more so than AMAF
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This has nothing to do with what I perceive to be the main erotic appeal of this thread and these like it.

BMAF softcore is a complement to the BBC myth and pornographic trope wherein blacks are supposed to have the biggest dicks but now they're also incontestably appealing romantic partners, deepening erotically charged feelings of frustration, despair and helplessness.

I want to hone in on this sometime. I'll see you guys in /pc/.

damn source?
Exactly, it's a counterpoint to the (false) idea that black men aren't capable of tender emotions and the full suite of the human experience.
Guangzhou for example is basically an African city by this point. They call it 'little Africa'
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If they ever were, they chose not to be. Clips are just that - clips. Not real life. You know what IS real life, though? The dilator making your axe-wound bleed profusely and disturbing the maggots that set up camp there.
None of what you just said is "real life", it's just a narrative you tell yourself to cope. Go to another thread that you actually want to see instead of wasting time with content that makes you seethe.
Damn. Kek. Fucking brutal.
Anon, give it up. Sit down. You're not coming back even stronger from that roast.
Get his dick out of your mouth, that "roast" wasn't "brutal" you just think it was because it panders to your obsession with trannies.
Go cope about this thread somewhere else
Nah, accusing anyone that even indirectly disagrees with your skewed worldview of being a tranny is insane. I'm just pointing that out.
BMXF just makes a certain strain of white guys seethe and they shit up these threads instead of minding their business in the countless WMXF threads. It smacks of insecurity.
You're completely correct, this thread is run and obsessively bumped around the clock for 10 days now by a confirmed tranny who was seething in the prior WMAF softcore thread (check archive). He called himself a "white black supremacist" and he's apparently upset seeing other white men being so successful with asian women so in his demented mind this dulls the pain somehow. It's bad enough to be a cuck in a thread about "your" women, but he's finding and posting videos in which neither person is his own race. Truly disturbing levels of mental illness.
Trannyanon, I don't know if this is a call for help or just seeking the attention your father never gave you, but I say this with all sincerity: I hope you can still turn your life around. Otherwise God help your soul.
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Nice fanfic, but the only person I see malding and coping right now is you retard.
>seething in the prior WMAF softcore thread
And so you seethe in the bmaf softcore thread? seems like even if what you're saying is true it just makes both of you equally annoying.
Cope and Seethe more
>Malding retard does armchair psychology when he gets btfo
You are a such a faggot.
Such a king
BMAF couples seems more believable because of the struggles Asian females have to through because of the fuckin discrimination that they practice. I have more respect for Asian women who don't hate on their own men like those Western Asians Assholes in a White man relatioship.
>Ricecel using bmaf as a way to whine about wmaf
Cringe and the only bad part of these threads.
Samefagging this hard should be a bannable offense
You're the one in a thread where neither member of the pairing has anything to do with white people. You must be gay because only a faggot cares this much about where other men stick their dicks.
There's a few dozen threads on this board where you can sate your obsession for tranny cock but this isn't one of them.
She's real cute.
Why do nog lovers here like to pretend this pairing is common when it's not? it's one of the least common pairings, even in US where there's people from all walks of life. Despite mainstream media promoting blacks non stop in the US, it's still pretty uncommon
Those with blacks aren't any better. They're usually the type that are into the depraved and degenerate lifestyle you see from blacks. You can thank amerimutt for that
No one here is pretending anything
We're just posting what's available
You're making up statements and responding to them
I advise seeking a psychiatrist at your earliest convenience
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Holy fuck
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I honestly prefer the tan skinned Asian Women than the Pale skinned ones like chick here
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Also "not common" is only in relation to other pairings, it's not really that rare to see a bmaf couple irl.
>Despite mainstream media promoting blacks non stop in the US
Go back to /pol/ faggot.
Why are you mad? I was only laughing at his post. Meds.
>You're completely correct, this thread is run and obsessively bumped around the clock for 10 days no
Don't now why you replied to me as well. Not even a part of the discussion. That post with me keking was one of the very posts by me in this thread. Jesus.
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Also. I agree with you 100%. I'm not that faggot shitposting & accusing EVERYONE of being a troon any chance he gets. He's annoying as fuck. I just stumbled upon that one post was funny. But, yeah fuck that guy. The amount of "white guys' shitting up & derailing BMXF threads is a huge problem as well. You don't see this amount of coping from others in WMBF, WMAF, WMWF or ANYTHING. Its ONLY bmxf & its fucking bizarre & retarded. On top of the schizo accusations & conspiracy claims that most BMXF are made by jew or troons and not normal people in general. Its an alarming issue indeed. I'm literally on your side on this problem. Unfortunately, i was just lurking in this thread for awhile & came across a post within an argument i didn't read the full context behind. Sorry for unintentionally instigating shit further. That wasn't my intention. Again, fuck this guy >>27897896
i'm sick of sore losers like that derailing good threads like this. Its full blown hypocrisy to think any thread involving bmxf has some bs agenda behind it, unlike wmxf threads somehow.
>BMAF couples seems more believable because of the struggles Asian females have to through because of the fuckin discrimination that they practice.
Another reason why i believe bmaf most likely involves genuine sincere love between the pairing as opposed to wmaf which is to me is typically just gold digging status symbol for asian women. They are literally upping their class status by dating white men. Asain women are no different from other women in that regard. WMAF is the most deceit, dishonest & soulless interracial pairing. A literal transaction. Asian women are fucking gold diggers.
Learn to read, you actual illiterate nigger.
>you can cope all you like
Everyone who goes on /gif/ to argue is retarded.
Hell yeah
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Hell yeah
Is that Tami?
They're mostly from China
That relationship looks like his a black trophy for her, for her media.
And his exotropia is awsome hahah
Mexicans are into anime but they've never been super into kung fu like blacks have

judging by this thread it goes

1. South Korea (by a decent margin)
2. China
3. Japan
South Korea got hit by American psyops. Starting in 2010 they started pushing rap and ghetto culture hard in South Korea.
You're the one who's throwing a little hissy fit temper tantrum over nigger cocks. Not me.
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Hell yes she's so cute. Glad she's with a man
shamefur dispray
>muh great replacement
cope and mald faggot
does anyone have that clip from a Japanese gameshow where all of the male contestants provide the wrong answer to a female contestant when the question is asked what celebrity she'd want to hang out with and they all lose their shit when she says it's a monkey
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>insect lady and gorilla man have children
>wholesome content
are you an orc yourself?
this is peak bestiality to me
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seething chang
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