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It's been a while, but I need my daily dosage of seeing shitbulls getting annihilated.
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My time to shine.
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This one is not a shitbull, posting anyway.
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You love to see it
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I love it when Twitter jews and reddit pedos use this as evidence as cops being bad and shit, but the fact is the dog saw a human and attacked out of nowhere. That means if it wasn't that cop, it would've been a child walking near there, or an elderly person. The cop just happened to have a gun to defend himself with
So they use this incredibly obvious scenario as evidence that cop bad shitbull good. And they do it publicly! Such sickening creatures.
Does anyone know what the deal with this one is? What was that thing even thinking?
Close enough. Rottweilers and pitbulls are both the niggers of the dog world.
Mostly agreed although cops do often shoot dogs too quick. But shitbulls are far more dangerous than other breeds and I can't feel sorry for the ones that get shot trying to maul people when their retard owners didn't keep them locked up.
That said, simply yelling is incredibly effective at getting dogs to leave you alone (even shitbulls) and I've never seen a cop do it. Also not all barking is a sign of aggression but from what I've seen a large amount of the public think it is.
I've seen cops shoot bulldogs, chihuahuas, labradors, that were not a danger to them.
Cops being trigger happy with dogs is a real issue, unlike the BLM shit.
Love from Kazakhstan
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>Send dog out to attack cop
>Play victim when the dog is killed
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This one is OK. It's better than the one with original sound. Can't hear anything other than the sheboon in the car screaming her hairy tits off. That's why I only kept the one without sound.
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god i wish there was sound
>cops do often shoot dogs too quick
cops should shoot every single dog on sight every single time
"is he friendly with you?" - this line always gets me, despite it potentially making a little bit of sense I suppose.
Dogs are the niggers of the animal kingdom outright. They are dirty, they smell and most of them like chicken and, in mass media, stealing (think of a dog running off with a ton of sausages). They are lazy animals too.

Seriously fuck them all.

There are a couple of Hispanics executing German Shepherds right now in San Jose. Any videos?
They should shoot every person in your family tree.
maybe get control of your dog and the cops won't have to shoot them?
See this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEi8Y5DIIN8

The officer was obviously in zero danger, the mom was there in case he got into trouble - which she obviously didn't think was likely or she would have ran straightaway. The kids were there also in case it got to that. It takes a long time for a dog to do any serious injury to a healthy grown man. Grow some balls, jesus christ.

What fucking pussies these cops are. He should be discharged for xtreme cowardice if nothing else.
ok thats kinda fucking crazy.
Why does it always seem to be overweight white women who say they’re peaceful nanny dogs? I swear every single time I see someone saying they’re perfectly fine and kind, they’re always fat as hell and refuse to give attention to the statistics and videos like the ones here.
>It takes a long time for a dog to do any serious injury to a healthy grown man
We get it, you're Jewish. We don't care how many baby dicks you've sucked, it will not change the fact that you will never be a woman.
muslim spotted
We gotta yapper here
based thread death to all shitbulls and their nigger owners have a bump op
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>waaaah you shot my dog
maybe dont let it charge people then you dumb nigger.

i hate retards who cry over their dead attack dogs than i do the dogs themselves
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>is he friendly wit u?
>visible confusion
>show up to a call of 4 aggressive dogs, dog charges and snaps
>why didnt he just wait until he got bit a few times
i would have shot it after the 1st lunge
This one actually pisses me off. Officer peering in fucking windows. Hippedy hoppedy get the fuck off my property.
why do women always do this shit

So yeah, even pepper spray is only somewhat fucking effective. I just started jogging around my area in the last couple months and been seeing a good amount of these bastards and thought pepper gel spray was good enough. Guess not. Either be in a carry state or go to somewhere decently enclosed if you wanna add some jogging or running to your workput I guess. Shit's fucked. And the fact that it's not just niggers owning them but retarded wiggers and mexicans too is annoying. Asians are the only people I never see own them when I'm out.
>shitbull pets never restrain their pets or implement preventive measures to do so
>we continue getting hilarious footage like this for /gif/
As brainless a response as you could expect from a shitbull loving moron.
>I just started jogging around my area

go to the park retard or ride a bike, since mostly weak people own these guard dogs
Seeth Muslim.
Based Doggo sniffed a Sandnigger out and trolled him.
Isn't this guy a literal unironic c u c k? And now a mudslime too apparently? Lol lmao pathetic
>brainless response
Literal demonic screeches from hell
kek, and not a muslim
I remember this one, the guy was 100% not doing anything wrong, just filming with his phone what the pigs were doing (illegally arresting someone). RIP lyl
the dog still deserved it
no, i was agreeing with you, and no im not a devil worshiping mussie, i love dogs and BLT
God I hate women.

If they're niggers, does that make humanity the ultimate jew of the animal kingdom?

based nigger
>The officer was obviously in zero danger
Yes, that's usually pretty obvious - after the fact. Meanwhile the copper has to worry about not dying while they have kids to feed.
You assume it has a brain? That's a bold move.
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I've got some other dogs. Didn't originally post cos not shitbulls.
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I love how this one took out multiple bikefags.
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they have an innate urge to affirm the inverse of any given truth. they will call mulatto abominations "cute" and savage animals "harmless" for example.
based pitty?
Only thing that'd make this video better is if the music stayed on through the whole thing
womp womp
what a stupid fucking nigger that owner is
That’s a pretty smart dog; he’s even sporting a chain.
Still willing to take nigger dick over your failed tranny penis any day.
Fact, Dogs are a shit tier pet.
Digits of truth.
Dog owners all have Stockholm Syndrome.
Still based, most dog owners are mentally deranged and are not responsible enough to have kids.
Dude I can't help but feel pity. Like I get it, for all I know this bull would've happily attacked a kid next, I dunno

But this dog was literally begging for his life. Can't help it, poor dog.

Also, fuck people who keep breeding those breeds. Like they can't help it, they're bred that way. But fuck people who keep purporting this shit. Also, fuck people who keep breeding these rats they call dogs, or cats with small legs. Fuck this shit.

Ima go hug my cats
imagine being the dog equivalent of a nigger and suddenly a lance of fire goes through your torso
fucking hilarious
>Verification not required.
dog owners will cry "he was a good boy" all day long even if that rabid animal mauled a child. reminds me of a certain 13% percent of the us population...
kek tazing a dog is hilarious like wtf would the dumb beast do? comply to the arrest?
if it helps, the dog is peering up at us right now
As a Mail Man working the Ghetto...this thread pleases me.
10 bux says Danny Jay is in here jacking his dick off.
deserved and satisfying, like a hoagie after a blumpkin
increased their IQ
I'll masturbate to that almost human shriek. Just lovely.
I feel bad the guy had to damage that truck to defend himself.
Heard this guy is a commie, but if we are talking about Islam, Tattoos aren't kosher, right?

Regardless, he spoke a truth, have children, not animals you pretend are children
should be sued for emotional damages, the dog owner that is
Muslim is right this time.
What were those retards thinking
Most women are simple and emotional. They simply cant handle high stress situations and so they revert to ape mode and start screeching.
>yum a snack
kek, its funny when your shitbeast annoys an actual animal but then all of a sudden when it defends its self the people become basedjacks
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Fuck that, dogs are property. If you can’t control your property, it gets taken. Ofc there are clear cut cases of cops being psychopaths, but if you charge a cop, you get shot.

When your dog is off leash, you are responsible for what happens to it. Full stop.
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Fucking retarded screeching cunts.
bumping this absolute kino
Make his muscle lock up
Kill pitbulls. Behead pitbulls. Roundhouse kick a pitbull into the concrete. Slam dunk a pitbull baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy pitbulls. Defecate in a pitbulls food. Launch pitbulls into the sun. Stir fry pitbulls in a wok. Toss pitbulls into active volcanoes. Urinate into a pitbulls gas tank. Judo throw pitbulls into a wood chipper. Twist pitbulls heads off. Report pitbulls to the IRS. Karate chop pitbulls in half. Curb stomp pregnant pitbulls. Trap pitbulls in quicksand. Crush pitbulls in the trash compactor. Liquefy pitbulls in a vat of acid. Eat pitbulls. Dissect pitbulls. Exterminate pitbulls in the gas chamber. Stomp pitbull skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate pitbulls in the oven. Lobotomize pitbulls. Mandatory abortions for pitbulls. Grind pitbull fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown pitbulls in fried chicken grease. Vaporize pitbulls with a ray gun. Kick old pitbulls down the stairs. Feed pitbulls to alligators. Slice pitbulls with a katana.
Your point?
I love how dumb faggot whites and niggers are still complaining about these ILLEGAL mutts to have in the UK. "Hurr durr max and millions so sad wah wah"

Only thing the cops did wrong was not shooting the owner fatally.
Any sizeable dog is dangerous once it's attacking. Especially considering a truly trained dog is rare nowadays, and even then that only applies with the owner/trainer around.

Dogs are territorial so all sorts of breeds will attack people that go near their house, even just on the street if they could (hence why they're always barking). The cop took like 2-3 steps off the sidewalk, so it's no different than walking by.
Shoot the felon owner too.
I hate women so much it's unreal
Yeah oh my god you UGLY fucking beat cunt, dont fucking have huge ass dogs if you cant care for them. Cops were faggots in this one too, literally should have emptied their clips into these ugly fucking NIGGER-PIG-DOGS.

Fucking shit mutts. kill them all. Fuck these "dogs". They are not dogs. They are savage shit animals.
once again another faggot cop doing half measures. Should have shot both of the fuckers
still a fucking shit niggerdog, and seeing as the window was entirely down, it was deserved
satisfying but you gotta try the "pick them up by the tail - swing them around and smash them head first into the pavement" trick.

Puts the niggerdogs in airplane mode real quick
noone ever said dogs werent good for defence. But still, pitties are nigger dogs and in an unprovoked setting chew up old grandmas and kids.

Fuck them, kill them all and most importantly - fuck you faggot losers who love these NIGGER dogs so much. You're fucking losers, always without fail.
That's the problem with dogs, they don't know what they're going to do with the car once they catch it.
so true

literal pig squeals holy shit lmao
Please tell me why it shouldn't be open season coast to coast on these baby killers?

I mean seriously, they should make a bounty of $15 a head for these mutants. Think of it, crackheads will absolutely start hunting down all the loose and feral pits, the cities will be inherently safer, win win.
Because they've never been to anything resembling a slaughterhouse and think their meat grows on trees
It's iron8c watching europeans act like Edomites/jews.

>they cry out in pain when little dog gets his shit pushed in after messing with fucking gators
>oh wait no you're the one supposed to be mauled bro !
why so much hate for shitbulls? did you walk in on a shitbull fucking your girlfriend?
what's the songs name?
Because they are....... cunts!
You just know
Lol so that's what it means to flounder
To be fair, the dog decided to quite nigger activities as soon as the other was reminded of its place.
Funny ass clip.
Good falls.
Weird squeal
What these stupid niggers don't understand is the fact that yeah it's usually a grown man shooting the dog, but the dog was being a nigger...
But the reality is what if it was a little kid being charged at or bitten? That's the reason why if you can't control your dog this will happen.
Are you black? You seem black
> thinking
Grow up
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>bull would've happily attacked a kid

You mean like this?
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Not gonna lie, that looks fucking delicious.
Probably walked in on a shitbull eating his 6 month old child. Look up the dog most responsible for dog attacks, especially fatal ones, and there you will find why people hate these fucking mutts, even the other dog owners I know hate these fuckers;
It's almost like how racism exists with humans when over 40% of all violent crime is committed by a small demographic of-
Alright, Women might actually be retarded. I get that the dog probably felt like it had to protect its owner, but unfortunately we don't live in the kind of world where crackheads get to just pass out on the streets while their dogs charge at people.
>German dogs are niggers *winks at (You)*
They taste pretty fucking bad, just because chinks or whatever will eat the asphalt off the road doesnt mean they are actually suitable for food.
Pitshitters are banned in many places for a reason
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wash your ass
chad spotted
my family starting shit pov
Do you think a black guy would

A)have a cat
B)hate pitbulls

Are you retarded? You seem retarded
Can women do ANYTHING??
The cops told him to fuck off, and he didn't do it. If the cops tell you to do something, you do it, fight it in court later. No one is above the law. The dumb fuck's sovereign citizen pride is what got his dog killed.
>crit sound
>demoman death scream
Because they love to maul other animals, whether pets or livestock, while the owners go SHEEEEEEIT. Country wigger pitbull owners are frankly even worse than urban blacks.
this is BS because the dog is on a leash
based dog
you can't seriously be this stupid
When did Australia become a part of Europe?
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needs cartoon sfx
damn someone already made it, and better
Like I said earlier, the reason I didn't bother saving this one with the original audio, is because all you can hear is the sheboon bitch screaching her hairy tits off.

I stand by my desicion to NOT save this version. It's annoying as fuck.
holy fuck what a stupid fucking bitch
I'd love this one with original sound if anyone has it.
Holy shit, based cat. I didn't know cats could be so based god damn.
9/11 for fat white degenerate women that live around joggers
fucking stupid pigs, the dog was just playing, all dogs do this
that's a bulldog, not a pitbull
crackheads would start breeding them to farm the $15 heads and now you made the problem worse. This is literally the cobra effect
>>27858844 the owner trying to tell his dogs to get back
get kneed on
>he a gud boi
>he on a leash
>he dindu nuffin
>"the dog is dead"
>dog immediately revives
Wow that fucking bitch. She's laughing while that shitbull is rabidly leaping trying to murder the cop but then she acts like it's a tragedy when they put it down.
I notice how some people are like that. No remorse for there own kind but all feelings for a killer dog. Is there a name for people like that? Is it a mental thing?
then we just put a $20 bounty on crackheads
Retreat was a very real option, not encroaching within leash distance is also an option

However if the cops need to get past that dog it's happeniing one way or another so I guess them's the breaks. Dude shouldn't have an attack dog out within spitting distance of the sidewalk
Women fuck animals like niggers and dogs they just see shitbulls as potential sex slaves
playing so hard there's blood all over the sidewalk? you can't possibly be this dense
oh yes, I'm sure he was just prowling for no reason, surely not looking for a suspect or person of interest... fricassy fracassy, smoke less crack, you see
You just fucking know
>Fresh & Fit
That dog is based for shitting on the floor
bro this is fucked up but I can't stop laughing LMAO
thank you for sharing this incredibly based collection, and for reminding me that I hate wymyn even more than dogs
Shitbulls are a golden example of a domino effect... They have a bad rep, so they're always for sale dirt cheap at shelters... Then retards that shouldn't own a dog in the first place just buy them because they're all they can afford... And then don't do shit to train them, just worsening their reputation and terrible dogs.

Rinse and repeat.
you and rest of the fags ITT who take joy from seeing these wretches die should still remember that they are just animals that were BRED by faggot ass people into this I rather watch shitbul breeders and owners themselves get put in the ground than this shit
these threads are just an excuse to post animal snuff and circle jerk with paths, spergs and nonwhites.
I don't know what made me smile more - crocodile getting his meal, doggo getting btfo'd, or r00ssian children crying :D
Couldn't help but notice nobody freaking out over this, but oh, if a Hatian refugee did it, everyone would lose their minds
This thread is cathartic. A few weeks ago I almost drew on my neighbor's German Shepard when I knocked on his door at night because he left his car door open (should have just left it alone to be honest). He opened his front door and made no effort to restrain his loose dog. It jumped on me barking but didn't bite before he pulled him back. Fucking no good deed goes unpunished.
women react to the death of a dog the same way we react to the death of cartel cunny. such a waste
>stay down
Hahahha fucking brilliant
Why shit on rumble? It's pretty okay as a platform from my experience with it the other two points I agree with since sneako is a 2D faggot in terms of personality
If only people werent so lib-pilled to think pitbulls are black so the dogs. It's like they think black are a seperate breed to whites lol. But no, they're a dog trained to be aggressive and pit fighters.
All my times seeing this and I just noticed her thong
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dumb fucking bitch
Amazing sound haha
That's brazil
Yes this one the only one I almost felt sorry for
Exactly this
I'm surprised the monster doesn't start lapping up its own blood.
cartel cunny?
I would have told you if you'd asked with please. Download Shazam.
Do Americans not believe in "Good fences make good neighbors"?
What's with all these retards having a complete open property but having animals run around freely?
lol its face
Fascinating that dogs seem to possess an instinctive fear of crocs.
That screaming bitch should be put down next
Based. Fuck pitbulls so much.
you're a weak edgelord who isn't a threat to anybody except armed and even then not that impressive
That stupid ass nigger shit of a woman should be put down next. She is calmly walking as her dogs are trying to maul a guy to death. Sue her broke ass for attempted murder, send her to jail for 20 years
mass terrorism campaigns against dogs and their owners
brutal, what's the dog gonna do, evolve fingers and grab the pole? it needed help and couldn't climb that slippery slope
I wish I had a video of my shitbull or rather amstaff rekt experience, but I'll try to greentext it.
>Be me 16
>Live in small town Hungary
>Fair amount of gypsies there
>Latest fashion among gyppoes are amstaffs
>Literally see them walking those fuckers every day
>Have a patch of land next to our house where we have 30 or so sheep
>Have 2 kuvasz guarding them
>Literally the most majestic beasts ever created
>One afternoon hear loud barking
>Look out of window
>See an amstaff being chased by my dogs
>Rush out, get axe next to from the front door
>Gyppo yelling at his dog to get back
>Am rushing to it with an axe
>Gyppo yells at me that if I kill his dog, he kills me
>Meanwhile one of my dogs get behind and circles back to the amstaff while the other keeps chasing
>He pushes it from the side with full force
>Amstaff rolling on the ground
>My two kuvasz gets it instantly
>One of them goes for the throut, the other for the belly
>It tries to fight back, bites one of them
>The one that went for the belly mauls it open, intestines fall out
>The other one fully locks it's jaws on the beasts throut
>After a couple of seconds they let go
>Their beautiful white fur is full of blood
>Amstaff twitching on the ground
>Gyppo shuts up
>Dogs go immediatley to the fence barking at the gypsy
>Father arrives
>Tells gyppo to get his dog
>He refuses to come in
>Dad and me get the dog and throwit over the fence
>Dad tells gyppo to get it the fuck away
>He refuses and fucks off
>Waited for an hour and buried it myself
The whole chasing and killing lasted roughly 45sec to 1min. Those two dogs took their job very seriously and they were verygood boys. The younger one just died 2 months ago at 13.
What shit for brains thinks it's ok to let their pitbull loose in the neighborhood.....totally deserved
Based thot patrolling dog
the sweetest music
WhY dId YoU sHoOt ThE dOg

Says nothing, when human gets shot. She should consider killing herself
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should have buried the gyppo too desu
They are overpowering the meat with chilis which suggests it's not delicious.
That cop is an idiot.
Its a normal reaction and how you know that you're an empathetic but ethically correct person.

Watching someone/thing beg for their life is a dark thing to witness, even if they're awful. It's consciousness at it's most base level.
Around 7 years ago a couple moved next to my grandpa's villa (he lives in a village next to a forest, we go pass the summer there almost every year). So this couple had 2 pitbulls. These pitpulls were constantly harrasing my grandpa's dogs, german shepperd and 2 spaniel because my gramps used to be a hunter, chickens and sheeps/goats. He constantly told the couple to keep the dogs on a a leash or at least teach them some manners.
So 5 years ago I went there with an ex who was into trekking and when we're were comming back from a 3 hour walk around the forest I head 2 shots. My gramps literally obliterated one of the pitbulls because the fucker jumped over the fence, killed 6 chikens, injured one spaniard (later had to be sacrificed). Couple even had the balls to call the police and try to get my gramps arrested, sadly for them they had bazillion complaints about their dogs and were constantly told to have them on a leash and muzzle and the police arrested them instead.
all these poor Princesses and Chesnuts
Braids, thong, pitbull. 100% Amerian
Eat shit and die pit owner.
Is this a Russian family in флopидa
Why would I know, or give a fuck?
This is lowkey perfect because the owner gets stuck with a hefty vet bill and a dreadful option to either care for disabled dogs for the rest of their lives or pay and watch them get euthanized. Can't think of a batter punishment than what karma so casually dished out
Much like responsible gun ownership.... (outside usa ofc lol) this is a great example of handling a pitbull. 100% of putbull deaths in this thread is just because of the owners niggardly setting them free to roam and the dogs attacking the wrong people
>crowd laughing when the dog annoys the croc
>crowd crying when the dog gets owned
I would be laughing at them right at that moment
That dog and the owner needs to be put down
that's a harmless retarded bulldog. Pitbulls are something else bro
Oh...no....how unfortunate.....who could've seen that coming
Aww....the nice crocodile is taking his dog friend out for a swim...so wholesome
Lol at all the pussies who are afraid of dogs in this thread.

The only people who post shit like this are onions boys or niggers.
No scope, 3600, blindfold kick
She said stop so clearly the guy should've stopped and let them maul him to death....how rude
W guy...bro has the balls...bro is him
This dog is a real homie, took the punches for the guy and even tried helping him up
No, cats are the niggers of the animal kingdom. I'd say dogs are the spics.
>HeS a PuPpY, wHy DiD yOu ShOoT hIm?

Stupid nigger why did you let your stupid dog charge and attack a cop. Dum shit 100% deserved that

>Guy: "It wasn't gonna bite you"

Kys you dumb cracker
You just know.
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>2 entire MINUTES of a dumb bitch crying after her nigger dog
gif very much related.
>see thing in territory
>attack it
that's the extent of the dog's "thought" process here
>It takes a long time for a dog to do any serious injury to a healthy grown man. Grow some balls, jesus christ.
lol lmao even
this would also greatly reduce the pitbull problem
Glad my country made shitbulls illegal to own. I usually hate nanny states but this was a good decision. Will never forget the crackheads and niggers crying when their dogs got taken away and put down.
Best thread ever.
Dognutters are insufferable. They are the reason that a million people can die in a disaster movie but they have to have a shot of the dog making it.
Based, and my condolenses for having to live near the subhuman creatures known as gypsies. You should invest in a firearm.
Need sound

Is this Ohio?!?!! Lol
stop crying zigger
Shitbulls niggers and ZOG bots are all a cancer on this planet you fucking golem
that shitbeast is the reason why its owner is on the ground getting beaten
The anti gun leftists who come into these threads are pathetic. They know nothing about combat sports because things like boxing and mma are part of "toxic masculinity culture" or whatever bs. But they come in here saying these people are weak cowards for carrying and using.
Niggers love pitbulls faggot.
that nigga has 2 poodles but damn he proved he has that dog in him
kek its face when it fell
I expected them to shoot fat bitch next. Seems like most logical course of action
tits or gtfo
Not even a shitbull, BUT HOLY BASED!!!! WE NEED MORE TOTAL DOG DEATH!!!!!!!
where did you get these, anon, cuz i need more total dog death
>few weeks ago I almost drew on my neighbor's German Shepard when I knocked on his door
Glad I'm not an amerishart
>Good fences make good neighbors
I agree, or a large tall wall, some kind of large divider, etc.

>What's with all these retards having a complete open property but having animals run around freely?
Those retards are referred to as human garbage, and there is a lot of it. Simply put, most of the time it's fucking losers who are usually alcoholics or some other type of drug junkie, and they're usually welfare recipients as well who don't want to properly maintain their yard, pets, etc. People complain, but there is only so much that can be done, and most of the time nothing is ever truly fixed, so the problem remains. To solve the problem those types of people would have to not exist, because no matter what you do, they will continue to cause problems in any way possible. It's like someone being brain-dead who lives to fuck with people and that is all they can do. There is also the other type of asshole who lets their pets shit and piss all over other peoples stuff, all over playgrounds, it's disgusting.
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I hate pitbulls with a passion but in 50% of these videos the cops are being bigger niggers than the dogs are
>I've seen cops shoot chihuahuas
haha this I gotta see, got a link?
So are we!
Shoulda finished it with a Hulk Hogan Leg Drop
you just know
bitches love the BCC
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>Only thing the cops did wrong was not shooting the owner fatally.
total shitbull owner death
>simply yelling is incredibly effective at getting dogs to leave you alone (even shitbulls)
shitbulls will see it as a challenge and get even more bloodlust
only sensible thing to do is just dome them
Op, this thread is based as fuck. Fuck shitbulls. They're both the niggers and jews of dogs
pitbulls are like, 15% of the dog population
but they commit almost 99% of all dog fatalities
you are simply aware
>I rather watch shitbul breeders and owners themselves get put in the ground than this shit
why not both?

I would pay good money to watch pitbull owners fight their stupid nigbulls to the death in an arena gladiator style
unfathomably based
the cop is based, and the only thing he did wrong was not executing the stupid degenerate dogslut whore there and then
this is what haitians want to destroy
He killed the dog because his side yard camera filmed it killing his cat btw
>based thread dabbing on nigbulls
>nigbull owning sociopaths start flooding thread with random dog abuse
I hope your precious pibble rips your throat out and the cops shoot it
Call the dog ambulance.
But anon
Wouldnt people just start breeding crackheads?
ive never watched cowboy bebop i didnt know spike was this based
good god that was the most based thing I've read today. I'd pay money to witness this
>Tells gyppo to get his dog
>He refuses to come in
hahaha. fuck shitbulls and cumstaffs, but most importantly gypsies
>shying away from large aggressive thing that fights
>targets the small defenceless thing instead

Words cannot describe how much I fucking hate these dogs. They're the one thing chinks are correct about, they need to be boiled alive.

The fact that they're not worth shit against anything even slightly larger than them, just makes them even more blindingly hateworthy.
Pigs will always be better than dogs
>It takes a long time for a dog to do any serious injury to a healthy grown man. Grow some balls, jesus christ.
Kill yourself, you fucking dissociated idiot. I will shoot your fucking puppy on the spot lol

>He should be discharged for xtreme cowardice if nothing else.
>xtreme cowardice
same reason why some women love abusive men.

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